Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • ammayse
    ammayse Posts: 15 Member
    Well today is Monday and this month is almost over and I have completely gotten off track. I stopped logging my food, which really killed me! I am not even close to my 5lb. goal:( However I am going to get back on track starting today! I have lost 1.4 lbs this month, atleast its something right?!

    Sept. Starting Weight= 144 lbs.
    Sept. 27=142.6 lbs.
  • Thanks for the support, everybody! It’s nice to know that others go through the same thing and OVERCOME IT!

    Steph—how exciting that we’ll have a NEW lowest weight soon! Let’s keep up the good work.

    Suckitup—Thanks! Good luck on your 5k! That’s a great time, especially since there were hills. You are going to kill it this weekend!

    Tina—Good luck to you maintaining. I think we just have to remember that the way we eat/exercise is FOR LIFE if we want to maintain.

    Dmg—So sorry to hear about what you are going through. Unfortunately, your story can be found all over the country! Times are really hard right now but you WILL get through it. My dad (who was by far the primary breadwinner, brought in ¾ of the family income) was out of work for over a year. We survived, and you will too! Sending positive thoughts your way! As for the 5k, I think it’s awesome that you are doing one this weekend. I remember when you started C25K! My advice is to just go for it. Run what you can, and walk if you have to. Either way you have accomplished a lot! Good job!
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I've been MIA recently, been really busy. Sorry I don't have time to catch up.

    Just came by to check in.

    Sept. 4- 185.4
    Sept 11- 183.4
    Sept 18- 181.2
    Sept 25- 178!

    I made the goal for September, plus some :) I'm actually 177 today, so I'm hoping to start October a little lighter than that. I'm running a 5K October 2!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    9-01-10 214.0 lbs
    9-06-10 212.4 lbs
    9-17-10 208.4 lbs
    9-27-10 208.0 lbs
    9-30-10 >>>>>goal 200.0 lbs

    Well obviously I'm not going to hit 200 by Thursday, but that's ok with me. I've lost 6 lbs so far this month & that is ok with me! The scale has been basically just sitting there for me lately. However I had to go buy some new jeans yesterday & went to Old Navy. Last year I was wearing size 20. Today I'm sitting here rocking the size 14 Skinny Jeans! Yahoo! There is plenty of room in them, so I'm sure soon I will hopefully be in the size 12s! :laugh: So I don't care what the scale says, I know my measurements are down again (which I need to do today). The clothes I've been wearing lately are all starting to get really loose on me again.

    Today I started week 8 of C25K. It was a very cold 41 degrees out there at 6:30am, but I did it anyway! I still came back with a soaked sweatshirt! :laugh: As for those doing the 5Ks & had some questions. I've done several races, however I have yet to do one completely running the whole thing. I did a 7 mile race in July that I ran about half of it. I finished I think at 1hr 40 mins. Last month I did a 2 mile run that I did try to run the majority of....I think I finished in 25 min for that one. Anyway - I started C25K back in May & it took me several weeks to finish weeks 1 & 2. Then I stopped in July for a few weeks & then just went back to the last week I had been doing & started again from there. So if you stop in say week 6, then go back & try week 5 - if that is a breeze for you, then go on to week 6 the next day. Just keep trying till you feel that you can move on to the next week. That is what I did & now I'm running 27 min straight & loving it. I need to increase my pace a bit however, because I'm only doing 2.5 miles. So I'm going to try to do that this week & at least get to 3 miles before I go into week 9 next week! :bigsmile:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    I was going to skip my lunch workout b/c I was feeling upset about something, but talked myself into going and it definitely made me feel better. Funny thing is I forgot to bring a sports bra and socks, so I workout with a bra under my shirt and no socks- just sneakers. Go figure! I'm learning not to use food as a means when I feel upset or down- I mean there are other ways to de-stress like having a good workout.

    Well, back to work for me. Have a great day all!
  • Hey everyone. Today is my weigh in day and I'm down 5.6 lbs from Sept 1. Still have 3 more days in the month so I'm going to shoot for another .4 loss for a "cushion". Love this challenge. It really keeps me on track.

    Good luck everyone. :happy:
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    Hi All,

    Sept SW: 84.6 Kg ( 186.1 lbs)
    Sept GW: 82.3kg (181.1 lbs)

    Current Weight: 80.3kg (28/09/10) (176.7 lbs)
    Total Loss of September: 4.3kg (9.4 lbs)

    So excited I smashed my goal or by 2kg (4.4kg) so pumped for October and this weeks challenges..

    Until Next Week..
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Dmgaloha....sorry to hear your ruff times...will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts and hope your husband gets his "old" job back

    Kelly...awesome job and you don't need to hit a certain number for me to know what GREAT progress you are making and celebrate your accomplishment...girl you deserve it.....

    TO eveyone else...sounds like everyone is doing a fantastic job reaching the 5 lbs. for the month so YEAH to all....and I offer much encouragement--head up to those who are falling a little short....you'll gettem next month...:flowerforyou:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Awwww, why did I stay away for so long? :blushing: You guys are the BEST! :drinker:

    This was me earlier today: :frown: :grumble: ... And this is me now: :bigsmile: :smooched:

    Thanks for the kind words of support, Tralalara, Amanda, Timbotina.... :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the 5k advice, just_peachy, Kelly, Amanda... I will do my best to make you all proud this weekend... :glasses:

    Tralalara, congrats on your job offer, and good luck with your move! DH and I are both so happy to have finally settled down in our current location - it finally feels like 'home'! I hope you feel the same way in OKC.

    Kelly, yay for you on the new (much-smaller) jeans!!

    Update on DH's 'old' (and hopefully soon-to-be 'new') job: they asked for a copy of his ID today to run a security clearance, so we're taking this as a good sign! As for me: I reached out to my previous manager to see if there was some after-hours help I could offer a few hours a week... Keep sending all those positive thougths - thanks!
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member

    Hey everyone. Today is my weigh in day and I'm down 5.6 lbs from Sept 1. Still have 3 more days in the month so I'm going to shoot for another .4 loss for a "cushion". Love this challenge. It really keeps me on track.

    Good luck everyone. happy/quote]

    Well Done!!! So excited for you.. Keep it up!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    MrsHazra--keep up the good work...

    dmg ...still sending positive vibes your way...

    Good morning all....looked up the challange exercises too late last night to do them...but I will definetly get to them today....was sooo close on my sodium yesturday around 2000, that's great for me....heading off to work again this am....hoping to get a walk/run in at the track before picking my son up at school...have a GREAT day everyone!!....:bigsmile:
  • I would love to accept the challenge!Ive just started walking and would love to have a goal:smile:
  • Well , hope everyone is having success. Getting closer to end of month. I have lost 3 lbs but wonder why it keeps stopping! lol Still trying to make it happen. Just might take a little bit longer!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm .5 lbs away from the goal!!

    4everafter... 3 lbs is great! That's more than I've lost in the last 3 months until now!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Im up from 165.4 to 165.8 today I didn't have such a good day yesterday foodwise. still hoping to make it at least to a .0 by my starting weigh in for october
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    ARGH! It's been such a busy week! I've had lots of work to do for sixth form so I havent been able to post..sorry :smile:

    Anyway it is my weigh-in today..although I forgot completely and only remembered until AFTER my breakfast. I quickly rushed on to see 145lb :bigsmile: but I will check again tomorrow to see for definite cause I wanna know if I've reached my 5lb target :D

    How's everyone's September been? :flowerforyou:
  • Ok so I started off this challenge and lost 9 lbs right off the bat water weight I'm thinking any ways I lost 1lb last week which makes it 10lbs this month but weigh in is tomorrow and even though I been stocking with program I'm afraid o have gained it all back... Irrational fear spiking as we get closer to next month....,

    Grats to the ones doing well and keep at it to the ones that aren't! :flowerforyou:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    It has been a hectic time since school started and I have been constantly on the go and have not logged at all. I stepped on the scales this morning and was up 4 pounds from last time I logged on and decided I have to get back on the wagon and NOT continue this path. I have to get a grip or I will kick my self for all the hard work that I did since I started in Jan of 2010. I loved this group and now I commit to being back with everyone and giving you all support.
    HI AGAIN TO ALL ME GOOD FRIENDS and Looking forward to MEETING MORE OF YOU THAT HAVE JOINED SINCE I dropped out of sight. Phyljen
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Did 35 minutes on the gym bike and feeling good today.
  • Jalah
    Jalah Posts: 14
    I dropped off of this challenge for a while after I got strep throat! I have lost 3lbs (as of last Friday), so we'll see what my weight loss is this week!

    I'm hoping to participate in another challenge and hopefully staying motivated/healthy throughout the challenge time period!
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