Those with large amount of weight to lose....



  • solespinner
    solespinner Posts: 3 Member
    Not being asked when my baby is due.
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    Being attractive and having people actually hit on me for once.
  • ejreddish3
    ejreddish3 Posts: 2 Member
    -Being confident in myself.
    -Wearing sexy clothes for my husband.
    -Having more energy to play with my son.
    -Being active again.
    -Being off all of my meds.
    -Kickboxing. I can't do more than 10 minutes w/o feeling like I'm going to die. I use to be able to do an hour.
  • madusm
    madusm Posts: 27 Member
    I should be able to wear a simple T- shirt and denim, and still manage to look good!
  • rosie4850
    rosie4850 Posts: 10 Member
    -Wearing fitted tops without "back fat"
    -Shaking my booty without too many wobbles
    -running for 10 kms
    - looking better and feeling more confident in my bathers
  • kryssikisses
    Wow as I'm reading others post. I'm having flashbacks. Except the shaking the booty lol
  • princesnarking
    Being able to exercise more and for longer. I know I can exercise now, but with all this excess weight, it can make it difficult on my knees, especially with my knee injury, to exercise for long periods of time.

    Not being that "fat boy actor" and actually being taken serious as an actor. All fat guys get are comedy.

    Buying the stylish clothes I want without forking out $50 for a pair of jeans.

    Feeling disgusted at my own body. Being less self conscious when I'm intimate with my partner.

    Horse back riding.
  • tammimccausland
    I look forward to just doing daily activities longer than 5 minutes without having to sit down catch my breath and stop the pain in my legs and hips
  • derhz
    Like a few others have said here, I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin, and not revolt every time I see myself in a photo or in the mirror
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I am at the end of my journey now, but I will tell you what I can do now that I couldn't before..

    - Go shopping in normal clothes shops, fit in things, and actually look good
    - Go for a walk without worrying that my body won't be able to handle it
    - Take the stairs instead of the lift in my apartment block
    - Play badminton with my family for more than 20 seconds

    So it's all good, and the smile on my face is worth every bit of effort that it took to get here.

    However. Has anybody noticed that people, particularly girls, are unnecessarily *****y with you when you lose weight? It's almost as if you're now suddenly a threat when you always just used to be "the fat friend". I have noticed more people trying to cause trouble for me and making nasty comments since I lost weight than ever before!

    I did get bullied when I was fat, so got more nasty things said overall back then, but the difference is that the things that are said now come from people who are 'supposed' to be FRIENDS!
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    Having hot wild animal sex :smokin: without thinking about my body or what he thinks of it.
  • mandieschmitz
    mandieschmitz Posts: 10 Member
    I have a few :)

    - Have children
    - Be able to go on rides at the fair
    - Be able to see my feet without having to lean over so far I might topple over!
    - Wear anything XL or lower. My goal for this winter.
    - Weigh less than my husband so he can actually pick me up
  • cmfruin2012
    cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
    Being active with my family without worrying about being able to keep up.
    Having more wardrobe choices.
    Feeling better physically and mentally -- especially feeling the pride that comes with knowing I did it!
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Cross my legs comfortably. Not sweat so much. Not be always pre-occupied with food but rather with fitness.
  • Cavy1234
    Cavy1234 Posts: 28 Member
    Attend social events and/or meet new people without feeling frightened of being judged.
  • Geewells
    Geewells Posts: 3 Member
    Take my child to Disney World
    Ride on an airplane comfortably
    Not have fear on any outing of whether I will be able to fit into whatever is happening
    Going to a waterpark with my kid
    Shoes - please tell me your feet lose weight too? Hard to find shoes for hoof feet!
    Being able to wear a smaller ring size
    More hairstyle choices
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member

    Shoes - please tell me your feet lose weight too? Hard to find shoes for hoof feet!
    Being able to wear a smaller ring size

    I hear that these things do happen for many people. Fingers crossed. :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Shoes - please tell me your feet lose weight too? Hard to find shoes for hoof feet!
    Being able to wear a smaller ring size

    I hear that these things do happen for many people. Fingers crossed. :)
    Yes your feet lose weight. It has to be a substantial weight loss.
  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    Cross my legs comfortably

    This!! Along with getting new clothes, being able to climb stairs and NOT get winded, not feel like everyone is looking at the "big girl".... there are SO many things!!
  • jaynelynn9227
    Get into normal size clothes, and not have to shop in plus sizes!!
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