Senior Golden Sneakers - September 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Sue., We are the golden girls and we have a golden guy too name Jeffrey whom we all adored We also have an adopted son name Neil he is really a sweetheart

    My name is MArie and I have a husband nAme Jerry and a Jack Russel name Sammy. I have 3 children name Bruce, Alice and Kathy. I have 6 grandkids and 4 great grandkids. They are all up in Mo.getting one of my granddaughter mArried tonight. I couldn't go for I fell on my rump a little over a month ago and too sore to ride that far.But they will be taking a bunch of picctures I live in Texas. and it is raining here today.

    Welcome to our group. Glad to have you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome Sue!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We are so happy to have you join us, we are very likeable (at least I think so) and share our support and up and downs along with encouragement and some loving. :heart: :heart:

    Today is Saturday and my granddaughter had a friend spend the night so I had to get up early and drive her friend to volley ball practice by 9:00 am..... Drove Bryanna to dance at noon and now I plan on chilling on the couch before Church. :bigsmile:

    Our game night was fun, didn't gain anything so that makes me happy. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks gayla for sending some of that cool north breeze down here to Texas. I feels absolutly devine. It rain all day yesterday.

    This is football day Hope they do better than the last 2 games.

    How is Neil doing?

    I have been enjoying seeing the pictures of the wedding on facebook this morning. that my bother , Mike has been posting, I got to talk to the bride lastt night. They are headed to Mexico for their and Jim will be heading back home today. Wish I could have gone up there to be with with all of the family but Just to far to be in the car for me.

    Jerry has gone to wendy;s to pick me up a cobb salad for my lunch. It is a new item on there menu and I heard they were pretty good.

    Hope this fine all of you doing ok the nice Sunday morning.
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, welcome Sue!:drinker:

    Well up at 4am did the exercises and stayed on my first day schedule, :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: it worked just fine:bigsmile:

    My sis did a little bit too, so impressed with her change of heart and mind :drinker: she is going to do well and be strong.:heart:

    Looking forward to the morning, hopes my tool to unlock me from my bed (key) does the trick again, I focused all my negative energy at the key it got bigger and the angels picked it up put it into my back and wound me up like a toy, I was out of bed and to the gym in no time.:smile:
    Hope everyone's Monday goes well, catch you tomorrow

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    Just got back from St Louis, what a beautiful Saturday, Marie an awesome day for a wedding Congratulations, sorry you didn't get to go:sad: :sad: :sad: , we got there on Friday night had a lovely time the grandkids, my daughter's husband surprised us, (us meaning my daugther, grand daughter and myself with tickets to "So you think you can dance" we were so happy, the performance was in the area at St louis University, was and awesome night. Saturday started by Soccer Game girls and they won, was a great morning very proud Gigi then to the boys game and they won 9 to 0, what a day. We the girls got home after 10:30 and my grand daugther is only 8 and she was so happy with her new t-shirt couldn't go to bed. The performance was amazing. Today we celebrated all the kids birthdays and had a great time, did a little shopping at Main St. wonderful little shops.:love::love: :love:

    Welcome Sue, this is a wonderful group of ladies and lets not forget Jeffery, he is great sometime he get lost for a while but always comes back. Everyone is very helpfull and always ready to help with anything, you're at the right place for support:bigsmile::bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Was so hard to leave my little ones, I'll miss them so much, they both made us color pictures to welcome us home so I have the memories and that makes me feel special.:smile::smile: :smile:

    Take care everyone and have fun.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I got my garden beds cleaned up this weekend, taking advantage of the gorgeous weather. Gotta love that bright sun in the great big blue sky. We haven't seen enough of it and the farmers are stressed about the crops. They are way behind and the fields are still wet. Neil is still very happy in his new home. He has a bad cold and decided to stay there instead of coming home for the weekend. I was surprised but ok with it. He sounds better tonight so hope by tomorrow morning he is finished with it.

    Welcome, Sue! -- You will like it here.

    Gigi -- How nice to have another great little holiday. :cry: Nice to be able to enjoy the pictures so quickly. I answered your question about Neil above.

    Sandy -- Yahoo on the big win!!

    Marilyn -- Keep that positive energy going!!

    Take care everyone, thinking of you all. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Monday!!! Fall is here, summer seems to be gone, although the cool weather feels good summer was just to short. :sad:

    Gayla, I am glad you are getting some gorgeous weather, you have not had the best summer. So happy Neil is happy with his new home but sorry he is sick. How are the seizures?

    Gigi, sounds like another wonderful trip, you are so lucky your husband will travel, my husband hates to travel even to visit his daughter in California. :sad: I on the other hand love to travel so my trips are without him. Most of my trips are for my granddaughters dance competitions which I love. I am going on an overnight trip with two friends next Monday to a casino so I am looking forward to that. :tongue:

    Marilyn, great job on getting up and exercising, but uh, why at 4 am? I am still turning over at that time. :laugh:

    Marie, how did your cowboys do? Our mighty Bears play tonight against their biggest enemy the Packers. :laugh: :laugh: My husband will be watching in downstairs while I watch all my shows including dancing with the stars. :bigsmile:

    If you noticed, I have managed to lose another pound!!! ONE more to go to reach my goal!! I can do it!! I can do it!!

    Have a good day,
  • viliberty1957
    Hello, everyone. I enjoyed all the posts. Welcome Sue, glad you are "Lucky." You will enjoy this great group.

    The weather warmed up here and should last for a few days to a week. I'm glad Ralph didn't take the air conditioner out of the window last week as he planned. It doesn' t take a lot of "warm" to be too much for me.

    Did a little shopping at Fred Meyer this morning. Mostly I go there to walk around the store for a half hour or so. Much easier than outside, especially since I have to stay out of the sun.

    God bless all of you. Love.....
  • marlouise
    Good evening everyone,

    Hope everyone had a great day today, cloud and sun but no rain.

    I have a question about our exercise tracker page. I have put in some exercises, but I am not burning calories or getting any time. I'm not sure how this works. My clock in the gym said I was there an hour today. What do I have to do to get some calculations?:blushing:
    :wink: SANDY Four in the morning is the normal time I must get up so I can get my coffee etc for my work day. So it is on my day off time to get up and exercise, our bodies respond better to exercise in the morning, it is a good metabolism start up and it keeps it running smooth the day through, thus you burn calories much better. It also gets you limbered up for any surprise movements you may find yourself doing (like tripping, slipping etc), thus you don't injure easily.:happy:

    On my work days I would be getting up at 2:45am to get to the gym by 3am.:bigsmile:

    Catch you all tomorrow, it's past my bet time..:smile:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good evening everyone,

    Hope everyone had a great day today, cloud and sun but no rain.

    I have a question about our exercise tracker page. I have put in some exercises, but I am not burning calories or getting any time. I'm not sure how this works. My clock in the gym said I was there an hour today. What do I have to do to get some calculations?:blushing:
    :wink: SANDY Four in the morning is the normal time I must get up so I can get my coffee etc for my work day. So it is on my day off time to get up and exercise, our bodies respond better to exercise in the morning, it is a good metabolism start up and it keeps it running smooth the day through, thus you burn calories much better. It also gets you limbered up for any surprise movements you may find yourself doing (like tripping, slipping etc), thus you don't injure easily.:happy:

    On my work days I would be getting up at 2:45am to get to the gym by 3am.:bigsmile:

    Catch you all tomorrow, it's past my bet time..:smile:


    Hi Marilyn,

    Unless you are entering cardio exercises, time won't show and neither will calories burned on the food diary side. The site doesn't consider strength training as calorie-burning, so lifting weights, for example, won't "buy" you more calories, but walking 30 minutes will because it is considered cardio exercise.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Hello All,

    I was MIA this weekend as I went north to attend a family wedding, lots of people I had not seen, many for about 3 years. They were surprised to see about 1/3 less of me. Perfect weather on Saturday for wedding, rainy and grey on Sunday, very busy today, supposed to start in new office tomorrow morning.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: I had an amazing weekend with 18 other women ranging in age from 22 to 72. The spiritual part was fabulous along with the exercise and the food. We had time for walks around the lake, line dance, and zumba. I didn’t log my food and ate a lot more peanuts, cashews, and almonds than I should have along with having peanut butter and toast and granola with soy milk for breakfast. My weight was up three pounds when I weighed this morning but I’m not going to take it seriously for a few days, just get back to my regular eating and logging food and see what happens.

    :flowerforyou: I got home and changed my clothes and rushed off to a three hour line dance party, then came home and collapsed before gong out to Subway for supper.
    I missed you all and wished you could have been there with me.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Mamasota
    Hi everyone,

    Barbiecat - so glad your weekend went well. I had a wonderful time with my granddaughter even though she was a little under the weather.

    The Cowboys won so that was another good thing,

    WELCOME SUE! I'm fairly new also. I went looking for some "more experienced" friends and found this fabulous group. I'm finding that they diverse, funny, and very supportive.

    I'm also starting a new job - I'll be training for the next 3 months. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi fellow Texan, Been misssing you.y eah for the cowboys. They finally play a good game. Wish they was;t having a bye week next week,

    Good luck on your new job.

    Barbiecat you are one dancing gal. Is it warm in tiur neck of the woods? We are having nice fall weather here. i have on a light sweatshirt today.

    Sandy When do you go to the casino?

    Gayla, Did your sister test turn out OK. I think Neil is handle hisself quite well at his new home. He seems to be pretty indepedence. And that is good.

    Barbs how is things in the north west territory

    Gigi, Sound like you are having a blast,

    Irene so good to see you pop in? How is the quitlen going?
  • ewillems
    dear irene,hope your adventure with cancer goes well .this is my first time on line i joined in july and am still trying to get my computer legs . iam also diabetic as well as all the fun stuff that goes with it i.e.hi blood pressure hi cholesterol .trying to keep the weight under control has been a challenge. wishing you well elsie
  • marlouise
    :smile: :smile: Thanks Barb, yes that makes sense, however not fair. Oh well I think I have some cardio in the programs too. Been a busy day, very grey outside. We at Tim's were running our shoes thin, customers were eating lots today. Then after I had to sit through a Health and Safety meeting, that was nice to sit and relax for a bit. Got home, had supper then up stairs for a shower and make up some program tracking sheets. Now it is bed time.:yawn: I'll catch you all tomorrow...good night, sweet (reduced sugar) dreams.:noway:

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    Today was our Golf league lunch and final day of playing, I didn't get to go:cry::cry: :cry: because I develop some swelling in my left ankle and the Dr. told me I was too active and my joins were telling me to slow down some, don't giveup your exercise just do a little less:sad: :sad: :sad: I listen today and my partner went golfing and had a great time and I was so busy at work well some has to do it:wink::wink: :wink:

    Sandy An overnight trip with two friends, sounds wonderful specially going to a casino, good for you, CONGRATS! on loosing a
    pound way to go.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Irene good to see you posting so nice to have news about you, God Bless you.

    Barbie great weekend, the pounds will come off after you get serious:bigsmile: :bigsmile: so glad you're having such a great time.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Mamasota New job that is fantastic, good luck with the training. keep us posted.:wink::wink: :wink:

    Marie Way to go cowboys. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hope everyone has a great evening and have fun.:heart::heart: :heart:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I made soup yesterday sort of from scratch.....I had pumpkin, applesauce, and homemade chicken broth in the freezer so I made soup using fresh onions and spices and then just for fun added cabbage from my friend's hit the spot and I have some left for tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Mamasota, welcome to you and your cat, Alex, My husband plays golf when the weather is good and I enjoy the time alone...I go to dance classes three days a week so he gets some days at home alone, too.......i have two spoiled cats, one is lying next to the computer right now....I also have two standard poodles....they provide a lot of opportunities for me to get exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I did OK with the shared room.....there were only three of us in a cabin with ten beds so there was plenty of space.....i didn't bring my yoga mat or DVD and laptop because I was sharing a ride and felt that I had to be somewhat careful about how much stuff I brought.....I did have a chance to teach some line dancing to some of the women on Saturday morning. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: congratulations on losing that next pesky pound.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm so sorry that you weren't able to go to your granddaughter's wedding.:sad:

    :flowerforyou: LuckySue, welcome to the group......check in with us every day if you can.....we'd love to get to know you and share with you

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, congrats on getting up early to do your exercise.......they say it takes about three weeks for a habit to become established, so keep up the good work

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, your trip to St. Louis sounds like it was a lot of's always hard to come home after a great trip.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm so glad Neil continues to do well in his new home.....I know it's hard for you to let him go

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I'm glad you're getting up and about......I often go to WalMart just to walk around for exercise on days when the weather is uncooperative.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I'm glad your trip to the wedding went well.....Jake said we had perfect weather in Sequim and i was in Port Orchard where the weather was fabulous

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, there is a way to enter your strength training as cardio (you do burn calories with strength training) for "strength training in the data base and then figure about 2-3 calories per minute (that's what I do)

    :flowerforyou: In an attempt to undo the damage of the two out of town trips and the one coming up this weekend, we did a cleanse today...that allowed a vacation from too much exercise.....i worked in the yard and took the dogs to the dog park and did a lot of seated busy work.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • marlouise
    :smile: :smile: Thanks Barbiecat, I'll do just that, sounds right by me 2-3 calories, today my body was shaking from the good circulation going on. Sis and I spent and hour and half today puffing and huffing, but we laughed in the end, how terribly good we felt.:laugh:
    We decided today as well to try a walking trek every third day of the week. We planned a route and will try to do it on our "off" days so we get some cardio and fresh air. We are looking forward to it.

    Hope everyone had a good day today, we had good laughs today at work, everyone seemed in a good mood!:drinker:

    Have a great Thursday everyone! Catch you all tormorrow.:yawn:

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    Just a note to keep in touch with everyone, Happy Wednesday!!! Went out to dinner with great friends, was so go to spend the time together, we have been friends for about 32 years, she is a little older then me, she'll be 73 in November, when we were younger our plans were to be able to do things together like when were young, we played tennis almost every week before her stroke three years ago.
    we got together and planed trips every where, now she can't move her left leg only by lifting it. She has dementia and when were are together sometime she repeats the same story some many times. My hearts breaks by washing my beautiful friend gone, so sad but she has a great out look on things.:cry::cry: :cry:

    No gym the ankle was better but not ready for exercise, hope this is over soon:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Our neighborhood is getting ready to have a block party this Sunday from 4:30 to 8:00 we're looking forward to see all the neighbors,
    our BUNCO Club will provide the chicken and everyone is bringing a plate to share. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Well is time to get some work done, everyone have a super evening and have fun.:heart::heart: :heart:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: today was my super exercise day......line dance in the morning......almost two hours of walking on the Discovery Trail with my friend.......puttering in the garden......and time at the dog park with the girls.....exercise bike later......Jake played golf

    :flowerforyou: I hope everyone has had a great day.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: