Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Now a 3lb loss AND desert..... now that's the way (weigh) to go Stephanie. Great job!

    Thanks Cass, no clue how I did it though!! LOL
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    TUESDAY TEMPTATIONS. My husband bought a bag of Fritos before we got on the road one day.....and I LOVE Fritos. I was soooo tempted!!! BUT, I told him that I had issues with him opening that bag of Fritos and that I 'm working real hard with this. Then I told him IF he opens that bag that he needs to keep it way over to his left side....out of my reach...AND he had to open his window so I didn't have to smell those Fritos. He apologised, said he would be more considerate next time. I did let him open those Fritos and I had NONE. YAAAY for me!

    YAY!!! WTG!!! LOL I had Frito Pie this weekend...Oops, another tempation maybe??? LOL I'm more working on ummmm portion control...yeah thats it--portion control :laugh:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Doing the happy dance.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: My first weigh-in this morning :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Whoohooo I lost 4lbs. Thank you so much for all your support on here everyone. This site has been so helpful to me. HUGS
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Doing the happy dance.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: My first weigh-in this morning :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Whoohooo I lost 4lbs. Thank you so much for all your support on here everyone. This site has been so helpful to me. HUGS

    WTG!!!!!! :happy:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Good Morning members. :drinker:

    Hope you had yourself a great day yesterday.

    Sooooo was thinking lets make this day a WEDNESDAY WISH DAY......

    Come on in and post about a wish that you have for yourself. Can be about anything. You wish you could fit into something you have always wanted to wear and look good in it, you wish you could win the lotto, you wish your husband/partner would do all housework all week :bigsmile:

    Take Care and Have FUN wishing.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hang in there supernova, we all will have days like that where it seems the scale is our most hated enemy.

    Virgo (me too!), I just love sleep too. I'm like you in that I don't wanna wake up when i finally get there. So i set my alarm so loud i scare myself awake. Then it's hard for me to get back to sleep after my heart calms down. lol My sleep is all whacked out though being on night shift. Plus I have folks that insist on calling or texting me despite the fact i've told them i'm sleeping when they're at work and awake. Perhaps i'll call them at 3am so they'll get the idea? lol

    Aschavel, potatoes are my bane. Especially fried potatoes. Like sodas, i've been weening myself off of them. When i do eat them, they're the red new potatoes and a small serving.

    Thanks for the encouragement Spg, It's a good thing the plum was pretty tasty!

    Robin and bigmama, thanks for keeping the thread going and your encouragement is so helpful to us.

    October challenge.... i'm thinking about what food to give up. I've got two days and, being the proscrastinator I am, it'll take me to the wire to decide. Hehe.

    Back to work tonight after being off for 12 days. Ugh. Have a great night and a great day tomorrow everyone.

    ~~~~~~~~~ WE CAN DO THIS!! ~~~~~~~~ <
    Courtesy of Doordie

    Hi damage

    Thank you for your support without members like you supporting each other this board would be nothing. :flowerforyou: We are all in this together. Lets helps one another get through the bad times and celebrate the good times.:drinker:

    Watching to see what you pick for your OCTOBER be continued.

    Off for 12 days..nice. Back to work ugggggg :grumble:
  • jultwan
    jultwan Posts: 36 Member
    I am definately in.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Add me to the group please. It would be cool to break down this group into mini groups and weekly/biweekly/or monthly challenges.

    I'm in have 146lbs to lose.

    I entered a challenge a few days ago to give up something for the month of October. I gave up my much loved potatoes (all types).

    I am going to challenge all of you to give up something for October also.

    Don't forget members - one of our fellow group member "aschavel" has challenge us all to give up something for the month of October. As you can see above she is giving up potatoes. WOW. That will be tough. Please give support to her and everyone else who does this challenge. You have 2 days until October 1st lets get to posting what you will give up please.

    So far we have
    - aschavel - giving up potatoes (all types)
    - damage - procrastinating now but will decide before 1st. lol
    - bigmama - still thinking hard about what to choose
  • traclin
    Woohoo - Let's hear it for the weight loss warriors! Happy Wednesday everybody. Thank you to all who have kept this forum going and congrats to you all for showing up.

    I am behind on the Tuesday Temptation but here it is anyway - My husband and son went to Taco Bell (my fave) on Friday night because it was late and we were all hungry. I said no thank you and they went in, got dinner and when we got home I made something healthy for myself. All of these little things are paying off. I took my measurements for the first time since I started 8 weeks ago and in the 5 areas I measured I am down at least an inch in all places and up to 3 inches in some places. Every pair of work pants I have must now be safety pinned to keep them up.

    OK - My Wednesday Wish is: the scale is down at least 1.1 pounds today at my weekly weigh in at the clinic. That will put me under 100 pounds to loose! Skinny thoughts.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    TUESDAY TEMPTATIONS. My husband bought a bag of Fritos before we got on the road one day.....and I LOVE Fritos. I was soooo tempted!!! BUT, I told him that I had issues with him opening that bag of Fritos and that I 'm working real hard with this. Then I told him IF he opens that bag that he needs to keep it way over to his left side....out of my reach...AND he had to open his window so I didn't have to smell those Fritos. He apologised, said he would be more considerate next time. I did let him open those Fritos and I had NONE. YAAAY for me!

    Thanks cass for posting your Tuesday Temptation. You seem so calm when asking your husband not to eat those Fritos or open the window so you didn't have to smell them.:angry::angry: :angry: Heck I would throw those dang Fritos out my hubby's window.:angry::angry: :angry: LOL Joking aside. wtg on beating your temptation. Chips is my downfall. OMG Bigmama step away from the chips.:devil:

    P.S. Your husband sounds sweet apologises and woud be more considerate next time. Hugs for your hubby.:happy:

    Don't forget to post your WEDNESDAY WISHES for today.
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    Wednesday Wishes? Oooh, I don't know what to wish for.

    The October challenge has me pretty stumped so far as well. I will have to ponder that thought a while to see what I may give up. I already ridded my home of the bad stuff and have adopted a fresher way of eating. I did have that one set back with Chick-Fil-A last weekend though. Still thinking about that one...

    Everyone have a great day! And don't forget to congratulate bigmama on her 4 pound loss. She is doing so good!!!!!!! We love you, girl! Keep it up!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My Wednesday Wish is for "Wings" for this Saturday to help me walk 2 miles. I'm going with a friend on a "Volksmarch". Some people walk up to 10 miles on these walks. I'm committed to 2 miles and I have a swollen knee where I had a total knee replacement....... but I'll be thinking of all of you and know you'll be mentally pushing me from behind and lifting me up when I'm tired.
    And isn't Big Mama doing a great job in motivating us on this forum? I gotta give her a big hug
    ((((((( BIG MAMA)))))))) for putting some ooomph into this forum !!!1:heart:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    I am definately in.

    Hi jultwan

    Welcome to the group. Congrats on your weight loss so far. WTG. Maybe you can share some of your weight loss tips. Enjoy the site everyone is friendly and helpful and supportive. Feel free to post good or bad.

    Just to let you know we just started a new WEDNESDAY WISH you can post about any wish you have. Can be about your weigh loss or life in general.

    Take Care
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Ok Here is my WEDNESDAY WISH

    I wish to be under 300lbs :blushing: (uggg I don't like to show people that number) by December. So that gives me two months to lose 22lbs.

    Wish me luck.

    Don't forget members to post your WEDNESDAY WISHES....
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Ummmmm Stephanie

    I have a question for you ???? How come you didn't move your darn ticker. :grumble: I wanna see your 3lbs loss......Show your hard work. WTG I will be watching for it. LOL :laugh:
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    And isn't Big Mama doing a great job in motivating us on this forum? I gotta give her a big hug
    ((((((( BIG MAMA)))))))) for putting some ooomph into this forum !!!1:heart:

    Yes, she is a wonderful friend and cheerleader to have in your corner!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Woohoo - Let's hear it for the weight loss warriors! Happy Wednesday everybody. Thank you to all who have kept this forum going and congrats to you all for showing up.

    I am behind on the Tuesday Temptation but here it is anyway - My husband and son went to Taco Bell (my fave) on Friday night because it was late and we were all hungry. I said no thank you and they went in, got dinner and when we got home I made something healthy for myself. All of these little things are paying off. I took my measurements for the first time since I started 8 weeks ago and in the 5 areas I measured I am down at least an inch in all places and up to 3 inches in some places. Every pair of work pants I have must now be safety pinned to keep them up.

    OK - My Wednesday Wish is: the scale is down at least 1.1 pounds today at my weekly weigh in at the clinic. That will put me under 100 pounds to loose! Skinny thoughts.

    Hi Traclin

    Hope your day is going great!!!! WOW thats willpower. Great to hear that you didn't eat out at Taco Bell (ugg and its your favourite place to eat fast food). I agree with you - its the little things we change in life that is going to stick with us and help us lose and change our lives for a healthier person we will become.

    Congrats on the inches you have lost. Yep must feel good to have all you clothes loose. Now you get to buy some new ones.:love:

    Thank you for posting your WEDNESDAY WISH and good luck for it to come true. Sending skinny vibes your way! I sure hope you make it to under 100lbs left to lose. Don't forget to come in and tell us how your weigh-in goes.

    Take Care
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ok, Wednesday Wish: hmmmmm yikes!!!!! LOL this is kinda funny, my son had to write down 6 wishes for homework last night. I told him to stop whining because wishes were easy to come up with. LOL Now its my turn and I can't think of a thing!! HAHAHA :laugh: Ok, here's a wish. I'm doing the walk for diabetes and haven't met my goal and my wish is to have my goal met :smile:

    Oooooh something to give up for the month of October. Ok, I choose dr pepper. Eeeeeek it'll be hard, but not too hard because I may have 1-2 a week. But they are sooooo addicting I better get in all my dr pepper before friday!!!! :laugh:
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    So, I am soooo proud of myself today. A friend invited me out to breakfast and we went to Denny's. Well they have the 2, 4, 6, 8 meals. So, I chose a $4 meal that was 2 pancakes, 2 eggs, and 2 pieces of bacon or sausage. I had my eggs scrambled. So all I ate were my eggs and half my pancakes. Brought the rest home so my son could have pancakes and bacon for dinner tonight :smile: Normally I would've chosen a large breakfast platter and been so stuffed I couldn't walk. I feel great and will be ready for lunch in a few hours :smile: