Those with large amount of weight to lose....



  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Walk up my stairs with out constant pain
    Put my socks on by myself
    Have a happy life with my teenage children before it is too late.
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    ~Be able to do a pull up
    ~I want to lose enough weight that my husband will be able to carry me princess style in his arms <3

    Edit: Without breaking his back... -.-;
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member

    Shoes - please tell me your feet lose weight too? Hard to find shoes for hoof feet!
    Being able to wear a smaller ring size

    I hear that these things do happen for many people. Fingers crossed. :)
    Yes your feet lose weight. It has to be a substantial weight loss.

    It also depends too on your shape and how you carry your weight. Personally? I have bony wrists and hands (and ankles), so weight gain/loss has no discernible impact at all on ring size or wrist size. My sister (who is a similar size and weight) does notice a difference with weight changes. We are just built differently.

    But for some people weight gain makes their feet wider, which necessitates a larger shoe size.
  • AMarlene
    AMarlene Posts: 31 Member
    -Run a 5k with no walking
    -Pass the 27 laps in 5 minutes part of my WFTDA test
    -borrowing clothes from my 17 year old

  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Shopping for regular size clothes in regular stores. So long Lane Bryant.

    This one does not bother me too much. I think it is easier to find smaller size clothes though at lower prices which I do look forward to.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Take my child to Disney World
    Ride on an airplane comfortably
    Not have fear on any outing of whether I will be able to fit into whatever is happening
    Going to a waterpark with my kid
    Shoes - please tell me your feet lose weight too? Hard to find shoes for hoof feet!
    Being able to wear a smaller ring size
    More hairstyle choices

    I have wide feet even if I am thinner. Maybe if I was really thin then it would make a difference but it doesn't between about 170-300 lbs
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Being attractive and having people actually hit on me for once.

    I actually like being left alone by guys. It is a comfort zone. I am not exactly the kind of girl guys like even when I am thin because I am an INTJ, but that does not really matter considering I am married.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    What can't you do today due to excess weight that you look forward to doing once you lose weight...

    Going to see live theater
    hot bath
    flying coach

    I don't like feeling fat and unattractive. It is not what other people think about me but what I think about myself that matters. Being fat is just not sexy or attractive to me. I would like to have more children too. I cannot get pregnant over 200 lbs.
  • stickskin
    stickskin Posts: 6 Member
    I need to lose 30 lbs.

    i want to wear a jersey without covering my arms...
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member

    Swimming. I used to love swimming more than anything, but there isn't a chance in hell you'll get me in a bathingsuit any time soon. I don't nescesarily crave wearing bikini's, but I would love to feel comfortable in any sort of swimwear *just* to be able to go swimming again.

    I would like to learn to swim really well. I love the water and swimming is so fun for me. It is kind of hard endurance wise to swim very far though. Private lessons would be nice but I don't want to show up for a private lesson and then be unable to do what I am asked to do.
  • supermuslimgirl
    supermuslimgirl Posts: 96 Member
    ~I want to lose enough weight that my husband will be able to carry me princess style in his arms <3

    Edit: Without breaking his back... -.-;
    oh me too me too!!

    of corse my husband not yours:blushing:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    I've been able to cross my legs for a couple months now and it still thrills me.

    Can walk now too. The dream is to run. To dance. To hike and carry a backpack instead of extra weight. To camp again.

    To fit in one airplane seat. To plop down without bending/breaking chair legs in offices and cafes. To use "up to 250 pound" capacity ladders, recliners, shower benches, etc. To have the stamina to stand for a whole shower.

    To climb. To clamber. To crouch. To get up from low places using just my legs. To crawl under a table to plug in a light. To walk down an aisle without squeezing around people. To not put off laundry because it's way downstairs.

    To pop up and down from my chair whenever I need something - instead of asking someone else to get it for me.

    To have more energy. To see family more. To get more done. To have a cleaner home.

    To wear unreasonable shoes and short skirts. To not need a jacket to cover my hips. To fit in my clothes. To have a figure.

    To have a healthy heart, feet, knees. Unswollen ankles. Less stress. More respect. More happiness. To be more fun. For the excess not to disfigure my smile.

    To blend into a crowd. To fit through small doorways. To not feel crowded in a sleeping bag, in the drivers seat, in a room. To feel like I actually belong in this world, not feel like an outsider.
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