30 day shredders...starting Monday!



  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I did Level 2 this morning... it was nice to change things up a bit but I must admit - it was quite a challenge!!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member

    So I've been reading on the message boards that MFP could be overestimating calories burned. I don't have a HRM (yes I know I need to get one), so is it safe to assume that ~200 calories burned is correct for the Shred? I am 128 lbs and 5' 5 1/2". I think MFP shows my 27 minutes of Level 2 at like 205 calories burned. Please let me know what everyone's thoughts are on this.


    Yeah that's pretty accurate. The HRM's results can vary for different people depending on ALOT, height, weight, effort, I mean even depending on how much I work out before the shred, I'll burn less if I work out before! Around 180-200 is pretty darn accurate that's what I've always seen from other people and mine hangs around 200 depending on different factors!

    Thanks Deanna!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Day 10 done! Starting level 2 tomorrow...

    Happy shredding!!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    So I've been reading on the message boards that MFP could be overestimating calories burned. I don't have a HRM (yes I know I need to get one), so is it safe to assume that ~200 calories burned is correct for the Shred? I am 128 lbs and 5' 5 1/2". I think MFP shows my 27 minutes of Level 2 at like 205 calories burned. Please let me know what everyone's thoughts are on this.


    Yeah that's pretty accurate. The HRM's results can vary for different people depending on ALOT, height, weight, effort, I mean even depending on how much I work out before the shred, I'll burn less if I work out before! Around 180-200 is pretty darn accurate that's what I've always seen from other people and mine hangs around 200 depending on different factors!

    Thanks Deanna!

    with your height and weight I would say between 150 and 180 depending on how hard you pushed that day.
    Me personally, with HRM, I am between 120 and 150, but I am 5'2" and 107 lbs. The smaller you are the less you burn, it sucks but it's true. Since you are practically at your ideal weight as it is, you should expect to be on the lower end of the burn. I am so jealous at the people that can burn 300+ doing Shred! I have to run a 5K to get that kind of burn!
  • Sad to see level 1 go last night but on to level 2 today. Kinda nervous its going to be tough. I just finally got the grove with level 1. Can't wait to get to it after work. People who are on level 2 am I going to die later? LOL!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks Robin!

    I've been taking into account that MFP is probably overshooting my calories burned so I try to leave some uneaten calories at the end of the day. I guess when weigh-in Monday comes around we'll see how it's working out for me.

    ttv - Yes you are going to die later! Especially when you get to the chair arm raise strength move at the end!! Best of luck to you though. . .just push through it!!! :)
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    So I did D4 L2 last night and got up and did D5 L2 this morning. I'm half way there!!! And I can see my abs! I had to show them off to my husband this morning. :wink: I'm really looking forward to another 15 days to see how much more my body changes.

    Keep Shredding!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good morning,

    I completed day 1 level 2. since is was my first day doing level 2 it was so hard. my legs were like jello, towards the end. she kicked my butt with the planks to work the abs. by that time I wanted it to be OVER!!! overall, not bad but also not so good. tomorrow is a new day.

    I burned 220 calories doing level 2 (that is less than level one) but I sweated more..go figure:ohwell:

    Happy shredding!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I did Level 2 this morning... it was nice to change things up a bit but I must admit - it was quite a challenge!!

    I am looking forward to that challenge tonight after work ... I hear there are planks involved ... I hate planks LOL
  • Whooo almost time to move on to level 2. So I am feeling very light on my feet today so I decided to step on the scale..... to my surprise... my bmi is down .32 from just last week. Incredible, I feel amazing! I'm almost at my final goal weight, whoooooooo.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Whooo almost time to move on to level 2. So I am feeling very light on my feet today so I decided to step on the scale..... to my surprise... my bmi is down .32 from just last week. Incredible, I feel amazing! I'm almost at my final goal weight, whoooooooo.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Deanna - That's great!!!! I'm ~8 lbs away from mine. I'm sooo hoping to be there by Thanksgiving! And I think the Shred has been doing wonders for me!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I have an issue...

    So, I skipped yesterday because my knee hurt. It still kinda hurts. I am the type of person that can't do something halfway. I either do it for 30 days or I don't do it....
    So now I kinda feel like I ruined it and I shouldn't bother with the rest, because I missed day ten.
    If I DO do it today, would that be day ten or day 11? If it's still my day ten then I will finish a day later than everyone else...but if I call today Day 11, then I will only really do 29 days.
    The OCD part of me can't have either one of those situations. It has to be 30 times in 30 days.
    So I feel like I failed and shouldn't bother any more at all.

    I'm so neurotic and obsessive I let things like this ruin my day. I really don't know what to do to make it right in my MIND, even though either of those situations would work for anyone else. I hate OCDs....
    I have to find a way to go back to yesterday and do it so all can be right with the world!
  • I have an issue...

    So, I skipped yesterday because my knee hurt. It still kinda hurts. I am the type of person that can't do something halfway. I either do it for 30 days or I don't do it....
    So now I kinda feel like I ruined it and I shouldn't bother with the rest, because I missed day ten.
    If I DO do it today, would that be day ten or day 11? If it's still my day ten then I will finish a day later than everyone else...but if I call today Day 11, then I will only really do 29 days.
    The OCD part of me can't have either one of those situations. It has to be 30 times in 30 days.
    So I feel like I failed and shouldn't bother any more at all.

    I'm so neurotic and obsessive I let things like this ruin my day. I really don't know what to do to make it right in my MIND, even though either of those situations would work for anyone else. I hate OCDs....
    I have to find a way to go back to yesterday and do it so all can be right with the world!

    I'm usually the same way. I actually skipped a couple days because of similar issues one day and sheer laziness the other day. I felt horrible about it, even though I'm not trying to do a schedule with everyone else, but I WANTED to be done in 30 days. I decided to take the smarter route and count the number of workouts I did instead of the number of days. So while technically I *could* be on Day 6 of Level 2, I'm only on Day 4. I'm just making sure I do each Level 10 days total, and trying to do one/day.

    Maybe you could just do it twice today? I know that seems sorta stupid and maybe it's too "much" but do it once, then wait a couple hours to recover, then do it again. That would make it "right" technically... :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    Maybe you could just do it twice today? I know that seems sorta stupid and maybe it's too "much" but do it once, then wait a couple hours to recover, then do it again. That would make it "right" technically... :)

    THAT is a great idea. It puts it back on track and all would be right with my world.... However, my knee still hurts and I don't know if I should do it at all, never mind twice! :noway:

    I also miss running, and some of my other DVDs. I can only do so much in one day, and if I do the shred I can't do anything else that day due to lack of time and risk of injury...so I haven't done anything else in the last week and a half....

    I think I'm going to give up on trying to get 30 days under my belt and just go back to alternating running with assorted videos and weight training.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    level 2 day 1 in the books ... 11 days done

    D1 9/30 - 171.6
    Heart Rate Max: 152
    Heart Rate Avg: 119
    Calories Burned: * 205 (note: the HRM shows 180 BUT I had to do the beginning warm up again because the HRM "0" out at some point so I started over. I had done the full circuit cardio 1 before noticing ... tomorrow will be more accurate)

    Side Note on Level 2: Those with bad knees MAY have a hard time with this level. I suggest wrapping your knees if you can or bracing them somehow. An ankle brace wouldn't be a bad idea either. There is a lot of jumping involved and a lot of jumping up from a plank position involved. Overall impression? I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I completed day 17 today. However, I did level 1 instead, I just wasn't feeling level 2 today, maybe I need to rest for a few days.
    Keep up the god work ladies!! I'll be back next time I don't feel like crap.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I completed day 17 today. However, I did level 1 instead, I just wasn't feeling level 2 today, maybe I need to rest for a few days.
    Keep up the god work ladies!! I'll be back next time I don't feel like crap.

    at the urging of my friends I am taking every tuesday COMPLETELY OFF! It's good to have a day of rest. When I did I found that I have lost weight LOL yeah, I am having a ton of rethinking to do about all of this.

    As far as Level 2 goes; I just started last night and I both dread and look forward to doing it.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Karen - Sooo true about the knees and Level 2! I was thinking this morning how I was going to ask if anyone else was feeling Level 2 in their knees and ankles. . .

    So I did Level 2 this morning - Day 16 for me! My in-laws are coming tomorrow and I'm crazy busy this weekend anyways with things for a board that I'm on, so my goal is going to be to get my 30DS workouts in both Saturday and Sunday and to eat semi-healthy. . .fingers crossed anways!
  • tucker38
    tucker38 Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing the 30 day shred too. I started Sept 27.....just wondering are u still at level 1 and how many calories are u putting in for it????
  • I thought I died twice during level 2 LOL those jumping jacks with the twist about knocked me over! I do have to say I liked level 1 way better. Some of the things on level 2 I can't do for long so I have to run in place once I can't do any more. I burnt less calories on D1L2. This morning I burnt more but I also tried out every move instead of standing there with my mouth open going I can't do that lol. I guess my tip of the day is push through it I have a lot of weight on me and I was able to do it. I am hoping by day 10 of level 2 I can do everything all the way through.

    Wonder what's in store on level 3 LOL! :noway:
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