

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    What a fun day I had today. Got to play golf and the high temp was only 89!!Such a relief after so many days of 100+. My back does feel a little wonky but it was worth it!
    LinC - I was going to predict that you would start to feel better in a week but then I read you DO fee better. Yea!
    Barbie - so glad your pup is ok. Vets do charge a lot but as I say about DS, they go to school for years to be able to do that job.
    Rhonda - your day sounds like a great day. Love to watch the DGKs play sports.
    Renny - tomorrow may be the perfect day to start your strength training. Just sayin.......
    Yanniejannie - you had lots of good exercise today. That's awesome that you're more flexible than the younger girls
    Kay - good luck with your BL contest. You can do this!
    TexasGal - love the cartoon. I'm like Barbie - everyday is a weekend for me!
    Katia - wow your DH did good to bring home 40 lbs of salmon. That's big $$$$$. Hope your deck project goes well.
    Grandmallie - I agree with the rest that you were right to help the lady but be careful opening your window at 4:30 in the morning.
    Debbie - welcome to the group. Hope you'll come back often and chat.
    Meg - you had quite a night. Poor guy, so glad there are nurses like you.
    Sherry in AZ - so glad you found the thread and feel ready to get a new start on your life.Sorry for your loss.
    Suki - good luck on your journey.
    Vickie - It was cooler here today also. It really makes a difference in your energy level.
    Kathy NB Canada - welcome to the thread. We have lots of girls from Canada.
    Time to get something done. BBT
    Sue in TX
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    We certainly are busy this September. I'm trying to keep up with all the posts but end up running out of time. I am still adjusting to the busier schedule. I have to be up at to work for 8 am. I just can't bring myself to thinking about getting to the Y before work. So when I get off work at 4:30 I head straight to the Y. I don't get home until about 7 so then it's cooking dinner, packing lunch, making my ice green tea for the following day. I try to go to bed by 10.

    Today was a cardio day. I did a mile on the track and 45 min on the bike. I was able to ride 8 miles on the bike tonight.

    I am really hoping that this will help my sleep. Since getting my fitbit one my average "awakenings" is about 25 a night. This means that I move that many times in about 8 hours. My sleep seems to be getting worse. I guess time will tell.

    I am hoping to respond to some posts tomorrow. Just know I'm thinking about you and cheering you all on.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Phoo, you are a better woman than I. That sweet roll would have found a way into my plan.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Went to the doctor to discuss blood test results, which of course I already knew, since I can check on line for my results. Doc saw right away that I had lost weight! I told him what I had been doing. I do have high blood pressure now, and he wants to see me in 3 months to see if all my healthy eating and walking are helping. He acknowledged how difficult it is to lose weight as you get older, and that he is less concerned about the scale than my fitness. Anyway, I was very encouraged by his positive reaction of my healthier life style. One of the things that always is an issue for me is when you have a (fairly) new doctor, he does not know you so well. For example, next time I should remind him that I have not been overweight my whole life, only since mid-life.

    Does your doctor really know you?

    I used to be quite slim, and in fact skinny, so when I look at my reflection in store windows I have been so surprised that that reflection is of me.

    :smile: DH is back from his trip, which makes me a much happier person. I took a day off today and made dinner, chicken and veggies and a little bit of yam. Had a salad with seeds at lunch and a smoothie for breakfast. I really hope the scale will show some more loss in the next couple of days.

    :flowerforyou: kevrit - you and me both on the alcohol. DH usually greets me with a glass of wine when I come home from work. No more! My line is: "No thank you, I won't be having any tonight". And emotional eating? Welcome to the club.

    Okay, I also decided I will do some arm pumping while watching tv between 7 and 7:30 PM each evening (Wheel of Fortune). Brought some dumbbells down for that purpose. I better go do that right now. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    Early morning swim, followed by work, and then some strength training.
    Renny–I have to put strength training on my schedule to increase the likelihood that I’ll actually go; it also helps that I have a couple of routines I can do at home
    Dr.Katie–good luck with the contest; we have an employee wellness program at the university here and this year they are having us accumulate points towards some (as yet unknown) incentive at the end of each semester; I’m hoping it will help keep from gaining my usual 10 lbs over the winter
    Michele–finally a string of great days to enjoy your pool
    Joyce–writing your book appears to be very good for your outlook on life; congrats on doing 3 miles on the treadmill
    Grandmallie–completely agree with Gail; so glad someone noticed the changes you’ve made in your life
    Meg–what a clinical experience!!
    Heather–sometimes planning a trip can be as much fun as the trip itself as you realize the many possibilities; hope something great works out for you
    Pat–great willpower
    Suki–sounds like you have a good plan in place
    Linda–glad you had a better day
    Sandy–keep up the good work
    Welcome to everyone new! Good night,
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am just so frustrated:grumble: :grumble: My laptop is still giving me total grief. I think I have it fixed, it says it is connected to my router but yet it won't let me go anywhere on the internet. It is so sporadic, makes my weight loss seem wonderful! :laugh: So Since the Presidents speech took some of my TV programming off I just turned the TV off and am now back on my PC. I go to the podiatrist for my 2 week check on the toe nails he removed. They look totally different from each other, you never would have guess they were removed the same way and the same chemicals put on them. Tomorrow also is my official weigh in, measurement and blood sugar day. The only thing that has been good there the last couple of weeks has been the blood sugar. I am glad of that though since it means I am doing the right things on the diet. It's just not showing at this time on the rest of my body, But I went through a plataeu before and with the help of you girls I got through it emotionally.

    Meg, you are a woman after my own heart. I live the nursing years that MS took away from me through you. So jsut keep on with your stories of critical care!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: For months I have been mourning the absence of friends to walk with…they have all faded away for different reasons. Last week we drove by the turnoff to the parking area for my favorite stretch of the Olympic Discovery Trail and it suddenly occurred to me that I could walk there by myself instead of feeling sad that there was no one to walk with. Jake can’t walk that part of the trail because of all the hills. So today when Jake had a friend over for a visit, I got in the car and drove off to have my walk……it was fabulous…..along the bay, through the trees and past the campsites at the state park. There’s a good rest room along the route to make it even better.

    :flowerforyou: I thought the 100+ dollars that it cost at the vet was a lot but then I realized that it was a small price to pay for reassurance that Brandy was OK….then my friend who also has a black standard poodle told me that the monthly blood tests her dog has for a liver ailment cost $237….then I was really grateful.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, welcome, you’ll find lots of kindred spirits here who have struggled with slow weight loss…..please keep coming back and join our community.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I blame my occasional bouts of sleeplessness on an active mind…..i move into the guest room with my book and enjoy the opportunity to read.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, it can be such a challenge finding a holiday that both partners can agree on.

    Sherry, welcome….congrats on your good beginning……come back to this thread and participate and one day at a time you’ll continue your successful journey.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I listen to audio books in the car and have found humor to be a good choice……the whole series of books by Jill Conner Brown about the Sweet Potato Queens kept me entertained for a long time…..also books about health (“Salt Sugar Fat”………A.J. Jacobs….Drop Dead Healthy” )

    :bigsmile: Pat, throwing away “bad” food is an even bigger victory than passing it up at the table.

    :flowerforyou: BJ, I can’t imagine the strain of being next to chocolate fondue and resisting.

    :bigsmile: Suki, yoga instead of overeating seems like a good tradeoff.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I get automated phone calls from my medical insurance company with “helpful advice”…..they do ask me if I’m interested in hearing it…..and sometimes I get letters with suggested screenings….

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, good luck getting off the medicine…congrats on the NSV

    :flowerforyou: Linda, I’m happy to hear that the pain is nearly gone.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, welcome….those are very realistic goals……I have dogs….I have to walk every day whether I want to or not.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, stay in the moment with your daughter…….don’t write the next chapter of the story

    :bigsmile: Sue in TX……I know you’re happy to be playing golf.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, it’s good to find a schedule that fits your style…..getting up early has always worked for me.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, exercise while watching TV is a great plan.

    :explode: :grumble: :angry: Joyce, computer problems always make me crazy.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    35,000 steps today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • YoungGma29
    Pat, A fellow Arizonan! Whoo Hoo! Buckeye is just west of Phoenix. I work in downtown phoenix and it is about a 35 mile drive one way.
  • mnsailorgal
    mnsailorgal Posts: 2 Member
    lets do this.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Wow! 2.3 minutes is a long time to hold a plank. WTG! :bigsmile: Congratulations on the praise at Yoga. It is well deserved.:flowerforyou:

    Molly Whippet: I listen to audio-books often. It started during my long commutes to work and since I retired I still listen. I’m a romance fan and have no mysteries to suggest.:noway:

    Grandmallie: I agree with Gail about the lady in need. On a personal level, I wouldn’t stop or open the window. I do think you’re a soft touch, but that isn’t a bad thing. You have a generous heart.:heart:

    Meg: What an amazing experience at the hospital. Your patient sounds like he was blitzed on drugs, but there was still a decent person inside. Drugs and addiction are terrifying. Good luck with your daughter. If you are patient enough, you may win in the end. Being a parent is not for wimps.:noway: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia IN KS: I listen to audiobooks frequently. I started while I was commuting 2-3 hours a day and kept it up after I retired. I am not a mystery fan, though, so I have no suggestions.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: Throwing away “sweetie treaties” is a very big NSV. Congratulations.:bigsmile:

    Lin: Glad to hear you had a good day.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: Buying forty pounds of salmon is costly. We’re lucky to have a good neighbor who really knows what he’s doing that takes DH out fishing sometimes. DH caught two fish, and their weight totaled forty pounds. They’re cut into fillets and steaks, wrapped, and in our freezer now. We had one piece as a celebration. The salmon from previous years (and the grocery store) that was still in the freezer has been put into a brine and will be made into smoked salmon tomorrow. I am feeling a bit foolish about being so miserly eating the fish in the freezer that a few pieces were nearly ruined just by freezer burn. One was so bad we threw it out. :blushing: No more of that. We’ll eat it regularly until it is gone and remember it fondly.:smile:

    Renny: The doctors that knew me both retired the same month I did. My new doctor and I are getting acquainted. It is odd starting over, but not necessarily a bad thing. Finding someone new is a real struggle, though. It took me months because we were looking for doctors closer to home. Our previous doctors were close to where we used to live but far from our current home so we didn’t want to be passed along to other doctors in their practices.

    Barbie: I’m so glad you enjoyed your walk today. Good for you to go on a trail that you love. :bigsmile: Were the dogs along? I also have occasional bouts of sleeplessness and have been known to move into the guest room to read. Sometimes it is because DH is snoring like a bear in a cave, but sometimes I’m just wound up.:ohwell:

    I’m ready for bed. We had a good, but busy day. We worked on peeling the rubberized coating off of our bedroom balcony, and took care of some personal business. I also had a lovely walk with a neighbor and put my very first batch of salmon into a pot with sugar, salt, garlic and onions to prepare it for smoking tomorrow. I hope we end up liking it. It would be very disappointing to go to so much effort and produce inedible food. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Hello everyone. Happy Tuesday.

    I live in the Santa Cruz mountains. Am used to deer and raccoon in my backyard, even the random, foxes, bobcats & coyotes. But driving home tonight, I encountered the one animal that really alarms me to have nearby, even from the protection of a car.

    Almost home, and there it was. It knew I was there but didn't rush to get out of my way. Just kept flipping it's tail at me. Bustled from one side of the road to the other. I just stayed frozen with my foot on the brake, considering backing up and taking a different route. But then he sashayed his way up into a field. When his fluffy white-striped black tail finally disappeared beyond a tree, I knew he was out of spraying range and it was safe to proceed.

    Cute little skunk, though. Just didn't want to have to wash my car in tomato juice.:smile:

  • jackiebertram65
    Somehow I never saw this group on the Message board until now.

    YoYonomore, You are doing wonderful ! I am a retired teacher and when I was teaching new subjects and trying to stay one step ahead with curriculum and lesson plans , also had husband, children, a home, cat and dog I NEVER HAD TIME TO FIT IN EXERCISE ! GOOD FOR YOU. I saw your before and now pictures, you have done great !

    September goals: stay on program, don't cheat, exercise and smile ! I am losing slowly, but thats ok with me, in a year I will weigh less and I won't be as likely to gain it back.

    Good Luck everyone with your goals.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    good morning ladies, and yes Im sitting at my laptop at 2:15 in the morning, got 4 3/4 hrs sleep. it is muggy and I cant sleep..thank goodness I dont go into work until noon today.maybe somewhere i can catch a nap...
    well I got on the scale this morning and I am up a lb:grumble: under the calorie count but who knows,could be sodium...
    Oh well ,you know me not givin up ,just keep on truckin
    I finally got out of the DH what he was so freakin pissy about.. seems that I got one of the awards in the mail..remember I got 100 debit card for filling out wellness stuff through DH work.. well I did the 3 installment and got the card. the last one DH got he gave to me to get the DGD uniforms for school. I was going to save this one for vacation, he used his first one to pay prescriptions with, second one for DGD, and he hasn't done his 3rd one yet, so he was pissed that I wanted my third one.. I just said keep it,you gave up your last one for Taliah and you can still do your 3rd one to make up for it.. so I dont sweat the small stuff,if he is going to blow up over 100 bucks than just keep it:frown:
    LinC- I am not going off the BP meds ,staying on those ,just want to get off the Omeprazole.. I am going to call my insurance company and see if there are any naturopathic drs that are covered.. because I have Poly Cystic Kidney disease I will always have to have a nephrologist ,but would like to take a more natural route for the rest of my health
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Grandmalie you are so right - don't sweat the small stuff!:flowerforyou:

    Katla - I amazed that DGS hasn't hit the terrible twos yet, but he's still got time!:laugh: I wonder what he's going to be like when his new baby sister arrives. His father was horrific at an even younger age - his tantrums were amazing. He used to get into quite an out of body state, with glassy eyes, a bit like Meg's patient, and there was nothing you could do with him. It used to frighten me. My DDIL is very stable of temperament so maybe he has inherited hers and not his dad's!

    Isn't it great that so many of us are adding strength training to our routines. I am a convert, having never done anything like it in my life before. I like the fact you can track your progress and as well as getting the physical benefits you can also see the results on your body. I think all this is very new for our age group and gender, but it is a good change. Most of my friends though just look completely blank when I mention it as if they could not conceive of such a thing!:tongue: Good to know there are some like minded old ladies in the world!:laugh:

    I have been thinking a bit about why DH is going through a bad patch right now. This is a man who has travelled all over the world for fun and organised and led conferences everywhere. He has always been a nervous type, but his crippling anxiety has only reared its head at times of stress in his life - redundancy, death of a partner etc. So why now?
    My tentative conclusion, and it is very tentative, is that my startling change in weight and health has shifted the dynamics in our relationship. I was only 15 lbs heavier when we met, but soon put on weight and became quite unfit. Then I got cancer and he had to look after me. Then I put on even more weight and became disabled in my normal life, having difficulty even in walking any distance. He really loves to see me happy and healthy and to a large extent is responsible for that, but I wonder if he has lost a role.
    I expect Barbie will tell me not to think too much and not to project, which is wise advice, but I did mention it to him this morning and he thought there was something in it. Part of his brain, he says, fears being abandoned as I might not need him any more. He knows that is not true with his adult brain, but he is an adopted child who was separated from his twin sister.
    Understanding it isn't going to cure it, but I do like to comprehend things. His therapist is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist so she is less interested in causes and more on strategies to change his mind set. He is seeing her this pm.

    Got to get off to our bakery who bake lovely low GI bread on Wednesdays. We buy several at once and put them in the freezer. Today we will be having ham, but tomorrow I'm going to make my favourite, egg sandwiches with mustard and cress I have grown on the kitchen windowsill. Tonight we have some of our garden yellow zucchini staring at us so I'm going to make a veggy risotto with the beans and broccoli that is lurking in the bottom of the fridge. I love using up odds and ends and making something delicious out of it. It makes me feel very virtuous!:bigsmile:

    Bye for now. I will try not to think too much today Barbie.:flowerforyou:

    Heather in cloudy Hampshire UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katla, my walk yesterday was without the dogs……they love walking in our neighborhood and I like that I can get them home in less than 10 minutes from anywhere in the neighborhood. What I was missing was walking somewhere other than my neighborhood and walking at a fast pace without stopping to while the dogs sniffed or barked at birds or rolled in the grass….when Jake fished last year on a generous friend’s boat, he brought home a lot of fish and we narrowly missed having to throw some away because we used it so sparingly and left some in the freezer for a long time.

    :flowerforyou: Paula, great skunk story..glad you came out of the encounter unscathed….great weight loss…keep coming back and share your experience

    :flowerforyou: JackieBertram….welcome….i am a retired teacher and when teaching was very busy all the time…..except for a daily walk, didn’t do much exercise……now I walk and dance all day.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, your new weight, new activities, and new beautiful self are certainly a huge change for your hubby……..sometimes I get so busy with all my activity, I have to make a huge effort to add “time with Jake” to my daily schedule and never miss an opportunity to tell him how much I love him.

    :flowerforyou: grandmallie, you didn't cause your hubby's upset, you can't control it, and you can't cure it, so don't sweat it.

    Breakfast is finished and the dogs are staring at me…….have a super day and stay active.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    jackiebertram- Thank you! I am still struggling to lose the last bit of weight and build more muscle. I was getting frustrated at lack of progress over the last few months, but have come to terms with it. There will be times that I won't progress as steadily, but I will get there! Your post made me stop to think about how far I have come. That you for that. This is a great group of very positive, motivating women who understand what we are going through. They have lots of different experiences and ideas that I find very helpful as I continue on this journey in a healthier lifestyle. Hope you come back often!

    Barbie- Your walk along the trail sounds beautiful! I told DH again this morning that the area you live in is one that I would love to see. The temperature range sounds perfect. I have four more years before I can think about retiring, but would love to take some trips during that time to see where we might like to retire to. I am starting a bucket list of places to check out. Another area I would like to revisit is Stowe, VT. Isn't is funny that the biggest draw for me is a great walking trail! Thank you for the book lists. I am always looking for books to read or listen to on tape. Your reminder to live in the present and not to try to write the future has been a good reminder for me with the situation I dealt with at work last year. I had myself worked up to the point of feeling that I could not possibly go back this fall. Many of your comments to others and a few close friend at work convinced me to at least go back and try. By Sept. I found myself very calmly returning and taking it one day at a time. My high school students are delightful (with the ever-present few challenging ones). The content is much more challenging, but I am enjoying that immensely. Many of my middle school students have come to me to ask why I am not teaching their classes- they miss me. Sorry- long story just to say that I would have saved myself much grief if I had just taken it one day at a time and not played what if. You are a very wise women!! I am so glad I have gotten to know you.

    Heather- You are such an inspiration! I love reading your posts. It would be wonderful to fix meals like you do. I am not a great cook, but DH has worked as a sous chef. He does have trouble keeping meals healthy! Between us, we do okay and are both open for trying new meals. I have been getting idea from your posts. Thanks!! Doesn't it feel great to reflect on how much different life is now that we are healthier than when we weren't living a healthy lifestyle! You son's adventure looks very exciting. DH loved reading about it and wants to know when he exports to the US.

    Joyce- You are doing great! Love to read your stories.

    Meg- I used to work in a hospital as a lab technologist and had many experiences similar to what you described-but never quite that challenging. Probably good experience for your students.

    The new school year is off to a great start! The only glitch is at home. Usually, DH will take over all of what needs to be done at home for the first few weeks so that I can concentrate on getting into a routine. Last Friday he decided to change the light bulbs in our ceiling fan in the living room. We have cathedral ceilings so he has a pole that grips the bulbs so they can be changed without climbing on ladder. Unfortunately one of the bulbs broke and he got an extension ladder to reach the fan. It was really too long and he had it propped against the dining room table. I am sure you can see where this is going. The ladder slipped and he fell about 9 feet. He chipped a bone in his lower leg and is now in an air splint. until he sees the specialist today. Picture Danny Kaye or **** VanDyke on crutches. Between worrying about him hurting himself worse trying to get around, driving him where he wants to go, and doing everything around the house I have been very busy!! We have family from out of state coming in on Monday for a burial service for my sister in law who had lived in Las Vegas. Some are staying here so I am trying to get the house cleaned and meals planned. The lawn needs mowing badly after all of the heat and humidity, but DH won't let me use the mower because it is "touchy". We mow about 3.5 acres. Oh well. They will just see us at less than our best! I am sure the only one this will bother is me. I am trying not to let it upset me as there is nothing to be done about it! Next week will be a big challenge with something extra scheduled every day along with guests. I will be reading all of your posts to help me stay on track!!

    I read all of your posts daily and am cheering you all on even though I haven't been posting often. My brain is usually mush by evening! Time to get ready to leave for the Dr. for DH's foot. Have a great day!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
    Well, I am going to use this thread as sort of an accountability thing. You all keep me accountable! My diary is open so check it out and comment please, both good and bad. I can take it and need it! So far had 1 cup frosted mini-wheats, 1 cup 2% mile, 6 oz of lite cranberry/raspberry juice from Aldi's. Next step is to get walk in around 9 AM. I love this thread and really need to get over my self pity (depression/anxiety) and stick with it. I can only do it with friends and support, so here I am again!

    My goals for September (late but better than nothing!)

    1. log everything that goes into my mouth!
    2. log on here at least once a day (the thread I mean)
    3. not drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day (baby steps when I drink it is way more than this!)
    4. stop the self destructive behaviors! (going to be a tough one!)
    5. find a way to exercise that doesn't cause pain and detour my efforts! (suggestions?)

    Rita from Middle TN
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome to the group. Please sign with your location. It is so much fun knowing where people live. Come back frequently and get to know people.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: There are like-minded women around, but most of them are not quite as gung-ho as this group. A friend was going to a crossfit gym and injured herself, then reinjured herself. She’s about 20 years younger and had to stop training to heal. I think our slower approach is much better. I’m developing real muscles, although I’m not sure how since I’m slacking in the weight training challenge. Regarding disciplines in psychology therapy, I was a psych major in college, and read tons. One of the interesting studies showed that the great masters of psychotherapy were more like one another in actual practice than any of their own best students were like them. I think the relationship between the client and therapist is the key and is more important than the particular discipline. (I ended up becoming a teacher, not a psychologist). I hope your DH has good rapport with his therapist.:flowerforyou:

    Deb A in CNY: “What if” may be one of the most dangerous phrases in the English language with equal potential for good and bad. It can be paralyzing. One day at a time is a very healthy and self-protective approach to most things. It sounds like you’re doing well keeping your sanity despite situational challenges.:smile:

    Rita from TN: My three favorite exercises are walking, yoga, and riding my bike. They’re great cardio exercises, and yoga sometimes leans into cardio/weight training as I use my arms to hoist myself off the ground into interesting shapes. I’d recommend some combination of the three. The nice thing about walking is that it can be done anywhere and requires no special equipment. I am convinced that yoga requires an instructor unless you’re already accomplished. The videos are not adequate help for a beginner. You’re planning big changes. Take them a day at a time, and don’t be discouraged if you slip a little. Just get going again the next day.:flowerforyou:

    I got up early and got my fish out of the brine. It is now on wire racks “curing.” It is supposed to develop something called a pellicle, which is a surface texture. I hope I’ll know it when I see it. I also hope I’ll see it. Later this morning I’ll take the fish over to the neighbors and put it in the smoker. Doing something new is exciting, and also uncertain. I think I’m doing things correctly and will soon know one way or the other.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rita, support and small steps is the key! So what you are doing is absolutely realistic. I have no idea yet either what my favorite exercise it, so I can identify. Just trying out different things may be a good approach to see what sticks and sidesteps the pain. For example yoga does not work as well for me if it includes leaning on my hands, because of arthritis in my hands.

    :flowerforyou: I can officially say I lost 20 lbs! Just moved my ticker this morning. I am so freak'n happy about that.

    Have a great day.

    Vancouver Island.BC
  • YoungGma29
    A beautiful good morning to everyone! Today is perfect weather. I enjoy a beautiful sunrise in my face as I drive to work :) Speaking of work, it has been very stressful lately. Yesterday had me in tears a couple of times out of sheer frustration. But I ended the day on a positive note. On the way home I found myself thinking of which fast food place to stop and get dinner. I REALLY wanted fast food. I have always been such a fast food junkie! Then I pointed out to myself that it was really only emotional eating and that I was much better off going straight home. And I actually listened to myself :0 I work a 10 hour or more day 4 days a week, so I get home so late it is sometimes difficult to get in exercise, dinner and bed at a decent hour. Usually sleep is what is sacrificed. Last night I decided to instead treat myself to a quiet relaxing hour of reading and I ate at home within my daily calories. I still didn't go to bed early enough, but at least I really am enjoying that book :0

    Today is a new day. Hope everyone has a great day!

    Sherry from Buckeye, AZ