


  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Evening all! I made it back home today after a very long 8.5 hrs in the car and stressful traffic :yawn: We had a great vacation but it's always nice to be back home too. Week 7 day 4 Upper Focus is done, it actually felt good after being in the car all day and I am really enjoying the upper body work. I am looking forward to doubles tomorrow. It's hard in the hotel room to get totally into the workouts, and I wasn't doing any of the jumping because I didn't want to annoy the guests below me. So it will be awesome to give it 100% tomorrow. I am also glad to be home and get to get back to my meal plans and some fruits and veggies. I've had enough of dining out for awhile.

    The dissapointing thing today, I realized I forgot my Rip't circuit dvd at the hotel. I took it out of the dvd player but must have layed it down and not put it in the case because when I opened it this evening theres a big old empty spot :sad: :sad: I left a message for housekeeping at the hotel in hopes that they find it and can mail it back to me. Not sure how I'll be able to get just the one dvd if not. Totally sucks.

    Hope you guys are all doing well with your T25 journey!! Bring on the doubles tomorrow! :drinker:
  • danalin26
    danalin26 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm finishing week 5 of alpha tomorrow. I'm super excited to start Beta on Saturday or Monday. I'm also training for a half marathon so I'm doing T25 a little of schedule and a little slower than what he recommends. I think I've taken 7weeks to finish Alpha. I run 3-4 miles and then do T25. Sometimes 1-2miles and two T25's. I'm all over the place LOL. I've lost about 10lbs and 5 inches since alpha. I wish it was more though.
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member

    The dissapointing thing today, I realized I forgot my Rip't circuit dvd at the hotel. I took it out of the dvd player but must have layed it down and not put it in the case because when I opened it this evening theres a big old empty spot :sad: :sad: I left a message for housekeeping at the hotel in hopes that they find it and can mail it back to me. Not sure how I'll be able to get just the one dvd if not. Totally sucks.

    Hope you guys are all doing well with your T25 journey!! Bring on the doubles tomorrow! :drinker:

    I asked customer relations! I'll let you know when I get a response! Sending you a pm.
  • are822
    are822 Posts: 46 Member
    Managed to get Rip't Circuit done last night before going to my gym and taking a RIPPED class. I feel so ripped! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    Tammy - I hope you get your disc back!

    I did both Rip't Circuit and Speed 2.0 this morning and was a sweaty mess by the end. The boyfriend walked by during the Speed burnout and said "That video is frightening". LOL! That's the one that's easiest for me!

    Anyhow, I'm glad it's done, and got to log a whopping 606 calories burned.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Oh I hope you can get your disc back, rip't is one of my favorites...

    I just finished Rip't but have decided to wait till after lunch to do Speep 2.0, I really enjoy speed and want to be able to nail it.
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member

    The dissapointing thing today, I realized I forgot my Rip't circuit dvd at the hotel. I took it out of the dvd player but must have layed it down and not put it in the case because when I opened it this evening theres a big old empty spot :sad: :sad: I left a message for housekeeping at the hotel in hopes that they find it and can mail it back to me. Not sure how I'll be able to get just the one dvd if not. Totally sucks.

    Hope you guys are all doing well with your T25 journey!! Bring on the doubles tomorrow! :drinker:

    I asked customer relations! I'll let you know when I get a response! Sending you a pm.

    They just emailed me back and said the don't have just single replacements. :( you might try looking on amazon.com or some place like that.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I had to switch up the schedule a little since I lost that disk. So today I did upper focus and core cardio. Great news though, the hotel could not locate the dvd so I spoke to customer service at beachbody and they are sending me the dvd at no charge :happy: Such awesome customer service! If they hadn't already had me as a customer for life this would have sealed the deal.

    Looking forward to weigh in and measurements tomorrow. I had gained about 2 lbs during vacation but according to the scale this morning I've already lost almost all of it again. Hopefully it doesn't sneak up on me in the next few days. Hope you all have a great weekend. I plan on enjoying the last few days of my vacation before heading back to work Tuesday :cry: bummer!!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I got the double done.

    Anyone else feel exhausted but yet so amazing after Double Friday? I feel like I've earned my rest day tomorrow!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I got the double done.

    Anyone else feel exhausted but yet so amazing after Double Friday? I feel like I've earned my rest day tomorrow!

    Ditto Feel like I've earned tomorrow off - its a great incentive to try and fit in both.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    My Friday's Double Day was AWESOME! I burned OVER 700 cals doing the workouts, stretch @ running up & down the stairs to stir the salsa I was making! Looking forward to having a days rerst! I may do Monday's workout on Sunday cuz I will be traveling Monday! maybe.....
    Have a great weekend T25'ers!!
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I had to switch up the schedule a little since I lost that disk. So today I did upper focus and core cardio. Great news though, the hotel could not locate the dvd so I spoke to customer service at beachbody and they are sending me the dvd at no charge :happy: Such awesome customer service! If they hadn't already had me as a customer for life this would have sealed the deal.

    Looking forward to weigh in and measurements tomorrow. I had gained about 2 lbs during vacation but according to the scale this morning I've already lost almost all of it again. Hopefully it doesn't sneak up on me in the next few days. Hope you all have a great weekend. I plan on enjoying the last few days of my vacation before heading back to work Tuesday :cry: bummer!!

    That is great news, glad you called! When I messaged they were like we're not responsible for lost disc.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I had to switch up the schedule a little since I lost that disk. So today I did upper focus and core cardio. Great news though, the hotel could not locate the dvd so I spoke to customer service at beachbody and they are sending me the dvd at no charge :happy: Such awesome customer service! If they hadn't already had me as a customer for life this would have sealed the deal.

    Looking forward to weigh in and measurements tomorrow. I had gained about 2 lbs during vacation but according to the scale this morning I've already lost almost all of it again. Hopefully it doesn't sneak up on me in the next few days. Hope you all have a great weekend. I plan on enjoying the last few days of my vacation before heading back to work Tuesday :cry: bummer!!

    That is great news, glad you called! When I messaged they were like we're not responsible for lost disc.

    Thanks for trying for me, I appreciate it. Just glad it worked out :smile:
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Looking forward to starting week 8 tomorrow!! Wow, week 8 already, it really flew by!
  • BrandiL83
    BrandiL83 Posts: 100 Member
    Im starting on Tuesday (October 1). Im excited!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    Week 8(!) cardio done! I'm hopping a flight tonight for a work conference, so T25 and a resistance band are going into my suitcase so I can keep working out for the rest of the week.

    I'm already dreading the food this week - I anticipate them trying to serve us lots of bagels and sandwiches, ugh (I'm gluten intolerant, of course). I'm packing some protein powder and a shaker bottle. Little ziplock baggies of white protein powder are sure to get me stopped at airport security!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Week 8 Day 1 Core Cardio Done! Even jumped on the elliptical for a bit after and hoping to get a bike ride in later. I am dreading getting up early tomorrow for my workout and going back to work after all this vacation time :ohwell: I guess I have to get back to reality at some point. Happy Monday everyone!

    @jmc413 Safe travels to you and good luck on the diet while away!
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    T25 Deluxe + Gamma on the way... cannot wait to get started!

    My strategy is T25 + Sedentary TDEE - 20% + Eating Back Exercise Calories.

    I am a 31 yr old male, Currently 170lbs @ 26.3% BF (all 3 fat2fit BF calculators averaged), goal is 150lbs @ 17% BF.

    Will be using an HRM to count cals burned.

    Taking measurements, weighing, doing pictures, etc... documenting everything!

    I am PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am thinking of doing Alpha and Beta in order, but also doing some/all Gamma for strength training at the same time. Is this a good idea?

    A lot of people say how important it is to do some kind of strength training, i.e. Strong Lifts, Starting Strength, etc, while you are on a cal deficit to prevent muscle loss. Is Gamma good for this? The whole program? or a specific disc?

    I think Gamma comes with a "Hybrid Calendar" for integrating it with Alpha and Beta at the same time but I haven't actually gotten it yet so I don't know.

    Any advice?
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I just finished my first week of Alpha and so far, I love it! I'm not trying to lose any more weight, but I definitely want to become more toned. I have the Alpha and Beta and I also ordered Gamma.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Week 8 Day 2 Upper Focus is done. It was a little rough after all the time off getting up to an alarm this morning and working out but it's done. First day back to work is dragging :ohwell:

    I really enjoy upper body. It's great to be building up more strenght in my arms. Hope everyone is doing well today!