Female users with 'mommy' or 'wifey' in name



  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    i think they mean its harder getting a PHD than it is raising a child since raising is a child is innate. we've been raising children for thousands of years.

    Well, yes, raising a child has been around for awhile. People have the aptitude to be great parents, but it requires tons of effort. It's hard, hard work. People have been progressing and evolving and striving as long as kids have been born. Getting a PhD is just our society's recognition/version of it, but the nature of what it takes to get one is also nothing new. Learning, striving, proving oneself, nothing new there either.

    When women compete and succeed in areas that formerly were closed to women that IS new and harder.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    Also, and I apologize if I am mistaken and this wasn't you, but the last user picture I saw from you was a close up of your (beautiful and quite nicely shaped) breasts, so please don't judge women by what they choose to represent themselves on MFP. Unless you want to argue that women and their breasts and how society views all of that is unrelated to men. :ohwell:

    I've started my drinking for the night so I'm not going to really approach the condescending "I have an education and I'm not telling" and trying to use fancy words (i.e. all the words that I used before) thrown in with a date (1990's sociology? You mean all of feminism?) to undermine my argument. BUT.

    Yes. That was me. I put up rather lovely pictures of my boobs on Fridays. It has nothing to do with men. I have a boyfriend and find plenty of affirmation about the beauty of my breasts outside of the internet (I live in Manhattan for Christ's sake!). I'm allowed to love and be proud of my body and I actually do identify with my breasts as something that I've always loved about myself.

    So excuse me but *expletive* you and your slut shaming! How uncalled for!

    Oh and p.s. if you were really educated and knew anything about sociology or feminism you wouldn't make such a fool of yourself by posting something like that. By trying a personal attack you've proven that you really know nothing about what we're talking about.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    take the average person off the street and see which one is easier for them. my guess is raising a child.

    I hope not.

    most average people off teh street have a very small chance of completing a PHD program. lots of average people raise kids all the time.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Meh, if you take your user name seriously, don't expect that everyone else does the same. I really don't care as much about coffee as my name implies, for instance ;). I like being 'defined' by something generic. Then folks have fewer chances to insert ridiculous stereotyping, as folks will do.

    Sociologically speaking, though (and it's not my field at all), couldn't men be the ones who are odd for not thinking of their wives or children as often when choosing off-the-cuff screen names?

    I don't think it points to a patriarchy. A gender difference, yes. But so many folks use pets' names and food names that I can't see screen names as indicative as much more than what people like. The gender difference might be interesting, but when having children also affects the body so much, I don't think it's odd on a fitness site. It seems like a no-brainer that many women join when trying to get in shape after giving birth.

    And I agree that mentioning a husband or a boyfriend online is often used to avoid being hit on too much. It's the internet. If you are a woman, you have to know what I mean, lol.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I just used my real name. Binary Pulsar is my real name.

    nice butt!

    Thanks :blushing:
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Why, I just couldn't come up with anything else! (smh)
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member

    Is it really so strange for people to take pride in whatever areas of their lives they chose, and to subsequently identify themselves by it?

    Quote reply solely to get the Black Adder gif in the thread again.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    It personally bothers me a bit to see those kinds of name, but that's a ME issue. I hate to be defined by other people and I feel that using mommy or wifey means that a person is defined by being the mommy and/or wifey of X as opposed to opting for something that defines themselves. As I said, that's my perspective though. If that's how a person chooses to name themselves than more power to them. I'll just continue letting it annoy me.

    I'm sure there's names men tend to use that drive me nuts as well, I just can't think of any.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    When women compete and succeed in areas that formerly were closed to women that IS new and harder.

    It's new. It's quite notable. It's admirable. It's groundbreaking. How do you measure harder?

    Every woman who is a mother was new at it at one time. Women having the biological ability to become mothers doesn't make it less difficult work.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    Everyone can have a baby. Not everyone can be a parent.
  • It personally bothers me a bit to see those kinds of name, but that's a ME issue.

    I feel the same way. I personally dislike kids and the overzealous parents of those kids, but it's not worth much more than an eyebrow twitch to me if someone wants to have "mommy" or "wifey" in their screen name.
  • JBearsMom21
    JBearsMom21 Posts: 90 Member
    Because I'm a mom... :huh:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Many thousands of years of evolution.

    Or god, if you're of the FSM variety.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    By the by, all you need for most PhDs is time and patience to live on a crap income for years. Thats pretty much it.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Because I'm a mom... :huh:

    I'm not really a chocolate bear
  • Hollabauler
    Hollabauler Posts: 44 Member

    Who cares??? If that's what they're proud of, that's fine.

    I'm not a wifey or a mommy, and I doubt I'll ever use those handles, but I found this post humorous.
  • Hollabauler
    Hollabauler Posts: 44 Member
    I just used my real name. Binary Pulsar is my real name.

    nice butt!

    Thanks :blushing:

    bwahahahahahahahaaa!!! that's hilarious. Love it.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I've started my drinking for the night so I'm not going to really approach the condescending "I have an education and I'm not telling" and trying to use fancy words (i.e. all the words that I used before) thrown in with a date (1990's sociology? You mean all of feminism?) to undermine my argument. BUT.

    Yes. That was me. I put up rather lovely pictures of my boobs on Fridays. It has nothing to do with men. I have a boyfriend and find plenty of affirmation about the beauty of my breasts outside of the internet (I live in Manhattan for Christ's sake!). I'm allowed to love and be proud of my body and I actually do identify with my breasts as something that I've always loved about myself.

    So excuse me but *expletive* you and your slut shaming! How uncalled for!

    Oh and p.s. if you were really educated and knew anything about sociology or feminism you wouldn't make such a fool of yourself by posting something like that. By trying a personal attack you've proven that you really know nothing about what we're talking about.

    You've actually proven my point but don't really realize it. Can you please point out where I slut shamed you? I don't care what your user picture is in the same way I don't care if another woman's user name is that she is someone's mom. I don't define your body by men, and I don't define a mom through a man either. That is the point.

    I wasn't trying to personally attack you and so won't apologize for it. I wasn't even trying to point out the hypocrisy of your words. I was illustrating to you how the rationale you used is pretty far reaching if we're going to apply it liberally.

    Does your personal attack mean that you know nothing about what we're talking about?

    Yes. That was me. I put up rather lovely username with my kids' names. It has nothing to do with men. I have children and find plenty of affirmation about myself outside of the internet (I live in Manhattan for Christ's sake!). I'm allowed to love and be proud of my children and I actually do identify with my kids as something that I've always loved about myself and my life.


    PS: The normalization of breasts is something that I think would do wonders for female youth. Display 'em all you want. I think that everyone should have checked under their shirts when they recoiled from JJ's nipple. If girls didn't grow up with the mixed messages about breasts being simultaneously shameful and something to display and be evaluated on, they'd be a lot better off. I don't consider that slutty. I also don't care what people do with their sex lives as long as they aren't hurting anyone, so slut really isn't in my vocab.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    By the by, all you need for most PhDs is time and patience to live on a crap income for years. Thats pretty much it.


    Parenting and PhD's ... more alike than we would like to admit!
  • JBearsMom21
    JBearsMom21 Posts: 90 Member
    Are you sure?
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