Crazy "B"s - What do you look for in a man?



  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    Recently, MFP user aae2808 inquired,
    TOPIC: Follow up Q - do you men want a Crazy B!tch

    I very much enjoyed the thread, but I'm curious. If you are indeed a completely loopy broad - whether manic pixie dream girl or full-blown Fatal Attraction - what is it that you look for in a prospective object of unhealthy fixation?

    Looking forward to improving my crazygame,
    Money is a nonfactor. For some reason I end up with a lot of broke guys living off unemployment checks, and I could not care less. I'm probably as shallow as the next b1tch, but for me it's about the looks. My grandma always told me I should be more of a golddigger for my own good, and she was probably right, but I've never been able to bring myself to give a hoot about whether a guy's broke or not. Besides, a lot of the people who ended up with good careers were the boring ones, the accountant types, and that's the opposite of the sort of guy I have anything in common with or find attractive at all. :-( I mostly end up with musicians, artists, and IT guys for some reason.

    I feel you here. The guys I tend to be attracted to are broke, and I end up being the breadwinner. That's how it was for 90% of my marriage (which ended). The last guy I dated was the one exception- he actually made a ton of money- but I found that he was wayyyy overly fixated on it. Such a turn off.

    I think financial responsibility is important.

    it is. I don't need someone to make TONS of money, or even more than I make - I usually date older but I make great money for my age. I would like someone with a job who pays all their own bills though. that's a non negotiable.
    Yeah, that's what I've been shooting for in the last couple of years - it's like, "Just have a job, any job, or at least be collecting unemployment." Because like the other chick who posted, I ended up supporting my last ex for over a year. Mofo just flat-out refused to get a job. He would lie and say that he'd been putting in job applications, but I would find out it was total horsecrap and he'd been playing video games all day, LMFAO. I don't think he was purposely using me, but it was SO frustrating. I finally kicked him out. I couldn't do it anymore. To have to pull your own weight and a grown-*kitten* 32-year-old man's dead weight as well is a horrible feeling.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Recently, MFP user aae2808 inquired,
    TOPIC: Follow up Q - do you men want a Crazy B!tch

    I very much enjoyed the thread, but I'm curious. If you are indeed a completely loopy broad - whether manic pixie dream girl or full-blown Fatal Attraction - what is it that you look for in a prospective object of unhealthy fixation?

    Looking forward to improving my crazygame,
    Money is a nonfactor. For some reason I end up with a lot of broke guys living off unemployment checks, and I could not care less. I'm probably as shallow as the next b1tch, but for me it's about the looks. My grandma always told me I should be more of a golddigger for my own good, and she was probably right, but I've never been able to bring myself to give a hoot about whether a guy's broke or not. Besides, a lot of the people who ended up with good careers were the boring ones, the accountant types, and that's the opposite of the sort of guy I have anything in common with or find attractive at all. :-( I mostly end up with musicians, artists, and IT guys for some reason.

    I feel you here. The guys I tend to be attracted to are broke, and I end up being the breadwinner. That's how it was for 90% of my marriage (which ended). The last guy I dated was the one exception- he actually made a ton of money- but I found that he was wayyyy overly fixated on it. Such a turn off.

    I think financial responsibility is important.

    So much this. I don't care HOW much you make, just WHAT you do with it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Recently, MFP user aae2808 inquired,
    TOPIC: Follow up Q - do you men want a Crazy B!tch

    I very much enjoyed the thread, but I'm curious. If you are indeed a completely loopy broad - whether manic pixie dream girl or full-blown Fatal Attraction - what is it that you look for in a prospective object of unhealthy fixation?

    Looking forward to improving my crazygame,
    Money is a nonfactor. For some reason I end up with a lot of broke guys living off unemployment checks, and I could not care less. I'm probably as shallow as the next b1tch, but for me it's about the looks. My grandma always told me I should be more of a golddigger for my own good, and she was probably right, but I've never been able to bring myself to give a hoot about whether a guy's broke or not. Besides, a lot of the people who ended up with good careers were the boring ones, the accountant types, and that's the opposite of the sort of guy I have anything in common with or find attractive at all. :-( I mostly end up with musicians, artists, and IT guys for some reason.

    I feel you here. The guys I tend to be attracted to are broke, and I end up being the breadwinner. That's how it was for 90% of my marriage (which ended). The last guy I dated was the one exception- he actually made a ton of money- but I found that he was wayyyy overly fixated on it. Such a turn off.

    I think financial responsibility is important.

    So much this. I don't care HOW much you make, just WHAT you do with it.

    Yup. A little self discipline goes a long way. I am glad I learned that when I did.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I dated a girl that I ended up supporting financially. Was not a good feeling.

    I was worth it and you know it.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Recently, MFP user aae2808 inquired,
    TOPIC: Follow up Q - do you men want a Crazy B!tch

    I very much enjoyed the thread, but I'm curious. If you are indeed a completely loopy broad - whether manic pixie dream girl or full-blown Fatal Attraction - what is it that you look for in a prospective object of unhealthy fixation?

    Looking forward to improving my crazygame,
    Money is a nonfactor. For some reason I end up with a lot of broke guys living off unemployment checks, and I could not care less. I'm probably as shallow as the next b1tch, but for me it's about the looks. My grandma always told me I should be more of a golddigger for my own good, and she was probably right, but I've never been able to bring myself to give a hoot about whether a guy's broke or not. Besides, a lot of the people who ended up with good careers were the boring ones, the accountant types, and that's the opposite of the sort of guy I have anything in common with or find attractive at all. :-( I mostly end up with musicians, artists, and IT guys for some reason.

    I feel you here. The guys I tend to be attracted to are broke, and I end up being the breadwinner. That's how it was for 90% of my marriage (which ended). The last guy I dated was the one exception- he actually made a ton of money- but I found that he was wayyyy overly fixated on it. Such a turn off.

    I think financial responsibility is important.

    So much this. I don't care HOW much you make, just WHAT you do with it.

    Yup. A little self discipline goes a long way. I am glad I learned that when I did.

    Self discipline? Sounds kinky. :bigsmile:

    Seriously though, I agree. I'm glad I'm figuring out this financial stuff now instead of ten years from now.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Recently, MFP user aae2808 inquired,
    TOPIC: Follow up Q - do you men want a Crazy B!tch

    I very much enjoyed the thread, but I'm curious. If you are indeed a completely loopy broad - whether manic pixie dream girl or full-blown Fatal Attraction - what is it that you look for in a prospective object of unhealthy fixation?

    Looking forward to improving my crazygame,
    Money is a nonfactor. For some reason I end up with a lot of broke guys living off unemployment checks, and I could not care less. I'm probably as shallow as the next b1tch, but for me it's about the looks. My grandma always told me I should be more of a golddigger for my own good, and she was probably right, but I've never been able to bring myself to give a hoot about whether a guy's broke or not. Besides, a lot of the people who ended up with good careers were the boring ones, the accountant types, and that's the opposite of the sort of guy I have anything in common with or find attractive at all. :-( I mostly end up with musicians, artists, and IT guys for some reason.

    I feel you here. The guys I tend to be attracted to are broke, and I end up being the breadwinner. That's how it was for 90% of my marriage (which ended). The last guy I dated was the one exception- he actually made a ton of money- but I found that he was wayyyy overly fixated on it. Such a turn off.

    I think financial responsibility is important.

    it is. I don't need someone to make TONS of money, or even more than I make - I usually date older but I make great money for my age. I would like someone with a job who pays all their own bills though. that's a non negotiable.
    Yeah, that's what I've been shooting for in the last couple of years - it's like, "Just have a job, any job, or at least be collecting unemployment." Because like the other chick who posted, I ended up supporting my last ex for over a year. Mofo just flat-out refused to get a job. He would lie and say that he'd been putting in job applications, but I would find out it was total horsecrap and he'd been playing video games all day, LMFAO. I don't think he was purposely using me, but it was SO frustrating. I finally kicked him out. I couldn't do it anymore. To have to pull your own weight and a grown-*kitten* 32-year-old man's dead weight as well is a horrible feeling.

    unemployment is ok as long as it's temporary. I don't want to get flack for this, but in my area it is not hard to get a job. If a guy has been on unemployment for a while and claims that he's trying his hardest to get work I think it's a big red flag.

    the last guy I dated lied and told me he owned his own business. I was suspecting he wasn't actually working and it was confirmed when I asked him how he filed his taxes (schedule c or s corp, the former being the correct answer) and he just looked at me like I really was a crazy b. I only asked about the taxes after he asked to borrow $20.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I dated a girl that I ended up supporting financially. Was not a good feeling.

    I was worth it and you know it.

    You were until the "headaches" started every night.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I dated a girl that I ended up supporting financially. Was not a good feeling.

    I was worth it and you know it.

    You were until the "headaches" started every night.

    The "headaches" only started when you stopped buying me shoes.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I dated a girl that I ended up supporting financially. Was not a good feeling.

    I was worth it and you know it.

    You were until the "headaches" started every night.

    The "headaches" only started when you stopped buying me shoes.

    I was tapped out!!! I told you that I needed to wait for more overtime before you went on another shopping spree!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Wow, this thread took a very surprising turn.

    Thank you for the entertainment, denizens of MFP.

    Also, I have a steady job, crazy Bs, and I make good money. I have a family, so I mean that somewhat complicates things, but, you know, inquire within or whatever.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Plot twists all over the place in here...
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    And not even good plot twists! Just, like, "and then the ceiling caved in and everyone died; surprise ending! the end." plot twists.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    And not even good plot twists! Just, like, "and then the ceiling caved in and everyone died; surprise ending! the end." plot twists.

    Dont ever watch Glory.

    Everybody. Dies.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Wow, this thread took a very surprising turn.

    Thank you for the entertainment, denizens of MFP.

    Also, I have a steady job, crazy Bs, and I make good money. I have a family, so I mean that somewhat complicates things, but, you know, inquire within or whatever.

    I saw the words "job" and "money" and I ignored the rest. where can I get an application?
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Wow, this thread took a very surprising turn.

    Thank you for the entertainment, denizens of MFP.

    Also, I have a steady job, crazy Bs, and I make good money. I have a family, so I mean that somewhat complicates things, but, you know, inquire within or whatever.

    I saw the words "job" and "money" and I ignored the rest. where can I get an application?

    Hallmark of a specific varietal of crazy B. Gentlemen, a recommendation: pursue.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    And not even good plot twists! Just, like, "and then the ceiling caved in and everyone died; surprise ending! the end." plot twists.

    Whatever. I got a new pair of Louboutins thanks to this thread.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    the last guy I dated lied and told me he owned his own business. I was suspecting he wasn't actually working and it was confirmed when I asked him how he filed his taxes (schedule c or s corp, the former being the correct answer) and he just looked at me like I really was a crazy b. I only asked about the taxes after he asked to borrow $20.
    OMG, were you dating my dad?!?! LOLOL

    No, seriously, he lives off disability checks, but he tells the women he dates that he owns a business so he'll come off as respectable... then he wonders why he can't make a relationship last more than a few months, lol. They always find out the truth eventually.
  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    the last guy I dated lied and told me he owned his own business. I was suspecting he wasn't actually working and it was confirmed when I asked him how he filed his taxes (schedule c or s corp, the former being the correct answer) and he just looked at me like I really was a crazy b. I only asked about the taxes after he asked to borrow $20.
    OMG, were you dating my dad?!?! LOLOL

    No, seriously, he lives off disability checks, but he tells the women he dates that he owns a business so he'll come off as respectable... then he wonders why he can't make a relationship last more than a few months, lol. They always find out the truth eventually.

    my dad lives off disability checks

    but he is actually disabled so I guess thats not the same thing
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    the last guy I dated lied and told me he owned his own business. I was suspecting he wasn't actually working and it was confirmed when I asked him how he filed his taxes (schedule c or s corp, the former being the correct answer) and he just looked at me like I really was a crazy b. I only asked about the taxes after he asked to borrow $20.
    OMG, were you dating my dad?!?! LOLOL

    No, seriously, he lives off disability checks, but he tells the women he dates that he owns a business so he'll come off as respectable... then he wonders why he can't make a relationship last more than a few months, lol. They always find out the truth eventually.

    HAHAHA. I don't think so unless your dad is 28! I love how some guys think women aren't intuitive at all..... we can generally smell bs even if we are in denial about it at first.
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    1. Got to work, nice, respectful, doesn't cheat, attracted too, truthful, and good in bed