Like Minded Lushes - October 2010



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker:
    Monday thru Thursday 0 drinks.

    wine tonight and more drinking tomorrow and then I will aim for a Sunday thru Thursday streak.

    Way to go Kim. I hope the scale moves for you too.
    Janna don't beat yourself up. 6 days is awesome and wine is sooooo goood.

    Yvone and Lana teens are reason enough to drink. oh and it doesn't really change when they are in their twenties either. :tongue:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    And the winner is.....skinny margaritas:drinker: :drinker: :love: :bigsmile:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I had to go to the liquor store last night to pick up tequila for a crockpot dish (I'll let you know if it's any good) and managed to avoid buying anything else AND I got carded (probably because I couldn't find the tequila; the margarita mix was blocking my vision). :laugh:

    I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend without going overboard.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Still going strong on the no drinking thang! I have lost 13.8 lbs in just over a month. A friend of mine that I have known for years saw me last night for the first time since starting MFP (she saw me on day 5) and told me that my skin looks better and I have taken 10 years off by not drinking. If that is enough motivation for this extremely vain chick I don't know what is!

    I am going out to Sushi tomorrow night as a little treat (I think ... at least that's what I have planned) and I may have 1 oyster shooter (that contains about 1 1/2 oz of sake). We will see though how I am feeling after working out. I may wait to do that for when I hit 160 ... hmmmm yeah, in fact I think I am going to wait (sorry thinking "out loud") here.
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Didn't know this thread existed. Alcohol and sunflower seeds (don't laugh) have always been my downfall. I will stay up very late even though I am dead tired just to drink and/or eat sunflower seeds. Since starting MFP (1 month ago) I have limited myself to 1/2 glass of wine per night and no sunflower seeds. All has gone pretty well except for one day when we went to the beach and drank sangria, which led to wine when I got home - so much so that I passed out on the bed at 6:30 while my wonderful husband was in the kitchen preparing me a wonderful dinner which of course, I couldn't eat. :( didn't log my food diary that day. wouldn't know where to start.
  • ohmohner
    ohmohner Posts: 29 Member
    drank too much wine last night. then got snacky. gah! went WAY over in my calories. looks like even though I leave calories for wine, I can't help but keep drinking and eating when friends come over with more! guess i'm going to officially join the "no drinking on the weeknights" club LOL

    My official request: Hi! I'm Lauren, I love wine! May I join your no drinking M-TH club? :bigsmile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Still going strong on the no drinking thang! I have lost 13.8 lbs in just over a month. A friend of mine that I have known for years saw me last night for the first time since starting MFP (she saw me on day 5) and told me that my skin looks better and I have taken 10 years off by not drinking. If that is enough motivation for this extremely vain chick I don't know what is!

    I am going out to Sushi tomorrow night as a little treat (I think ... at least that's what I have planned) and I may have 1 oyster shooter (that contains about 1 1/2 oz of sake). We will see though how I am feeling after working out. I may wait to do that for when I hit 160 ... hmmmm yeah, in fact I think I am going to wait (sorry thinking "out loud") here.

    CONGRATULATION ON THE WEIGHT LOSS...Definitely, OK, to think out loud have done a great job abstaining and have definitely been a good role too, Oldbat...Following your lead, I have decided that I will allow only one day a week, which is definitely going to a drastic change

    I have two goals: 169 to 165, pair of skinny jeans
    160 to 164, show/dancing, dinner out, whoop it up (I grounded myself)
    159, girls' weekend away in November

    Ericaroo...tunnel vision...good job on's the ah, ha moments of victory

    Heliconia...yes, we exsist...welcome...kinda funny about passing out tho
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Karen - you're doing fantastically. I certainly think my skin and eyes look much better for the self imposed week night abstinence and am sure it is helping with the weight loss.

    Sorry to disappoint you guys but kids can still give you nightmares when they are 40+ with homes and kids of their own!!!! Still, the great thing about grandkids is that you can give them back to their parents when they start to annoy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great weekend everyone; I'll raise a glass (yes, just the one!) to all of you on Saturday and Sunday. :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker:
    Monday thru Thursday 0 drinks.

    wine tonight and more drinking tomorrow and then I will aim for a Sunday thru Thursday streak.

    Way to go Kim. I hope the scale moves for you too.
    Janna don't beat yourself up. 6 days is awesome and wine is sooooo goood.

    Yvone and Lana teens are reason enough to drink. oh and it doesn't really change when they are in their twenties either. :tongue:

    thanks for the encouragement...I felt like hell this morning for work...told myself no more drinking and more eating right!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I didn't drink last night, but I did devour a box of junior mints. It was pretty bad, they had melted and gotten smashed inside the box, so I put them in the freezer but it didn't help, I was nibbling on a brick of junior mints with the paper still stuck on in many places! pretty sad...
    Happy hour tonight. will try to stick to vodka-soda and no more than 3.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I was nibbling on a brick of junior mints with the paper still stuck on in many places! pretty sad...
    Happy hour tonight. will try to stick to vodka-soda and no more than 3.

    I did that with milk duds once...except the box was stuck to it; so, I was eating off the ripped of was pathetic

    Welcome, Lauren...sorry about the wine flu...looks like it bit janna too..
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    No alcohol for me tonight, feeling too poorly. I've more than made up for it over this week anyway. Might even go the weekend without any.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    No alcohol for me tonight, feeling too poorly. I've more than made up for it over this week anyway. Might even go the weekend without any.
    sorry you aren't feeling well. I will drink some for you:wink:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I've had a drink every night this week, but have been able to keep it to a 6 oz maximum... SO I'm happy with that.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I've had a drink every night this week, but have been able to keep it to a 6 oz maximum... SO I'm happy with that.

    Pam, that is great. Moderation is the key and all the studies say one drink a day is actually good for you. I just can't stop at one. you must have a will of iron.
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    Hi all,
    I am new to this thread and also MFP. I struggle with the drinking as well. During the week I tend to have one a day and then one day at the end I have like five. I love really good micro brews but most of the time I stick to vodka and sparkling water. I somehow manage to stay below my calories but I am not losing much weight. I was thinking it was probably due to the alcohol.
    I was thinking of setting a goal of 2 nights per week two drink each night. Is that a good idea? Have you all seen differences as you decreased you alcohol consumption?
    Thanks for being a part of my goal! Good luck everyone!

    I am 5'1" 133 and I need to lose 18 lbs... The last few are so difficult.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Iron Will... not so much. SIngle parenting for the week and just need my wits about me. But not so bad... I think my issue is that I like to drink at night (not just alcohol) - and now with the colder weather I will likely go back to Oolong, jasmine or peppermint teas. (Peppermint is great cos wine tastes like *kitten* after something minty):laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I've had a drink every night this week, but have been able to keep it to a 6 oz maximum... SO I'm happy with that.

    Pam, that is great. Moderation is the key and all the studies say one drink a day is actually good for you. I just can't stop at one. you must have a will of iron.

    Ditto that:tongue:
  • limericklass
    that is awsome. I do love my couple glasses of wine a night well most nights. It's so hard to give up that little bit of relaxation. I've been reading this thread and am glad I'm not the only one. I run almost every day and have started to do Jillian Michaels workouts. you have pretty much the same goal as I have. I am 5ft 9. SW 178. Have a 3 month old and a 4 year old. My goal would be 160 but my overall would be 150-155
    Jsut wondering what is your eating plan and what excercise plan are you on. I've been this 178 for month now and I need a major JUMPSTART and I guess the support of you all. :smile:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member