

  • Dierdre743
    Hello...I am new to this plan. I am wondering what kind of success other 50 plus women have had with this program..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Have put lovely Edie as the last pic on my profile. Aaaahhhhh!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Dierdre- 51 lbs and counting since January.... welcome and you will enjoy all the advice and friendship that all us ladies have to offer:bigsmile:
    16,000 steps today and hopefully the scale will show it tomorrow, working early, so dont know if I will be able to get on in the morning
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Heather...Precious picture of your new grandaughter :flowerforyou:

    Robin...Sweet picture of the new baby with her older sister :flowerforyou:

    Terri from Oregon
  • Dierdre743
    Thank you for your encouragement and congrats on your success. Any tips?
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I've read all the private messages of thoughts that have been sent. I'm still busy enough I don't have time to answer all of them. But they are deeply apprecriated and will be treasured. Tomorrow with visitation and the next with the funeral will be busy and hard but I have the continous love of my side of the family that will keep me going. Sometimes just being in the same room with all of his family is so emotionally taxing because that's not what I'm used to. As one said I love them but I just don't like them. So that's the environment I will be in the next two days. I am taking yogurt, water and carrots and put in the refrigerator there. Also my tennis shows so I can change into them when I get a chance. I told Charlie that although I couldn't believe I was saying it I am going to have him put my wheel chair in the car in case I need it. I use it only when I am going somewhere like the zoo and I can't walk a lot.

    A good NSV today. I live in jeans and tennis shoes and I wanted something dieffernet for the funeral home. So I went to the mall tomy favorite store and the lady got me a size 14 and 16. I took both into the dressing room but wiht no hesitation started with the size 14. They are a little tight around the hips but the blouse and sweater with it hide that. I don't think I would have liked the 16s.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Hello...I am new to this plan. I am wondering what kind of success other 50 plus women have had with this program..

    :flowerforyou: Keep reading and you'll see that there has been a lot of success in weight loss.

    Here are some tips.

    :flowerforyou: take it one day at a time

    :flowerforyou: make being healthy your top priority

    :flowerforyou: find something other than food for recreation

    :flowerforyou: look for every opportunity to be active.

    :bigsmile: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 33,000 steps today
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    What beautiful babies! Congrats to each of you on the new additions....

    Hugs to those that need them...

    Went to Olive Garden with DH for dinner, so must go walk now.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Today was a nice day. I went to work and it was busy which I like and then went to the Y for my walk & bike ride. Yup even on my birthday I went to the Y :noway:

    My DD made me a nice dinner, no cake though but I requested no cake. I think I will splurge on Saturday when we go out for dinner. I just spoke with my DS and his GF is going to join us...yay. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.

    Dierdre- 65 lbs and counting since the beginning of the year. It's about taking baby steps and calories in and calories out. Stick around there is a lot of wisdom here in this group.

    Joyce - just don't forget to take care of yourself through these trying days.

    Congrats to Heather & Robin on the new babies, they are both so darn cute. I am looking forward to being a grandmother but I think I'm going to have to wait for at least a few more years.

    Have a good night all & sleep well

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sandy.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Enjoy your celebration this weekend; glad your son's gf decided to come to your celebration and you all have a great meal and a fabulous time.

    Robin.......congrats on your beautiful new grandchild!

    Heather ........what a beautiful sweet baby!

    Liz...........hope you feel better soon

    Joyce.......You have my condolences and I wish you the strength and support you will need to get through the next few stressful days; then try to take a day to rest and regroup.

    I went to the farm of the friend who has the riding school for disabled kids; one of my other friends had her dd there for her riding lesson so we met up there. I got to see and feed the new pot belly pig (a real sweetheart) and walked a few horses and fed goats; a real nice few hours. Taco Bell tonight......dh's choice.

    Tomorrow am yoga, then help prep for a race Saturday.

    G'nite all,
  • vinkariz
    :smile: :smile: Hi just started today after being gone for a while. I regained my weight loss. So here I go again. I'm tired of thinking about food...what to eat, when to eat, did I eat enough, did I eat enough of the right food??? But I will try yet again. So hard because it just doesn't come off easily...usually long periods of time with no weight loss. Trying to get back to water exercise and walking.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Joyce - my deepest condolences. How vividly I remember when my father passed. I kept his things in our living room until I went thru them. Then lots went to the Salvation Army. I looked at this way -- even in death he's helping someone. I'm sure your MIL did hear.

    Did levels 2 and 3 of the 30 Day Shred DVD today for 55 minutes (didn't do a cool down between them). Tomorrow I'll do a jog/walk routine. I want to get better at that.

    This morning I'm supposed to volunteer at the Green Room. I'm going to purchase our tickets for the show. I'm not crazy about it "And Then There Were None" but Vince wants to go see it. First, I want to stop at the soup kitchen to donate some ham that Vince doesn't really care for (he has weird tastes). Afterwards, I'm going to send the package to Denise. I have the rent assistance check in there for her (we help her with the rent while she's in school) and the cake for Petey. I just don't think that a gift is appropriate right now. We don't even know him really. We saw him for a few minutes when he brought Denise to Jess's right before we went to Europe, but I hadn't seen him for 5 years before that. I did get him a card and thanked him for letting me try out the recipe. Then I need to stop at the bank for money because I'm going to get my hair colored and need money for a tip for her. Then on the way home I'll stop at Lowe's Foods. Oh, and the health food store to get more wheat bran

    suehoward - welcome. We're glad to help in any way you need. Log in here and you'll get lots of great tips.

    Vicki - The fewest channels I remember was when we had 7 channels. And we lived somehow!

    anamika - I've read where people (supposedly, but it makes sense) lose more weight if they have their cake/chocolate in the morning.

    Liz in Halifax - I'm like you, up a pound, down a pound. I don't bother, ether, to have a ticker for the same reason you don't change yours. It would drive someone dizzy. I'd go crazy if I was dizzy all the time. But you're probably used to it and know things like "wait a few minutes"

    Exercised, then went to the food pantry, then to the post office, then got money from the bank, then volunterred at the Green Room, then to the health food store (unfortunately, they only had one bag of wheat bran, I would have taken two), then got my hair colored, then Goodwill but didn't find anything, then Lowe's foods, then Dunkin Donuts for Vince, then the Salvation Army (found a dress, something has to be done with the sleeves, tho. If it weren't for this sparkly stuff, I could use it for a witch costume. I almost died when I tried it on. It's a size 4 AND IT FIT), then another Goodwill, then home to have dinner.

    Tomorrow I'll do a walk/jog routine.

    Robin - your grandkids are so adorable!!!! Thanks for sharing. When you see them, give them kisses from me (not like you'll need an excuse)

    dierdre - welcome! To be honest, everyone is different and I think you just need to find what works for you. I know that for me if I have something to eat late at night, the next day I am guaranteed of a gain. But that's not everyone.

    Joyce - you are one wonderful gal, that's for sure. I'm sure Charlie knows deep down inside just how lucky he is to have you in his life. Congrats on the great NSV. sure feels good, huh?

    Sandy - so glad you had such a great day. Good for you asking for no cake. Whenever I'm going to get a cake for an occasion (like a birthday) I many times ask for a fruit basket instead. How nice that you'll get to know ds's gf better.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hello...I am new to this plan. I am wondering what kind of success other 50 plus women have had with this program..

    Look at our tickers. I've been amazed at our success as a group and also at my own. The support from these ladies has really helped me to stay on track. The thing is, you have to be motivated. People here are able to cheer you on and help keep your spirits up, but you will have to do the work.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Sometimes we need this message...living in the moment, with peace in our soul!


    :heart: Renny
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We’ve had a busy day today. We got the fishing boat’s trailer licensed and the title transfer papers turned in. DH has been working on getting the trailer ready to tow the boat 400 miles home. We’ll be leaving tomorrow or the next day. I’m ready to be home. We had salmon for dinner tonight that DH caught himself a week and a half ago. It was satisfying to be able to share something special. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Busy days for you right now. Your family is in my thoughts. Remember to take care of yourself while you’re taking care of others. You’ll need rest and comforting, too. :flowerforyou: Congratulations on new, smaller clothes.:bigsmile:

    Heather: I am so happy that your DH is feeling better. Congratulations on the new DGD. Edie is beautiful.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Congratulations on finding a dress, and a smaller size! Great NSV.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all, Have been reading Women Ages 50+ for months. I so enjoy reading about your daily adventures and travails every evening before I sleep. I hope I may join your group of kind and fascinating women? I live with my husband and father and oftentimes read your posts to them!
    Susan in the mighty mid-west:flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla I plan on collapsing on Saturday after my daughter leaves. When is sister gets here I will not try to mask at all how fatigued I am. That way she can not ask me to help carry anything up the stairs and out to her car. I have plenty of sacks and if she needs a couple of my habgers then it's OK. But I will not let her use me. I have set up this nice organized little shop in my family room for her to go through. Jewelry, bras and undies on one table and knick nacks on another and I rolled my clothes rack out of my laundry room, which is right next to the family room so no big deal there. But it was the organizing of clothes. My heavens, I didn't know VI had so many clothes. I had convinced her earlier to let me store a bunch of her clothes. I have taken out the real nice clothes for my sister to take to the clothing bank. If that sounds cruel, sorry. I just know what this woman will do to her clothes. shortly they will have cigarette burns on them, stains and look terrible. The good coat goes tot he clothing bank. Karen doesn't even know about the new good coat. She is used to seeing her Mom in the windbreaker and other coat. So they are there for her. Good pants sets I have bought in the last couple of months are for the clothing bank. Others ar on the rack. Some of her sweat suits for her, better sweat suits for clothing bank. So that;s the way I feel. Maybe I feel that way because of how tired I am.This woman is not a nice person. We could go on a vacation with the amount of money we have loaned her. She lies about us. Tells people we never help them. Well we all got jobs and made money and that's why we have cars, homes, done't have to beg a couch form anyone to sleep on in that other persons house. Oh she says she will just stay with them a few days. A month later she is still there. The highlight of her life was when she called and told me she had gotten all her grand kids on SSI and her, her husband and all of her children on disablity. then she gets mad when the &**&^&*( govenrment chooses to review their disability. where in the wolrd will they ever get the money to pay bills??? They can't get a job because they are afraid the governent will take away their disability. I guess I better quite so I can calm my brain downa nd go to sleep to honor my mother in law tomorrow the way I should. That's what it's all about.

    Goodnight, Joyce
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    down another few ounces, had lemon water and off to the gym
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends
    :bigsmile: Liz so nice to see u back..... am so like u cant stop at a bite :(

    :heart: Robin the girls look adorable..... angels !
    :flowerforyou: Joyce sending you love, prayers and hugs! Cheers one pound down ! Wonderful you have moved to the wee size 14 !
    :smile: Heather so nice to read about DH and DHS, seems like therapy for each other :) and I can see the doting smile
    on yourself as you must have watched them playing around.
    :bigsmile: Barbie 33,000 steps is just AMAZING
    :flowerforyou: Sandy Happy Birthday! Great job about the Y and PT
    :happy: yanniejannie what a lovely way to workout.... walking horses, feeding goats and going to the riding school, just envy you :)
    :bigsmile: Michelle 2 levels of 30 day shred....... thats awesome.I always feel zapped by the time I finish one level....
    Mighty strong I must say. Thanks for the tip...... have choc in the morning. but hoping to remember how so many gave up sweets.
    Thats mighty impressive.... size 4 dress for you.... hope you'll have lots of fun that evening. Waiting to read about it

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie awesome the rate at which you are dissolving the pounds in lemon water...... get your bikini ready for your holiday!!
    Yesterday was yoga and today its weight training :)!
    Have a great day everyone
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Joyce - I'm so sorry for your loss. I know your MIL was fortunate to have you and the rest of the family by her side. Take care of yourself during this difficult time so that you may remain strong for everyone else. You are in my prayers.

    Sue - Nice to meet you neighbor.

    I was extremely busy yesterday and didn't have much time to follow the thread, but hope to catch up today, once I finish with my morning chores.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day.
