Meat eater, vegetarian or vegan?? Which are you?



  • sweet_blasphemy
    sweet_blasphemy Posts: 129 Member
    I guess in a technical sense, I'm not vegan since I am lenient on honey. I will put it in tea if I have a bad sore throat once or twice a year and I won't avoid a bread or cereal I want that has honey as the second to last ingredient (it surprisingly rules out a lot of bread, cereal, granola, etc options). I've also drank cheap, probably fish bladder wine, I have eaten processed sugar that was probably bone-char filtered, and one of my Rxs only comes in a gelcap - I need it to function properly in every day life, so gelatin it will be.

    There, I've confessed all my vegan sins. Please don't send me to veggie hell where mutant demon carrots and peppers spit-roast humans for all eternity...
  • I love meat! I eat mostly chicken breast as of late, and lots of veggies, any way I am new on here and would LOVE to have some friends to help me along the way. We can support each other. :glasses:
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Does Baconnaise count as meat?
  • Pescatarian-I started out Vegetarian last October 1st but then found it too difficult for me to stick to that when fishing is a big part of my past and present life.
  • Would love to be raw foodist/vegan. Don't eat eggs, don't eat seafood, don't mind cheese once in a while or milk, hardest thing to give up is Chicken. I go without everything else pretty easy.

    Anyone else have any tips for hitting all macro goals with a vegan diet?? Would love to hear from you, PM me if you don't mind :)

  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Meat eater :-)
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    Om-nom-nomivore! I eat everything :bigsmile:
  • alyciaengel
    alyciaengel Posts: 24 Member
    100% Vegan
  • luan999
    luan999 Posts: 87 Member
    Veggie! lol :smile:
  • TikkittyTack
    TikkittyTack Posts: 8 Member

    Primarily eat raw plant based, preferably unprocessed food.

    Very low carb/low starch diet - no grains/wheat/bread/rice/etc

    Beans/peas/legumes are minimal ~ 7 days a month

    I do not eat fish. I eat shellfish and crustaceans. Mainly shrimp.

    Los of water and detox tea. :D
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    Count me with the om-nom-nom-nom-nominivores.

    I love a wide variety of food . I think the only thing I dont eat is organ meat.
  • romancefan1983
    romancefan1983 Posts: 88 Member
    Bring on the meat!!:love:
  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    Omnivore! I love my beef and my salads. My hubby is strictly a meat and potato type of guy.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Ex- veggie. Resumed eating meat and fish a couple of years ago after being veggie for about 25 years.
  • realmeryl16
    realmeryl16 Posts: 17 Member
    Omnivore. I eat anything.
    When it cones to meat I have a preference for seafood and chicken.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    More or less a flextarian, but the majority of the time vegan
  • Fruits, Veggies, Root eater :)
  • Vegan.
  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    I eat just enough meat (like once every few months) that I don't consider myself a vegetarian, and I don't consume dairy on a consistent basis, either (usually only when I make cookies or something along those lines every couple of weeks). I strongly support a diet comprised mainly of fresh fruits, vegetables and other plant-based foods. For me, meat is an occasional indulgence and not something that absolutely has to be eaten at every meal. Fruits and veggies just have so much more going for them than a ribeye steak or a piece of bacon. However, YMMV.