Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    We are above normal around here, it’s been in the 90s all week – usually by now our average high has dropped into the 80s. We ARE supposed to get a cold front tomorrow though which will put us in the 70s for two days then back to the 80s we go…gotta love Autumn in Texas! :laugh:

    @Robin~You are doing so amazing right now, being consistent with exercise and continuing losses.

    @Nicole~So glad that Buddy is on the road to recovery, now take care of you and get well soon!

    Friday Fitness~Not a whole lot to report, typical week I guess. Although at my trainers request I am meeting with the registered dietician at my gym tonight – he thinks I need to tweak some things and she might have an idea (per my trainer I’m still not eating enough :grumble:). She had me fill out a form with a bunch of info and send to her prior to our meeting, so we’ll see how it goes. Nothing special planned this weekend, just the typical errands etc.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, cross trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day DONE!
    Friday~Gym, session w RD
    Saturday~Running drills at gym or outside
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Thanks to month-end I am behind on everything else, will try to check in later...Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Fri Fitness: went to the gym this morning and did 45 minutes on the elliptical, a little bike, and weight machines. Something I'm proud of: I did floor stretches...I haven't been able to do them in a long time due to vertigo, but today I actually laid on the floor (shut my eyes) and got back up fairly easily. I don't do sit-ups though as the movement is too fast. Anyway, I'm happy as I've been afraid of laying flat and today I did it. I've always enjoyed stretching out my muscles. It makes me feel so good afterwards.
  • ajanderson84
    ajanderson84 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone... While I am not new to MyFitnessPal, I restarted my attempts at weight loss about two weeks ago and kicked it off with the purchase of a fitbit flex. I find that just having numbers helps me reach my goals better. Anyways, I thought I'd join in here... I started at 272 lbs back in 09. in 2010 I lost to 205, by last may I weighed 262. I am currently at 244.

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?) I was doing all my fitness goals and working my butt off, but I was GAINING weight, 4lbs to be exact. I felt like crying.

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?) This week I would like to see the scale go down (I checked inches, and they have gone down, woot!) But Oct 1st was my birthday, and I didn't work hard on this day.

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not) I wish my family could get along during a difficult time... My mom has stage 4 cancer, and my dad and sisters are being difficult.

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?) I am not drinking enough water.

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?) Most days I was doing 1 hour on my treadmill, at 3mph at a 3% incline. This week however, I did two hours on a bike, and 1.5 hours on the treadmill.

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories) The scale went down! 1.5lbs lost.

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)
  • IreneSoto5150
    IreneSoto5150 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Irene and I am new to this group! I have about 60 Lbs left to lose. I have already lost 40. I was always so competitive up until my 20's but my 10 year old son was diagnosed with Autism at 3 and my focus shifted completely to helping him overcome his obstacles. He is doing great now (Thank You, Jesus!) and we were not planning on having any more children so we could focus completely on him. Then.... 8 years later, we found out we were going to be blessed with another child! We hoped that our son would adjust well and of course, we hoped that she would not have any developmental delays as well. Our son LOVED having a baby around the house and was/is so gentle and loving. He's the perfect big brother to his little sister! She is now 1 1/2 years and they adore each other and are partners in crime!

    I am trying to get this baby weight (and then some) off have been working out very diligently since July 2013. I had been working out in March but wasn't serious about the diet, which is very important as well! I'm here to give/get Motivation, Support and of course to make friends! Today is actually a rest day (I had to take my mother in law to the airport VERY early due to a family emergency) but my hubby just bought me the Focus T25 series (YAAAAY!) for my BDay (it's tomorrow, 10/5) so I just might start today! Tomorrow, double Spin class! Happy Birthday, indeed!

    Have a blessed day everyone!
  • Hi Everyone! It's been a few days and for some reason I just realized that you have a daily topic which you discuss. So, I'll add mine for this week today.

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?) - I did pretty well. Better than I anticipated actually. The only thing I seem to be struggling with is that I often choose the same foods. BORING.

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?) - I have a Wedding that I'm in on December 28th. I'd really like to lose another 20lbs if possible. Longer term goal is to get under 300 and never see it again!

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not) - I wish that for once in my life I would stay motivated, lose the weight and keep it off for good.

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?) - I'm secretly thankful to weigh less than my husband for once in my life! :D

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?) - I've joined the Gym at the hospital and had set a goal to get there 3X a week. I've been there 3X this week and the week isn't over yet! :D I'm worried about my weekend eating. I eat when I'm bored and well, with my husband being disabled, weekend are just that... boring. Hmmm... I think I'll check the weather and perhaps I'll be able to get him out for a bit in the wheelchair.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Kah - I hope your back gets to feeling better quickly!
    @Helana - I'm so glad you're feeling better!!
    @Robin - It sounds like a wonderful way to start your day! What a great idea!
    @Skinny - I do the same... yesterday I closed out my day and an hour late wound up having a bowl of airpopped popcorn... with butter AND parmesan..
    @Susan - You are amazing! On the road and STILL managing to stay under/close to your macros!
    @Naceto - So glad the pup is feeling better! He's so lucky to have ended up with someone who will love him and care for him!
    @TLH - I hope the new manager works out OK... hopefully it was just a one time flap and he's actually a nice guy. It's SOOO cold there in the winter, I don't know how you do it! It gets below 40 here an I'm feeling like I'm going to die ...while being bundled up like an Eskimo!
    @AJAnderson - Welcome!!

    Ok, finished my face to face to face interview on the job I really want. They'll let me know one way or the other next week. I did get a call from the job that I DID get. They want me to start Monday and TODAY they dropped the bomb that it's not really a full time job. It will be full time for the first few weeks while I play catch up but after that it will be like 30 hours a week. There's NO way I can pay my rent OR pay gas to drive up there every day on 30 hours a week with what their paying. I told the temp agency that AND that I didn't appreciate her letting me know about the part time bit just one working day before starting.

    VERY frustrated and petrified about not finding a job soon.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Friday Fitness- I am going to try, once again, to get 3 days of running and 3 days of "other" exercise in this week. Last week I had the 3 days of running in and 2 days of stretching and had to just fit in ANY type of 30 min. exercise into my Wed. and FORGOT!!!! I was totally P.O.ed!!! And all because I was rushing...... I forgot that DD didn't have class so we were not on a time schedule, I forgot my walking shoes and insoles, and then when I was home earlier than planned, I still forgot to exercise!!!! Dizzy chicks with thyroid disease should KNOW that rushing around is a recipe for disaster!!!

    Mel- I am SO happy for you to be getting past the vertigo!!! Continue to pay attention to your body though so you don't go backwards!!! Also a great workout!!!

    Kah- How awesome that you can consult with a nutritionist!!! I have to admit that it does sound intimidating though!!! But you have come SO far and I am sure your body's needs have drastically changed from the person who weighed 120lbs more than you do now.... time to learn more about the new YOU!!!

    tlh0407- Snow this early here may signal that hell has frozen over!!! LOL!!! Though just a few hours north and that is not so!!! I do SO love the snow... DH on the other hand has always hated it and after spending a few years in the sandbox, now does not tolerate cold well!!! Southern MO is a good compromise!!! My sympathies on having to work for someone you can not respect!!!

    Charlotte- You sound like me.... over reaching in the exercise department. I think you need to take your level down a notch to make exercise a regular part of your life. And remember that good health is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise so you have it 80% licked!!!

    Jtconst- How is the pup?!?

    MowMow- How UNPROFESSIONAL is THAT?!?! Grrr.... I guess you can start with the first job and then if you get the other, give notice. That is a REALLY tough call!!!! Prayers!!!

    Cindy- You have come to the right place to get motivated and stay motivated!!! Make sure you make full use of the site EVERY DAY... log every single bite, log that exercise, make your diary open so you have accountability, and come see the sweet folks here to get your cheering on or butt kicked- whichever you need!!!

    Irene- Welcome!!! You, too have come to the right place for encouragement and motivation!!! Great job on the 40 lbs you have already kicked to the curb!!!

    ajanderson84- Welcome!!! Remember to focus on what is the true goal (good HEALTH) every day rather than the side effect of that goal (weight loss). If you eat healthy food in proper amounts and move your body for heart, lung, bone and muscle strength, the weight loss WILL come.... and stick around!!!

    naceto- Time to get back on the healthy train my friend!!! I know that falling off is a part of the journey but we have to get back on... and you ARE!!! You are posting on here so we KNOW you are!!! Log those bad foods and it is much easier to stay away from them!!!

    More to you all later!!!!

    Fitness Goals :glasses:
    Thursday- Run/walk intervals with hills, decreasing walk time & stretching- DONE
    Friday- Strength training and a short walk-
    Saturday- Run/walk intervals with hills, decreasing walk time & stretching-
    Sunday- Easy walk (>30 min.)/rest day-
    Monday- Run/walk intervals with hills, decreasing walk time & stretching-
    Tuesday-Strength training and a short walk-
    Wednesday- Easy walk (>30 min.)/rest day-
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome to all the new people. TopsMarca just did a lovely job of giving you posting advice - I would second all that she said! Most of all, come back here often and post your feelings to get a sense of community and friendship - we will respond to you and answer back to you!
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    Friday Fitness Frenzy: Tonight I am walking to Subway which is 20 minutes or 1.6km's (one way only) for dinner. Then, since I have the evening off, which is rare for me these days, I intend to finish my night off with some 30ds :)

    Tomorrow it's back to work for the day so I won't have too many temptations as far as foods go! I tend to eat more poorly around my loved ones as they are social occasions and I always feel guilty if they can't go out to the place they want to (because of me)!

    Hope you all have a Fantastic Friday! Keep moving :)
  • @TOPSMarca - Thank you so much. I took your advice and opened my diary. I've been logging in everything since I got back OP this week - food wise. I have trouble logging in my exercise because I use a machine at the gym. It's called a Biodex. It's an ergometer for my arms and I just don't know how to log that one in. Also, I don't log in the strength training either because I don't recall the names of all those machines. One makes me lift this way... the other that way. LOL! Anyway... any advice on this would be greatly appreciated and when I go home, I will add a picture to my profile and maybe fill it out! :D
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. I just changed my profile pic to show off my new baby zeus. He is doing much better. Ty everyone for all the nice thoughts, ideas and advice. He is eating and drinking out of his bowl on his own. Full of energy and getting into anything he can reach:bigsmile: I dont know if I mentioned we got him so young because he was in a dangerous living situation where he was being hurt and the people who got him out of that couldnt keep him so we took him.He is a saint bernard blue heeler cross so he is probably going to be a big boy but that is ok. I feel more comfortable with a big dog in the house when hubby is gone. And he will need lots of exercise so I guess I just got my motivational kick in the butt:laugh:
    Mow mow I hope the job situation gets worked out. They were very unprofessional not to tell you the nature of the hours up front.
    Topsmarca I think you are doing great in the fitness department.
    Susan you are becoming one of my inspirations with the way you have been keeping it together on the road. If you can do that I can make it through a weekend at my house:tongue:
    Naceto I am so happy to hear buddy is doing better. He is so lucky to have you and your son for his wonderful family:heart:
    Welcome to all the new folks. The people on here are so nice and friendly and great at motivating in a way that doesnt make you feel like you failed.
    Have a great day everyone. I have got to spend time on the house today. Let it go a little the last couple days:heart::drinker: :drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks, everyone, my back is doing well – I just tweaked it the other night, followed protocol and it feels good now. :wink:

    @Tammy~That is one seriously adorable puppy!!!

    @Kris~That is rotten for them to tell you it’s really part-time job after the fact! :devil: I’m glad your interview with the other job went well, still keeping you in my thoughts that you find something soon!

    @mercuriocs~For the upper body cycle you can create that exercise and add it to your MFP database, I would estimate a 200 calorie burn for about 30-minutes (depending on intensity) - MFP may estimate it as well. As for strength training you could use the weight/strength training exercise in the cardio section – MFP will estimate the calories you burned. I know of a couple of people here, who will most likely drop in later, have used a different website in the past to determine their caloric burn so they might have some advice.

    Welcome to the other newlings that have stopped by!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Friday Fitness Frenzy: Tonight I am walking to Subway which is 20 minutes or 1.6km's (one way only) for dinner. Then, since I have the evening off, which is rare for me these days, I intend to finish my night off with some 30ds :)

    Tomorrow it's back to work for the day so I won't have too many temptations as far as foods go! I tend to eat more poorly around my loved ones as they are social occasions and I always feel guilty if they can't go out to the place they want to (because of me)!

    Hope you all have a Fantastic Friday! Keep moving :)

    LoserBaby - good job on your walk to Subway for your meal! Great effort! As for dining around family its tough to go to restaurants and eat and avoid temptation but it CAN be done. Follow Susan's example on this thread - she does it all the time! I also have found that if I order strictly an appetizer and eat that for my meal I will come in under calories, and I'm usually full from that and not tempted in the least by what my friends order - in fact, after a while, you start to notice how much other people OVEREAT ! (but you don't say anything because you're polite :wink: )
  • Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    I've done a 180 on my life.Eating better and working out.

    And,I'm a stay at home mom.. So every day is exactly the same..
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Well, it's kind of been a crazy couple of weeks. My husband is a non-essential government worker so he's been effectively unemployed all week! He isn't watching TV in his underwear yet, though ;)

    Many of you have been around through our whole adoption journey while we've gone through the homestudy and the classes and the waiting and waiting and waiting and nothing has happened yet. It's been years, for those who haven't been here. Well, in the last couple of weeks I discovered a new and very pragmatic reason to lose weight. So I don't get charged more for my plane tickets to the UKRAINE! See my news here if you are interested.

    We're on a crazy journey here and we're not sure what we're doing :laugh: but we feel pretty darn confident it's the right thing, so here we go!

    Had a flu shot today and then my toddler stuck all of her weight into the spot where I got the shot, via her elbow when she fell on me. Um, ouch. But I'm not going to let it stop me from doing some free weights. Hopefully ;)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    I've done a 180 on my life.Eating better and working out.

    And,I'm a stay at home mom.. So every day is exactly the same..

    I'm a SAHM too. My daughter's school is not far enough away to take the school bus but it's far enough to be a very long walk and part of it is uphill. I have started walking to drop her off and pick her up. Maybe there's something like this you can do. Or start an afternoon or evening walking group with a neighbor or friend.
    Well this was a great day for me - it was the first day ever that I have gotten up and exercised in the morning before I've started my day, and it sure made me feel good to start the day off that way. Fresh and showered and exercise out of the way, crossed off my list, not having to worry about it in the evening - what a relief! I'm going to have to do that again.....

    Awesome! You're a lot better than me. I'm useless in the morning. I am half a human being for like the first three hours after I wake up :laugh:
    I'm in Bismarck, North Dakota and this is early talk of snow for us too. Apparently there is a bad storm in the Wyoming Rockies and Black Hills of South Dakota. We are now going to get the tail end of it. They are set to get up to 2 feet of snow while we might see an inch or two. The nice thing is that we're suppose to be back in the 50-60 range next week. That's more normal for us.
    We are above normal around here, it’s been in the 90s all week – usually by now our average high has dropped into the 80s. We ARE supposed to get a cold front tomorrow though which will put us in the 70s for two days then back to the 80s we go…gotta love Autumn in Texas! :laugh:

    We're super cold here today and very windy, which is what always happens in New Mexico when the weather changes. It was a high in the low 60s today. That's crazy for us. Our average WINTER high is in the 40s to 50s. But it's supposed to be more normal tomorrow.
    @toots--I'm more of a roller coaster girl. :wink:

    Dude, not me. I hate roller coasters. And I get motion sick too.
  • meltinmomma
    meltinmomma Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everybody! Hope you don't mind me joining in. I've been looking for a thread like this :)

    My name is Debra and despite what my ticker says (working small goals) I have over 200 lbs to lose.

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    I have gone for a walk every night for 2 weeks now! This is huge for me. It's only a 15 min walk but for me that's a nice little workout. Gets my heart rate up and the sweat going :)

    I'm preparing for the weekend by figuring out what I can eat and still stay in my calorie goal when my family spends the day out shopping tomorrow.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just a thought: I've been mulling over the dicussion about how much weight we have to lose for it to be noticed and how people seem to notice smaller losses as we get closer to goal. I think it is a math thing. If I weigh 250#, I have to lose 25# to lose 10% of my weight. However, if I weigh 150#, I only have to lose 15# to lose 10% of my weight.
    Hope you all have a great weekend. I am still seem to be managing to eat a lot of my exercise calories most days. I guess its okay. I'm still on track to lose according the little notice that appears at the end of every day. It just seems so slow now. Patience is the name of the game at this point.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi debra and all of the other newlings! :flowerforyou: You've found a really great place for support and motivation, so visit often!

    @toots--what exciting news about the adoption. I had wondered what was going on--wasn't sure if it had gotten pushed to the back burner due to your DH's illness, so glad to hear it's still on!

    @tammy--OMG that is one darn cute puppy!! Glad you were able to give him a good home!

    @mercuriocs--as kelley (kah68) mentioned, don't enter all of the weight lifting machines separately, just enter "strength training" under the cardio exercise database. Also, I asked one of my MFP friends who is a certified fitness trainer what a "typical" burn is for strength training. He said if you're working out moderately hard, 300-400 calories/hour is a decent estimate. Finally, as kelley also mentioned, I sometimes use this website as a comparison measure for many of my exercises:

    @kris--:grumble: That's all I have to say about the unprofessional behavior.

    @charlotte--I don't feel like I'm *that* active, but I did find it almost unbearable to sit at an AP conference all day today.

    @kaye--stop trying to confuse me with math. :laugh:

    Friday Fitness:
    I'm really loving the new lifting routine, and although I can't say the same about the interval training, I know it is good for me. At least I can do HIIT with various forms of cardio, so I can still mix it up between the treadmill, elliptical, and stationary bike.

    On a different fitness note, while I was running yesterday, my HRM chest strap broke. Some of you will remember that it's the one I won last winter at a fundraiser raffle. The wristwatch portion never gave an accurate calorie read, so was only useful as a stopwatch. However, I would still wear the cheststrap so the cardio machines could track my HR at the gym. Guess it's time to buy a new one. I've been thinking about a Polar, but will need to do some research.

    Tomorrow I am walking a 5k with an MFP friend (laurie, I will be sure to tell him "hello" as you asked a week or so ago when I mentioned the 5k). There are scattered showers in the forecast so my hope is it stays clear for the race and afterparty.

    Speaking of rain--I've been kind of torn over Tropical Storm Karen. It's exciting to finally have a storm with my name--kind of like being seen in the Romper Room mirror (I just seriously dated myself with that one! :noway: :noway: ). However, I would hate for my namesake storm to actually hurt anyone or do serious damage to property. Fortunately, it looks like TS Karen is weakening and will just leave the Gulf Coast a bit soggy.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE+ gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--Oktoberfast 5K + walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 90
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 45 (bar only b/c just added today)

    Upright row = 30 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 20 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 10 (dumbbell)
    Shoulder press = 10 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Sorry, Karen. I wouldn't want to confuse the English teacher. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sorry, Karen. I wouldn't want to confuse the English teacher. Kaye

    Exactly!! :laugh: