Things I get unreasonably angry about.



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wait time at the dmv.
    USPS driver that delivers to my house is so lazy that if it doesn't fit in the mailbox; He just puts a note saying we weren't there, so we have to pick it up at the post office; even though he didn't even attempt to drop it off at the door.

    OMG another one! I LOATHE my delivery person, not only do we get the note but it's always "FINAL NOTICE" bs!!
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    When people eat cupcakes with forks. I do it when I'm sharing a giant one, and hate myself for it.

    When my mom rapidly smacks her lips to indicate something is good.

    When my 90 year old grandmother jokes we should marry rich men and take their money and run. Every. Day. I never say anything because I know she doesn't realize it.

    Lose/loose. This one bothers me the most because I roleplay online and end up seeing these two words often. Alot gets me, too. I get annoyed by other grammatical mistakes, just these two seem to drive me up the wall.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    waiting (in line, for text responses, whatever)

    sponges left in the sink
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    Slow drivers driving in the fast lane!
  • RVs and Semi- trucks that are on the road during rush hour.
    The guy on NPR that stutters because he seems to think that it makes him seem "intellectual".
    People that chew with their mouth open.
    People that pick their nose.
  • emmietoby
    emmietoby Posts: 172 Member
    when the people you are talking to keeps saying " you know? " over and over again!! if i "know" why would i be talking to you!!??
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Humans. Humans make me angry most
  • fossn22
    fossn22 Posts: 10
    Don't "ax" me a question! you "ask"!! Big difference!!!

    ^^^^definitely this
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    men who want to shake my hand when meeting me. I'm not a dude ! Don't shake my hand.

    So in a business situation you would prefer a quick hug with a reach-around? :huh:

    Seriously, I'm not sure I get this one. I shake hands with men and women when I meet them. It's kind of what you do.

    With that said, Jay Carney makes me unreasonably angry. Whenever I see his face on TV or hear his voice I want to scream. I can not STAND him!
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    my anger is never unreasonable.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    People who don't train their crappy little dogs so they jump on people, bite, attack other dogs and pee everywhere. If a big dog did that, you can bet they'd probably be ordered to be euthanized.

    On that same note, people who support pit bull bans. Or any dog breed bans, actually.

    Ditto - and I HATE dumpers - people to dump their pets at a kill shelter because the pet is an inconvenience or too old or too active or all the other stupid crappy reasons they contrive
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    If my food is arrange on my plate with the meat facing the wrong way

    The sound of children slamming doors - cabinet doors, microwave, fridge, car doors

    People crunching ice or hard candy for more than a piece or two

    Getting home after working late, past my children's bedtime, and finding that the person watching them let them stay up till I got home and let them make a damn mess all over the house - we have rules for a reason

    People who push for a speed limit raise on certain roads only so they can drive 10 mph even faster than that. No one needs to go 65 in a residential neighborhood where there's a stop sign at every corner

    Spending all day working on a project for someone, after they turned it in late, only to have them come back just as I've finished and make it informative, effective and beautiful and they say 'oh, I'll just make it myself in MS Word' {I'm a graphic designer}

    Reconciling work bills - we have an entire accounting department... they're the ones who receive the bills, they're the ones who create the accounting coding system, and they're the ones who pay the bills. they can't do that damn *kitten* and write down the coding # on a piece of paper or print out their own report once they're finished?!?!??!?!?
  • 1. Waking up late
    2. People who complain about their life or a situation but are unwilling to change.
    3. Super long Facebook statuses.
    4. insomnia
    5. Long lines at the grocery store and only 3 lanes open.
    6. Having to repeat myself.
    7. People that let their kids fun around unsupervised in public.
    8. When people stare at my kids who are in wheelchairs.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    People in the left lane going slower than the right lane

    This except in the HOV lane. People who get in the HOV lane because they have two people then they go slower than regular traffic. DIE!
    Fast food employees who don't speak english, and then when you have special instructions they pretend they understand what you're saying and get it wrong anyway.
    People who bring all their 6 children to the store with them then they run around or block aisles
    People in walmart carrying a new iphone 5, and a brand new coach bag, and they whip out a welfare card to pay for a flat screen TV.
    Children screaming in restaurants
    my brother... who will throw trash on top of the trash can lid instead of opening the can and throwing it inside
    When my cat demands to be in my lap when I'm trying to type or eat
    People who complain about their life or a situation but are unwilling to change
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Sociologists who announce 'discoveries' of stuff we've known all along, e.g. kids with rich parents do better at school. Gosh, really?
    People who earn money for sending letters to magazines with 'handy hints' my grandmother would have thought were old ideas e.g. Leave your clothes-pegs on the washing line to save time.
    Stupid, ugly, untalented, unskilled people who sneer at the idea of earning the National Minimum Wage : "I wouldn't get out of bed for that kind of money."
    People who think the world stops at the edges of America - helloooo? I think you'll find there are several other continents out here, actually.
    Anything to do with recycling, especially those horrible bins of rotting food which don't get collected for two weeks - gross.
    Large noisy flies which won't stop buzzing past your head as if they have some kind of death-wish.

    New study finds that broccoli is really good for you!

    New study finds that carrots are good for you!

    New study to determine if apples are good for you!

    Do we really have to study one vegetable or fruit at a time to figure out that these things are healthier than junk food? Can we be spared the tedium of scientifically studying each individual vegetable or fruit to see if it's healthy? Isn't is abundantly obvious that eating whole fruits and vegetables is almost always better than eating heavily processed foods, junk foods, or "fake" foods? Nah. Let's conduct studies and not connect the dots between them to just announce: abundant evidence demonstrates that eating more fruits and vegetables is better than eating crap. . . and be done with it. . .

    Not just this, but they get millions in government grants to study and tell people things they already know.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    The suggestive sell. If I wanted the damn fries, I would have ordered them.


    Can I interest you in one of our "insert crappy fast food here"?

    Ummmm Did I freaking Stutter? No I ordered what I wanted, I'm not a dolt, I know what I want, no wait I need a minimum wage earning kid with pictures on the cash register because he's too inept to learn how to add or subtract, tell me what frozen then fried food like substance is missing from my diet today!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Sorry I didn't realize I had this in me

    This is annoying but it's not their fault. Restaurants and fast food places force their employees to try to sell you sides and extras. If they don't ask they can get fired.

    I remember one place I worked demanded your food sold for the day work out to at least 8 dollars a person when the total count was in, so you had to suggest appetizers, desserts, sides and alcoholic drinks to make the total enough per person at the end of the day. I know it's not like that with fast food, but you still have to ask if they want things. sucks.
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    The past tense of the word "read".
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Some time ago, I was in Tim Hortons, and the cashier, who wasn't a teenager.... counted my change backwards to me, old school..... the bill was $12.75, I gave her a $20.... and she gave me a quarter, and said, that's 13, then $7 and said, and $20. I couldn't believe it, it's been so long since anyone has done that.

    I always did that... because people would come in and give you a 10 and when they got their change back they'd claim they actually gave you a 20. If you take the bill, say what it is out loud, and count the change back, they know you've paid attention and they can't steal from you.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    The workers installing the roof at my neighbors that started at 6AM! This really annoyed me because this is my first day off in 2 weeks!!!!!
  • jfurrrr
    jfurrrr Posts: 43 Member
    Misuse of too, to, lose and loose.
    People who always have to be right.
    Legging so tight I can see your cellulite.
    People who abuse animals.
    Violent people.
    Slow drivers, at least go the speed limit. Come on!
    Girls who drag words out. "sooo liike I wasss aat this partyyyy."
    If you use the word 'like' in every sentence. "what I mean is like when your trying to like explain something and like you can't think of other words so like you put like in every so often."
    People with to much money.
    People who ***** about not being able to pay bills but wear name brand cloths, have tattoos, buy drugs/alcohol and drive nice cars.

    Lol. I love when people complain about the incorrect use of to, too, and two and make the same grammatical error themselves.
  • Yiazach
    Yiazach Posts: 209 Member
    illegal parking!GOD DAMN!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Stupid conspiracy theories
    People who misuse the term 'irony'

    What do you get unreasonably angry about?

    Seeing Miley Cyrus's face/name every where I go. First off the chick has her own Easter egg...I mean really and now thanks to the VMAs its like she is EVERYWHERE. Grrrr..If I met her I would probably slap her just because haha

    People who hate on Miley Cyrus.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    The past tense of the word "read".


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    When people ring my doorbell... I hate company lol :laugh:
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    The suggestive sell. If I wanted the damn fries, I would have ordered them.

    You're obviously not in sales.

    Fast food restaurants aren't the only places they do this and I'm pretty sure that most of the time they get a sale out of it.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Cell phone use in traffic. Texting and talking. Hang up and drive!
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    When I hungry :mad:
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Other peoples inability to see that Scarlett Johansson plays every character in everything movie IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY

    This, except Jennifer Aniston.

    This, except Zooey Deschanel

    Sandra Bullock. She needs Cheez Whiz. Because it adds personality.
  • people who cant drive. but still drive
  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    Stupid conspiracy theories
    People who misuse the term 'irony'

    What do you get unreasonably angry about?

    Here are my main four.

    Not being listened to by my husband.
    When people I am close to do not keep their promises.
    Feeling controlled and dictated to by other people.
    When people put me down and tell me I am doing something wrong without giving any encouragement when I try to improve.