You eat too much.

Most of you know this. Many of you don't. You don't get fat by eating the wrong foods or your genetics or whatever. You get fat by eating too much. End of story.

There are no magic diets. There are no evil nutrients. There are no bad foods. If you achieve and maintain a healthy body composition and exercise regularly you will have basically the best physical health you can have within a margin of maybe a couple of percent.

Take ownership of how much you eat and you will succeed. That's what MFP is all about.



    Most of you know this. Many of you don't. You don't get fat by eating the wrong foods or your genetics or whatever. You get fat by eating too much. End of story.

    There are no magic diets. There are no evil nutrients. There are no bad foods. If you achieve and maintain a healthy body composition and exercise regularly you will have basically the best physical health you can have within a margin of maybe a couple of percent.

    Take ownership of how much you eat and you will succeed. That's what MFP is all about.

    ...except cauliflower. It's pure evil.

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Yes. I eat too much. I approve of this post! :drinker:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member

    Most of you know this. Many of you don't. You don't get fat by eating the wrong foods or your genetics or whatever. You get fat by eating too much. End of story.

    There are no magic diets. There are no evil nutrients. There are no bad foods. If you achieve and maintain a healthy body composition and exercise regularly you will have basically the best physical health you can have within a margin of maybe a couple of percent.

    Take ownership of how much you eat and you will succeed. That's what MFP is all about.

    ...except cauliflower. It's pure evil.


    LOL Agreed!!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    ...except cauliflower. It's pure evil.

    I said "food."
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    ...except cauliflower. It's pure evil.

    I said "food."

    :heart: :drinker:
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    I agree with this in general, but don't some people find it easier to eat less when they eat food higher in nutrients? Because I have noticed that I am more easily satisfied by nutrient dense foods than I am with junk food of equal caloric value. I'm "happier" briefly with the junk food, but the nutritious stuff just seems to... LAST me longer, not sure how to say it but I think you get the idea?
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I'd agree MFP provides the tool to evaluate and regulate intake of an appropriate amount of food. Once here, everything is quantified. Eat this amount. That's too much. Exercise provided this leeway. Etc. MFP is a fantastic tool for weight control.

    For people without this tool, things are a lot more mysterious, and some proxy tools (read: diet strategies) can be effective. Not sure just telling people to "eat less, move more" outside of a calorie-counting environment is particularly effective, even though it's completely accurate.
  • ...except cauliflower. It's pure evil.

    I said "food."

    Haha....ohhhhhhhh ;)

    Good post btw...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'd agree MFP provides the tool to evaluate and regulate intake of an appropriate amount of food. Once here, everything is quantified. Eat this amount. That's too much. Exercise provided this leeway. Etc. MFP is a fantastic tool for weight control.

    For people without this tool, things are a lot more mysterious, and some proxy tools (read: diet strategies) can be effective. Not sure just telling people to "eat less, move more" outside of a calorie-counting environment is particularly effective, even though it's completely accurate.

    That's true, but people - and society itself - would benefit greatly from understanding that calorie consumption versus calorie expenditure are THE reason for weight loss or gain.

    This one simple fact, even if you don't act on it, eliminates so much mystery and blame from the entire fitness/nutrition/health/diet industry.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I'd agree MFP provides the tool to evaluate and regulate intake of an appropriate amount of food. Once here, everything is quantified. Eat this amount. That's too much. Exercise provided this leeway. Etc. MFP is a fantastic tool for weight control.

    For people without this tool, things are a lot more mysterious, and some proxy tools (read: diet strategies) can be effective. Not sure just telling people to "eat less, move more" outside of a calorie-counting environment is particularly effective, even though it's completely accurate.

    That's true, but people - and society itself - would benefit greatly from understanding that calorie consumption versus calorie expenditure are THE reason for weight loss or gain.

    This one simple fact, even if you don't act on it, eliminates so much mystery and blame from the entire fitness/nutrition/health/diet industry.

    Totally agree. I'd love to see the diet industry crash and burn. The growing availability of free tools like MFP will hopefully mainstream the truth and counter the mass marketing of lies and profiting off of fear and confusion. We'll see.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Amen, preach it Brother Jon.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I only came to realize this truth very recently!! I was a believer of carbs being sooo evil ..

    But what you just said is so true!!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I agree with this in general, but don't some people find it easier to eat less when they eat food higher in nutrients? Because I have noticed that I am more easily satisfied by nutrient dense foods than I am with junk food of equal caloric value. I'm "happier" briefly with the junk food, but the nutritious stuff just seems to... LAST me longer, not sure how to say it but I think you get the idea?

    But in this case it's not the nutrient richness of the food that is directly making the difference. It's simply that you find that by eating nutrient rich food you eat less, and that's what leads to weight loss.

    It's still completely within the bounds of the original statement.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    One of the secrets, however, is figuring out how much is 'too much'. We all have different levels of calorie need. If we compare ourselves to others, who may burn more calories than we do, then we will get frustrated when we don't lose weight,

    If we don't know how many calories are in the food we eat. We don't know how much is too much either.

    Education is the key. And a dose of honest reality.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    110% AGREE!!! :bigsmile:
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    But what will become of Doc Oz?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    But what will become of Doc Oz?

    If I manage to drive him off the TV, which would be the great success of my life, he always has that whole "cardiac surgery" thing to fall back on.
  • dmoppy
    dmoppy Posts: 45 Member
    Wait, so sandwiches are okay? Oh that sandwich thread was a joke - the interweb fooled me again!

    All kidding aside, this approach works for me too. Essentially I treat calories as currency: I have so much to spend each day and make choices based on "cost." I don’t like to carry balances forward so I either stay within my spending limit or earn more by working (out) more. I can eat anything I want (which is a freedom I need) but some items I used to eat a lot more of are more than I want to pay. So I will eat a donut but will often choose something else because it might “cost less” and “give me more” (i.e. fill me up for a longer period). Of course I sometimes eat the donut…mmm donuts…The Macro balancing thing also seems to work for me and it's either true or I have trained myself to miss something if I have overdone it in one of the other two areas.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    but it sure tastes good going down

    serious note though it is why bariatric surgery works it limits the amount of food one can consume