

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I didn’t sleep well last night. I had a nasty headache and worries for DD. I wanted to talk to her yesterday, but she was at a neighbors socializing and that is a very good thing. She promised to get in touch with us today. I hope she follows through fairly early in the day. I also hope to heaven I can curtail my impulses to give unwanted advice. Please send me many mental messages that help me keep my opinions and advice to myself.

    Renny in Vancouver Island, BC: Congratulations! You ran your race, despite concerns. I’m so glad your back is okay. You must have done a good job training. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: Have a good first day back at work. I hope it all goes well.:flowerforyou:

    Linda in Ontario: It sounds to me like you did a great job celebrating Thanksgiving and eating moderately. Only 200 over on Thanksgiving surely must be an NSV. You probably did burn them off with all your hard work.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I think we all have our insecurities. I know I do. You seem to be doing great these days. Congratulations on all your hard work.:bigsmile:

    Rori in CO: Some people have unreasonable fear of dentists. Getting my DH to go to ours is a real chore, despite the fact that we have a good dentist who doesn’t inflict pain. :noway: My parents both had dentures from an early age. Neither had the dentures through neglect, but they really gave me motivation to take care of my own teeth. Good luck getting your cat to lose weight. I’ll bet they make diet cat food, and I wonder if it is any better than diet human food, which generally lacks excellence, or even lower calories than well chosen non-diet food.:ohwell: :wink:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Katla sure didn't burn any calories there. Niece and nephew had it all under control. I was in charge of dessert I brought two apple pies and a pumpkin that I bought. So just an easy relaxed day.

    Well trying hard to get back on the wagon today. No planned out meals today. But after eating so much yesterday my body don't want to stay quite it's calling for food. So far had a toast with peanut butter at 7:30 and another toast with a slice of bacon that my brother smoked and brought us some already cooked. I had one slice only. Now going to drive him to get his truck at the cottage. Maybe that will get my mind of food.

    I am so tired this morning and don't know the why of it. If I had of went to bed late but slept good from 10:00 to 6:30 this morning without getting up once tossed and turned a little but had a great nights sleep. Maybe to much and that's why i'm tired.

    Back Lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, Jake buys Nancy's plain yogurt at the grocery store---a bit more expensive but high quality and low sugar....he adds frozen berries that he buys in big bags at Costco and has that for a meal or snack on "find it and fix it "days when he has to fix his own meals.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Now I'm off to meet my friend for a walk on the Olympic Discovery Trail....this is our third walk this week----she goes to Texas to visit her mom tomorrow and won't be back for awhile----it is 43 degrees and sunny so I'll wear warm layered clothes that can be taken off as it gets warmer.

    :heart: Barbie

    Stay in the moment
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.Violet slept over since she`s off today.Grandpa took us to Mcdonald`s so she could play.Had an ice tea and parfait.
    Doing the exercise and icing,small improvement.
    Enjoy your day.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's cloudy here today. I hope we can get a little rain. I'm not going to the gym today. My cardiologist appt is at 3:40 and my tummy is making some angry noises. Not sure what's coming, but I'd hate to have diarrhea at the pool. So I'm taking the day off.

    I went to Walmart and found a blue Power Ranger's costume! Oh joy! My little grandson (age 4) wants to be a blue Power Ranger, and nothing else will do, so of course, blue was the color nobody had. Today they had gotten ONE on the truck. It's going to be a tiny bit big on him, but I think we can fold under the legs a little, or just cut them off. He was over the moon when he saw it. Tonight I'm taking the two girls up to pick out their costumes. The older one (age 9) always wants what the younger one (age 7) wants, so I think I will take the older one shopping first and then the younger one can pick something different. She told her daddy that she doesn't want to be the same as her sister. Can't blame her. I should be making the costumes, but just don't feel up to it this year. When my son was little I used to make some pretty fancy costumes, like a headless horseman, complete with a paper mache skull to hold candy, with ping pong ball eyeballs, hanging loose on red yarn. Also, a mummy using torn sheets with a sarcophagus lid to carry along. Those costumes took a lot of time and energy. So, I'm just going to wimp out and buy the kids theirs this year. Their dad told me yesterday that he wasn't going to be able to afford their costumes. So Grandma with Plastic, to the rescue!

    I have nothing to report, so I'll get off here now. Have a great day everybody!

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello all!
    I just walked today , had to pick up something, so decided to walk to and from the market, so would get the ex as well as run the errand. Put on my ankle weights to get a better workout. So am happy about making the decision. Earlier wouldn't want to miss out on the gym workout n would dilly dally about errands to be run.....I'm liking this decision making, me.
    When I exercise, which is in the evening, I am also not attacked by the munching epidemic.....so double bonus.
    Have to definitely get onto the lemon and warm water ASAP.
    Have a good day everyone. Skimmed through all the posts, great to know most r doing so well.
    Sylvia..... when we bruise internally it appears black n blue. A traditional grandmother's recipe in my house is to have a cup of warm milk with a tea spoon of turmeric powder, sweetened with honey to taste. Maybe u could try with half a teaspoon..... just want to see u heal fast. I would always give my kids n pets Arnica pills as it heals from within I was told.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,978 Member
    Good Monday everyone!
    Wow, over 3 pages and all I did is skip 2 days over the weekend! I did read everyone's posts though as I find them interesting and encouraging and sometimes sad all at the same time. Does packing and moving boxes count as strength training? If so, I am getting quite a lot lately preparing for the move in 2 weeks (actually 11 days until I pick up the U-Haul truck!). Everything is on schedule so far. The only definite thing I am waiting on is the firm closing date. I gave everybody a drop dead date of Halloween (pun intended!) and everyone seems to be onboard with that date (realtors in CT, mortgage company, and sellers of house). The new job is all set to start on Wed. Nov. 6 after the move. Getting excited and scared at the same time. 1000 mile move is what is scary but being near my DGSs, DS, and DD#1 will be worth it. I didn't log my food over the weekend, but think I did pretty well. At least I didn't gain anything. Since I am a big emotional eater, I am really challenging myself to stay on track through this adventure. Tough one that will get easier once I'm settle in my new home and new job. Old house is on the market with no calls as of yet. I am giving serious consideration to renting the house. My only hesitation is the distance and taking care of it. That is the only thing still up in the air. Oh, well, many more milestones overcome, one left is not too bad.

    You are all in my thoughts. I love coming here and reading everyone's stories. Keeps me motivated.

    Rita from TN (11 days to move day)
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow. Been gone 2 weeks and have a lot of reading in order to catch up.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    We are a chatty bunch-:love::love:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    afternoon all,
    well ya'll would be proud of me..I did walk in the pool at a pretty good clip for an hour....and the gym and riding the bike..
    I am sooo enjoying the time down here.. I did break down and have a rocky road ice cream cone and it tasted good!!! logged it and still have calories left over :wink:
    I bought nestea unsweetened Ice tea powder and the liquid stevia and am making my own no cal sweet tea.. and am enjoying that to..
    Kevrit- cant wait for you to get up here....
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Rita, my Dad was a minister so moving was part of our lives! Some of the churches paid to move us and some didn't. But we always paid a mover. Ever since I graduated from high school back in 1968 I have only made one other move. After hubby and I got married and got a. starter home we later moved into the home we have been in since 1978. I have thought of moving many times, in fact even contacted a realtor one time. But we are here to stay. I do not envy you. But sometimes I feel we all need to sometimes go through our homes like we were going to move and really super clean them out. But I haven't done it. I do not envy you.

    I didn't sleep well last night. But I was bound and determined to go got the Y since I won't be doing much exercising over the next 3 days except walking through a small petting zoo. So I did a little over 8 miles but some of it was pretty slow. i was tired but not ready to the bike off because I was involved in the TV show!!!! That's one reason I like to use that bike, the TV is an incentive to stay on it. When you are watching HGTV, you have to finish the show!!!! The hotel room I got for tomorrow night has a small kitchenette so I will take some of my snacks. I hate paying almost $80 when we will only be in the room less than 10 hours but there is just no place to sleep at my daughter's house. Plus it is so much quieter.

  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    I have dreaded October coming up. Halloween candy :grumble: :noway: :frown: :cry: :sad: I can not go tot he store by myself. Lord give me strength

    Joyce, Indiana

    If they do not sell dark Chocolate truffles laced with cognac then I do not want any. Only the best for me. Not that fake chocolate stuff. I have reformed. Makes Halloween easier to cope with because 99.99% is not the best stuff.

    Linda from Severn Bridge
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    I went to the retina specialist today and he said I am healing well. As long as I do not get any new tears the chance of detachment goes down everyday. :smile:

    So I will continue to try and have a healthy diet and keep my stress levels low.:happy:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians! :heart:

    It's been a great one for me. Yesterday my DS & his GF came for dinner. We had chicken, brown rice & tossed salad. We had a great time, so relaxed and easy. I'm getting to know his GF better, she's such a sweetheart. I really do like her and she seems good for him. My DD really likes her too.

    I went to the Y all 3 days, aquafit on Saturday & Sunday and today was strength training. Today was a nice quiet day at home, I actually got to sleep in :happy: :happy: :happy: I really don't like mornings.

    Time to finish off the laundry and get lunch ready for tomorrow.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good news at the cardiologist. Blood test and EKG did not show any heart attack. I go back on Thursday for a stress test, but the nurse practioner was pretty sure I had a pinched nerve or something. I like that option better than the heart attack option.

    We are off now to attend a trumpet recital on campus. I will have ear plugs in my purse! Hubby played trumpet in hs, so he has more interest in it than I do, but I want to be supportive.

    Have a good evening!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sylvia,good news:drinker: :drinker:
  • paulyne1
    I am new to this site and am motivated by the comments you have all made. I hope to be able to interact to get and give support. Just starting my journey. Am a very active 71 year old with 22-25 pounds to lose. I play tennis 2-3 times a week and take one cardio class each week. Now my challenge is to be exacting about what I eat and recording with precision. I welcome your help.
  • fatflygirl61
    awesome!! jealous :-)
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Joyce - so excited to hear the trainer at the Y is customizing an exercise plan for you!! Way to go, girlfriend!!! :flowerforyou:

    Michele - we use arnica whenever something aches. Our massage person also will use it on areas that have been bothering us for a while too. Not sure if it affects new injuries more, but it helps DH with his neck issues (chronic from spurs).

    It's been an up and down several days. But I refuse to beat myself up and know today is another day. I'll take the two steps forward even with the one step back :laugh:

    Jill in western MA
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Ladies, nice to be back into this thread. I went to Charleston to visit my daughter-- lots of great food, but I did okay and got some exercise in. But after I came home I was sick and I'm just now getting back to the usual swing of things. For the rest of October-- goals are to continue to do my strength exercise class, to jog three times a week, and to generally be active.

    Love the fall weather-- October is my favorite month!