
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    GAA the last 2 days have been hideous! It ended with a closed-door meeting with an adjunct (part time) faculty member who smokes about 3 packs of cigarettes a day. Smoking is not allowed on campus, but she smelled so bad I had a horrible allergic reaction! By the time i got home and jumped in the shower...literally with some clothes still on...I was peeling my skin off! Time for drugs and an early bed time. My eyes are so swollen I can hardly see!! Hope your day was much better than this; I'm cheering you on!

    Tell me it gets better! Take care, Meg
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Barbiecat--Diary is open
  • To exermom, thank you for the welcome. I live in Centerville, Ohio (suburb of Dayton). I am enjoying the entries here.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Meg is there anything can be done with this heavy smoker. I hate being around cigarette smoke also doctor warned me to stay away from it. I've been doing pretty good. I don't need COPD is that what it's called.

    Well had a fair day today went for a mini walk the back is still not better every time I stretch one way or the other it hurts..
    Was under on the food but under on water but evening not done yet going to go get my cup of warm water and lemon. Tomorrow is tops and I need a loss.

    See you all lighter tomorrow.
    Linda from Northern Ontario.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Swampgasone: Welcome. Keep coming back and you will find the support we call “Vitamin F” for friendship.

    Paulyne1: Welcome to you, too. I like your attitude and it sounds like you are off to a great start. Hope you will share on this thread.

    Joyce: So glad you are getting some good coaching at the Y. I moved to the Rockies from Honolulu. 12 years later, I’ve learned to dress in layers and be sure I have a good 4-wheel drive car. Even our cat is comfortable walking in snow.

    Heather: Have fun in Bath. Hope DH has a good time while you and your friends visit.

    Michele: I would be happy to share the strength training routine my PT created for me. Please PM me with an email where I can send to you electronically. I am at the beginner phase of my strength training, so you may have to amp up the exercises to make them more challenging for yourself.

    Katla: We have our cat on grain free and another special formula made for adult fixed cats who have to watch their weight. However, DH and I are such pushovers….he still gets the occasional treat.

    Sylvia: You’re such a wonderful grandma to take each of them out to make the annual monumental decision about a costume. Loved your story. Congratulations on the good test results. Pinched nerve? Ouch! My chiropractor does an amazing job of working those out for me.

    Anamika: I had not heard of the warm milk with turmeric treatment for bruises. Thanks for sharing.

    Rita: I am a long-distance landlady. I have trusted service providers I can call if needed to do any repairs to the place. I can recommend a company that electronically debits the monthly rent from my tenant’s checking account and deposits to mine.

    Tazgirl1960: Bravo for shaking the drive time snack habit. This is a journey for life, and as long as you are making small changes (as Barbie always advises) you will achieve successes. You will be tested, so keep your chin up and your faith strong.

    DeeDee: Have fun (and stay safe!) with your golf-cart driving grand-daughters. You sure do know how to make memories.

    Sue: A high five to you for maintaining during an extended period of no exercise. WTG!

    Terewilliams: Welcome back. We’re glad you found us again.

    Yanniejannie: Bless you for volunteering for a local non-profit. My job is in fundraising, so if you ever need advice, please reach out.

    Grandmallie: I envy you all the time in the pool. Keep having fun.

    Meg: Sorry about your day. The smell of cigarette smoke sickens me, too. Take care.

    Well, I have to pack and print a boarding pass for a trip to NYC tomorrow. Will squeeze in an early AM cardio workout before heading to the airport..

    Stay well.
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    October Goals:
     Cardio with intervals as prescribed by Rose 4x per week
     Body weight strength training routine 3x per week
     Leg stretches every day
     Hit my daily protein and fiber goals 4x per week
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi gang! Today was good. I hit 220 on the scale this morning, which is 82 pounds down, so I pretty much floated through the day. It amazes me that I can feel downright skinny, even at 220 pounds. Hubby is at 221, so I'm below him for the moment. Just 68 pounds to go till I'm not obese anymore! I think I might be able to do it!

    We took the girls shopping for costumes. The older one got Cleopatra, and the younger one got a Vampire Queen. They were both happy. Then we went to Pizza Hut for supper, and then took them home. I had a great time with them. And they were very well behaved.

    Tomorrow hubby and I are going to Springfield, Missouri for a chemistry conference. I get to go shopping while hubby is doing the conference. I'm hoping to find a new swim suit, if anybody still has them this time of year. Mine are too big!

    I have to take Molly and Bruno to the vet for boarding tomorrow, which makes me sad. Molly is always terrified to go there, and I know they don't mistreat her, so I don't know why. Bruno won't be scared. He's not scared of anything. It's only for two days. I hope I can make it that long without my babies.

    Sweet dreams everybody!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    swampgasone - welcome! You've come to a great place for motivation, that's for sure. Keep coming in for lots of support. It's great that you are exercising as much as you can. Vince (dh) and I have been married 35 years and have 4 cats. Can't wait to see your new pic

    Linda - so sorry you had a bad day yesterday. We're all ears if you'd like to talk.

    Sue in SD - awesome step count!

    katla - congrats on your MFP anniversary! And finishing the deck - wonderful!

    Went to the Y and did the 30-20-10 interval workout. Actually, I found that having to change the speeds at 30 seconds, then 20 seconds, then 10 was just too much so I increased the time, walked fast for 1 minute instead of 30 seconds, walked very fast for 40 seconds instead of 20, and ran for 20 seconds instead of 10. Time seemed to go by much faster, too. Came home and had something to eat then helped Vince with the Halloween decorations. They aren't done. Then picked up the rest of Jessica's prescription and mailed that to her then went to Bi-Lo. I should have gotten more spaghetti squash. Oh well....I needed eggs and I had a coupon for a free dozen. Wanted to get a raincheck for Vince's deodorant since it's almost never on sale. Came home and did some more work stringing the popcorn. It was such a nice day -- very little to no wind. Just made some more of the chocolate bran muffins for myself.

    Tomorrow I'll do the deep water class. Usually I go to yoga on Wednesday mornings, but tomorrow they're having the Y board meeting in the aerobics room so the yoga is moved to the community center. I get there just barely on time when it's in the same building, I'd never make it in a different building. Why they have the board meeting in the aerobics room is a mystery to me. The reason I was given was so that they'd be "more a part of the Y's members". Come on, that's a crock. Not sure of the real reason, tho.

    Last night after mahjongg I went to one food store. they're the only place that has the ground chicken BREAST, and I had coupons for it. You almost never see a coupon for that. I also wanted some organic apples and they have them along with small bottles of orange juice. That seems to be about the only place I can get them, too. Most recipes only call for something like 1 cup or 1/2 a cup, I just can't see buying a whole gallon for just one cup. So I get these small bottles. Even tho they cost more, in the end they aren't as expensive as throwing out all the oj that I would have to.

    grandmalle - glad you're having such a great time in FL

    Meg - you poor dear! I hate when I get even the hint of cigarette smoke.

    Rori - thanks so much for being so willing to share your routines with me. Sometimes I'm at a loss as to what else I can do in a hotel. Last year we had Thanksgiving at Jessica's. We stayed at a hotel and one of the things I did was jump rope. I got a pulled achilles tendon and to this day I can still feel it. It doesn't hurt, but I can tell it's there. I've sent you my email address. Amping up the exercises is not a problem, I can just vary the time or intensity of the cardio routines. On another note: you think YOU'RE pushovers with giving your cat the occasional treat? You should see Vince. It's not the "occasional" treat, it's every day. Admitted, they all get cat treats when Loki gets his medicine, but I'm talking about him letting Bonnie drink the milk from his glass, letting Lexi have some of his ranch dressing, cutting up his meat to give to the cats. You..pushovers? I don't think so. Not compared to Vince, anyway.

    Sylvia - congrats on the great weight loss. You'll be at goal in no time, that's for sure. Baby steps and you'll get there.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We went to DH’s MS specialist today and DH is holding his own. There have been no loses since his initial evaluation. We’re seeing improved mobility, energy and strength. They show in our lives, but not in the doctor’s evaluation process. We also went shopping and I bought a pair of skinny jeans. I’ll wear them whenever I want to wear my boots. I wore boots and jeans this weekend, but my jeans fabric bunched up at my knees. Hopefully there will be no more of that. I feel so blessed to have some problems that aren’t serious at all. I’ve been called in to jury duty tomorrow morning. I wonder whether I’ll be chosen. I’ll let you know how that turns out.

    terewilliams: Welcome back. Every day is new, with the opportunity to do your best. We’re ready to cheer you on.

    Juanita in Sudbury: I’m glad you had a great holiday. I’m grateful for MFP friends, too.

    Yanniejannie: Congratulations on all your successes! I’m glad the heat treatment solved your itching. I’ve used it successfully in the past, but sometimes have needed more than one treatment.

    Heather: I’m glad your DH is sleeping. Mine is also an occasionally loud snorer and at home I go to another bedroom. Staying in a hotel is a different situation. DS is a snorer and DDIL has earplugs. Something to think about.

    Meg: It gets better when you don’t have to be in an enclosed space with a smoker. If there is any justice, the smoker was also uncomfortable.

    Sylvia: Eighty-two pounds down is a remarkable achievement. Congratulation!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Barbiecat--Diary is open

    :flowerforyou: I looked at your diary and noticed that you eat at restaurants and fast food places.....that would be a good place to start making small changes...even when you're away from home there are ways to find food at the grocery store rather than restaurants....any time you can substitute real food for processed food, you will provide more nourishment for your body which in turn will provide more energy which will allow you to be more active and burn more calories.......take baby steps.....look at your food diary each day and look for items that have a lot of calories but not much food to eat.and find something to replace it.......a good example is that 3 cups of green beans have about the same amount of calories as a serving of salad dressing with a lot more to eat and a lot more nourishment and a lot less sodium......and don't forget to drink a lot of water.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We are back at the hotel. My bedtime medicine is in my system and y quiet music is playing so I am relaxing. My 6 year DGD is a huge bundle of energy. Rain is predicted tomorrow where my brother lives so it may spoil our day for this petting zoo.

    I was actually under in calories today. and didn't drink enough water. Need to do better tomorrow. Didn't do hardly any walking.

    Welcome new members.

  • Thanks for posting everyone - it makes me feel like I'm getting to know you :-) Seeing everyone's goals has helped keep me motivated.

    Something that may be helpful for when you eat out: I took time one day to go to the various fast food and chain restaurant websites and decided on 1-2 menu items I very much like at each place. Then I looked at the calories and determined how much of the item/meal I could eat and still stay in my calorie goal for a meal. I listed them all for myself so that I had it to refer to. Now even if a stop at a restaurant hasn't been planned ahead I can still feel good about eating out. It has been very empowering to be able to walk into a restaurant, look at the menu, and know that I can eat what I enjoy and still be meeting my goals. For non-chain restaurants I have a few standard meals that I figured out close estimates of what the calories would be and so even there I know I'm making choices that are delicious to eat, satisfy my appetite, and still fit my calories. Maybe this would work for you, too.

    Have to do a little more work before I head to bed, so I'll sign off. Thanks for letting me share in your journey.
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    Well I did an hour of yoga stretching exercises today! My muscles are still a little stiff and sore, but I am feeling energised again and moving easier. It took me two hours to walk a mile and a half with canes yesterday, but I made it back. I could barely walk a block in pain a few years ago, so I am making progress. At this rate, I'll never be Olympic material though! The yoga helps between hikes. Tomorrow I plan to try a new route through the woods. As long as I don't meet a bear or cougar, I'll be fine. It will encourage me to walk a little faster! Can you tell that I am a city girl at heart? Time to suck it up and put on a brave face! This from a woman who always stated that on the roller coaster of life, she was strictly mery-go-round material! Why, I am getting downright adventuresome in my old age. Kudos from my daughter today for the effort! She is training to be a fulltime fire fighter. Sure doesn't get it from her parents- must be a recessive gene (lol)!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Grrrrrrrr..........wrote a post and lost it!!!! Wanted to let you all know I bought the Arnica Gel for my foot; found it at CVS and using it now.

    Rori..........thanks for your kind offer of advice; I may well take you up on it.........

    Sylvia.........awesome loss, WTG!!!

    Katla.........look at you, SO close to goal!!!!! Wonderful!

    Anamika........I dimly remember something about tumeric having healing properties and I do have some on hand as I use it in a marinated vegtable salad

    Decorating finished........pumpkin tower in window, broom with black cat on front door and this year I added 4 palm-sized spiders that I glued magnets on, they do look creepy!!

    Got the soup made, did not get to the chutney or banana bread.

    Meeting tonight was productive and quite pleasant.

    G'nite all,
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: I know I've had too much sodium the last couple of days, my fingers are swollen. So I must go back to drinking lots of water.

    Tomorrow is a potluck at work. But we are doing it a little different ly. It will be a "salad" potluck, where everyone brings some fixings. I am bringing carrots.

    I am signing up for jazzercise. It's something I used to do. Not sure yet how my back will stand up. I sure felt good about walking the 8 k and 10k, and now I want to work on half marathon.

    Welcome newcomers. Do sign with your first name. All of us are on a journey, and it helps so much to have support of those who understand!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Evening, Ladies! I know I have been AWOL again, but it has been hectic! You know, taking all these naps just shoots the whole day! I have no idea why I am so tired, but I really could nap three times a day. Let's blame the weather or change of season or ????

    Anyway, I gained a bit this week. I thought I would because I have not been accurate with my logging, and I had the cake in the house. That just is not a good thing! It is gone now, I left the rest over at Suzie's. I have, also, been feeling very bloated and sore this week. I think that has to do with the unavailability of good, fresh fruits right now. The apples are about all that are really at their peak. The other fruits all need to come into the house and "sit a bit" before they can be eaten. Things that ripen on the kitchen counter just don't taste the same as fruit that ripens naturally. Tomorrow is a craft/farmers' market, and I am going to check out the produce stands, hopefully, I will find something yummy besides more apples.

    Sandy- I am glad that Thanksgiving dinner went well for you. I am also very proud of your continued activity at the Y! You go, girl!

    Sylvia- The ear plugs are a good idea, even though I love the horns, they can be too loud. Great news from the cardiologist, thanks for keeping us posted.
    How about a muzzle for Bruno, or how about leaving him in a "no-damage" area when you are gone?
    Down 82 pounds! That is just awesome!

    Jill- What is arnica? I just bought a tube of Traumeel that a friend recommended for arthritis, but I can not feel any difference in pain level.

    Swampgasone- Welcome! It sounds like you have some fun goals and activities! I think you will enjoy tubing again this winter, but do try for the snowmobile ride back up the hill..... just to impress the kids that a smile and a wink can really work wonders on the cute, young things! Would you mind giving us another name by which to address you? I really don't think I even want to know why you call yourself "Swampgasone"!
    From one Merry-Go-Round Mama to Another- - - I think we are going to get along just fine!

    Tazgirl- Eating in the car is also a downfall of mine! I am glad you are doing well with your resolve to give that up.

    Sue- Congrats on making it through your first day back without taking a nap at lunch time! You must have been really moving and shaking to hit over 10,000 steps! I think I will take a nap FOR you!

    Katla- Congrats on your dedication, your determination and your weight loss! You are a great example that this program can and does work!
    Glad to hear that DH is holding his own with the MS.

    Terewilliams- Welcome! Glad you are here!

    Meg- I am so sorry that you had to sit through the meeting with that person! I do react to people who reek of cigarettes, but I am not nice about it. I make a point of moving away from them. I don't say anything unless they ask why I am moving, but then I will tell them that my health is important to me. They sometimes get offended, but I do need to be able to breathe, ya know. Hope you feel better today.

    Puzzler- That was a smart move to check out the websites and pick 1 or 2 things from each menu. Being mentally prepared is half the battle.

    Michele- Your advice about the hairdryer does work! I have tried that before. It sounds like you have been really busy lately.

    Well, I think it is time for bed. Tomorrow is another busy day. I have a class at the scrapbook store and choir practice in the afternoon. In between those things, I am going to call the orthopaedic guy and see if I can talk him into another shot of cortizone for my ankle. It has been really bad lately, and I just really don't think that taking 6 to 10 Aleve a day is a good thing. Hope he agrees, and I hope I can get in soon.

    Sweet dreams, my friends,

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    up and had my lemon water and am up and dressed, going for a walk and then will go to the pool and do my water jogging early, I got fried even though I had sunscreen on:grumble:
    then today the DH are going to do NOTHING.. this poor man has done something every single day and this is a vacation for him too.
    will check in later
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning all you wonderful vitamin f tablets.

    Enjoy Ne York. Have fun.

    Guess you would feel fit and trim with losing 82 lbs.
    Keep up the good work.

    How do you stop a man from over feeding your pets.
    I've been trying for years. with no success.

    That's great news on hubby even if the doctors don't see it. You do.
    And that's what counts. Holding his own is great. Tell him to keep doing what he's doing.

    3 cups that's lots of beans but I can eat a whole can of them for a snack. I have. Like them all yellow, green, I like my beans.

    Enjoy the grandkids while their little. Like our own children they grow up to fast.

    Great plan for those who eat out often. As for me I only go out to restaurants about once a month.
    Just not a restaurant person. Prefer my own cooking. Usually i'll give a comment like good but mine is better.

    Ann Carol
    Wow thumbs up for your walking through the bush with canes.
    Have you ever tried walking sticks.
    Hubby uses them he prefers those to the cane.

    Yannie Jannie
    I don't get enough trick or threaters to bother decorating. I'm making special bags as their mostly family.

    Try a little lemon in your water good for inflammation.

    Does your nap come out of poor nights sleep or just plain boredom. I had a boredom day yesterday. Until after lunch then all was fine. I hate them days. Wish I could shake them off. But it's hard when you don't even know why your like that. Believe you me not because there's nothing to do around here lots lots and I love to sew so a walk downstairs but some days that don't even work. Be careful with the alive. Don't know if you can get addicted to them. But don't want you to find out the hard way. Maybe talk to doctor about it.

    Glad your enjoying your holiday. Get that hubby of yours to slow down. Suppose to be relaxing time.

    There all done and not 9 o'clock yet. I promised to stop by 9 just to much computer time . This morning it's raining but i'm smiling wii didn't catch my Sunday and Monday. Well yes I gained and it showed up to yesterday. But got a maintain this morning and happy with that. I'll be showing a loss at tops tonight. Now I think i'm going to go sit in a tub of Epson salt apparently good for aching back and bones.

    Today will be a good day.
    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Sylvia – congratulations on your weight loss to date. That is terrific!

    Michele – my DH does the same with our dog and treats.

    Otherwise just marking my place for now.

    Gail, metro ATL

    GEORGIA GALS – there is a get-together at my place on Saturday, 10/26/13. We’ll start with a meet and greet from 9:30a-12:30p to get to know each other better, along with a light lunch (probably soup), then, for those who wish, we’ll head off to Gibbs Gardens ($20 admission) for the afternoon. (It takes about 3 hours to see completely.) Message me if you want to come and I’ll provide more specific info -- I'm in Canton, GA, exit 14 (Holly Springs exit) off I-575, for location reference.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    Linda- It was the Orthopaedic doc that told me to take over the recommended dose of the Aleve. My GP and my Gastro guys are not happy about it. The naps are because I do not sleep well at night. I have very restless legs and a cat who really is a night owl. Most of the time I am ok, but for the last week or so, I have been having trouble w/ being overly tired during the day. I think it is a cyclical/seasonal thing, at least, that is what I am telling myself. I don't feel sick or really sad or frightened, I am just going through a phase. This, too, shall pass.
    I applaud your resolve to be off the computer at 9 p.m. That's about the time I open mine up! My SO, who is in Minn., comes online late and we chat and play Scrabble for a while. I know that sounds silly, but it's a routine.

    GardenGail- Oh, please, take group and individual pics, if possible. I would so love to join all of you!

    Well, it isn't even 6:30 a.m., and I am back up and at 'em. I have a crockpot of turkey soup working, so supper should be healthy and delicious tonight. I think I may have to shut the windows before bed tonight because I am actually cold this morning.....thus, the turkey soup. I will have enough that I will be able to share w/ friends. That's always fun.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday! I will check back in later.

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’ve been called in for jury duty this morning. I wonder if I’ll be selected to serve for this trial. I hope it isn’t a crime involving children. I’d have a very hard time hearing that kind of issue.

    Have a good day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.