what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    So many threads today about the negative things that others have said and done....strange focus for me. Everyone has had hurtful / mean / inappropriate things said to them, whether they've ever been heavy or not. I don't get the point of dredging every one of these experiences up and reliving them. Why give them space in your head?

    Having a full life, setting healthy goals for ourselves, growing as human beings, trying to be strong and compassionate and not being "those jerks" that all of these stories are about....this I understand. But re-hashing each negative things ever said to us since grade school or before? I guess I just don't see the benefit.
    I asked myself the same question reading this. And after a little thought came to this:
    I don't think there is any real benefit except to see that people can really be jerks and to get some affirmation from the MFPers that what they said was never true about us, or isn't true about us now! That's especially tricky when it's parents and family members who say hateful and/or untrue things about us. I think we are all trying to see ourselves as who we really are and as who God made us not in the way that someone else inaccurately sees us.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Freak. Oh, wait, that was the other thread.

    Seriously, though, just about anything you can think of, but I work in mental health in an ER, so there's a lot of unhappy campers there and such. *shrug* Oh, and my mom once said I dressed like a bag lady, but grunge was *in* at that time.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    aerdre. Who can blame you. What a sad pathetic woman.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member

    I'm not, never have been, and have terrible PCOS with total infertility. I don't want children, but .. ouch.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    When I was 12 I got make up for the first time. I was in front of the mirror having a go and my father walked in the room and said, 'Don't bother you looked like a monkey the day you were born I was going to call a zoo keeper and you still look like a monkey now, your best bet in life is to beg someone to marry you be a good girl and take care of he house and kids because you'll never have any other opportunities with a face like that".

    That was just one of the many insults from both of my parents the worst one from my mother was, 'Your a looser just like your father, you'll always be a looser and you will NEVER amount to anything, I hope that you freeze to death on a park bench for all I care." I was 16 and my crime was helping my sister out when my brother beat her black and blue I had yelled at my step dad because he told my sister it was her faut she was beaten up and that she probably deserved it. I warned him that my brother would grow up to be a woman beater if he did not do something about it and he got up and threw me through a door then my mother beat the shiz out of me and kicked me out on the streets for standing up for her.

    Well im 33 now and my brother in his late 20's and he IS a wife beater he beats on his wife 'accidentally' of course regularly and my sister well one toxic relationship after another who thinks guys who ask her to hold their guns whilst going through a body search is ok and guys who say quick put these drugs in your purse when the cops pull you over is ok and guys that kick you out of teh car and run over your foot is ok. I was young but i was pretty darn wise and it all came true everything i warned them about came true unfortunately.

    So I was made homeless for telling the truth. Well if i can forgive after all that and move on so can anybody.

    I simply cannot believe the insults parents give to their children!!! This is not the norm! Don't believe a word of this! I just looked at your pics and you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agreee!!!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I've been called a "Good for nothing", "*kitten*", "Fat *kitten*"
    I have accustomed myself to all those ridicule, but there was once a time where I sought for suicide. I never did anything though, i just contemplated about it. Starting my weight loss regime, I have started to feel much more confident about myself and have a new perspectives of life in general.
    i want to be a doctor in the future, so I have to assimilate "health and fitness" in my life. And plus it would look better advocating health with a leaner body.

    Good for You!! Can't wait to hear from you in the future!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    When I was 9 years old I would walk to the corner to meet my public schooled friends (i was homeschooled) as they got off the bus. One day as the bus drove off a girl on it yelled "Hey are you a boy or a girl?" (I had really short hair then)... I was only 9 and confused about why she'd ask that but I replied with "Uh...girl..." and she goes "A what? A HIPPOPOTAMUS?"... Bus drove off with the girl and her friends laughing, along with my "friends" laughing as they walked back up the street from the bus stop. I never hung out with that group again. That was almost 20 years ago. It wasn't the last time someone yelled an insult about my weight but it was the first one i remember. It was also the first time i ever cut myself, and have struggled with self-harm and depression since...

    Sometimes we say children can be so mean, but I read in a thread yesterday about this happening to an adult by other adult women while she was running. People can be so mean. Our words are so powerful. Your story is especially painful because of your reaction as a nine yr old. Please find a counselor to talk to face to face about the lies you are believing about yourself. You are a beautiful obviously articulate person and you deserve to talk to and treat yourself better!!!
  • louievt
    i been called everything in the book but one thing will stick with me for a long time......skeletor why..well i use to be 170lb i spent mounts training my body to be fit when i got to 120lb my wife(128lb 4'11) at the time and her sis(5'5 136lb)attitude changed for the worst and started making fun of me behind my back calling me skeletor n crap(i think skeletor a hot villain personally) so many hours so many days mounts ...so much time gone.....i worked so hard to just to be made fun ..........ridiculed over jealousy.....
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I know how the originator of this thread feels.

    For almost all of my life, I was referred to as fat and dumb...

    My parents acted in a condescending manner towards me while I was growing up... My father acted that way because I was not into high school sports and my mother was embarrassed about me being so fat.

    The worst of the insults were from my high school peers.

    After high school, my life had many ups and down as far as my weight is concerned.

    The ultimate turning point was July 1, 2011 when I almost died of cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure... I was told by the hospital attending physician on the morning of July 2, 2011 told me that I had one more chance to start taking care of myself. It was hard but I made the decision to try to live a better life. At that time, it was not so much that I was afraid to die but rather how my death would hurt my sister...

    The last two years were not easy. But somehow I was able to continue my program of diet and exercise. I no longer eat red meat, batter fried foods, sweet junk food such as cakes and cookies, and fast food. I was even able to cut out diet soda which I used to drink by the gallon. The only meats I have anymore are chicken, turkey, fish, and seafood... I am not going to say that my diet is perfect but it is far better today than it used to be.

    I also workout between 4-5 days a week. My progress from a medical point of view was somehow amazing. When I first started on my quest to better take care of myself, my heart's ejection fraction or efficiency rating was between 27-35%. As of my last echocardiogram in December 2012, my heart's ejection fraction had gone up to 48%. It is still not normal but my cardiologist was amazed. In addition, there was a partial reversal of my cardiomyopathy -- that is my heart is not as enlarged as it had been two years ago... While I still needed to undergo ICD implantation surgery in January 2012 as a precaution because of my cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure, the device has never detected any dangerous heart rhythm anomalies...

    When I look back on the last two years, it is somehow very difficult to realize how much progress I made. My progress allowed me to experience what I still like to call the best day of my life which was May 2, 2013 when I gone through Zumba Basic 1 instructor training...

    I still have my emotional ups and downs because I sometimes feel like some people act as if I am weird because Zumba is my favorite form of exercise. At least I no longer allow how others think make me feel like going back to eating junk food.

    The point of my post is to demonstrate that while it is not easy to change it is possible.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Ricket - short for rickets disease, can google images of it
  • DrenRigs
    DrenRigs Posts: 448 Member
    Worst thing i have ever been called.......Lucifers son
  • BlueAngelChar
    BlueAngelChar Posts: 1,364 Member
    I've been called the usual superficial names, like fat, ugly blah blah blah and they are exactly that! some ignorant person's opinion but an ex friend called me weak once and that to me was the worst thing I've been called!
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    As a teen, my dad once said that i had the body of a girl while pointing at my moobs. And that was in front of the whole family. He went on to add that i might have some kind of hormonal disorder insinuating i am not a full functioning man. For a guy entering puberty, that was the worst thing he could have said to me and i gave up on trying to find a gf ever thinking there is something wrong with me.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Worst thing i have ever been called.......Lucifers son
    Would have taken it as a compliment.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    As a teen, my dad once said that i had the body of a girl while pointing at my moobs. And that was in front of the whole family. He went on to add that i might have some kind of hormonal disorder insinuating i am not a full functioning man. For a guy entering puberty, that was the worst thing he could have said to me and i gave up on trying to find a gf ever thinking there is something wrong with me.
    Irony is you were already more mature than he was at that age.

    Hope you guys have patched things up.
  • glamskater8292
    Practically everything negative regarding my weight. The only ones that were supportive were my family and TRUE friends. Hypothyroidism and PCOS have been a burden to me.

    Reading these other posts brought back a lot of bad memories from school...and flashbacks of my really bad temper (I had a habit of just beating people down that had insulted me). Now, I need to hold myself back from punching a wall...
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    cancer patient
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    The clothing store people called me short and plumpy :(
  • peachcats
    In highschool I got called mantits a lot.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Pathetic by my ex-husband, that's right he's my ex and he's fat now. So who's pathetic now fatty? huh, who?