Ladies with big Insanity workout results!! Where yall at?



  • Slimdownmb
    Slimdownmb Posts: 130 Member
    Im going to star insanity in the next few weeks, just ordered it today! ...

    Any big girls doing it?
    Im only seeing big men and skinny minnies!!!!
  • fatfez
    fatfez Posts: 10

    I am an exchange student, and have gained some weight since I got here. I exercise 4 days a week with football, but it is not very high intensity. I really want to loose some weight and become more fit, as it would help a lot on my football as well as my confidence. I am 5'6" and weigh 172 pounds at the moment - which I am NOT happy with. I am thinking of starting the insanity workout, but I wonder if it is worth it, and if it is hard to keep the weight off and stay fit after completing the program.

    How long does each of the workouts last, as I was thinking of maybe doing some before school? Has anyone else tried to do the insanity workout while doing team sports?

    Thanks for any replies! I really don't want to become the 'fat' friend..
  • Hi all,
    I have been doing insanity for the last month. Female and 51! I have lost nearly 4 inches off my waist, 2 off hips and bust and an inch off each thigh... Love it (well hate the actual workout but love the results) feel much healthier. Find it hard some days when I have ridden my horse aswell. Think i need to eat even more those days.. Has been hard to restart after the recovery week so am going to do another week of the first month before I hit themax. Oh and I've lost 8lbs :)
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    Would love to get a group together to start with. Got a couple of weeks of supreme 90 left then jumping into insanity.
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    Bumping to read everyone's stories later! :) Hoping to get back to Insanity at beginning of next year.
  • shondimuir
    shondimuir Posts: 6 Member
    Just started today and I am so excited!! Anyone interested in starting a group, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE message me!!!! I could use the support and motivation!!!!!
  • shondimuir
    shondimuir Posts: 6 Member
    Hey I am at 164 and trying to get down another 34 lbs. So yes there are girls on the bigger side doing it! Message me!
  • TheBunnyStrange
    TheBunnyStrange Posts: 20 Member
    Just about to start... Probably tonight after work!
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    Im going to star insanity in the next few weeks, just ordered it today! ...

    Any big girls doing it?
    Im only seeing big men and skinny minnies!!!!

    Not just skinny minnies! I've been doing it, and I'm loving the results. I still have a lot of weight to lose, so it wasn't an easy start. I found myself taking a lot of breaks at first and getting really discouraged, but by weeks 3 and 4 I felt a MAJOR difference in my fitness level. I took way fewer breaks, and was able to do more reps of almost every exercise. I only lost 4 pounds, but 9.5 inches total in 4 weeks. Unfortunately life got a little hectic after that and I couldn't complete the second half, but I'm looking forward to starting it all again November 1!
  • Saraisamom
    Saraisamom Posts: 26 Member
    I am on week 2. I have lost about 10 lbs so far and about 5 inches over all. I also have been watching my calorie intake (1500 kcal). I am 5'6" and started at 199 lbs. I was going from no exercise to Insanity. It hurt all over at first, but if you can get through that, it will really work. It is a good start because it really doesn't require any extra equipment and it increases your fitness level quickly.
  • It's nice to see positive feedback on Insanity. I was a little skeptical about it since it was mostly cardio/interval and I was too used to my weight training (multiple bags of beans that I've already eaten lol.) but this gives me hope now that I have to rely on body strength training.

    I've started Insanity about 2 weeks ago, next week I'll have to take the fitness test again soon. The workouts are challenging and also great but I don't think I've been doing to well when it came to diet. I know for a fact I've over eaten (mostly protein. I had an episode where I ate half a bag of bread and almost half a box of fudge cookies O.O) but I'm going to try to eat more filling foods and go back to my calorie take of 1200-1500.

    I haven't weighed myself but I did notice some changes like being hungry ALL THE TIME. I also to gained some upper body strength, I can do 20 full push ups! (Not on my knees!) I think I see toning, some on my arms and definitely on my legs. I know I started losing some weight since I lost boob fat. I'm 5'4 and 111 last time I weighed myself. I don't have a HRM so I estimate I burn about 150-200 calories a day. I'm thinking of adding T25 to my regime, I'm not used to working out for less than an hour but it's nice to have more time to spend.

    The real problem area I want to lose the lower belly fat area. I'm going to be serious about my diet starting tomorrow and try to add more fruits and vegetables than i usually do
  • tragonzales
    tragonzales Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm also doing insanity. I've only done 3 days and had to miss the recovery CD for the 4th day last night and I feel so guilty but I'm determined to do the next disk tonight and maybe work out a little after to make up or missing the disk I'm currently 142 pounds and I'm 5'1. I'm 32 and have had 2 kids and I'm so tired of being soft EVERYWHERE! Short and squatty I am. I wish everyone luck who is trying this program. I've been doing a lot of reading up on it and I hope it works for me because I am horrible at weight loss. I don't care about the weight, just want these inches gone! I'm down with a group so if anyone is starting one, please message me. I unfortunately am one of those people who need constant support.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I first purchased insanity after having my baby I worked graveyards an while the other two people would sleep at the office I'd go to our gym an pop in insanity at 2am by myself in there . I never made it to round two because we had to relocate (husband is army). I was able to see major changes in my body though even when I was not dropping pounds so I just ignored the scale. Just pulled insanity out again two days ago an I'm ready to make it through in its entirety this time. Here are a couple pics but keep in mind I only did one month so I still have major work to do.


    "did you follow meal plan?"
  • ndors84
    ndors84 Posts: 2 Member
    I completed Insanity last year and had great results, I went from a size 12 in jeans to a size 8 and from wearing a large in shirts to a small. Unfortunately I've gained weight since then and now starting the workout over. I would love to drop 20 lbs by Christmas. Can anyone help?? I drop 2 pounds then gain it back and then loose it again. I am on a high protein, low carb diet and my nutritionist put me on a 1400 calorie intake.
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    I'm on week 3 and I have already dropped three pounds and slimmed down in inches around my waist and hips (hooray!) . I definitely see the definition coming back around my calves, quads, triceps, shoulders and bootay.

    Another big plus was during this week's fit test I saw significant increase in reps in some of the exercises and I was finally able to do more than 3 suicide jumps and power knees. On week 1 they kicked my a**, I was like f*** this!

    I'm glad I stuck it out.
  • I completed Insanity last year and had great results, I went from a size 12 in jeans to a size 8 and from wearing a large in shirts to a small. Unfortunately I've gained weight since then and now starting the workout over. I would love to drop 20 lbs by Christmas. Can anyone help?? I drop 2 pounds then gain it back and then loose it again. I am on a high protein, low carb diet and my nutritionist put me on a 1400 calorie intake.

    You need to be eating more carbs and calories on Insanity. When I first did Insanity, I didn't lose weight OR inches because I was eating around 1500 calories. Follow the food guidelines to find out how much you need to be eating. I was eating about 600 calories less than I needed to. And do NOT cut carbs with Insanity. Carbs are vital to high intensity workouts like this.
  • hope this is not offensive but your boobs have perked so much in the after pics. They are phenomenal
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    <<<<< My profile pis before insanity and after insanity ....30pounds lost and a ton of inches from all over my body
  • muneeh
    muneeh Posts: 4
  • Ok, ladies (and gents!). I'm planning on starting tomorrow. I'm 5'1, 147ish and would like to be 115-120 (haven't decided yet what my ultimately goal is, really depends on how I look). Would like to drop 15-20lbs by NYE though. Hoping that doing Insanity in the mornings and walking/running in the evenings will get me to that goal.

    I have heard a lot of people complain that it gets you "skinny fat" - are people finding that to be the case? Anyone incorporating it with weight training instead of additional cardio? What did everyone do after Insanity to develop more muscle tone or continue to lose more weight? Anyone did 2 rounds of Insanity? So many questions!
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