

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
    Hello to all:

    Having kind of a lazy day today. Got my hair cut and went to PT this morning, then had lunch with my best friend. We chatted for quite a while at Applebee's. I had one of their 550 or under entrees so might be a tad bit over in calories today but not bad. The sodium is what kills me on those but okay for protein. Walked down the mall and bought some new placemats on sale. Now I am home and need to work on transcription for a while.

    Robin - the grandbabies are cuties.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories. Sue in SD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We had a lovely day today. I enjoyed yoga. I was the only student to show up today, so we did some things we wouldn’t ordinarily try. All of the women in my class are “of a certain age” and most have physical issues. Today we got to try things that I can do that would be too much for some of the others. :smile: A year ago, I couldn’t do what they are able to do.:noway: It is nice to see improvement. :wink: DH and I dropped some things off at recycling and brought the fishing boat home so he can see if the motor runs okay. He plans to test it tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. This motor was new in 1971.:tongue:

    Yanniejannie: I hope your friend’s scan turns out to have good news.:flowerforyou:

    Pat (Phoo in AZ): Our big lesson through all of this lifestyle change is that portion control allows us freedom to choose what we eat, but we really need to measure how much we eat. We bought measurement tools, and they made a lot of our success possible. We still need to use them and likely always will, because our idea of a “serving” seems to experience inflation at each meal.:grumble:

    Robin: Congratulations on your beautiful grandchildren.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: The skinny jeans come in sizes and my regular size fits just fine. I bet the same thing would happen to you. The only advantage is see with them is they fit inside your boots without bagging at the knees. I don’t expect to ever wear them with high heels as I have none and want none.:laugh:

    Grandmallie: I’m happy you enjoyed your vacation.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump, bump bump!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake did most of the cooking today…..I came home from my two hour walk with the dogs and found him stirring steel cut oatmeal for my snack before line dance class. When I got home from class he was cutting up vegetable to put on top of the Kashi frozen pizza….then he washed all the dishes.

    :flowerforyou: Tazgirl, now that you’re aware of changes that need to be made, you can start looking for foods that you can take with you on your work days and a small cooler to put things in……take small steps and in no time, you’ll be eating super healthy.

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, congrats on the new smaller jeans…..one size at a time, you’ll get to where you’re going.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I’ve been on three juries and loved every minute of the experience

    :flowerforyou: Pat, it took me a lot of false starts to find the foods that I can’t have in my house……success is inspirational, disaster is educational.

    :bigsmile: Robin, it looks like your beautiful new grandchild has set you back on the right path.

    :heart: Barbie from cold and sunny NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    :heart: 22,000 steps today with one more dog walk to do before bedtime

    October Resolutions (with middle of the month comments)
    *strength training three days a week (great, but I have to work hard to be sure I do it)
    *change some of my strength training routine (minor changes)
    *don’t take things personally (really have to work at this)
    *practice dance for 20-30 minutes three days a week (not as much as I wanted but got to it the last two days)
    * say “No” to candy (the only opportunities were the mints in restaurants, but I did it)
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi again.

    Oh, Robin! They are adorable! I know now that my grandchild in March will be a boy. Don't know about the one in May yet.

    Been really busy, but I have kept up with reading here. Or at least skimming. And I need to. I haven't felt like keeping on a food plan and have gained a couple of pounds. I'm really pretty much at a goal weight so I don't want to ruin all my hard work with doing stupid stuff. I know what to do...Now to do it.

    Thanks for keeping up all the encouraging words here!

    Now to root on the Tigers!

    Eileen near San Diego (but grew up in Michigan!)
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Just poking my head in for a quick hello. Haven't been here in a while, and trying to be better about it. Thanks again for all your kind words when I lost my Ryder. I'm doing better. Trying to eat healthier and get my exercise in. I've been super busy with my pet sitting business. I'm going to try and catch up on posts over the weekend. Hope you all are doing well...
    Critter Sue:wink:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. Not much is going on around here. DD#2 is at work. DH is working on the jeep. I’m rooting for the red sox. Don’t know how the cards did. Busy day at work but I got a lot done. It’s nice to have students tell me how much they have missed me. I just smile and say “Yeah you’ll get over that in about a week!”

    Sandy: hang in there!

    Barbie: your lunch sounds great but I do have a weakness for navy bean soup!

    Susan: I think I’ll have you cater my next party!

    Joyce: enjoy being home in your own bed with your own kitty cats!

    Sylvia: hooray for size 20 jeans!!!

    Rita; we have had some sick cats and before they died they did the same thing. That’s a hard one. I bet you are getting excited about the move

    Heather I bet you looked gorgeous! Good for you to stay so close to your goal

    Katla: were you relieved that you were sent home?

    Yanniejannie: sending good wishes for your friend

    Jane: hope that pesky inflammation goes away soon

    Pat: crap on a cracker? That is hilarious. I laughed for 10 minutes!

    Robin what sweet little ones!

    Grandmallie: I can’t find your email for the boulliabaisse

    Sue: I do like Applebees; they have some good items to choose

    Eileen: nice to see you again even if you are a Tigers fan LOL 

    Critter sue: so glad to see you again.

    Well I know this is awfully short. Clinical tomorrow so early to bed tonight. I may not even last through the game. At least tomorrow is orientation so we start at 8 and will probably be done by 12. It’s at another hospital (our home base) so it’s different charting, different med scanning, different access codes for everything! I wish I could just go to one system instead of trying to remember all these different systems. I got my flu shot today; everyone else was complaining about being sore, but I don’t even feel it.

    OK night-night! Take care Meg from Omaha
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Off soon after gymming to London.
    Woke up really early as I always do when I am going somewhere.

    Forget to mention an NSV yesterday. I drove DH home after the pub lunch.:drinker: I have never driven him as I always feel horribly self cònscious in the driving seat with him around. Yeah for self confidence! This slimming business has such unforseen consequences!:laugh:

    Also for the first time in years I have been wearing a bra to go out. Haven't worn one for 6 years. Too uncomfortable. I only wear it for best, bùt it is a great improvement.

    Breakfast arriving. See you later.
    Heather in dark Hampshire UK
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Bump for later. Have a great day everyone.

    Tina in Florida
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Just a quick hi.

    Robin - those grandbabies are absolutely adorable. Congrats again.

    Pat - don't be so hard on yourself, we all work at finding what food we just can't have in our house. I am still working on that and probably will be for a very long time. You are doing great!!

    Heather - congrats on the amazing NSV's you've been having lately. You are such an inspiration.

    I'm at work so this will be short & sweet. I didn't make it to the Y yesterday. I caved in and went to get my hair cut and got ride of that pesky gray hair. I was going to wait until I lost the extra 20 lbs but it feels like it's never coming off :ohwell:

    I was in the chair for about 2 hours, cut and coloured. yay!! It's still long enough so that I can put it up for workouts and in the pool. She also told me to put a bit of leave in conditioner in my hair before going in the pool, this helps protect the hair against the chemicals. I would never have thought of that.

    I'm still plugging along, tomorrow morning is weigh in and I'm going to do measurements & pictures too. I'm a little pessimistic about it as I don't see a difference but I feel it.

    Have a great day everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    My first beautiful sight this morning was a scale reading of 145.4. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I guess I’m really at goal. Woo Hoo! The sunrise was number 2, and it was also beautiful. It looks like a nice day. DH wants to work on his fishing boat motor, and I’ll likely be roped into helping. The main goal for today’s work is discovering whether it will run and whether it runs well enough to take out on the water. Boat and motor are in their forties, and nearly old enough to join our group. :wink: He fishes on the Columbia River and it has its peaceful moments but it is not an easy body of water. The currents are strong & there is a lot of ship traffic on many days. This is a tidewater area so incoming tides can cause rough water, and the wind is often a factor. Any boat needs to be in good working order around here.

    In sports news, the Oregon Ducks game will be televised this afternoon. :heart: I hope our Direct TV doesn’t go off again.:noway: :grumble: Since installation a few weeks ago we’ve had three different tuners, cable replaced, and this time we got both new tuner #3 and a new satellite dish. The new tuner came with a different remote control and I like it better than the old one. It is easier to understand and use. Service has been better so far. Duck Football is really our only team sport interest. We met at the U of O, married as students, and both graduated from there. I expect to see pink helmets in today’s game. They’re part of a women’s health fundraiser.

    CritterSue: Welcome back.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I was not relieved to have the jury sent home. I felt a combination of resigned and disappointed. I’m happy that you were welcomed back so warmly by your students. Congratulations on improving health and warm welcomes.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: You are on the go more often than anybody I know. We are not on the same page regarding bras. I don’t wear mine to bed, but I like to be sure the girls are supported when I’m up and around. I’ve been using the shelf-bra/tank-tops for yoga though. They’re more comfortable.:wink:

    Have a great day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    After a rocky 3 months containing suicide, sexual predators and 7 broken ribs, I hate to confess that I have gained almost all of my weight back. Not an excuse or a reason, actually inexcusable.

    However, I've sold my young horse and bought a new older horse less likely to hurt me. He is gorgeous. Hope the try to stay on target again.

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Happy Friday, Ladies! It should be a wonderful weekend! I really do enjoy the fall weather both here and in Minn. I do, however, miss the changing colors. Here in So. Az things just go to the color of dead grass, instead of the bright fall colors of Minn.

    So, this is a crop weekend at the scrapbook store. We will have all afternoon today and all day tomorrow to work on our own projects. It will be lots of fun, but there is always that treats table, and we order out for lunch on Saturdays. So, I will have to pack healthy snacks and find gluten free food to take along for tonight and tomorrow. Usually for the Saturday lunches, I will order a salad and pat myself on the back for eating my greens! :wink:

    I want to wear something warm and comfortable for tonight, but I have no long pants. Last night I even went through all of my pajama sets to see if any of those were going to fit this winter, and I am in trouble, my friends. Replacing my jeans and jammies could get expensive! I think I need to go up to the consignment shop and actually try on some clothes. I hate doing that! For me it has always been an uncomfortable and shame-filled experience, but, I guess, I had better do it. People who have never had weight issues do not realize how shameful it is to know that there are whole stores, whole styles of clothes, entire lines of fabrics that can not be used or accessed by people who have been morbidly obese. And, they really do not realize how painful that shame is for us/me.

    Michele- It is safer for me to take Bill to a restaurant to eat than it is to let him cook at home. He loves butter, cream sauces, heavy pastas, and eats all vegetables after sauteing them in bacon and onions or putting them under cheese sauce! Oh, it all tastes wonderful, but, geez!

    Deb- I do not miss grading papers and writing lesson plans! But, I do miss the kids.

    Katla- Portion control has always been a problem, but I usually do think about it when I am dishing up at home. However, I will go out to the kitchen and put the measuring cups and spoons back on the counter instead of in their assigned cupboards. You talked w/ Michele about skinny jeans. I have no long pants! Since it has gotten cooler, I have been trying on the long pants, and they are all too big! Oy, such a problem!
    Congratulations on the weigh-in!!! :drinker:
    When my Father was still alive, but too ill to go fishing anymore, he gave me his 1940 something, 3 horse Johnson motor. I have never seen all three of my brothers so bent-out-of-shape angry at the same time. I was the one living on the lake with a small row boat, but, somehow, they all thought that they had first dibs on that motor. My son has it now, and it is still a prized possession.

    BarbieCat- And, just what has Jake done wrong that he hasn't told you about, yet? Hummmm? Is there a new motorized toy someplace hidden on the property? A new motorcycle, boat, 4 wheeler? Hummmm? (Just kidding, you know!)

    Sandy- Pampering yourself and looking wonderful is a great treat! I am still waiting for the "really bad haircut" to grow out enough to do a corrective cut, but I am thinking it will never happen! You have lost 62 lbs! Awesome! You deserve any treats you give yourself or that you get from others! :flowerforyou:

    Wessecg- Welcome back.:flowerforyou: It sounds like you have had a horrible 3 months, and I am so glad you are back here so we can send you emotional and healing blessings. The horse in the picture is beautiful. If this the one who hurt you or the one who will be kinder to you? Take care, check in when you can, and be well.

    Ok, my friends, time to take the clothes out of the dryer. Have a great day, and I will be sending all of you happy thoughts and healing prayers!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    That's my new one!!

    Cheryl from North of Chicago
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheryl: Welcome back! Your new horse is a beauty. :flowerforyou:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Hi everyone, I am so far behind as has been a very roller coaster ride of a week. The good news is my dad is doing well. The power of prayer is amazing. The doctors after they did all the tests told us he would never wake up and if we turned off the vent he would pass. So after all of us kids were there with mom and their minster they turned off the vent. 30-45 minutes later he opens his eyes and asks what we all are doing there. The doctors tell us they can not explain it. We moved him back to Imperial were they live and he is in the nursing home until he can walk, dress himself and feed himself. At the rate he is going it should not be long and he will be home. Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts. It I did manage to log my food everyday on my phone and that is about all. So today I am back at work and back to my routine. They are coming this afternoon to put our new furnance in and I hope it gets done soon. It has been pretty chilly the last couple nights. Also they ran out of siding before they were done with my house, so they have to order move. If they can not get the same dye lot they have to redo the whole thing and the garage. But life is good and thanks again to everyone.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Hi! I have been hitting the gym three times a week for weight training, interval training, and cardio. I can tell that I am gaining muscle, losing fat, and losing inches, but the weight loss has not been that profound. One thing that I do notice is that my craving for sweets has cropped up again, and I am getting sloppy about logging my food. I need to get these cravings under control.

    I would appreciate some friends who are exercising and staying on top of their food to help me stay on point and keep me motivated. I turned 62 in July, but look and feel more like someone in my mid forties.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I wish I knew what negative influence is working in my life right now. Later last evening I finally felt back to normal after my little trip. So I knew that today should be back to normal. I got up, this morning, started trying to catch up on the shows on my DVR, had lunch but when I went in my bedroom to get dressed I was dizzy. So I got dressed, ate a little snack and was no better. I mean, here I am with my clothes on, headphones around my neck, water bottle ready and ready to walk out the door and I am still dizzy. So here I am back on the couch.

    Vicki I just love your story. Yes, the power is prayer is wonderful. You have to wonder what God has in mind for you and your family with the story you have to tell. Think of the amount of people that now know it and are amazed, just shaking their wondering how in the world your father is still alive.

    I went through my pictures on my Ipad looking at the pictures of this week. It was very tiring for me yet the memories are priceless. I can't wait to show my sister. She wanted to go with us so bad yet with her fibro and orthopedic she knows it was impossible. Plus she would have had to pay for a hotel for one night. The brother who we went to see usually came up to where we live a couple of times a year but since Mom died we see him twice a year. The other brother only comes once a year.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Went to see my friend Thelma with 2 other ladies.Then the 1 lady took us to lunch.Love these Fri get togethers.

    The pain has gotten better.Was able to do 1 home ex I couldn`t do yesterday cos of the pain.Walking doesn`t hurt as much,but keeping it to just indoors.
    Welcome back Cheryl-I`ve done the same with the wt.Don`t beat yourself up.Just pick up and move on.We can do this.
    Have a good day!!
    jane from IL
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Got my labs back and am upset.Dr mentioned medication.The cholesterol is 203 and the LDL id elevated.
    I said I`d like to work on diet and exercise again.
    Any suggestions?
    thanks Hugs