Does "Hot Mom" Need to Apologize?



  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I can't help but notice that none of the people getting their panties in a bunch over this woman are those that have reached their fitness goals.



    I don't have a fitness goal. I have a weight goal, and her ad suggests that if I don't have the same goals as she does, then I'm just full of excuses. *shrug*

    Just sayin.

    To lose weight IS to get fit. So yes, you do have a fitness goal.

    Getting 'fit' isn't just about weight loss - and the original ad's suggestion is not about losing weight and you know it.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Honestly she does not need to apologize but I cant stand when women who have had kids say " What's your excuse?" Not a lot of people can bounce back like that from having a kid. I remember one woman on here claimed that she sneezed up a rib during childbirth. Do you think she was up to heavy lifting in a week?
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    NOPE!!! Shes hot!!! She has put in her time and you get what you put in.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I don't think she needs to apologise, but I do think she is being rather rude. I'm sure we all have things we've achieved in our lives, but we don't go about asking "What's your excuse?" of people who haven't achieved the same things. (Or even of people who HAVE achieved the same things - there's no guarantee that everybody who views the picture is less slim or less pretty than Ms Kang, even though she's particularly slim and pretty). It's not even completely clear what she's claiming she's achieved, that she believes other people are finding excuses for - lack of stretch marks? Being slim? Being fit?

    I did have a look at her site and it looks like she has overcome an eating disorder - that's a great achievement and worth celebrating. I just don't understand why she wants to put other people down.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Personally, I would never post what's your excuse on a photo of myself.

    But, I also wouldn't take it so seriously. I'd see it for what it is...just regular old fitspo. And I wouldn't respond by listing my accomplishments. Also, I am a fit mom also, so I'm really pretty neutral on this.

    I don't think people are jealous, but they are acting as if they are threatened and need to be in a competition, and in turn are actually insulting her and other women. I don't get that at all.

    I do think people are reading too much into it, as if it is a personal attack on them. It's not.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    Well, in all fairness, she posted it expecting something - be it accolades or insults. I don't find it threatening and I think that anyone can post their accomplishments and say "what's your excuse" to anyone who doesn't have the exact same thing and it's all silly. That was my point. One person's reality is apparently another's excuse....
  • Keena7656
    I think people are just jealous of her. I think she should be commended for all of her hard work (kids, working out, eating right & being healthy). Not an easy task! She looks amazing!
  • naparker333
    naparker333 Posts: 16 Member
    I think she's rather inspirational, to be honest. I know it's not quite the same, but this made me think of a poster that was used by the para-lympics a few years ago. It was a double amputee with artificial limbs, running...with the same slogan, "What's your excuse?" I have to say that this has motivated me to get off my butt more than once. Two of my three kids have significant disabilities....I look at them and frequently think, "What have I got to complain about?", and I get moving. Sometimes seeing what other people have overcome makes us grateful that our own challenges aren't quite as significant....or help us realize that we can do it, too. I don't think she has anything to apologize for...and I hope someday to be as fit (albeit a lot older!) as she is!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Well, in all fairness, she posted it expecting something - be it accolades or insults. I don't find it threatening and I think that anyone can post their accomplishments and say "what's your excuse" to anyone who doesn't have the exact same thing and it's all silly. That was my point. One person's reality is apparently another's excuse....

    I understand. I'm not a fan of the what's your excuse concept. I'm neutral about it. But, it's not something I would do because I understand the complexities of life. And that is why I would not respond to it by doing the same thing. It's not something I would do.

    But, I also do not think it was her intention for it to be taken so seriously.
  • somethingnewjc
    if this was directed in a mean spirited way towards a specific person or even group i think i would feel otherwise, but just posting this as an attempt to motivate people in general i fail to see what the problem is.... also where it doesn't seem to be targeted at anyone in particular i think if you don't like it just assume it doesn't apply to you and move on to something else--why would you waste your time getting offended by something that doesn't seem to be directed at anyone in particular? if i was lactose intolerant would i feel those got milk ads are meant to ostrasize me and make me feel like an outcast to society?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    if this was directed in a mean spirited way towards a specific person or even group i think i would feel otherwise, but just posting this as an attempt to motivate people in general i fail to see what the problem is.... also where it doesn't seem to be targeted at anyone in particular i think if you don't like it just assume it doesn't apply to you and move on to something else--why would you waste your time getting offended by something that doesn't seem to be directed at anyone in particular? if i was lactose intolerant would i feel those got milk ads are meant to ostrasize me and make me feel like an outcast to society?

    I agree!
  • snowsquirrel
    I would need to know what work she does and how much help she gets at home before I could pass comment on this one.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I can't help but notice that none of the people getting their panties in a bunch over this woman are those that have reached their fitness goals.



    I don't have a fitness goal. I have a weight goal, and her ad suggests that if I don't have the same goals as she does, then I'm just full of excuses. *shrug*

    Just sayin.

    To lose weight IS to get fit. So yes, you do have a fitness goal.

    Getting 'fit' isn't just about weight loss - and the original ad's suggestion is not about losing weight and you know it.

    Actually, it is not specified whether it was about fitness or weight loss, (not that it matters in the slightest in reference to this picture in question) and adding "and you know it" does not make you sound smarter or add strength to your argument. Quite the opposite, unfortunately. Womp womp.
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    Hell no. I feel her pain. Especially the constant crap i recieve about my body almost daily on here.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I think she should only apologize if she doesn't work out ,eats all she wants and still stays thin . Then yes she should lol Some people can do that and they should not judge .
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I don't think that being fit is that much of an accomplishment, unless you're an amputee or have rheumatoid arthritis, in which case, you are my inspiration.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Heh I thought it was asking what's my excuse for not pumping out three babies, not pumping weights.


    So very funny !!
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    So... this woman has been in the news this week. Former model, 3 kids under 3, rockin' bod, posts this picture, and hate mail ensued.


    Apparently, this has caused many people to get their proverbial panties in a bunch.
    They claim she's fat shaming.

    Is she?
    Where is the line between fat shaming, health, and non-model reality?

    What excuses have we made for ourselves?

    What excuses do we continue to make?

    Does she owe an apology?

    I say no.

    What if Hot mom's significant other earns a 7 figure quarterly bonus on top of a 7 figure salary, , can afford a team of child minders for each kid and not have a job to go to?

    "Hot Mom" is basically saying that regardless of your circumstances, you should be embarrassed for not being fit, healthy and hot.

    If ' hot mom' worked a job, was a full time parent as well as a full time employee, then maybe she could rightly say she found a way. For every day people, who is anyone to judge the reasons preventing a person from being hot,fit and healthy?

    I don't think she's all that to be honest...I have had better.

    Oh, you're curious about her circumstances huh? It's too bad you don't have internet access so you can look up all this information you are just so curious to have. Google is your friend!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Hell no. I feel her pain. Especially the constant crap i recieve about my body almost daily on here.

    Your body is freakin' amazing.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    LOL! I love it. From now on no one is allowed to be proud of ANYTHING. BE MISERABLE!!!!!!! Because being proud of something automatically means you are shaming something else.

    WTG Humanity.