Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - Go back and catch up!!

    I miss everyone!!!! It was a good week, but so busy and had little time to check in. I logged my food, hit the hotel gym 3 of the 4 days and eating was not too bad. I got back in tonight, but Cyrus and I fly out tomorrow early for L.A. We're hitting Universal on Friday and Disney on Saturday. There will be a TON of walking and probably not the best food, but I'm going to try. I'll be back Sunday night and promise to start supporting everyone again. Have a great weekend!!
  • womblesgirl
    womblesgirl Posts: 69 Member
    Looks like I may have found some new MFPals :)
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Well I said goodbye to 5/3/1.... but I had a bit of cause to maybe want to keep it up. I got to the gym last night (It seriously has been at very least since July that I have been going at 5:30pm instead of am) the gym is busy but not TOO bad. I notice one very attractive girl who is almost always there, not in a SUPER creepy way but... right away she walks up to me. Maybe I was stairing harder then I thought.. "I just wanted to tell you that you look amazing! Like a different person" With an ego that Im shocked still fit in the gym at this point we talked for a couple minutes and I went and did my workout.

    I finished reading the NROL book (Skinny, it took me two days of commute time so lets say it was about 4 hours worth or reading, and I am not much of a reader... I bet you finish it in under an hour!) I built myself my new workout that I will Start Saturday

    Workout A

    Plank (2 sets 30 seconds)
    Side Plank Row (2 sets 10 reps)

    Box Jump (2 sets of 5 reps)

    Strength (2 sets of 15 reps each)
    Front Squat
    Standing Cable Row


    Row Machine Intervals. (1 minute sprint 2 minute recover)

    Workout B

    Side Plank
    Plank with pulldown

    Reverse Lunge with Shoulder press (2 sets of 5-8 reps)

    Strength (2 sets 15 reps)

    Swill Ball extension with leg curl
    Jack Knife Pushup

    Split Squats
    Kneeling lat pulldown

    Kettlebell Intervals (1 minute work 2 minute recover)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Sick, sick, sick this week. Love it when a simple cold turns into a raging case of Bronchitis that requires antibiotics that then require Immodium to counter the effects on my digestive track. Lovely.

    Sticking to my calories has been easy since I have no appetite, but working out has not happened the last 2 days. Hard to do so when breathing is compromised. I plan to lay low this weekend and catch up on projects around the house. It's going to be a cold one so resting in front of the fire with a cup of hot tea and lemon is an acceptable plan.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday- I have been in a bit of a funk this week a little down in general. I have been exercising daily but food isn't the best all the time. I did went to the doctor yesterday his scale said 260lbs I almost cried because that is where I was when I started here a year ago. I dropped to 245lb at one point but now I am back to where I started.

    @Karen- he gets his smarts from being constantly talked to....he is very book smart but not so much common sense wise.
    @Laurie- glad you got the classroom situation resolved.
    @Susan- Have fun at Disney
    @Robin- Hope you get better soon

    Has anyone tried Kettle ball stuff is it fun and somewhat easy? I am not to coordinated.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- I like your new routine. Many of those exercises are familiar to me. What are side plank rows? How high is your box jump? That is the one exercise that drives me crazy. It has been a while since I have done those so I will most likely start back at square one and I was up to about 12 inches and that was a great accomplishment. I really don't like heights and jumping up does not appeal to me.:laugh: That is a great compliment to get at the gym. :bigsmile:

    Karen- yeah for allowing your student teacher to take over. Enjoy the planning periods to grade. Just remember that the intern gets to grade as well. Yeah for new clothes. The long plateaus are no fun.

    Queen- You will get yourself back on track. Now you know what you need to do and you will make it happen. You can do this. I have done kettle bells and I enjoy them. The key is really good form so make sure you are doing them right and work your way up with the weight.

    Susan- Enjoy the trip this weekend. Sounds like fun.

    Womblesgirl- Welcome.

    Today, was another busy day. The upside no time to eat snacks between meals. The downside is there is always more work to complete. I did finish writing my SLO since my DC said she wanted it by the end of the day today and that was this morning. Good thing I was climbing tonight and was staying late anyway. Did manage to make some copies for next week but still need to plan Monday and Tuesday out a little better for 8th grade. I am not sure where my time went today but it disappeared rapidly and before I knew it was 5:30pm and time to go.

    Fitness- Trying to decide what my focus will be for the next couple of months. I am thinking about strength training and heavy lifting but need to maintain the cardio as well. I do need to get better about mixing weight training and toning with the cardio.
    It was back to rock climbing for me tonight and oh how I missed it last week. It felt good to climb but my muscles are tired tonight.
  • jjpayner12
    jjpayner12 Posts: 2 Member
    Today was a bad day- ate fried foods 3 times..gross and gluten for the first time in 6 weeks- it won't defeat me, just get me ready again.

    This weekend I will do 45 minutes of cardio each day and be under my caloric goal- May be tough with alcohol at a Halloween party (hard cider and such) and a brewery tour.

    Looking for another 3lb lose on Thursday!!! Great work everyone! Enjoy your weekend!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everybody How Ya Doin? (Did I sound like Joey on Friends? :laugh: ) Hope that brought back memories for some of you!

    Looks like there's a shift here in the community to weight lifting being added to all the walking and other cardio that's been going on forever and I for one am impressed by all the effort being put forth - way to go guys!

    Started on an antibiotic today just as my temp peaked - could hardly drive to the pharmacy to get it -scary to be so sick, now I've been alternating fever and chills and sweats, but give me - oh, 72 hours and I'll be QUEEN OF THE WORLD!
    (can ya tell the fever's talking? :laugh: )
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Robin…this has been terrible for you and so long lasting. :sick: Glad you got some medicine – hope it helps. My almost 2 year old nephew threw up for 4 days straight and finally needed to get some help with that. It’s terrible how much has been going around (knocking on wood that it avoids my house)

    @Laurie…4th place – that’s awesome! And congrats on another size down, your hard work is paying off in so many ways. :flowerforyou:

    @Susan…Enjoy Disney, definitely lots of steps during two days there, it’ll balance the food well.

    @Gorilla…Wonder how long it took to get your grin off your face after that compliment. That’s a great compliment. :glasses:

    @Queen…hang in there. Most of us (if not all) have been where you are at. One day at a time is all you can do…you’ll get it!

    AFM…I was very excited because tonight I had to repeat my 65 pounds for the overhead press and I made it!! It’s amazing the sense of accomplishment when you beat something that beat you the last time. :bigsmile: My Wednesday wish came true today, we found a “dangerous little red riding hood” costume for Emma. A little more than I normally spend, but it’s an outfit that can be worn easily over a jacket. Its terrible how skimpy little girl Halloween outfits are – inappropriate and definitely not made for the northern half of the country.

    Jacob graduated from a cast to a walking boot and he talked tonight about wanting to lift weights with us. The answer is for sure no until he doesn’t have any pain in his foot, but it seems so young to be 12 and lifting even when he’s better. However, if you search on line, they say that’s an okay age. Hmm…I think I’ll have to do some research in the next few weeks.

    Thursday Truth/Friday Fitness…I’m struggling with adding cardio back into my week. The old mother’s guilt is setting in since I’m spending 3 nights a week at the gym lifting, I hate taking away anymore time to add in the cardio and with the dropped temperatures outdoor family activities are not something that I enjoy at all. So far we have been doing our lifting M-W-F but I’ve asked to switch that up some weeks to T-TH-S. Monday nights Emma has swimming lessons at the Y and will be done in just enough time for me to get her to the daycare so I can do the Aqua Power class that I enjoy so much.

    Monday – heavy lifting / Water Aerobics HALF DONE
    Tuesday – rest DONE
    Wednesday – heavy lifting DONE
    Thursday – walk while my daughter has skating lessons (1 hour) DONE
    Friday – heavy lifting DONE
    Saturday – rest
    Sunday – Halloween night at church (I’m serving so I’ll be on my feet for 3 hours)

    Squats – 90
    Overhead Press – 65 (got it today!!!)
    Deadlift - 115

    Have a great weekend!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - at the end of every 20 pages, - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom in the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

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    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I am getting some much needed housework done and then I am off to have lunch with my oldest daughter who lives about an hour and a half away. We have had a bit of a rocky relationship in the last few years but things seem to be getting better. Kids dont always seem to realize as parents we do the best we can but we are not always going to get it right and mistakes can and will happen. They have to finish growing up some times before they realize that adults arent perfect. I am pushing to get all the housework done before lunch because I told the two kids who still live at home that from the moment I walk back in the house this afternoon until Monday morning I am having me time. I am doing only what I want and nothing else. I plan on being completley selfish barring any types of emergencys. I am trying to use the bike my hubby got me at least once but preferably twice a day since I can only do 15-20 min at a time right now. I am looking into some kinds of resistance training I can do at home until the new year when I will feel financially comfortable again with my gym membership.

    Robin I hope the meds work and you start feeling better soon.
    Susan have a great time with your son this weekend.
    For everyone else have a great weekend and enjoy this life we have been blessed with.:heart::flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Happy weekend everyone!

    So the cough came back after the mustard plaster. I can't remember who said something about medication, but as it turns out, you were correct in a way. My new BP medication causes chronic coughing in some patients with a history of asthma. When I finally went in, she knew what it was right away. So she changed my meds. Then she gave me a shot in the butt (steroids and allergy meds) to address the fact I've had laryngitis for like two months. Good times! But at least the coughing has stopped.
    Hi Everybody How Ya Doin? (Did I sound like Joey on Friends? :laugh: ) Hope that brought back memories for some of you!

    Started on an antibiotic today just as my temp peaked - could hardly drive to the pharmacy to get it -scary to be so sick, now I've been alternating fever and chills and sweats, but give me - oh, 72 hours and I'll be QUEEN OF THE WORLD!
    (can ya tell the fever's talking? :laugh: )

    haha my husband says 'how yoouu doin?' in that voice all the time. Glad you got the meds you need and hope you feel better soon!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A quick check in for a Saturday-. Success this week seeing 195.8 on the scale again and not getting the dread after TOM rise in weight. Fitting into size 14 pants and completing my first triathlon. This has been an amazing week. Now, I am going to take it easy before going to a party tonight. I am not a big fan of costumes so I am keeping it simple-a rock climber--without the shoes. Needless to say, my climbing shoes would hurt my feet if I wore them to long.

    Have a great weekend.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys--I woke up feeling terrible this morning, I thought maybe it was due to one too many cocktails after work yesterday; however, it soon became clear that I'm actually sick. Was in bed with a fever and chills all day. Finally got up around 7pm to eat a bit of soup.

    I just caught up on posts, but am already exhausted again. Need to go back to bed and hope I'm feeling better tomorrow. At least my fever seems to be gone.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Quick check in, folks... the thread is going by so quickly...
    Think I'm coming down with the crud as well, even though I was good and got my flu shot :sick: Sooo... I fell off the wagon a bit yesterday, trying to get back on track, but all I want to do is eat.

    Going back to bed now...
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi all!
    This has been an ok week for me. I'm keep'n on keep'n on. lol! I am in a better mood, I have decided to develop a que sera attitude for the moment. Down side is... I too am sick. Yuck. Mainly a head cold... but I feel just blah! Hopefully it goes away soon before my whole house gets sick!
    I hope everyone is starting to feel better. :)
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Good morning all :) Up way too early on a Sunday. Hubby had to work and I just couldn't get back to sleep :(

    Accomplished my first fully running 5k yesterday. I don't have an official time yet, but according to my gps it was 42 minutes. Not at all fast but just knowing that my legs will just keep going if I tell them to is huge for me. It was a chilly 40 degrees and I really thought it would be hard on my lungs, I whined about it for days before, but it wasn't even an issue once I got going. I'm really proud of where I'm at with my fitness. Now to just keep improving on it. I have a doctor's appointment in early November that I'm actually looking forward to :)

    Now what I'm not so proud of is my eating. I've been up and down for 2 weeks with my calorie intake. Averaged out to be around maintenance or just below, but I really must get it under control. So typical for me to have a new low on the scale then seek out ways to sabotage myself immediately after. If any one has any suggested reading or websites or something for me to understand the mental aspect of losing weight, please let me know. I need to get out of this cycle so that my losses are more consistent. Today is my new "January 1st". Out with the crap food in the house and shopping as if I just started this thing.

    As for my upcoming fitness plans....I have three Saturday Zumbathons to go to in November, they are 2 hours each. Really looking forward to those. Plus my normal 2- 1 hr. classes each week. On my other days, I will be running, walking, or doing body strength/circuit training type stuff. Fridays will be my rest days. It's weird to think that exercise has become the easy part of the plan, this coming from a former chronic couch potato and professional napper.

    Here's to a great week ahead friends -- we got this!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @carla--Congrats on completing that 5k--42 minutes is nothing to sneeze at! :drinker: I also find exercise to be the "easy" part of this whole process. I'm 2 and a half years into this, and I still struggle to find the right calorie allowance for consistent weight loss. I was set at around 1500 calories/day net, but wasn't losing. A lot of what I read suggested I should raise my allowance. Now I've been at around 1700/day net, and I'm still maintaining. I know I could do better with my macros, so just trying to focus on that for now. I'm also hoping the recent addition of heavy lifting will eventually pay off on the scale. I don't have any magic advice for you--just keep trying and eventually you'll get there with the food.

    @p1xy--sorry you are also sick. :ohwell: I'm feeling better--fever seems to be gone, but I still feel very run down. A short walk with my dog left me exhausted.

    @vickie--yuck--get some rest!

    @laurie--Yes, you had an awesome week! Hope the party was fun. I had to skip my halloween plans last night. :grumble: Yes, my student teacher has been doing most of the grading for my Junior classes, but I have 3 sections of AP this year so that means 73 papers every time they write. It's not very manageable. My boss and I have already discussed the need to bring in a 3rd AP teacher if we are going to continue to have 5 sections of AP.

    @toots--glad they figured out the cause of that cough and changed the meds. Yuck on the shot but hope it helps.

    @tammy--that's so true about kids expecting perfection from adults. I get it all the time with my students--they sometimes get angry when I make a mistake, and I'm like "really? I'm not allowed to err from time to time?" Hope you had a nice lunch with the daughter and enjoyed some much deserved "me" time.

    @tracy--great job on the OHP! You are killing it with the lifting. Glad you found a way to get back to the aquapower class--hope it works out.

    @robin--hope those meds take effect quickly! :flowerforyou:

    @holly--I don't know too many teenage boys who have cornered the market on common sense. :laugh:

    @gorilla--the new workout looks great! Thanks for the info on NROL--I'm planning to read it over winter break when I can spare an hour or two.

    Sunday Share:
    I'm still sick, but the fever is gone--now it's just a minor headache and complete and utter exhaustion. I have quite a bit of grading, so have parked my butt at starbucks for the afternoon. I would like to finish 20 of the AP essays and all of the diction assignments. At least it's a bye week for my Bears so no distraction there.

    Grading goals:
    1. 10/73 AP essays
    2. x/25 diction assignments
    3. x/16 AP analysis activities
    4. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE (going to dinner at a friend's) canceled so + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Thurs--rest day (hair and pedi appt) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner (maybe--have after work drinks planned, so may not get home in time)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 70
    Overhead press = 50

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. My kids are treating me to a day trip to the seattle waterfront and pikes place market. I am about to get my walk on and it will be great to not be the one breaking out my wallet for everything :) I think we will have alot of fun. Happy to hear all our sickies are starting to get on the mend. I had a real nice time at lunch yesterday and didnt break teh bank calorie wise so yay me. I hope everyone has a great day and I will cya all on the flip side.:bigsmile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a quick check-in. I got through 10 essays. Going to take a break from those and grade diction assignments.

    Grading goals:
    1. 20/73 AP essays
    2. x/25 diction assignments
    3. x/16 AP analysis activities
    4. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)