Movies that scarred you for life! (Most Disturbing Film)



  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    A movie called Teeth. I don't even wanna talk about it. OMG.

    That movie was playing over and over on whatever channel I had on last night. I kept waking up during different parts of it and thinking, "wtf is going on in this movie?" I have set it to record the next time it plays so I can figure it out.
  • eikito
    eikito Posts: 114 Member
    Hitchcock's The Birds.... watched it when I was a child and for years I could not even look at pictures of chickens on books or anything like that.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    It...that da#$ pennywise

    Pennywise...scary *kitten* clown, kickass punk band.
  • cathead9
    When I was 11 years old, a movie called The Legend of Boggy Creek came out. I've watched it recently and, although I laughed at some scenes, other scenes have kept their creepiness after all these years. This movie scared me so bad when I was a kid.

    Also, I cannot watch The Exorcist at night or if I'm by myself.
  • Shayley20
    Shayley20 Posts: 31 Member

    i was 3 when i first saw it and 31 years later the sight of that little *kitten* makes my stomach turn.

    Def. ET. scary little dude.
    I had nightmares when I was little that he would break into my house, and use our toilet.
    >.< freaky.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    The Omen. I was like 9 or 10 and that kid was just plain creepy. Plus, I watched in the basement with my brothers who were "babysitting" me and I had nightmares for weeks!
  • terem00
    terem00 Posts: 176 Member
    the original When a Stranger Calls traumatized me when I was younger
    Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness ..just plain sick
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    The Thing from the 70s.

    That head sprouts spider legs and i nearly die every time.
  • SweetLilyR
    SweetLilyR Posts: 283 Member
    I remembered another one - The Descent.

    It was creepy enough, but the nightmare it gave me was horrific. I had just given birth to my first child, my sweet little girl...and I dreamt that we were escaping the caves and left her behind. I woke myself, my husband, and my baby up with my screaming...It was so absolutely vivid! And the feeling of sheer despair and loss - I've never lost a child but if that's even a 10th of what it feels like when your child dies, I hope to god I never have to experience it. That dream left me shattered for weeks afterwards.
  • jonswife0206
    jonswife0206 Posts: 125 Member
    Mommie Dearest- There are no wire hangers in my closest. Joan Crawford was nuts.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    No horror films. I don't watch them because I'm already scared of ghosts, demonic possession and serial killer clowns. It's the real life violence I cannot handle

    The remake of Rambo -- I actually left half way through and have never recovered....... was that real footage of the killing fields in Cambodia, or am I crazy?
    Dead Man Walking

    The rape scene in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (where she was raped, not the revenge scene)
    The rape scene in the remake of Halloween - Holy Sh1t..... even if that wasn't real I still think the victim should prosecute...........
  • Blueyedrunner
    Omg im still scared of clowns for the movie IT sooo scary!
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    Scream. You remember, the late 90s horror film with the white mask, black robe killer? Haunted my nightmares for years on end.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Sleepaway camp

    I cannot believe that someone else besides me knows about the sleepaway camp movies. We had a little group in high school that used to get together and watch those movies. We saw the first one, and then it became an inside joke, so we saw the sequels over time.
  • AprilMae1975
    Some people think they are cheesy but the Paranormal Activity movies scare the crap out of me!! Not really the actual story itself but when the scary things happen. I cover my eyes every time!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    the grossest movie i have ever seen was called the girl next door. i believe there is a light hearted comedy about a prono chic that has the same title, this is quite a bit different.

    there are graphic depictions of violent child abuse, both physical and sexual. It was like a train wreck, couldn't turn it off even tho thats what my brain was screaming for. if there is something i could unwatch, that would be it.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    Omg im still scared of clowns for the movie IT sooo scary!

    we all FLOAT down here, Georgie!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I don't really watch horror movies but...

    My parents took me to see Apollo 13 when I was about 7 and it scared the crap out of me. I'd previously been talking about being an astronaut when I grew up. Not so after that. Now my FI is trying to get me to go see Gravity with him and I am saying hells to the no. I don't like movies where the whole plot is basically ARE THEY GONNA DIE? ARE THEY GONNA DIE? ARE THEY GONNA DIE? Through the whole damn thing.

    (I realize Apollo 13 was based on a true story so I should've known they were going to be okay, but I was 7 and that didn't really dawn on me).

    Event Horizon is pretty effed up. The scene where the guy's wife is in a bathtub full of blood. Hate that kind of thing.

    So overall, I guess I kind of hate space movies.
  • KintsugiCurlyQueen
    KintsugiCurlyQueen Posts: 68 Member
    A Serbian Film. Disturbing in ways you couldn't even dream of.