NSV - Non Scale Victories

WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
You know, I was just thinking. There are SO many posts about success's with the scale and reaching goals. I applaud them, I really do. So many people on here are an inspiration to others and to myself (though I lurk more than post).

So I was thinking, we need a thread to celebrate success's off the scale. (I almost wrote Scare hahaha) Share with everyone a change in habit, something you feel good about. Perhaps a Random compliment that you were given. An unconscious decision you made with a positive outcome that you would normaly not have done. dANYTHING just so it is not "Scale" Related.

Just a little something to change the pace and see what other victories we have all achieved.

I can even start us off.

I am very good about talking myself out of a work out, Today I was able to get up, and get going without a second thought about it.... Just did it. and Felt GREAT.

What's you NSV



  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    NSVs...I used to get winded walking to the mailbox and back. I could ride my bike around the block once and I'd be panting and feeling totally wiped. Now I can ride about 3 miles in 20 minutes and I can walk 2 without feeling run down. I've also lost 21 inches off my body in 6 weeks and can fit into 'normal' sizes at Old Navy now.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    Good topic! I would have to say my NSV was having a picture of myself taken where I didnt have the camera angled to hide my fat (fat stomach, fat chin, fat cheeks). I was actually ok with a normal picture! I think poor selfimage is a huge reason for self defeat when trying to lose weight. So I was happy the camera showed some weight loss as well as me not being sickened by my own pic! I actually think I looked quite cute!
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    The gym has become a part of my routine. Before I could barely get through 15 minutes on the Elliptical. Now I'm doing 35 on my lunch..and loving Aerobics classes..and Pilates! I went from pretty much sedentary to working out 6 days a week. I'm in better shape fitness wise than I was in college. I would have to say I'm the most proud of that.:bigsmile:

    Also putting away my size 12 jeans and wearing the jeans I was wearing on my first date with my boyfriend in 2008 feels pretty awesome too :tongue:
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I love to exercise now! I do a spin class twice a week and love it!!

    I also eat more veggies and have tried new foods that I never would've thought about making in the past.

    Good topic!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I can now eat "junk" food in moderation, as a treat, instead of a staple. That's huge for me, especially because my hubby is constantly bringing unhealthy stuff home. I can run a mile without dying- I couldn't even do that in Jr. High, when I weighed a tiny 100 lbs... proof that weight isn't everything! Great post! Hope you are blessed with great success in ALL your goals!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Wow, great thread idea! I have a couple of NSV's to share (actually more of those than scale victories!)

    -Having the shorts that didn't fit at all 2 months ago, be so loose I HAD to wear a belt
    -A woman looked at me on Tuesday and asked "Have you lost weight?" The best feeling in the world!!
    -Having my husband hug me and say "you are getting skinny!"
    -Tasting something at a party and deciding it wasn't that good so not worth the calories and I PUT IT DOWN!
    -when out running errands on Tuesday and I was STARVING but knew I would be eating as soon as I got home, I passed by all the fast food places calling my name (even though at every sign I thought about what would taste soooo good there) went home and had an amazing salad.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    scale hasn't budged, but I'm down a dress size!
  • AmandaR910
    I only just started last week, but so far I've been doing MUCH better on eating better food in place of convenient food and I feel better too. :)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    EXCELLENT topic!

    Every single pair of pants in my closet fit me again (they were all too tight before and there were only 2 out of NUMEROUS pairs I could wear for months).

    My leather size 12 jeans are zipping up

    All my "going out clothes" are fitting me properly again.

    My confidence is going through the roof again and the realization that I CAN get this weight off that I have been complaining about.
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    scale hasn't budged, but I'm down a dress size!

    Perfect NSV in my books :)

    The scale results will come, Keep up the great work and celebrate all the NSV's :)

  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    Keep them Coming everyone. All these NSV's are motivating!

    With the Fantastic response so far, I will keep this thread up!

    PS. Friend me if you like!

  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    For starters I just ate baby carrots without dressing or dips...never was able to do that before.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Going to the gym and eating right has finally become a habit for me.

    And I can now see my feet without bending over. :)
  • lcolpo
    lcolpo Posts: 57 Member
    Great idea! My NSV happened this week. I was able to pull my size 16 jeans off - without unbuttoning them!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I never drank all of my water, but I have made myself drink ALL 64 oz of water before 10 am. Man do I have to pee a lot, but I'm doing it!! :)

    Also, I joined a gym to hold me accountable even though I have a treadmill and it has made all the difference in the world. 2 small changes that I hope will have big results!

    Great topic!
  • lisafrancis629
    Love this topic. So many people, me included, get obsessed with the scale.

    NSV - Being able to bend over and paint my own toe nails !!!! Not having heartburn since I quit eating greasy, fried, fatty foods. Wearing my favorite rings now that my fingers aren't so fat. :tongue:
  • AmandaR910
    I had another today. My kids napped today and I made the choice to exercise and did 40 minutes of cardio, when usually I would sit on the computer during their nap!!
  • justinswife
    justinswife Posts: 49 Member
    Mine is last night I was feeling pretty down that the scale had not budged this week. I was back in my bedroom organizing and cleaning and starting going through our closet. For some reason I picked up a pair of jeans that have not fit me since like Christmas. I was like what the heck and decided to try them on. I was shocked...they went over my hips...they came all the way up...they buttoned! I was ecstatic!! I ran to the living room where my husband was and was like look look look!!! He immediately knew what I wanted him to see and the grin on his face was HUGE!! That was a huge reward to me to see him so proud of me!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I went from being sedentary to working out 6 days a week! Now, I WANT to work out!! I consider it my "me" time. I have lost 46 lbs since last Nov. Yes, I consider it quite the (scale) victory thus far! But from that victory, came not feeling so tired or sluggish. I LOVE having lots more energy. Exactly what I needed to keep up with my active 2 yr old. ;)

    I'm also proud of the fact that I do make better food choices.

    Thanks for posting this topic! And congrats to all!!
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    Instead of 2 sugars in my coffee I'm down to 3/4 - 1 packet.
    I am now a size 16 (UK) on the bottom!
    Clothes that used to be tight on me are now so baggy I look silly wearing them (but I like it ;)!)
    I have lost 18.5" all over so far :D
    I have gone from 50.5% body fat (by my scale) to 44.6% in two and a half months.

    I love this board :D
    Well done to everyone on their NSVs!!!! We need to keep these in mind for those weeks that the scale doesn't budge :)
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