Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 8



  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Thanks everybody; I know it's not about a certain weight, but it's frustrating to think that after all this effort, I'll still be in a size 18 trousers. But I am not giving up, and if I'm meant to be in a size 18, I am going to be the most athletic and toned size 18 anybody has ever seen.

    Love it!! This is the attitude you gotta have! I know my butt will never fit into a size 2 jeans again, but thats alright with me. After I had a baby, my hips widened & there aint no movin hip bones no matter how much you exercise LoL. My goal is just to have a flat stomach. Flat tummy & nice plumped out booty is alright with me, and my boyfriend haha. Curvy is in anyway, who wants to have a body like a boy?? Not me!
    I took a peek at the scale today & was likin what I i just gotta keep it up through the weekend...which are always bad for me!!
  • sheilabennett
    I cannot concentrate today AT ALL. I just keep skimming the internet... which is not good. I have SO much work to do!!!!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Well, I'm back, vacation over, surgery done, and mom gone back home. :( My mom and I actually ate really well, indulged a lot but never stuffed ourselves, and we did several activities that required some walking.

    Unfortunately, I let my training schedule completely die. I haven't run or even done strength training in a week. And I've had some bad cramps today (from surgery) so I'm not sure if I'll want to run tonight either. I am at least going to try and do a DVD or something. Maybe something a little easier, like Sweatin' to the Oldies Vol. 2?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I"m sorry Rach. Is this the boyfriend you said you've been having problems with? Boys suck sometimes. Hugs
    My theory is that boys are scum... even when they are really great. but this is coming from a girl who has been single WAY too long! So I might be a lilttle biased. But you got a free meal right?

    I think I'm a little upset with myself for taking things so personally. If he wants to be all whiny and mean, fine...just go somewhere else. If he wants a pity party he can go somewhere else. I'm not letting it bring me down. I want to be happy and free of all that crap. Either he can follow along, or he can go his separate way.

    I think once I'm comfortable with the idea of being on my own and being without him, he'll straighten up. Once you see that someone isn't afraid to lose you, you try a little harder to work on things.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Pixie - happy to hear all went well with for you. Take it easy and listen to your body.

    Rach - sorry to hear you are having boyfriend issues again. Stay strong.

  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Received my Jackie Warner dvd (the Xtreme Timesaver)

    Doesn't have the Intensity of Insanity but still a goodworkout either for a morning workout or toning/maintenance workout.

    Lots of shoulder work!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okaaay so I didn't get in all 8cups while I was at work today, BUT I still have the rest of the day. Already have 5cups down and that's 5 more than I normally get! :laugh:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    oh yeah you def have some time to fit in 3 more cups of water!.....Too Easy! =)

    **when you read this and you haven't did it already go ahead and drink a cup! lol**
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    oh yeah you def have some time to fit in 3 more cups of water!.....Too Easy! =)

    **when you read this and you haven't did it already go ahead and drink a cup! lol**

    I tooootally just rolled my eyes when I read this, and then moaned and stomped my way into the kitchen and drank a glass.

    LOL!! :laugh:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Done! 8 cups! Ugh I have to do this again tomorrow?? :sick:

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I made progress.

    After I got home from work, I sat down with a bag of tortilla chips and some dip and started chowing down. SO good. (I think after all that water I was craving salt lol) By the time I forced myself to put the bag aways I had eaten a LOT.

    I kept catching myself rooting through the kitchen the whoooole night, because I hadn't had 'dinner'. I logged my chips and dip and saw that I'd hit around my goal (I'm not sure exactly how many I ate...) and I'm not HUNGRY. So I've forced myself to stay OUT of the kitchen!!! lol No guilt tonight!! I let myself chow down, but didn't go eat an unnecessary meal. :flowerforyou:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hello lovely pin ups,

    Rach - you are doing great and staying strong and I admire you for that. I let life get in the way of my eating far too many times. I need to learn from your good example.
  • abbrarogers
    Ok so I have kinda been reading through here and I would love to be a pin-up girl, if you will have me! :) I just joined MFP on the 19th so today is my 3rd day and I am already seeing results! My starting weight was 200(on 10-13-ish) and I'm currently 197 now and counting down! I'm so excited to find something that is working for me! Yay!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Done! 8 cups! Ugh I have to do this again tomorrow?? :sick:


    Yes you can do it!! You can also do it this way - get in 4 cups from the time you wake up to noontime. Than 4 more cups from noon to dinner time. Than any water you drink after dinner is just a an extra "bonus" lol

    Do you weigh yourself daily if so did it help?

    I almost didn't weigh in on MFP last week cause I was stuck at 149.2 the whole week (I also wasn't drinking a lot of water but than I also realized HELLO the previous week I was 150 something lol)

    I drank 16 cups of water last and this morning I seen 148.0 =)

    So seeing that got me motivated again to drink my water!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning ladies!! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I woke up with a sore throat...I'm really hoping it's nothing too major and will pass soon...

    I'm going to a friends wedding tomorrow and their rehersal dinner tonight. However I only have 2 ride options..get out there at 11am and sit around all day until 5 or get out there after rehersal and halfway through dinner close to 730... So I'm being picked up in a few

    The downfall is it's suppose to rain ALL weekend starting tonight and not stop til Mon...the wedding is at the Grooms parents house at their 'park' which is a small pavillion OUTSIDE and the Bride is claiming the 75people will fit under it.... she has NO back up plan either. I'm really hoping the rain let's up for as long as their ceremony will last. I hope to have at least one pic of me in my new dress posted Sunday/Monday.. I've never been the girly girl and now that I'm starting to feel comfy in my own skin, I'm finally embracing my girliness.

    I think the only thing that will really make me nervous about wearing this dress at the wedding/reception is that a huge chunk of my friends will all be there and they are all guys (except the bride, who knows more about cars then most of the guys, lol) and these guys are use to seeing me dressed to go fourwheeling and getting muddy. SO it could be an awkward moment or they may not even pay attention ( which is likely to happen). I know it doesn't matter what anyone else says but more about how I feel in it. Which, I feel FABULOUS in it, but these are the guys I see EVERY week and hang out with while they drink and we go 4wheelin, etc, so I feel like one of the guys. I'm hoping that it's like one of those movie moments where they stop and stare for a few, Ok, ok, enough rambling.

    Enjoy the day and have a wonderful weekend.


  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday Pin-Ups!

    Good job getting the water in yesterday Rach and the control you maintained at home.

    I average 10 to 15 - 8oz cups of water a day. I have a water bottle that hold 2.5 cups and I drink one at home in the morning while I am getting ready for work and I drink another one during my drive to work. I have 5 cups in by the time I arrive at work (running for the ladies room) I drink one during my workout at the gym and another one walking back to my office. That's 10 right there easy peasy. I try to drink one on my drive home and one with my evening workout. Surprisingly my body has adjusted and I'm not up all night going to the washroom.

    My boyfriend is taking me to Montreal tomorrow for my birthday which equals a day of shopping and dinner. I can't wait. My only disappointment is that I won't be shopping on the smaller size rack.

    Have a fabulous weekend ladies and try to stay active and make healthy choices.

    Welcome abbrarogers

  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Bru - hope you feel better, I'm sure you will be gorgeous in your dress and don't worry I'm sure your husband will notice how hot you look! Have fun and enjoy!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Goooood morning!! I'm off to full up my water bottle!! :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I decided that I'm going to cook my boyfriend breakfast tomorrow morning. He has to get up and go work half a day. I think I'm gonna make some scrambled eggs, sausage, and cheese, and a piece of french toast. :happy:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    This is my status right now... but I thought I'd throw it up here as well!!!!

    Sorry... but I need to get this out... and since I'm not in MIDDLE school... I'm not posting it on facebook for all of my friends and family to see. But... if I don't let friends, co-workers, or boys treat me like crap anymore... why would I let family? I used to let people walk all over me... Gone are THOSE days!!! ahh... between that and a 5 sec cry this morning, I feel better now :)

    If anyone wants to question my priorities... they can find out how many days a week i'm at the gym! my number one priority is me... getting this weight down... and getting healthy :) and I've never been so proud of myself. Thanks guys for all the support. You're awesome!

    Have a great day ladies!