Couch to 5K (week 1)



  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing well. Anne, welcome back! Glad to hear you had fun with your 5K... er, 5K's! Glad to hear your knee pain is getting better as well, especially because I've been experiencing some myself. I've backed off a little, and decided not to keep pounding away at the B210K this fall, I will try it again in the spring. For now I am still going to do a few days a week of interval training, but with shorter high intensity intervals. Some days I will switch it up with an elliptical machine, and I'm also adding in some weight training.
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    I tried to do a training run tonight and failed miserably. I couldn't seem to catch my breath. I ran inside on a treadmill as it was 89 degrees outside. I thought it would be better inside (and was, I'm sure) but my performance sucked. I finally threw in the towel. Ugh.
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Don't worry about it Anne, it happens! I know I had a few "bad runs" when I least expected them. There are days when I look forward to my run all day, am fresh off a 2 or 3 day rest, and just run out of gas before I even get going. I still haven't figured out exactly why that happens, but it does! Try again in a couple days and I bet you'll have your best run yet!
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108 I have officially signed up for my 1st 5K....November 13th....Pretty excited! I thought I was going to have to run it with the kids in tow...since my husband will be gone...but lucky me...that is the weekend my mom is coming to keep me from losing my mind! She said she will come Friday so she can be there to cheer me on (and watch the kids)! Yeah!

    Feeling really great about my progress. Ran/walked through 3.0 miles yesterday with the double jogger in 34:52. I knew from about a minute and a half in that I may not finish...(Max and Anne...I totally understand).

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Starting week 5. My race is October 24th (on my daughter's bday!!)....she's running too :)
    I will run 2 more next year, God willing. I am also walking and swimming on my days off. Sure am feeling strong right now!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    YEA JPotvin on signing up for the 5K. You are going to do awesome! And good luck Mango!

    I have a weird injury. I rode my bike for 1.5 hours last weekend, which I hadn't done in a long time. I could "feel" my left knee, but it didn't hurt. It doesn't hurt at all during the day, even when I worked out this week, but it hurts when I'm in bed. So bad that I need to get up take take some ibuprofen. It's weird that it doesn't hurt at all during the day. I'm going to take today, tomorrow and Sunday off and see if it's better by Monday.
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    ljc--That is a weird injury...keep us posted!

    Yesterday I had a great running day! I took the boys with me (double jogger) and ran/walked my 3.1 miles in 33:15...I couldn't believe it. I actually went back home, and double checked the route on gmap pedometer! Still got delighted! Hope everyone had a great week and is looking forward to the weekend...:bigsmile:
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I haven't been running, but I have been walking. I've started walking for 30 - 45 minutes during lunch. That seems to work best for me right now. Then a few days a week staying after practice to do some cardio. The knee hurt yesterday, but other than that its been ok.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Heylo everyone!!! Also just checkin in.. was really sick last week so didnt do a whole lot of anythng. This week I have gotten back to working out. I ran on Tuesday and today.. had a soccer game Wednesday and did the elitpical yesterday. When I run at the gym I usually do 26-30 mins because I have sch a small time constraint to get it in and make it to work on time

    Hope everyone is well!!!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Today I completed week 5 day 3! I was really worried about running for 20 minutes without stopping, but I did it and honestly I felt I could have gone farther.

    This is an amazing program, I feel strong and am starting to enjoy this. I never thought I'd say that.
  • Today is week 1 run 3 and i'm sort of looking forward to it. I just feel sooo sore the day after a run. I'm hoping this will get better as I get further along in the program.
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Dot - Congratulations on the 20 minute run! I agree, it's an amazing program and you're doing awesome!

    Tracee - Keep going. It will get better. It's not easy, but definitely doable.

    Sundisgurl - I'm glad you're feeling better.

    This past week I walked during my lunch 45 minutes. I managed to get in 2.25 miles and wasn't too sweaty. It actually was a wonderful break from work. Might even try some running when it gets colder.
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone, glad to see you're all still working out. I decided to stop running a couple weeks ago, partly due to my knees bothering me and also because I wanted to incorporate more strength training to build up some muscle before doing P90X this winter (which I think tones more than builds). I started going to the fitness center in my office building after work and doing elliptical and then lifting weights. Last week was extremely busy at work, working 12 hour days trying to help our sales department land a big project. Unfortunately I had absolutely no energy for exercise after work, and to make matters worse I ate lunch at McDonald's a couple days and we ordered pizza one day. :( Not a good week at all, but I am ready to get back on track this week!

    By the way- I definitely AM planning to run again next summer, most likely start with B210K and then maybe a half marathon training? I will definitely plan a 5K race, and then who knows what else! Hopefully if I continue to lose weight over the winter with healthy eating and P90X I will be a little lighter when I start running again and it will be easier on my knees.
  • I am getting ready to start week 4 on Tuesday and am very nervous about it.
  • I just finished week 1. I've modified it a bit since I'm pregnant (I'm not running obviously lol). I feel great though and can't wait to start week 2!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I completed my 5K today (second one in 6 months!) My official time was 38mins 35 sec.
    It was hard but it was an amazing day!!!

    You all can do it. Keep doing the couch to 5k program. It changes your life.
  • Nice job!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Great job Mango! You're an inspiration.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Today was the first time I ran a whole 5KM!!! I only have a certain amount of time between work shifts - so with a 5 min warm up and cool down I can only run for 30 mins. I went to the gym tonite instead and got in 35 of running and thats how long it took me to do 5kM :):):) Felt sooooooo great
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    k, so i run 5 km 2-3 times per week, thanx to this program and now am trying to figure out how to improve my times. I think it is more psychological than anything but i have a hard time with proper sprinting / increasing my speed.

    my time right now is 35 min for 5km.
    I do 2 min comfortable pace followed by 1 min of increasingly faster sprints. i usually need to stop and walk for 2 min at between the 15 and 20 min mark.

    I am still not doing this effortlessly.

    any pointers on how to improve time?
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