Inconsiderate coworkers wrecking my hard work



  • I don't think that's necessary. If you don't like them bringing in cake, then avoid going near it, I guess. They seem like they're just trying to be nice by offering these things and what does them being bigger have anything to do with leaving cake out? I think you're making a huge deal over nothing.
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    Blaming other people won't help you.
    One of the only things in life you actually have control over is what you put in your mouth and swallow.
    Pragmatic and truth from someone (ME) who has stopped blaming others for my weight.
    take responsibility and
    Good luck.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    Why penalize your coworkers for your lack of self-control? I had a coworker offer me half a chocolate bar today. That's just like offering candy to a fat kid. Actually, it was offering candy to a fat kid. :-) Anyways, I sure wanted that chocolate. I have the sweet tooth to end all sweet tooths. I was at a point where I was sick of healthy food and could taste the chocolate. What did I do? Did I get angry at him for offering me junk? No. Did I eat the chocolate? No. Instead, I politely declined and stuck to my plan. That's the only way I know I'm going to get healthy. I've got to make the choices. I can't walk through life demanding that everyone else keep temptation away from me.

    I work in an office that has a tuck shop full of salty and sweet goodness (badness) right in the corner so temptation is always going to be there. I don't begrudge my coworkers their snacks. I just make sure to bring my healthy snacks and avoid the shop. Does it suck? Yup. Is it tough? Sometimes. At the end of the day, though, I feel a whole lot better having eaten good food than I ever did eating junk, so I focus on that. Of course, I still break down from time to time. Now let's be realistic. I still have my lapses. There are times when I just can't keep myself from grabbing that chocolate bar or bag of chips. When that happens, I have no one to blame but myself.

    To me, this journey is all about personal choices and personal accountability. Becoming the snack police at work won't help this.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    One of the only things in life you actually have control over is what you put in your mouth and swallow.

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member

    Are they using enhanced ingestion techniques and cakeboarding you?

    lol @ cakeboarding

    I wonder if cakeboarding is against the Geneva Convention...

    It is against the Geneva Cookie Convention. However the Geneva Chocolate Convention tolerates such behavior while the Geneva Caking Convention fully supports it.

    Choose your Geneva Convention affiliation wisely.

    Well, I have always thought the Geneva Cookie Convention was wrong headed.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    If they want to have a treat counter, fine, but it should not be next to the only source of water. Nobody is stopping them from putting their cake on their desk.

    I agree, OP! They shouldn't use a public space for their disgusting food. Would people be okay with someone sitting naked on the break room table saying, "Come help yourself, ladies?" NO!!! They would file sexual harassment!

    Talk to your boss about this, OP. Maybe they'll lose their jobs!

    I really think that comparing cake to a naked person is going way too far. I don't even know how you went from cake to that.

    It's pretty clear to me really.

    Cake ---> Sponge Cake ---> Twinkies ---> Ding Dongs ---->..... Dongs. Naked.

    There are a lot of extra steps in there. I can immediately go from cake to naked, forget this Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon crap. I go straight to Bacon too.... Maybe that's my problem. Too much cake. Too much bacon. I can say this, it sure isn't too much naked people!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Just gonna put this riiiiight here. Don't blame me if you eat it.

  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I feel bad for you with the holidays approaching. So many things you won't be able to resist.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Grow up.

  • primal_cupcakes
    primal_cupcakes Posts: 280 Member
    My inconsiderate jerk co-workers just made me dinner. Seriously. How the hell am I supposed to lose weight when presented with a plate of pasta made with wild-foraged Hen of the Woods mushrooms and a rich alfredo sauce? Why won't they think of anyone but themselves when making all of their co-workers dinner?
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    My inconsiderate jerk co-workers just made me dinner. Seriously. How the hell am I supposed to lose weight when presented with a plate of pasta made with wild-foraged Hen of the Woods mushrooms and a rich alfredo sauce? Why won't they think of anyone but themselves when making all of their co-workers dinner?

    They are SO selfish! :sad:
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,867 Member
    My workplace is the same. Every filing cabinet has chocolate, cake and chips on it, every day. There is the culture of bringing in sweets when people go on vacation or leave, when they return, when someone gets promoted, when a project gets completed on time. Suck it up.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Just gonna put this riiiiight here. Don't blame me if you eat it.


    ::swipes cake::

    Digital cake has no calories! Mmmmm! :love:

    ::takes bite::

    Ew, gluten free. Pass. :tongue:

    ::returns cake::
  • Bbunn
    Bbunn Posts: 1 Member
    Just take healthy snacks fruit and veggies and a small piece of dark chocolate to work with you and leave it in the kitchen. When the goodies are there eat your snack. Your co- workers aren't on a diet/ healthy track of eating you are. And you can occasionally eat small slices of cake pie etc. Stay focused on the things you can control and make plan B for the uncontrollable.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    This is ridiculous. Instead of throwing the '*kitten* food' in the bin - throw the larger people who bring it in instead. Eliminate the source. And then their families and pets, too.

    Go nuts! :drinker:
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Wow, it sounds like the OP has anger issues.

    There is huge difference between leaving it on the counter for any one to partake, and shoving it in your face insisting that you eat it after you've said no.

    If it's the latter, you have a right to be upset.

    If it's the former, suck it up and deal, schweetiecakes.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    If they want to have a treat counter, fine, but it should not be next to the only source of water. Nobody is stopping them from putting their cake on their desk.

    Do you drive past a McDonald's on the way to work? Perhaps a Dunkin Donuts? Pizza Hut maybe? Do you stop at every place you see or that sounds tasty? Do you walk pas the ice cream at the grocery to get to the frozen vegetables?

    How inconsiderate of these people to leave treats out on the counter. How inconsiderate of franchises to put eating joints on every corner. How inconsiderate of the store personnel to place the ice cream in the same section as frozen fruits and just down the freezer from the vegetables.

  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    One of the only things in life you actually have control over is what you put in your mouth and swallow.


  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    There is huge difference between leaving it on the counter for any one to partake, and shoving it in your face insisting that you eat it after you've said no.

    If it's the latter, you have a right to be upset.


    I love baking. Always have. And whenever I make cupcakes or cookies or anything else, I tell people to help themselves. It's not an attempt to sabotage anyone's lifestyle choices; I don't shove anything down anyone's throats or whine if they don't want any. Hell, I can tell them the calorie count and macronutrients of everything should they want to know!

    It's just a case of, "Hey, I can't finish all these and you have been deemed awesome enough to have cake shared with (no mean feat, let me tell you!), so go ahead and enjoy". Also kinda doubles as a way of showing affection. My mum likes coconut ice, so I've made it before with her tastes in mind. My sisters like lemon cheesecake, so I had it for my birthday one year. My boyfriend's not a chocolate person, so I tend not to use it as much these days.

    It really isn't malicious in any way.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Do you stop at every place you see or that sounds tasty?

    I might try this some day.
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