stop overdoing cardio and hit the damn weights!!!



  • sassyrayofsunshine
    sassyrayofsunshine Posts: 499 Member
    I'd hit that ;)

    o wait - I already do. lol. I was a little scared to start, but I like the differences I am seeing. I love feeling of empowerment.
  • daellio
    daellio Posts: 11 Member
    I'd hit that ;)

    o wait - I already do. lol. I was a little scared to start, but I like the differences I am seeing. I love feeling of empowerment.

    That feeling of empowerment is what I feel when I run 6 miles, when I couldn't run to my mailbox 4 months ago. I WANT to have that feeling from weights so badly, because I know I need them. I think it's because the results are slow to build, where with running I instantly started dropping weight. I love that you love it. :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Lift your weights. I'll do my cardio, but if the zombies start chasing us I'm tripping you.

    Not really sure how being surrounded by bloodthirsty mindless sub-humans is any different than being in some of the gyms in my area.

    PLEASE just stay in the cardio section if that is your attitude.

    Not exactly sure what you're trying to say here, but if you want to go to a gym that is pretty much a meat market, more power to ya.
    As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.

  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    This may totally open up a whole 'nother argument, but why do you have to go to a gym? For me push ups, planking, wall squats, lunges, etc. build muscle and give definition. I personally don't think you need to spend gym money to get definition. I love to run and I love the cardio workouts. You can do lunges all the way to the kitchen to get a drink of water while you break from the cardio. just sayin

    This is a pseduo quote from elsewhere on the internet:

    "Look, I don't like paying any more for a gym mebership than the next guy. I don't work for a gym, I have no skin in them getting your membership money. I would love to be able to say 'yea, I could do a 20 minute bodyweight workout and build muscle.' The fact of the matter is, you can't for multiple reasons.

    First, going to the gym puts you in the mindset that it's workout time. You don't put it off until later until all of a sudden it's 10 pm and you're ready to go to sleep and you'll 'just do it tomorrow.' Secondly, if you are consistent you will rapidly outgrow bodyweight exercises to the point where you will stop making progress. It simply is not enjoyable nor beneficial to do workouts consisting of 4 sets of 50 pushups, 4 sets of 80 situps, 4 sets of 50 dips on the couch, 4 sets of 50 lunges, and 4 sets of 2 minute planks. Thirdly, muscles work in this funny way that in order to make them grow and get stronger, you need to lift as heavy weight as you can handle. 50 pushups of 2/3 your body weight is NOT the same as lifting 1.25x your bodyweight in a bench press 5x when it comes to strength training.

    Those people on the perfect pushup ads, ab roller ads, etc all got that way by going to a gym and lifting heavy weights (with a healthy dose of steroids on top).

    The bottom line is that if you are seriously considering strength training, you need a gym membership (or you need to purchase a home gym)."
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.

    Wow, it must be nice to be irresistible!

    But, seriously. I don't set foot in a gym. You don't have to live at the gym to do strength training.
  • First, going to the gym puts you in the mindset that it's workout time. You don't put it off until later until all of a sudden it's 10 pm and you're ready to go to sleep and you'll 'just do it tomorrow.'

    Not necessarily true.

    There are plenty of times where the intention is to go to the gym in the afternoon but work happens and the next thing I know it's 5 p.m. I've been to the gym at that time and it's so crowded it's impossible to get any piece of equipment so I'm not going to drive the 20 minutes to the gym only to be mad because I can't do what I want. So in that case, yes. I will wait until tomorrow.
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    I love when people work out with 1.5kg weights XD

    What's funniest is....

    I used to do it HAHAHAHAHAHA
  • As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.


    Now that there's funny I don't care who you are!

    I am curious as to where all these gyms are located where one can't workout because guys are trying to hit on girls all the time. Seriously. This makes me laugh!
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    I love when people work out with 1.5kg weights XD

    What's funniest is....

    I used to do it HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Everybody has to start somewhere, there's no need to mock people.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.

    Wow, it must be nice to be irresistible!

    But, seriously. I don't set foot in a gym. You don't have to live at the gym to do strength training.

    I get how my comments might be misunderstood...

    I was talking about some of the meat-market gyms around here.
    I think the fact that I'm hardly irresistible just points out that the places are, in fact, meat markets.
  • I love when people work out with 1.5kg weights XD

    What's funniest is....

    I used to do it HAHAHAHAHAHA

    I try not to laugh at people who are lifting light because they could just be starting out or have an injury that they're doing some work on.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.


    Now that there's funny I don't care who you are!

    I am curious as to where all these gyms are located where one can't workout because guys are trying to hit on girls all the time. Seriously. This makes me laugh!

    Just put in your headphones and give them the tha faq look they'll leave you alone "princess"
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.


    Now that there's funny I don't care who you are!

    I am curious as to where all these gyms are located where one can't workout because guys are trying to hit on girls all the time. Seriously. This makes me laugh!

    Just put in your headphones and give them the tha faq look they'll leave you alone "princess"

    It's "dame", thanks.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.


    Now that there's funny I don't care who you are!

    I am curious as to where all these gyms are located where one can't workout because guys are trying to hit on girls all the time. Seriously. This makes me laugh!

    I'm sorry if that is something that you would enjoy and don't have the opportunity to find such a place. Perhaps keep looking?
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.


    Now that there's funny I don't care who you are!

    I am curious as to where all these gyms are located where one can't workout because guys are trying to hit on girls all the time. Seriously. This makes me laugh!

    ^^^I agree^^^

    The gym that I go to...everyone is too busy "in the zone" to be worried about anything else.

    Put on some earbuds and pretend they aren't there.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Has seen some damn hot girls lifting heavy weight with no one bothering them in the slightest.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    As for me, when I want to work out, I want to work out, do my thing and not be hit on.


    Now that there's funny I don't care who you are!

    I am curious as to where all these gyms are located where one can't workout because guys are trying to hit on girls all the time. Seriously. This makes me laugh!

    ^^^I agree^^^

    The gym that I go to...everyone is too busy "in the zone" to be worried about anything else.

    Put on some earbuds and pretend they aren't there.

    Some of the gyms in my area are decent. Some are not.

    As for me, I did one better. The fitness equipment at the local community center is almost never used AND it's free..
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • If you incorporate some sort of lifting you wil llose more body fat faster because you are turning that fat into muscle. Which kicks your metabolism into over drive. You dont need a gym membership to do it, Use your own resistance. Saqme effect. And not all gym memberships will leave you broke. Got any Planet Fitness gyms near you?

    What is the information source for this fat-to-muscle conversion that you speak of? Last time I checked, it is biologically impossible to convert fat into muscle. What it is absolutely possible to do is to strength train while maintaining a calorie deficit so while you are losing weight by eating at lower than maintenance levels you are also preventing your body from metabolizing too much lean muscle and encouraging it to metabolize its fat. We will never be able to completely control where the losses occur (muscle vs fat) but we can shift the balance towards more fat burn by strength training and increasing protein intake. So, in actuality, we are promoting fat burn while encouraging muscle maintenance. Converting fat to muscle does not occur.

    First easily located source (many more are available without looking very hard):
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Has seen some damn hot girls lifting heavy weight with no one bothering them in the slightest.

    Then they didn't go to the gyms that I'm talking about.

    To anyone who may want to visit those gyms, PM me. I'll be happy to send the locations. They are a local chain.