Clean Eating Bashing?



  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    I've never bashed anyone who claims to eat clean.

    I have challenged them to define it. (No two people have ever given the same definition.)

    Without any clear definition of what it is, and with the claims for the health benefits (of whatever it is) being unsubstantiated, I think it's pretty clear that it doesn't even exist.

    So, the concept I bash to the point of denying any meaningful existence.

    The practitioners...I've never met them.
  • ril0riley
    ril0riley Posts: 54 Member
    The thing is that posting on these forums isn't just about sharing anecdotes for a pat on the back-- when you talk about a diet or a fitness regimen or a lifestyle change or juice cleanse or voodoo ritual, you're advocating it to a community who might use your advice in an attempt to reach any of their goals.
    Sure, bullying happens, and personal attacks suck but someone outlining why they believe a particular strategy ISN'T they right way to go doesn't mean they're bashing-- they're advocating their point, too.

    Eat "clean" if you want, whatever that means for you. But don't worry if posting about it results in people asking you for more specific research or to more rigorously defend your point against some evidence to the contrary.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I agree! This is myFITNESSpal, not myWEIGHTLOSSpal. Eating clean contributes to fitness in more ways than eating twinkies at a deficit does.

    Why does eating twinkies mean you aren't fit?

    NO ONE SAID THAT! This is exactly what I'm talking about.

    It was implied that eating twinkes = not fit.

    Still waiting on the three ways eating clean contributes more to fitness than eating "twinkies" or whatever else does.

    It was not implied. You inferred it.

    3 Reasons: Meeting your nutritional needs before you eat exclusively snacks is on its face better for you or nutritional guidelines would not exist at all. Twinkies take a great deal of processing and transporting of ingredients to accomplish, which contributes to water and air pollution, neither or which are good for you. Twinkies contain a lot of corn-based ingredients which contribute to the mono-cropping of American and threaten the sustainability of the food system.

    Do your own freaking research on Twinkies. You are lazy for making me do it for you.

    I see some people on here that survive exclusively on fast food and I really don't want to pay for your Obamacare for you.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I've been on both sides. I've tried paleo a la the Whole 30 ( I do actually like to eat that way as it fills me up, keeps me full, I get lots of veggies and is an easy way for me to maintain a deficit, but the weight loss I experience is simply because I am not eating the type of foods I tend to over eat). I've done the "bodybuilder clean eating". I've done the whole "clean eating" (a la Tosca Reno), to the point of obsessive and have come out the other side.

    My beef with "clean eating" is there is no clear definition of what that exactly is. Back when I started doing it, it meant lean meats, whole grains, dairy, and foods that have all natural ingredients. Now, I see a lot more people saying it is grassfed meat, no dairy or non-pasturized dairy, no grains, etc. It seems to have moved to a more paleo/primal definition. It rings true to the point that this article makes, the goal posts are always moving. Yesterday's "clean" food is now today's evil food.

    I have to say, hanging out in the clean eating recipe thread is always entertaining.

    I do not believe in demonizing food. Yes, I believe that the majority of our food should be from whole foods, but I don't believe that processed food is the devil either.

    The whole supporting local farms is a totally different topic, IMO. I also like to support local farms, sustainable production, etc.

    The difference between the two - I don't notice a difference in how I feel.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Ive said it before, veggies need washing before eating, so do some fruits, then its clean food ;-)
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Meh, I'm all for folks doing whatever works for them.
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    I agree! This is myFITNESSpal, not myWEIGHTLOSSpal. Eating clean contributes to fitness in more ways than eating twinkies at a deficit does.

    Why does eating twinkies mean you aren't fit?

    NO ONE SAID THAT! This is exactly what I'm talking about.

    It was implied that eating twinkes = not fit.

    Still waiting on the three ways eating clean contributes more to fitness than eating "twinkies" or whatever else does.

    By eating twinkies at a deficit, I meant eating ONLY twinkies at a deficit. And as I mentioned before, this is from my personal experience only. Didn't mean to act like I know everything.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Right, but don't put those people who eat differently than you down in the same manner you dislike the others putting paleo and "clean" eating down. This really isn't black and white. There is a grey area in between these two approaches that people find and I'm assuming is what a lot of the iifym people go by. You still need to eat balanced, you still have nutrients to reach your objectives but it doesn't mean completely turning away from a whole plethora of food because it's viewed as "bad". And, you can still be healthy... just my observation. I feel perfectly fine and perform well in day to day, as well as exercising throwing in a Mcwrap or a cup of ice cream into my diet. It's not as though the other side is saying "Fill up your day with bacon for greatness and lose weight!" it's, eat things you once enjoyed or DO enjoy but fit it into a balanced diet. Clean or paleo to an extreme CAN be unhealthy if you aren't balancing your nutrient needs. Do as you see fit but just because the opposite end wants a chance to chime in doesn't make them wrong. Being different isn't wrong.
  • ril0riley
    ril0riley Posts: 54 Member
    The paleo folks do love their bacon
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    Well said Phoenix!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Re: The Twinkies. The point is not what you don't eat. It's about what you do it. If you choose to have a Twinkie, fine. But why are people mad at people who choose to make their diet cleaner. It's fine if I have a Twinkie if I've already met my nutritional needs, from an individual perspective.

    I don't think it's so much that people are mad at others who do 'clean eating' as much as they get snarky at people who insist that everyone needs to do it.

    I have no problem with people who eat x, y, z, whatever. I do have a problem with people who jump into newbie threads insisting that since eating x, y, z, whatever worked for them, it's the only way to be healthy and all of the newbies need to do it. This applies whether it's 'clean eating', paleo, low-carb, low-fat, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food ...
  • mssag
    mssag Posts: 23 Member
    I keep seeing this "eating clean" term but I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Can someone please clarify? Is there a standard definition?
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    i have a problem with clean eaters who insist that eating "clean" magically cures all sorts of diseases that modern medicine cannot. it's not true and there is no scientific evidence supporting any of those assertions, but they are routinely thrown about by clean eating converts as if they are self-evidently true.

    "clean" foods do not cure cancer, or multiple sclerosis, or even the ever nebulous "inflammation" which is never even defined by clean eaters.

    i also have a problem with clean eaters leading naive people into eating disorders by insisting that certain foods are inherently bad, and that by not perfectly adhering to some ridiculous list of foods that must be avoided at all costs, making them feel guilty or ashamed.

    finally, the smugness of clean eaters annoys me.

    so eat clean or don't eat clean... it doesn't matter to me. just don't prosthelytize on MFP about "clean" eating and not expect pushback.

    BTW, i don't have a problem with so-called "clean" foods per se (except of course asparagus and brussels sprouts), just the clean eaters. that's why i poke fun at them, which brings up another issue...

    why are clean eaters such humorless sourpusses?
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    It is different for each person, but in general I feel, and this is just my opinion...not a professional here...the more you clean up your diet, the better your body is going to function. I simply don't have the willpower to be 100% clean all the time...I like cheese too much. I am currently maintaining about a 80% clean that I can have those "treats" every once in a while. But in general...I have more energy, I feel fuller longer, I don't get crazy cravings anymore, and I sleep better. Plus some stomach issues I was having have all but disappeared.

    But it is to each their own. However you are accomplishing losing weight/getting healthy/staying long as you aren't starving yourself (or doing illegal drugs) keep doing whatever works for you!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I agree with you 100%. It is different for each person, but in general I feel the more you clean up your diet, the better your body is going to function. I simply don't have the willpower to be 100% clean all the time...I like cheese too much. I am currently maintaining about a 80% clean that I can have those "treats" every once in a while. But in general...I have more energy, I feel fuller longer, I don't get crazy cravings anymore, and I sleep better. Plus some stomach issues I was having have all but disappeared.

    But it is to each their own. However you are accomplishing losing weight/getting healthy/staying long as you aren't starving yourself (or doing illegal drugs) keep doing whatever works for you!

    What the heck is dirty about cheese?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    The problem is not with clean eaters, or paleo/primal people, or whatever diet is vogue right now. Its with anyone who moves from saying 'this is my way of creating a deficit" to "you will get cancer and DIE unless you eat my way".

    I do see people getting snarky (myself included), because so many of these elimination diets are unsustainable. Paleo is a fine way of creating a deficit, but no, it will not cure all your ills, and if you can't do it for life, then it will not be your solution. Eating more fruits and vegetables is great, but trying to elimiate cake/cookies/ice cream forever is setting yourself up for failure. I try to keep it informative, but sometimes such ridiculous things are said, I can't help but respond with a cat gif.
  • jessikabrook
    jessikabrook Posts: 45 Member
    i have a problem with clean eaters who insist that eating "clean" magically cures all sorts of diseases that modern medicine cannot. it's not true and there is no scientific evidence supporting any of those assertions, but they are routinely thrown about by clean eating converts as if they are self-evidently true.

    "clean" foods do not cure cancer, or multiple sclerosis, or even the ever nebulous "inflammation" which is never even defined by clean eaters.

    i also have a problem with clean eaters leading naive people into eating disorders by insisting that certain foods are inherently bad, and that by not perfectly adhering to some ridiculous list of foods that must be avoided at all costs, making them feel guilty or ashamed.

    finally, the smugness of clean eaters annoys me.

    so eat clean or don't eat clean... it doesn't matter to me. just don't prosthelytize on MFP about "clean" eating and not expect pushback.

    BTW, i don't have a problem with so-called "clean" foods per se (except of course asparagus and brussels sprouts), just the clean eaters.

    Perfect. I don't believe in clean eating because demonizing food isn't 'healthy'. Neither is being 'scared' of certain food or refusing point blank to eat it. Everyone eats different, I eat to fill my nutritional needs and then add in extra yummy stuff to help keep calories up. Eating clean for me caused a huge problem with a disordered attitude towards food.

    EDIT: Also the elitist and classcist attitude that comes with clean eating (for some), which is assuming EVERYONE can afford to eat 'clean' organic and whole is extremely thick and looking down on those who dont do as they say.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I agree! This is myFITNESSpal, not myWEIGHTLOSSpal. Eating clean contributes to fitness in more ways than eating twinkies at a deficit does.

    Why does eating twinkies mean you aren't fit?

    NO ONE SAID THAT! This is exactly what I'm talking about.

    It was implied that eating twinkes = not fit.

    Still waiting on the three ways eating clean contributes more to fitness than eating "twinkies" or whatever else does.

    It was not implied. You inferred it.

    3 Reasons: Meeting your nutritional needs before you eat exclusively snacks is on its face better for you or nutritional guidelines would not exist at all. Twinkies take a great deal of processing and transporting of ingredients to accomplish, which contributes to water and air pollution, neither or which are good for you. Twinkies contain a lot of corn-based ingredients which contribute to the mono-cropping of American and threaten the sustainability of the food system.

    Do your own freaking research on Twinkies. You are lazy for making me do it for you.

    I see some people on here that survive exclusively on fast food and I really don't want to pay for your Obamacare for you.

    wow. i see all of that clean eating has certainly made you pretty on the inside.

    btw, i live in california, and the federal tax dollars taken from here pay for virtually everything that montana residents enjoy, but you don't see me crying in my twinkie soup about it.
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    I agree with you 100%. It is different for each person, but in general I feel the more you clean up your diet, the better your body is going to function. I simply don't have the willpower to be 100% clean all the time...I like cheese too much. I am currently maintaining about a 80% clean that I can have those "treats" every once in a while. But in general...I have more energy, I feel fuller longer, I don't get crazy cravings anymore, and I sleep better. Plus some stomach issues I was having have all but disappeared.

    But it is to each their own. However you are accomplishing losing weight/getting healthy/staying long as you aren't starving yourself (or doing illegal drugs) keep doing whatever works for you!

    What the heck is dirty about cheese?

    Yeah, I feel like cheese is pretty clean compared to twinkies. :wink: