Clean Eating Bashing?



  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    My concept of clean eating: consuming high quality food in reasonable proportions. By high quality, I mean having high nutritional content as well as high food integrity standards (organic, natural, and or minimally or unprocessed). Striving toward these standards should be the goal, even though it is understood that eating clean 100% (or even 80-90%) of the time is often impossible.

    I don't see how people construe this as "feeling superior" - they are probably the same people who teased the smart kids in school for getting good grades.

    Because clean eaters are the smart kids?

    Ironic post is ironic.
  • maffff
    maffff Posts: 72 Member
    I agree! This is myFITNESSpal, not myWEIGHTLOSSpal. Eating clean contributes to fitness in more ways than eating twinkies at a deficit does.

    Yeah but I couldn't find myTWINKIEpal [although I'll admit I haven't searched, I dread to think what it would find..]
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    In to read later!
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Well this was fun
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Don't take the "clean eating bashing" personally.

    It's primarily the ones who've had difficulties with their weight in the past. They've decided (or are unable) to not give up foods high in fat and sugar (i.e. "junk food"), and due to whatever limited success they've had, believe there is something wrong with those who desire to cut such things out of their diet.

    They'll tell you how healthy they are, and talk about their great "blood work."

    They'll also ask you to provide "peer reviewed studies" to support your claims that the food you eat can affect your long-term health, while attributing their views to universal truths.

  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Do what you want.... or don't.

    Just don't shove your religion down my throat.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    My concept of clean eating: consuming high quality food in reasonable proportions. By high quality, I mean having high nutritional content as well as high food integrity standards (organic, natural, and or minimally or unprocessed). Striving toward these standards should be the goal, even though it is understood that eating clean 100% (or even 80-90%) of the time is often impossible.

    I don't see how people construe this as "feeling superior" - they are probably the same people who teased the smart kids in school for getting good grades.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    And yet you comment, repeatedly (or rather MOCK) how you think I eat.

    This is a flat-out lie.
    Actually no. It's not. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else, again.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Do what you want.... or don't.

    Just don't shove your religion down my throat.
    Exactly how I feel.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    There's hating on everything... Clean eaters hate on people who don't eat clean... People who don't eat clean hate on people who do...People who eat more hate on those who eat less ect the list goes on. Why? Because no one way is right, no one body is the same...and we all have the right to diet to eat to live how we wish.

    How do we deal with the hate? Close the post... And move on. and LOOK!! ITS GONE! Because no one needs to read abuse or hate.. There's no person forcing you to read every single rude ignorant comment. So don't. =) It's a trick to keep you mentally healthy as that's just as important as being physically healthy.

    But most importantly I wish you all a happy journey no matter how you chose to get there! Just remember. You are talking to real people here. So when you hate. You're hating real people, with real feelings. Share the love! Stop the hate. *Hugs*
    Great post. I think I'll do just that. cheers.
  • I guess I came in late on the conversation... I'll give my two cents anyways.

    I attempt to eat clean most of the time. I like more simple/ fewer ingredients 1) because I am lazy, 2) because it generally means less sodium (which I am trying to cut back on drastically), and 3) I feel less bloated/ more energetic when the majority of my food is not extremely processed. Processed foods seem to have a variety of effects on people - I am only speaking from my experience. Some can tolerate them, others can't.
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    I don't bash eating clean, I bash the people who try to tell me it is the only way. As a college student time and money is limited I don't always have the resource to eat clean.
    That's awesome if it works for you and you can do it but don't try to tell me that it is the only way. I have been losing fine with a deficit. I had someone who I deleted from my friends list constantly badgering me that I was doing it wrong and I won't see results. I am down almost 30 lbs and the only time I gain or stay the same is when I constantly over eat my deficits. Total respect for you all doing clean eating though, just don't force it on me because at the moment it is not feasible.

    My new rule (which technically just broke) is along with politics and religion we don't discuss clean eating vs. not.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    I love it when you let a thread take off and don't look at it for a few hours and realize hardly anyone has even considered the original points you were trying to make which were only two:

    1) Do you feel better when you eat cleaner than when you eat primarily processed foods? (If you've tried it.)
    Done it. When I competed, the foundation of getting "ripped" at the time was to eat "clean" with no additives. While also being on a calorie deficit, I hated it. Couldn't wait till the contest was over. And I did 8 contests overall. A 12-16 week "clean eating" contest prep was normal and still is today.
    2) Do you care about the sustainability of the food system? Nope, went right back to a calorie is a calorie.
    The sustainability of the food system will be fine. There will ALWAYS be farmers who will do "organic" farming as well as cage free raising of animals. If someone chooses to support that type of eating, it will stay around. Heck, witch craft and black magic are still around
    Seems most people on MFP can only argue four topics: 1) Is a calorie just a calorie? 2) Is a 1200 calorie diet okay? 3) Cardio vs. Weights? and 4) Is starvation mode real?

    The last and final thing I want to say is that while you are in high school and even undergrad, you learn about "objective science" and the system focuses very little on qualitative research. Now everyone who is not trained in qualitative research assumes that personal experience is all anecdotal. In reality, when one gets to graduate school or beyond, many people learn that qualitative research is what gives quantitative research context. So anyone who argues that qualitative research or subjective experience is not valid is just not as educated as they could be in principles of research. They are two equally important sides of the coin in research.

    I'm out, peeps, Have fun!
    Lol, personal experience is anecdotal. Look up the definition of it. There are lots of "researchers" out there who are journalists and write falsified subjective books passing them off as "science".

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    I'm not sure if this answers your question, but here's my experience. A few years ago, my cholesterol was high. I'm not a pill taker, so the doc suggested I research heart healthy foods and start walking. I began a lifestyle change of exercising and I guess, eating semi-clean (depending on the definition used for clean eating). I only ate beef once a week, I ate mostly fish and turkey. I ate a lot of steamed or grilled veggies and switched all of my grains out to whole grains. I ate yogurt, drank milk, cut out cheese except for parmesan. I didn't really deprive myself, if I wanted Chick-fil-A one day--I ate it, but it was only a once a week thing, maybe. I would eat something every 2-3 hours and I was never hungry. I started drinking green tea every day and began walking 6 days a week. During that 3 month span of all of this, I lost 30 lbs and lowered my cholesterol from 211 to 161.

    I felt better, had more energy, slept better and looked better. That's my experience and I think people should do what works for them.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I love it when you let a thread take off and don't look at it for a few hours and realize hardly anyone has even considered the original points you were trying to make which were only two:

    1) Do you feel better when you eat cleaner than when you eat primarily processed foods? (If you've tried it.)
    2) Do you care about the sustainability of the food system? Nope, went right back to a calorie is a calorie.

    Seems most people on MFP can only argue four topics: 1) Is a calorie just a calorie? 2) Is a 1200 calorie diet okay? 3) Cardio vs. Weights? and 4) Is starvation mode real?

    The last and final thing I want to say is that while you are in high school and even undergrad, you learn about "objective science" and the system focuses very little on qualitative research. Now everyone who is not trained in qualitative research assumes that personal experience is all anecdotal. In reality, when one gets to graduate school or beyond, many people learn that qualitative research is what gives quantitative research context. So anyone who argues that qualitative research or subjective experience is not valid is just not as educated as they could be in principles of research. They are two equally important sides of the coin in research.

    I'm out, peeps, Have fun!

    What total dosh.

    One does not get to call a personal experience "qualitative research" and raise it on some pedestal of science. And in this, your attempt, to use "I'm more educated in the prinicipals of science" as some sort of argument insulting the character of those that disagree with you, just sits on top of other logical fallacies.

    Says the actual research scientist. Highly educated and working in the field for years. Thanks my friend. I was hoping you'd show up to address this BS!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I don't bash clean eaters, but I do not understand the people that think it's the only way. For example, I had a friend a while back that complained about someone bringing in smoked brisket for everybody at work, and she said she couldn't have it even though she wanted to. Smoked brisket! I asked what the problem was, and she said something about how she's trying to lose weight by sticking to "clean foods" and when I GENTLY told her that she didn't have to restrict herself to lose weight, she flipped out! I mean come on, I'm a living breathing example of eating whatever you want in moderation works, and she is torturing herself!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My concept of clean eating: consuming high quality food in reasonable proportions. By high quality, I mean having high nutritional content as well as high food integrity standards (organic, natural, and or minimally or unprocessed). Striving toward these standards should be the goal, even though it is understood that eating clean 100% (or even 80-90%) of the time is often impossible.

    you were doing so well.....

    and then you just had to go and throw in this
    I don't see how people construe this as "feeling superior" - they are probably the same people who teased the smart kids in school for getting good grades.

    Well gee, that sounds kinda smug, don't it? It implies that clean eaters are better than other people and those lessor people, instead of bucking up and hopping in the clean eating train, just insult the clean eaters so that they can feel better about their weak, twinkie eating selves.
  • jmapes9
    jmapes9 Posts: 144 Member
    On average, I eat clean 6 days a week. I mostly do this, because, on average, 1500 "clean" calories fill the belly better than 1500 calories of processed food, etc.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Well gee, that sounds kinda smug, don't it? It implies that clean eaters are better than other people and those lessor people, instead of bucking up and hopping in the clean eating train, just insult the clean eaters so that they can feel better about their weak, twinkie eating selves.

    Some people are looking for cheerleaders when it comes to eating junkfood (like Twinkies). I read the ingredients and don't engage in self deception or the enabling of others merely because something tastes good. I occasionally eat junkfood just like everyone else - I just don't seek praise and affirmation from others to rationalize it.
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    I started eating clean (I didnt eat too awful before) in order to lose weight, but as I realised how it benefited other parts of me I have even more reasons to keep it up. I had more energy, nicer skin, was regular.. and just in general felt much healthier and happier. I have a few friends who are very much overweight and they some times mock me for this yet I wonder if they remember what it feels like! I am proud to be eating the way I do
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Dude eat twinkies.....they help you lose weight.....said no one ever!!! Thought id drop my two cents;) Im out!
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    In general anything that comes off as smug is bash worthy and I'd say almost any subject people talk about with great passion to those less passionate can sometimes come off as smug. This is especially true when the people doing the talking use definitive statements about points which can be disputed or don't necessarily apply to everyone.
  • FizikallyFit
    FizikallyFit Posts: 180 Member
    I eat clean because when I don't I notice a big change in my body, from my digestive system to my energy level. I have also known lots of people that have gone on strict healthy/veggie and lean meat diets and beat diseases like cancer so to me Eating clean is more of a lifestyle for health and not just weight loss.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Dude eat twinkies.....they help you lose weight.....said no one ever!!! Thought id drop my two cents;) Im out!

    They can help you lose weight, if eating some Twinkies occasionally keeps you from binging on them when you finally give in to your desires.

    By the way, look up "the twinkie diet." There was a guy who ate nothing but twinkies and some veggies and lost like 20+ lbs. All his health markers improved too.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Well gee, that sounds kinda smug, don't it? It implies that clean eaters are better than other people and those lessor people, instead of bucking up and hopping in the clean eating train, just insult the clean eaters so that they can feel better about their weak, twinkie eating selves.

    Some people are looking for cheerleaders when it comes to eating junkfood (like Twinkies). I read the ingredients and don't engage in self deception or the enabling of others merely because something tastes good. I occasionally eat junkfood just like everyone else - I just don't seek praise and affirmation from others to rationalize it.

    No, you seek praise and affirmation from others by implying you're one of the "smart kids" the less gifted of us make fun of.
  • Caelrr
    Caelrr Posts: 26
    I eat SO MUCH CLEANER than I did two years ago. My boyfriend & I have known each other for four years now... but he's always making me feel bad for trying to be healthier. I don't feel bad as in I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing... but I feel bad from all of the negativity towards something I enjoy & need. He doesn't complain all too much that I don't eat meat & he does... but he just hasn't been supportive of me at all. I keep trying to talk to him about it, but he doesn't seem to want to listen.

    I was trying to pick up dinner at our local food co-op... but every time I was telling him how happy I was that I tried so & so product, or that I needed to pick up this or this... he sighed & acted like he was really irritated with me. He knows that I have Lupus, yet he doesn't understand that it means I HAVE to treat my body better than he treats his. He doesn't have any real health issues, so he always thinks I'm faking it when I tell him I'm in pain or that I don't feel well.

    He acts like a child & says things like "I don't like it" when he's never even tried it!! He's older than I am, yet is extremely ignorant & inconsiderate a lot of the time... it makes me feel really horrible. I want cleaner eating to be something we can enjoy together. When I don't eat clean he complains about what I'm eating, but when I do he STILL COMPLAINS!! Yet he eats pure trash & sometimes gets upset with me when I ask him to eat better because I want him around for a long time.

    I hate when people bash on clean eating. It's just turning something that could be full of enjoyment into a tedious task. We're still going to eat the way we eat... so why make us miserable doing it? Just let us be happy. ): Negative people = stop.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I eat SO MUCH CLEANER than I did two years ago. My boyfriend & I have known each other for four years now... but he's always making me feel bad for trying to be healthier. I don't feel bad as in I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing... but I feel bad from all of the negativity towards something I enjoy & need. He doesn't complain all too much that I don't eat meat & he does... but he just hasn't been supportive of me at all. I keep trying to talk to him about it, but he doesn't seem to want to listen.

    I was trying to pick up dinner at our local food co-op... but every time I was telling him how happy I was that I tried so & so product, or that I needed to pick up this or this... he sighed & acted like he was really irritated with me. He knows that I have Lupus, yet he doesn't understand that it means I HAVE to treat my body better than he treats his. He doesn't have any real health issues, so he always thinks I'm faking it when I tell him I'm in pain or that I don't feel well.

    He acts like a child & says things like "I don't like it" when he's never even tried it!! He's older than I am, yet is extremely ignorant & inconsiderate a lot of the time... it makes me feel really horrible. I want cleaner eating to be something we can enjoy together. When I don't eat clean he complains about what I'm eating, but when I do he STILL COMPLAINS!! Yet he eats pure trash & sometimes gets upset with me when I ask him to eat better because I want him around for a long time.

    I hate when people bash on clean eating. It's just turning something that could be full of enjoyment into a tedious task. We're still going to eat the way we eat... so why make us miserable doing it? Just let us be happy. ): Negative people = stop.

    Sounds like a real winner you picked out for yourself.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I eat SO MUCH CLEANER than I did two years ago. My boyfriend & I have known each other for four years now... but he's always making me feel bad for trying to be healthier. I don't feel bad as in I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing... but I feel bad from all of the negativity towards something I enjoy & need. He doesn't complain all too much that I don't eat meat & he does... but he just hasn't been supportive of me at all. I keep trying to talk to him about it, but he doesn't seem to want to listen.

    I was trying to pick up dinner at our local food co-op... but every time I was telling him how happy I was that I tried so & so product, or that I needed to pick up this or this... he sighed & acted like he was really irritated with me. He knows that I have Lupus, yet he doesn't understand that it means I HAVE to treat my body better than he treats his. He doesn't have any real health issues, so he always thinks I'm faking it when I tell him I'm in pain or that I don't feel well.

    He acts like a child & says things like "I don't like it" when he's never even tried it!! He's older than I am, yet is extremely ignorant & inconsiderate a lot of the time... it makes me feel really horrible. I want cleaner eating to be something we can enjoy together. When I don't eat clean he complains about what I'm eating, but when I do he STILL COMPLAINS!! Yet he eats pure trash & sometimes gets upset with me when I ask him to eat better because I want him around for a long time.

    I hate when people bash on clean eating. It's just turning something that could be full of enjoyment into a tedious task. We're still going to eat the way we eat... so why make us miserable doing it? Just let us be happy. ): Negative people = stop.

    Just break up!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I have been "clean" from fast food for about 8 months. A few months ago I was visiting family that eats alot of fast food... we ate out at a fast food restaurant and I felt gross :( The main reason for me... is I used to own a holistic pet store... we strive to be 100% natural with our pets: natural food sources, natural shampoos, etc. I think the chemicals used in their foods, shampoos, flea products etc take a real toll on their health. But, we weren't doing the same for ourselves! How ridiculous right? I care about my pets more than myself!

    So, we changed all that. We don't eat fast food... we don't eat most processed foods. I still eat potato chips once in a while.. and I buy my bread from the store but we don't eat pre-packaged dinners or frozen dinners, things like that. I don't drink soda or commercial juices. I don't use artificial sweeteners.... I don't even use conventional processed shampoos and soaps. I buy all natural/herbal soaps and shampoos now and I can definately tell the difference in my skin, my health, etc. In the last year we've also made strides to become more green: I make my own household cleaners now... and we use cloth napkins instead of paper towels (we cut down ALOT on our trash by not using paper towels and not buying processed food). Instead of using "fabreeze" or whatever else you buy at the store, I mix 100% lavender oil with a little water and spritz my furniture, carpet, etc.

    I haven't lost a whole lot of weight in the last 8 months... I've lost a few inches and my endurance/strength is better.. but I've yo-yo'd so much I dare say that my body is used to it by now making it alot harder. So, I've stopped worrying about the weight and I'm gauging my success on how I feel and overall health. Like some other people said, since starting to eat clean its opened my eyes up to new possibilities of food preparation... new foods I've never tried.... and that's great. Last night I make spaghetti squash (with marinara & meatballs) for the first time and I loved it!

    Eating clean isn't for everyone... living green isn't for everyone. It takes effort... it takes time... and some people don't have it, and that's ok. I just like to share what I do with some people to maybe inspire them to make small changes that might have a great impact on their lives and the environment.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    ok! Im man enough to admit when im wrong.....I guess now I have heard and seen it all! Lol, thanks for the info Johnnythan:)