NOVEMBER- 30 day shred

bosanka Posts: 336 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I know there are many topics on 30 day shred -but many of them are allready going full speed and some of them are almost at the end of it, i don't see a new one that has just started - so i have decided to start it myself.

I'm starting it on the .. and i really want to get it done this time. I must say i'm scared of the 3rd level. Really.

But i want to do it. 30 days. Who is with me ?

Let's motivate and help each other to do this. Let's be accauntable and serious about it. I need to be serious and that is my goal for this month- to suceed and not give up when it gets hard.

Hope you will join me so i don't have to do it allone .


  • I was already planning on starting it Monday anyway. I guess that means I'm in! I'm going to take all my measurements and weight Monday morning. I think I'll do it again at the 10 day mark, 20 and then the final at 30. Is there any special diet to go with it?
  • im in!! :D i am actually scared of level 3 also!!! lol ive done level 1 and level 2 but never level 3!
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    I will join you but I gotta say, I will only be doing level 1. Level 2 and 3 are too hard on my bum shoulder (lots of plank/push up things) but Level 1 is a good work out too. I did it last winter and it was good.

    I would LOVE to be mostly "in shape" by Thanksgiving haha. I have only gotten one pound down on my weight loss (looking to drop 10-15 pounds).
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Hey - thanks for joining me :)

    I didn't think of any special diet- other than what we are all doing now- and maybe a little better :)

    I saw on the other topics people doint the table with measurments- i don't know how to do that - and post it here.
    Are there any volunteers that would collect all the measurments and put them in a chart/table and than post the end results at the end of the month ?
    It woudl be great motivation to see us change - numbers are motivating :)

    I would do it but i don't know how to .

    Let's all put our weight and measurments on monday morning. I weigh in on fridays' but i don't plan on measuring myself after monday- till the end of november.
  • mrskelsey24
    mrskelsey24 Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in!! I will also be taking measurements on Monday (I've already got my weight but I will weigh in again just to be sure). My knees have been hurting me with the weather change here in NY I'm really hoping that doesn't interfere!
    Will we just keep motivating each othere here on this blog or somewhere else? I will try to check in each day for accountability!
    Thanks for starting this!!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I would like it to be motivational not just ' checkin in " - since i do need the support - and i think it's much easier when you have others to help you along .
    Would like to see us motivate each other and get it done together. Yes- daily logging would be great- i like accauntability :)
  • mrskelsey24
    mrskelsey24 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh, I'm all for motivation too! I just meant I will be on here daily hopefully. Under the exercise / cardiovascular reporting page - what would you list the 30day shred as? 20 mins of high impact aerobics? I'm just curious.
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Don't be scared of Level 3 - you can honestly do it! I actually find it easier than Level 2 :)
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    I agree with this. Level 3 was "easier" than Level 2...
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    I hate to sound completely dumb, but what is this shred and where can I find information on it?? I'm super motivated to work out right now and have done great so far, but I love challenges and this is something I can see myself doing to lose weight/inches faster. I was going to start a bootcamp Novemeber 1st but decided to just motivate myself to workout at home instead, easier since I have two kids at home with me (I'm on maternity leave). I just started actively using this site this week - Please let me know, thanks!
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    I am in too, and i can do the charts ! Everyone can send their measurements and their weight to me and i will put a chart together.

    I am not scared i ma excited :)....

    PS: we should also add each other as friends!

  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    nevermind! figured it out lol thanks.
  • i am in! i was also going to start on monday !! :) yayy to excited to motivate one another :smile: :smile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    edinat- thank you :) i agree we should add each other on the friends list - to keep in touch..

    i will send you my measurments on monday - ihope everyone else will do the same so we all have accurate info and some goals to work for .

    How do you guys measure ? I always feel confused -
    do you measure on a certain spot your waist ? Is it above navel ? below ? do you inhale or not ? how do you know that's the " same " spot you measure i get confused with this stuff..

    any suggestions ?
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Also- i would like to know how the rest of you will log the 30 day shred under what in the exercise data base ? I no longer have a
    HRM so i'm not sure how many kcls to enter for that workout ...
  • Hi, Im in, but what is level 3?
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    the dvd 30 day shred from jillian michaels- has 3 different levels of workouts. 1. is " supposed" to be the easiest one- , 2nd moderate and 3rd is the hardest- ( for me ) ..

    but to be honest - they are all hard- i don't see them as " levels " i see them as 3 super hard workouts..
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I was gonna come start a thread! Im so glad theres one already started :) I attempted 30ds a month or two ago but i got lazy with it. I really wanna do it this time! :)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FINALLY! I found a challenge for Novemeber. Im sooo excited :bigsmile: I was starting 30 Day Shred Monday too. So Im with you. I'll weigh in and do my measurements Monday. I log 30 Day Shred as circuit training.

    Oh, anyone feel free to add me as a friend. Just put November 30 Day Shred in the msg.

    Good Luck Everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I would love to join you guys. I'm starting 30 day shred Nov 1 too!!! Add me as a friend!!!
  • I would love to join in with this as I have just ordered Shred - my Shred may only be 25 days (lol) but I'd rather commit now rather than waiting to start in December.
  • amylouisem
    amylouisem Posts: 38 Member
    id love to join, i tried it on wednesday for the first time, but OWCH my legs are still like jelly over 3 days later :( dont know if anyone else has had this? x
  • IrinaPA
    IrinaPA Posts: 19
    I am in too! Will try to get this DVD- Walmart carries it. I am going shopping! :bigsmile:
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I'll join. I have already started the dvd, though with quite a few tweaks (sorry Jillian, you may know 400lb people who can do jumping jacks, but surely not for 30 seconds!!!!). Been lacking last week but am back on track tomorrow!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I would like to join in but i can never keep up with the threads - i am going to start on the first November. I want to change shape for Xmas....
  • Please count me in :) I wanted to complete it before Christmas and now this will keep me motivated to do so. I am seeing a lot of family around the holidays and am so sick of hiding behind hoodies I would love to wear a cute Christmas dress this year :) thanks for starting this thread!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I'm in been doing mfp for a couple of months and I think I can handle or atleast attempt it :) add me as a friend if you want to :)
  • Deb13
    Deb13 Posts: 3
    What is the 30 day shred? I'm interested.
  • be_kris
    be_kris Posts: 47
    I will also join in! I'm getting married on November 26th, so it would be nice to shed a little bit of weight. With my meal replacement shakes, and this work out, I will lose the weight even faster! I lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks with no exercise, hoping I can lose another 15 by adding exercise before the wedding!!

    Lets do this!! Add me as a friend if you like!!
  • Count me in! I have tried this dvd before but not consistently. Pretty new to this site. Please add me to the group. I need to do this!!!
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