LOW CARB DIET from today.- who's with me?



  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    From my excessive research and experiments on myself (LOL) I have come to know ...

    here's where I had to stop reading.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member

    Diet is bound to work?? IN
    Carbs turn right into fats anyways. Its like the devils transubstantiation.

    ...qui tollis carbohydrates mundi;
    miserère nobis.
    Is that angels singing? You just one upped me in the face.

    No no. Without the "devils transubstantiation" line, my post would have been nothing.
    We're supporting one another in our respective journeys.
  • visabsoluta
    I am in!
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    From my excessive research and experiments on myself (LOL) I have come to know ...

    here's where I had to stop reading.

    BUT GUISE N = 1!!!!!
  • summitrunner

    Diet is bound to work?? IN
    Carbs turn right into fats anyways. Its like the devils transubstantiation.

    ...qui tollis carbohydrates mundi;
    miserère nobis.
    Is that angels singing? You just one upped me in the face.

    No no. Without the "devils transubstantiation" line, my post would have been nothing.
    We're supporting one another in our respective journeys.

    Thank you for supporting my journey. It mean so much.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I mean -- you eat as much as you want (from the lists)

    I promise, if I ate as much bacon and eggs as I wanted...I'd gain weight. There is NO DIET where you can eat as much as you want...unless you're limiting yourself to cabbage and other comparable extremely low calorie items.

    Maybe someone already said that in the 11 pages of replies...but I had to.

    Maybe Atkins-type diets work for some people...great, but no, you can not eat as much as you want. In the end, cutting carbs may help reduce your overall caloric intake and cut some cravings...but it's the calorie deficit that melts the weight off.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I like lower carbs but really low doesn't suit me.
  • liloldDee
    liloldDee Posts: 92 Member
    Hi there, I can't find the group, will you add me please. I'm doing low carb, sticking to around 20/30 g at the moment. I'm going to increase this slowly to a level where I can still lose weight but not have cravings, eating healthier carbs.
  • logtecbrad
    logtecbrad Posts: 7 Member
    I am with you. I started mine in late October and I am down about 20 lbs in my first 30 days. :tongue: I started at 272 and now at 247.8. I feel better and trying to keep it going. I started it with the modified Atkins approach of 25 or less net cards per day as a goal. After 3 weeks I have decided to keep a similar approach and do the Keto approach. I have modified my macro nutrients to goals of 45 net carbs, h 124 fats and 108 proteins. I guess my worst part of this is that I am recording my weight every two or three days to make sure I am in the right direction. :bigsmile:
  • I have PCOS and a low carb diet did work wonders for me at one point. The only bad thing about it is if you eat "normal" for even one day, the weight piles right back on. Low carb is truly a lifestyle change, not just a diet! Good luck!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    In the end, cutting carbs may help reduce your overall caloric intake and cut some cravings...but it's the calorie deficit that melts the weight off.

    Yeah whomever dragged out that little "eat as much as you want" gem really ruined a quite viable program. Some people just have enough appetite to overcome the generally filling nature of a high fat, high protein diet.

    Quite a few people, it turns out.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi guys,

    A low carb diet can be as strict as you personally want it and depends a lot on your will power. The general rule I like to follow is:

    No bread
    No pasta
    No rice
    No potato
    No junk

    If you just follow this rule, the diet is bound to work but like I said it depends on your will power and personal preferences. You can still have legumes like lentils and chick peas in moderation but mainly focus on lean meats, salads, soups and if you like the taste and cant give up on pastas then I suggest looking into slim konjac pasta. Which is made from a vegetable and is an alternative to pasta.

    I did an even stricter version of this also known as the Dukan diet in which I just ate chicken and fat free yogurt for about a month and lost just over a stone. But that was just too hard to stick to and I easily got bored and put the weight back on. Therefore, I added fruit and veg (avoiding carby fruit and veg such as potato and mangoes) into my diet with fresh fruit juice and chick peas in moderation. Also read food labels before having sauces and dips as they can included added sugars.

    And please feel free to add me and join the group! :) x

    any plan that says "eliminate these food groups" is not going to be sustainable in the long term ...

    Carbs do not make you fat, overeating on calories makes you fat.

    You said you lost 22 pounds doing low carb before, what happened to the loss? If you did something before and did not keep the weight off, why repeat?
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Please add me, I have just been reading about carbs and how the wrong kind can make us fat and unhealthy!
    I would think there needs to be a balance?

    While I respect that people try different things, I disagree with your statement that the wrong kind of carbs can make us fat and unhealthy. The only thing that makes us fat and unhealthy is eating too much of any food at a calorie surplus. We lose weight when we eat at a calorie deficit, and it does not really matter what we eat.

    However, I can understand how certain foods can be triggers to eat more. When we eat more we gain weight.

    Couldn't have said better!

    Eating a well balanced diet and at a calorie deficit is definitely the key to losing weight.
  • losborn52
    Please add me to the group.

    I've lost 40# in the past 6 months with a combination of calorie control and major carb reduction. I have eliminated MOST bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and junk. The thing that makes this work for me is that none of these foods are my favorites. I love meat, and I'm learning to like salads and vegetables. If I REALLY want some toast , I have a half slice of toast. If I want a glass of sweet tea, I have ONE glass of tea, etc. but I don't really want these things often. This is not a "diet" to me. A diet is something you can't wait to be done with. I can eat this way for the rest of my life.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Please add me to the group. Doing the low carb thing, not only losing weight but my skin cleared up, sleep better, asthma gone, energy all day long...omg life changing. Love love love it!!!!!!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I have PCOS and a low carb diet did work wonders for me at one point. The only bad thing about it is if you eat "normal" for even one day, the weight piles right back on. Low carb is truly a lifestyle change, not just a diet! Good luck!

    If the weight "piles back on" after one single day of eating carbs, then it wasn't actually fat loss to begin with.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    No gracias jeff. I've done it once and it was terrible. Never again.

    I'd rather stick to my ~300g of carbs a day. Still in a calorie deficit. Still losing weight. And not a day goes by where I'm feeling miserable.
  • syk48
    syk48 Posts: 16
    Count me in .I need to keep carbs down . I was told I am pre-diabetic .I'm seeing a weight management dr. but I don 't see her often . It's good to be able to discuss this with others trying to do the same life style change. I have good days and bad ones, living with a family that doesn't have the same problem makes it difficult. I am a great carb lover and it is hard cutting down but working on it daily, unfortunately not always success. Looking forward to recipes and advice and ma.ybe helping someone else
  • mel3491
    I'm in- agree it's the only thing that has truly worked for me.