NOVEMBER- 30 day shred



  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Cant wait to start tomorrow!! Do any of you use Jillians protein shakes?
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    Hi, since i will be keeping track of the charts, and the progress, i need you all to send me your measurements and your starting weight !

    GOOD luck ! :) Jillian is a tough cookie ! but no doubt in my mind that we will loose couple of pounds she will kick butt ! :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I will send you on private ..

    and i would like to see those " 400 lbs people " that do those jumping jacks.. seriously.. i mean - doesn't she understand it's not all about will power sometimes it's just " too much weight on ankles ? too much pressure ? .. or maybe too many " things " jumping in the face and not enough support.. ugh.. yes she was maybe a little chubby as a teanager but she was not seriously obese.. so i don't really think she knows what it means to be super big.
    One time on the show they put i think 500 lbs on Bob.. just to try and walk with that weight arround- and he was shocked to realize what kind of life those people live.. - i think it was Mike- the last season winner- he was i think the heaviest player so far.. and when Bob only tried to walk with that weight he realized that is hard ! So Jillian- i like you because you kick my butt- but..still.. it's not easy to jump when you carry 50, 100 or more lbs on your bones than you should be.

    I did this when the dvd came out- i think about 2 years ago- i hurt myself really bad- because i thought i have to listen to what she's saying and it's all " will power " no mercy.. keep jumping, keep squating, carry the weights, don't mind that you have allready 100 lbs more on your bones .. so after 5-6 days i was so hurt i couldn't sit or walk i was seriously hurt -

    So- yes let's give it 110% .. let's do our best.. but please - listen to your body, sometimes it is real pain and not just " weakness " ..
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I have to tweak the exercises. This morning, I started back on the Shred. I can do the first warm-up jumping jacks but all the other cardio, I have to tweak. I keep moving but I can't kick but/jump rope.
    I manage the last lot of cardio but that's about it!!!!!
    I won't manage to do the Shred in 30 consecutive days, but am aiming to have completed it by Christmas (well the easy versions!).
    Did some measuring this morning:
    Chest = 93cm
    Stomach = 110cm
    Hips = 119cm
    R thigh = 70cm
    L thigh = 70cm
    R arm = 36cm
    L arm = 35cm
  • Day 1. Done. Barely. Not easy getting up so early though. Is there something I should be doing to get into a group or will all posts be recorded here?
  • okay up bright and early and abou to start day 1 :) ahhh scared! good luck to all. keep your eye on the prize!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I got up at 645AM and went on a run/walk with my friend and was gonna do the shred when I got home but decided to curl up with my laptop and a warm bowl of oatmeal. I'll shred when I get home from work later! :)
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    Not a good start! Ack! Hubby forgot to set his alarm so we were all up late this an hour late! I will have to see if I can squeeze this into kids nap time or maybe after they go to bed.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    I was gonna come start a thread! Im so glad theres one already started :) I attempted 30ds a month or two ago but i got lazy with it. I really wanna do it this time! :)

    I'm in for the challenge! I'm just now seeing this on Monday morning so I'll have to do my measurements tonight. I took my weight this morning though.

    Anyways, Abbie - we are right at the same goals, thereabouts. I'm at 142 and want to be down to 125ish..... so we need to hold each other accountable!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Terrible start for me.
    I don't know if i shed more sweat or tears. Last month i only lost 1.3 - for the entire month. So my positive hope was- ok at least i have lost some inches .. i feel it.. i see it.. ok.. so i take the measurements this am. 0 .. 0 0 0 00 .. nothing.. zero after zero.. n othing has changed.. nothing.
    I step on the scale.. and it's still 1.3 loss .. - nothing .. I was supposed to lose that in a week . Not a month. But i had to accept it and move on and hope for some inches to be gone. And this morning i screamd and cried through the workout. I didn't scream because i worked so hard, no.. i wish.. - i screamed out of frustration and anger. ANd during the workout i kept sobing and crying i just couldn't stop it.
    One thought kept coming up and i tried to push it away but it just kept coming.

    You will work out again for the whole month.. and you will have no results.. all the others on the challange will ahve lost weight and inches- you will be the only one with nothing. nothing.

    I'm scared, hurt.. seriously.. angry and frustrated. I'm doing it.. but not like last month - last month my workouts were pumped up with energy and motivation i worked out like crazy. This month i'm starting with tears and pain .. and no motivation.

    sorry for ruining the start.. i just can't stop crying .. i'm so angry
  • butilovetacos
    butilovetacos Posts: 29 Member
    OK I am so happy someone started a November one!!!!!! I will be starting my 30day shred tonight. Who do I need to send my information too? I am so excited for this!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, did we find out how we list this in the exercise database?
  • Terrible start for me.
    I don't know if i shed more sweat or tears. Last month i only lost 1.3 - for the entire month. So my positive hope was- ok at least i have lost some inches .. i feel it.. i see it.. ok.. so i take the measurements this am. 0 .. 0 0 0 00 .. nothing.. zero after zero.. n othing has changed.. nothing.
    I step on the scale.. and it's still 1.3 loss .. - nothing .. I was supposed to lose that in a week . Not a month. But i had to accept it and move on and hope for some inches to be gone. And this morning i screamd and cried through the workout. I didn't scream because i worked so hard, no.. i wish.. - i screamed out of frustration and anger. ANd during the workout i kept sobing and crying i just couldn't stop it.
    One thought kept coming up and i tried to push it away but it just kept coming.

    You will work out again for the whole month.. and you will have no results.. all the others on the challange will ahve lost weight and inches- you will be the only one with nothing. nothing.

    I'm scared, hurt.. seriously.. angry and frustrated. I'm doing it.. but not like last month - last month my workouts were pumped up with energy and motivation i worked out like crazy. This month i'm starting with tears and pain .. and no motivation.

    sorry for ruining the start.. i just can't stop crying .. i'm so angry

    it is very fustrating not t seeing results but maybe u just hit a plateau. dont think about not losing anything, think about how you've MAINTAINED it! that is what really matters! so long as you dont gain it like i did this weekend you are fine. push yourself harder this month keep looking at the end picture losing weight and maintaining it off. we are all here for support. cry do what ever you have to do to express yourself just dont give up. have faith that the scale and inches will come off :) stay strong :)

    lets do this!!!!!!!
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    Count me in... I was planning on starting over this evening. I started the 30 Day Shred last week (10/26). Yea, it lasted two days. I couldn't walk after that. OUCH. But, now I think I'm ready. Hopefully, I got the "first" few days over with. I'm really hoping to lose those last 10 pounds.
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member can I keep up with this thread?
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    All measurments etc- can be sent to " edinat " -

    The way i keep up with the topics is when i go to the forums i just check on " my topics " and it comes on the list of all the topics where i have been posting any comments. I don't know any other way- maybe there's a better way .. but this one works for me .
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    OMFG (to quote my 12 year old)... that was the longest 20 minutes of my life....but if I can do it the next 29 days I really think I'll see some difference...Will take my measurements wed., I'm doing another challenge and the weigh in days are on Wednesday.

    And I couldn't do the jump jacks I need a better sports bra blah...but I kept moving the entire time.
    just a quick question I don't have an HRM so what would I log this as?
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    OMFG (to quote my 12 year old)... that was the longest 20 minutes of my life....but if I can do it the next 29 days I really think I'll see some difference...Will take my measurements wed., I'm doing another challenge and the weigh in days are on Wednesday.

    And I couldn't do the jump jacks I need a better sports bra blah...but I kept moving the entire time.
    just a quick question I don't have an HRM so what would I log this as?

    I've seen people put it under "circut training", but dang it feels like we should have burned more calories. If there's a better one to log it under please tell us.
  • mrskelsey24
    mrskelsey24 Posts: 18 Member
    Whew!! Day 1 down! My legs are like jelly. I've done this before and have been doing zumba so I was hoping Level 1 would be easier - but no!! Oh well. I did it!! Good luck ladies!!
  • please add me in as well. I planned on starting it today. I have not measured myself or checked my weight today. To be honest I was scared to get on the scale this morning after having birthday parties, etc going on over the last several weeks. I am kicking my diet off with the 48 juice diet. It really does work if you follow the instructions. It's not weight that you will keep off forever - mostly water but it gives you a great kick start.

    I will weigh in tomorrow for sure.

    I just got back from checking out an anytime fitness that is about 15 minutes from my work. It's $30 a month but at least I could go running and do some weights Monday - thru Friday. We'll see! I have a treadmill at home but by the time I get home it is so late and there is always the dinner, baths and homework to be done. By then I am too tired. I bring my shred video with me and and do it at work when I can.

    I have done it once (finished it) back in March. I noticed a huge difference in the way my jeans fit. Then summer came and life happens.... Time to start again

    Add me as a friend....
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Just finished my 1st Day....I HATE PUSH UPS & those side lunges with weights on the last circuit. :mad: My shoulders are killing me. :ohwell: Let's hope Day 2 is better.

    Congrats to everyone who as taken on this challenge!:flowerforyou:
  • SuzanneBall
    SuzanneBall Posts: 71 Member
    Day one done over lunch! Great workout, feel great instead of after lunch slump! Yay!
  • Ok I want to do this also. Just saw the post now so hopefully I can get this done after all my daycare kids leave. Would be easier to do in the morning but my 10 mth old is up twice a night (from teething) and then usually up by 6am for the day. So it's hard to find alone time for me to start anything.
    I've bought the 30ds this summer and tried it once. It kicked my butt bec I'm not used to exercise.
    I'm hoping to get great motivation from you all :)!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Cant wait to start tomorrow!! Do any of you use Jillians protein shakes?

    I recommend the protein shakes by BSN, if you're going to add protein.
  • Day 1 down for me! It was good. Intense. I have a HRM and it says I burned 300calories. I logged it under high intensity aerobics I think.
  • Count me in! Just finished day 1 and did my measurements....
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    just completed the first day of the shred. ouch!!! but great ouch. i feel more in my muscles than i did this past month doing hot yoga. im excited to do this everyday for the next month :) im tracking my measuremets and weight changes daily so it will be easy to track yay!
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    i kept pushing my workout to the end and finally did it at 12 am ! I have done 30 day shred earlier so it wasnt as bad this time ! But it still hurt !
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    I forgot to ask, we should set a weigh in date, and measurements, what do you all think about every 10 days ? Just weigh yourself on your regular days and then do one big weigh in the first 10 days, 2nd and 3rd??? any suggestions?
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Day 2 and I managed 3 1/2 lots of Jumping Jacks (only 2 yesterday) and the last lot of cardio, again. Put a little more effort into the strength and abs, yes and I'm feeling it!!!:tongue:
    I am really rubbish at the cardio and look forward to being able to do it, in it's entirety!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • mom2teebee
    mom2teebee Posts: 76 Member
    I'm jumping in here late. I decided to do it on my own for Nov, but doing it with a group is always better. I did a round of 30 days last in March 2009. Since then I've done the DVD off and on. Level 2 is my favorite.
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