Why is this girl doing this to me? (Girll help)



  • ZombieGeezUs
    You're being used by this girl. Break it off and find someone worth your time. The fact that she said she wasn't going to get into a relationship and then jumped into one the next week means she's a liar. I find these people to be terrible people, those whom I do not speak with.

    Again, break it off. Find someone else. You deserve to be happy. Let the tramp live without a car. She can walk to work! >;o grrr
    Yea, I actually confronted her about that. She just said that she didn't want it, but life gave it to her or some bs. I also asked her why did she say no to me. She basically that I had no attitude. Although she said that she has more fun time talking to me, and he's grumpy, that she would prefer him over me.

    I was just pissed off at women in general for screwing with us men with this garbage.

    Lesson learned. You know you need to stop talking to her, so do it. Cut her off, block her number. Do whatever it takes. If you cave in, that is YOUR fault. Everyone else has pretty much said all that can be said.
  • pinktac0

    I want to block her but she still has my money. Out of $350, $100 is still left.

    $100 bucks?? ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS??? DUDE YOU GOT OFF CHEAP gimme a break. And if you CLAIM you "cant say no to her" then this will likely repeat itself 100 more x in your life with any chick that pays attention to you. Fix your picker and move on.

    Chalk up the $100 bucks so you'll know what being played feels like next time
  • BaconWagon
    BaconWagon Posts: 138 Member

    Yea, I actually confronted her about that. She just said that she didn't want it, but life gave it to her or some bs. I also asked her why did she say no to me. She basically that I had no attitude. Although she said that she has more fun time talking to me, and he's grumpy, that she would prefer him over me.

    I was just pissed off at women in general for screwing with us men with this garbage.

    She's just making excuses on how "life gave it to her". Like everyone said, she's just using you. Not just that, but she's playing mind games. If she really would want you over him, she would have done something about it - but she didn't. Dodge her every time she tries to contact you, the only time you should be talking to her is so she can give you the money back. You'd never do this to her, so why are you taking this from her?
  • ZombieGeezUs
    Pretty sure we are getting trolled.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Looks like you got friendzoned hard, next time don't whiteknight sloots and give them money.

    She obviously used you to get money etc etc, sloots gon sloot brah just move on and forget her just learn from your mistakes.
    I told her three times to stop talking to me. It always comes back to her texting me and I just caving in. I mean, when something is going on in your life, and she is the first one to ask you how it went, it's hard to ignore that.

    She also knows EVERYTHING about me. It feels like she and I have known each other for a long time. She says because we used to know each other in the previous life.

    She's a leech. You have to pull those suckers off before they bleed you dry. Stop being so nice. She's preying on you because of it.
  • BaconWagon
    BaconWagon Posts: 138 Member
    Pretty sure we are getting trolled.

    haha i was thinking the same thing before posting
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Looks like you got friendzoned hard, next time don't whiteknight sloots and give them money.

    She obviously used you to get money etc etc, sloots gon sloot brah just move on and forget her just learn from your mistakes.
    I told her three times to stop talking to me. It always comes back to her texting me and I just caving in. I mean, when something is going on in your life, and she is the first one to ask you how it went, it's hard to ignore that.

    She also knows EVERYTHING about me. It feels like she and I have known each other for a long time. She says because we used to know each other in the previous life.

    She's a leech. You have to pull those suckers off before they bleed you dry. Stop being so nice. She's preying on you because of it.

    Everything she knows is her ammunition!! Master manipulators know how to be nosey. She knows exactly how to get what she wants when she needs it then laughs in his face!!! Does she really believe in reincarnation.... :noway: she played him right there!!! He believed that ish..

    OP, that girl is POISON. VENENO.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Sounds like you are a glutton for punishment.
  • 3X173
    3X173 Posts: 40 Member
    She's using you. I'm sorry to say it, but a true friend would be sensitive to your feelings for them and NOT rub it in your face about how "expensive condoms are". That's just b1tchy, cruel, and unnecessary. It seems she knows exactly what to say to make you think that you guys have some sort of "deep connection" but I honestly call BS. You need to cut her out of your life, take this as a learning experience and move on.

    Best of luck to you.
    Thank you.
    Yea, I was wondering if she was oblivious to what it would mean to me when she makes these comments. I don't know about the deep connection though. No one would have spend that much time if they didn't enjoy it. Felt like we were a couple.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Pretty sure we are getting trolled.

    Really? Lol, such an elaborate story, tho!!! Are trolls THIS creative? :laugh:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I suggest you act like your screen name suggests.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Pretty sure we are getting trolled.

    haha i was thinking the same thing before posting

    what? another one g-d damn it i'll never learn
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Sounds like you are a glutton for punishment.

    Yeah, just pay for that S&M play!!! You win every time and you get what you pay for!!
  • ZombieGeezUs
    Pretty sure we are getting trolled.

    Really? Lol, such an elaborate story, tho!!! Are trolls THIS creative? :laugh:

    The advanced ones, yes. Although he could have simply copied and pasted someone else's novel, I mean, story.
  • ZombieGeezUs
    Sounds like you are a glutton for punishment.

    Yeah, just pay for that S&M play!!! You win every time and you get what you pay for!!

    Unless they go overboard and you have to use your safeword
  • ZombieGeezUs
    Pretty sure we are getting trolled.

    haha i was thinking the same thing before posting

    I thought about it before posting a serious reply, you never know. Some guys are just that sad.
  • D8vidFitness
    Looks like you needa find a woman, not a girl. She sees you as a buddy, and you want to be more than that. I'm sure it's not in her intention to hurt you, but it's gonna happen if you don't snap out of it.

    You gotta let her know waddup, she can't be texting you crap shes been doing with her boyfriend, like how you mentioned with the condoms and everything. If you respect yourself, you'd ditch this girl.

    Only time will heal, its gonna take a month or two. You need to move on, delete any old photos of her, and get out of your dorm or house.

    Best way to forget is to surround yourself with other fun people and drink your night away!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Pretty sure we are getting trolled.

    Really? Lol, such an elaborate story, tho!!! Are trolls THIS creative? :laugh:

    1. Trolling
    2. Fitness
    3. Marriage
    4. Job
    5. Participation in Society

    In order of effort expended
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    You are staying over $100? take your losses and leave, dude. leave fast.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Text her to say you've met someone, & you need your cash back to purchase condoms.