

  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I love Tony, he is a big reason i keep pushing play (he cracks me up)!!! Im on round 2 now in week 3 (did chest and back today) but im doing a hybrid so i only do p90x every other day (takes me 2 weeks to finish 1 week) i rotate it out with bodyrock.tv and it is working out GREAT!!!
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    Okay...feeling VERY self-conscious but I will go ahead an post my measurements :(

    weight 206
    height 5'2
    waist 41
    chest 44 ( measured this wrong, I will measure under the bustline after the workout tonight)
    hips 41
    thighs 27
    arms 11

    I am going for a run here shortly and then I will start the lean core syner! It is SUPER tough! I hope I can make it! :)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member

    Tony is hilarious. I like that he is serious about the workout but it doesn't seem like he takes himself to seriously. Is it possible to be a fitness geek? I hope nobody is offended by that! I'm a food geek, my husband is a geek geek and I think Tony Horton might be a fitness geek! :wink:

    Good luck everybody!

    That's good to hear because I found myself laughing out loud during X Stretch Saturday and Sunday. I may be taking a break from that tonight as I am a TAD sore from stretching 2 days in a row LOL. I am going to run and do cardio tonight and depending on how I feel when I get home I will do the X Stretch or maybe just pop in the 1st dvd to see what to expect.

    I just ordered some Yoga Blocks from Amazon and with Prime free shipping and they will get here JUST IN TIME for my start. I got purple (of course!). Will do the fit test tomorrow after work and post my starting measurements. Before Pics have already been taken but those won't go up until I have a 30 day to compare. Thanks to the 30DS I have obliques again LOL but the tummy is till sticking out a tad much for my liking ahaha. I am so glad I actually got the series rather then borrowing from my neighbor. If I know myself I will re-visit this again and again after 90 days.

    Congrats to EVERYONE who is started on the program already. I am so excited to start but don't want to mess up my "night before weigh in off night" schedule (besides I have dental appointments scheduled on tuesdays).
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Tony is hilarious. I like that he is serious about the workout but it doesn't seem like he takes himself to seriously. Is it possible to be a fitness geek? I hope nobody is offended by that! I'm a food geek, my husband is a geek geek and I think Tony Horton might be a fitness geek! :wink:

    I've become a fitness and food geek. Yesterday morning after we did Yoga X we watched the rest of Food Matters a documentary about the food and drug industry. Then we went to a whole foods store, went to Marshalls to look at exercise clothes and then went home. I was considering a 2nd workout, but my knees needed a rest.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    but my knees needed a rest.

    I hear you on that! I was icing down last night and on Saturday night. It sucks. My right knee is particularly pissed off at me. If I can do Plyo I will sub in the Cardio X y'all say that is a good sub yes?
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Looking forward to doing the Cardio X tomorrow morning.
    Hi. congrats for sticking with it. I'm doing P90X also. I started on September. It is great. I started at 170 now im down to 157 and tight. However I'm having a little trouble adding it to my fitness pal exercise section. How do you log it in?

    After you search for and can't find it, you can then click on the, "Add an exercise to the database" link on the bottom.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    So awesome to see so many people starting on a truly life changing journey! Great job everyone. Makes me wish, just a little that today were my day 1 to join you all. Bring it! If any of you have any questions or need any help, feel free to message me. Hubby and I are on day 37 of our 3rd round. Round 1 was Classic, Round 2 was Lean, and this round is a hybrid of P90X and some P90X One on One DVDs. :) Didn't do my workout yesterday, so I had Plyo and Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps to do today. I don't suggest doubling up on workouts though when you are just starting - try to stick to the schedule as best you can. :) But remember, it doesn't have to be P90X, it can be P97X or whatever it takes to get it done. Sometimes life gets in the way and you need to re-do a week. Do your best and forget the rest. And, oh yes, I totally agree that Tony is a fitness geek. He is the governor of fitness (the One on Ones are hilarious by the way with his antics)!
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    Good luck
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Dive bomber pushups suck:(
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Whew... I did it. Day one complete and I had to do the assisted pull ups. I suspect I am going to feel it tomorrow. I could only do a little more than half the reps on Ab Ripper X but... my abs are my trouble spot and its only day 1 -- next time I am sure I will do better.
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    Initial stats:

    height 6'
    weight 200
    chest 43.5"
    waist 37" (yikes)

    Completed the Back & Chest plus Ab Ripper X this evening (and then took my wife out to dinner). While I can't say I failed, my form is pretty pitiful. Much hard work to do...

    Bring it!
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    Day 1 p90x Classic: Finished chest and back strong with a total of over 250 push ups, 50+ pull ups, and sweat from head to toe! Before that was a nice walk for over 2 miles, and tonight will be Ab Ripper X and my Karate class (3 hours worth of training).

    Man you really are the Super Saiyan!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Dive bomber pushups suck:(

    My first round of the X I was only able to do 3 dive bombers. Now I can do eleven straight. I could only do 1-2 plyometric push-ups and now I can do six straight. You will get better, just keep at it. Push yourself. If you are doing push-ups on your knees, switch up and try to do a few regular. You will only get better if you push yourself.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    OMG I AM HAVING P90X ENVY! LOL I want it to be wednesday already so I can start tooooooooooooooo!

    My yoga blocks have shipped so that's good, they come in Wednesday so that will be just in time. I need the extra help on form and I know it will help in the Yoga and the Stretching. I AM SO PSYCHED!

  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    can i just say after finishing the legs and back for the first time.... MY *kitten* HAS NEVER HURT SOOO BAD :'(
  • canadianodb
    canadianodb Posts: 2 Member
    Wow, this is my first post on this site. Hope I am doing it correctly ;-)

    I started P90X classic today too, but I am going to take twice as long as the 90 days because I am alternating it with my running schedule....(one day p90x, next running, p90x, running..)

    I will be sure to check back in and see how you are all doing!!

    Good luck!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Cardio X done. Again, I didn't burn a lot but I don't want to re-injure myself again like last time, so I am paying close attention to form. Also did 15 minutes of the Stretch X. It is my favorite and my neck and shoulders always need that extra stretch.

    Have a great day everyone!!


    Here are my starting stats: :blushing:

    Wt. this morning: 124.6
    Body fat 27.7%
    BMI 23.6

    Chest under bustline: 28"
    Bust: 32"
    natural waist: 26"
    belly button: 28.5"
    Abdomen: 36"
    Hips: along pubic bone 38"
    and "saddle bag" 38.5 "

    both thighs 21 "

    arm: loose 11.25"
    tight: 10.5"
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Man, was I sore this morning. Took all I had just to get out of bed, lol.

    My P90x Lean Day 2 CardioX workout on Tue, 11/02/2010 at 5:53 AM for 47 minutes.
    MY COMMENTS: 155 AVG BPM, 187 MAX BPM, 44% of the time spent between 162 - 180 BPM, 26% between 144 - 161, 20% between 126 - 143.

    Follow the link below to view a graph of my BPM over time:

    Wow, I love this workout. Next time I'll do even better, took a bit to get into each new exercise the first time.
  • Suetobefit
    I'm having trouble with deciding what kind of calories I should use for Kempo and Core Synergestics. I can't afford a heart monitor at the moment. Any suggestions on what to use? I sweat a lot and get my heart rate up especially during Kempo.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I'm having trouble with deciding what kind of calories I should use for Kempo and Core Synergestics. I can't afford a heart monitor at the moment. Any suggestions on what to use? I sweat a lot and get my heart rate up especially during Kempo.

    The official website says to estimate 600 cals for each P90x workout. When I did my CardioX routine this morning, I averaged 155 BPM for 47 minutes. Using a calculator and also subtracting my resting BPM, I came up with about a net 650 cals. So, their estimates are fairly close, at least for me with CardioX