"No woman should ever lift more than 3lbs"



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    "...because it won't get you the body you want and it results in injury". That's what Tracy Anderson just said on Piers Morgan Live...I swear...how can she be so successful in her business and trusted by so many people? :huh:

    I pick things up and put them down...

    maybe that's where my shin splints are coming from??? I'm gonna have to go weigh the files I pick up at work.. wonder if I can get workers comp??
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    From her website
    TRACY TIP: The use of ankle weights during the leg lift sections of your workouts will really make the most of your muscular structure workout. Particularly for the glutecentric clients, ankle weights will help lift and tone your bottom, giving your butt a boost. It's important to remember that if you are not strong enough to complete the total number leg lifts repetitions with perfect form yet, you should not be adding ankle weights. Form is SO key when using ankle weights, so be sure that you are hitting the correct angles as you use them.

    How much do these ankle weights weigh?! Oh, right, no more than 3 lbs. Yup, sounds legit.

    hahahahahaha! :laugh:

    I'm at work and got busy, but had to come back and catch up...Glad I did, because ^^that^^ was worth it!

    Oh, *sigh* how I wish I had only KNOWN about 3 pound ankle weights when I decided to try and build-a-butt.:laugh: :laugh: I used to have a pair and gave them away because...well...I thought they wouldn't do anything for me... :bigsmile: Think of the money I could have saved on my rack & bar! :bigsmile:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Do you think she makes 6 figures?
    6 stick figures, maybe.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Do you think she makes 6 figures?
    6 stick figures, maybe.

    :laugh: :bigsmile:
    Too funny! That just tickled me...
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Beginning year 2 of your transformation, this program is very advanced and builds on all the hard work you have completed over the past 12 months. The muscular structure work involves continued use of the ball, but also uses a dining room chair.


    Okay, I'm done now.

    NO!!! Anything but the dining room chair!!!!!!!!


    I know, right?!
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I suppose every mother who has ever lived must be living with some pretty severe injuries considering most babies weigh more than that at birth.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    Notice the part where it mentions Gwyneth Paltrow got diagnosed with low levels of vitamin D and pre-osteoperosis, something Doctors who reviewed the diet Tracy Anderson recommends predicted!

    I also found this gem of a quote. It hurts to read it, but I almost can't stop looking up new stupid quotes!

    "I really wish that women would stop spinning. I say that with such conviction because almost every day in my office, I see women crying and unhappy because they can't fit into their jeans, because of the thigh bulking. There are some women who don’t have the genetic capability to build muscle, and they can do something like that without being affected. That’s a very small percentage of the female population, though. Ninety-eight percent of women will bulk completely. The problem with it is that it doesn’t show right away. You may lose a little bit of weight at first because it’s an easy calorie burn, but it’s not worth what happens to your muscles."

    OMG! I can't fit into my super-skinny jeans anymore, because I actually have some meat on my legs!!

    Seriously...the fashion industry needs to go die in a fire...
  • TarynAngeline
    TarynAngeline Posts: 95 Member
    Because lifting makes women big and manly and it is being a woman that results in injury; not poor form.
  • MzTanya77
    MzTanya77 Posts: 79 Member
    That's a hot mess! :laugh:
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Quick, Mrs Homo erectus, put down that toddler you're carrying *right away*! Don't carry that heavy animal carcass home!! I don't care if you and your kids have nothing else to eat...... you won't get a nice looking body and you might hurt yourself..... if that happens the male Homo erectuses won't want to have sex with you, and if you hurt yourself you'll die and if those things happen you'll never manage to evolve into Homo sapiens and WE'LL ALL DIE!!!! no wait.... we wont even die.... we'll NEVER EXIST AT ALL!!!!

    Mrs Australopithecus afarensis, that's right Lucy dear, you too. And Mrs Ardipithecus ramidus. You must all be weak and feeble or you'll never evolve into us. You just have to *sit around and look pretty* all day long. Forget trying to survive and protecting your kids from predators and finding enough food to eat. Just *sit around and look pretty* and don't lift anything heavier than 3lb. Even though you have absolutely *no concept* of what 3lb means at all. You know, our species, Homo sapiens is kind of relying on you surviving through the pliocene and pleistocene sufficiently well to evolve into us.

    how the fricking hell did we manage to evolve if it's dangerous for women to lift more than 3lb??????

    :heart: :drinker:
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Ironic that the average human brain weighs 3 lbs. Apparently that was too much for her to carry around.

    My first thought was that a full-term newborn typically weighs 2-4 times that...
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    3 pounds is awful light. So I don't agree there. Some degree of strength is beneficial.

    At the same time, too much bulk isn't a good thing from my perspective. Men usually do not find bulky women attractive.

    Moderate weight training would make sense to me.

    As a guy though, I always strive to lift heavier, but there are weights that I can't lift and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    Yeah, 'cause that's all we are concerned with - what men find attractive.

    A woman's worth is all about her appearance. Why doesn't everyone see it that way!

    *tongue firmly in cheek, naturally* :tongue:
  • jenzakrzewski
    jenzakrzewski Posts: 2 Member
    My two year old just carried a 5 pound dumbbell across the room. That would probably be a problem for her.... Of course, he's a boy, so maybe not ;)
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Yikes, I lift my son up 25 times a day @ 145 lbs ! NOW I DONE IT !!! LOLOLOL
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Anyone who looks to celebrities for advice on how to do ANYTHING pretty much deserves a ridiculous answer.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Tracy Anderson, Fitness Troll? (I mean, she can't really believe that, right? It's just part of her shtick.) :yawn:

    Probably true. Sadly, there are plenty of lazy women out there who lap this crap up.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Wait, people still watch CNN? Geez.

    Stop watching the idiot box. I gave up television for the vitrol and disinformation it tends to spew. At least with the internet, I can fast forward without a dvr box.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I agree with the other commenter that said that her target audience is the Hollywood waif actress type... . How many actresses on Network TV shows out there have an ounce of visible muscle development?

    The only one that comes to mind is Melissa Reeves from Days of our Lives:


    Are there any more?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Not sure how long you've been with BF, but my DH does the same thing and we laugh about it now. I know he likes to "be the burdened husband", so I let him. He knows damn good and well that I can carry him into the emergency room if it comes to it, and even if he can lift way more than I can, he respects the work I put in.

    I think anybody who's ever tried to "get bulky" and realizes how much work it really takes very soon shuts their pie-hole about women getting bulky.

    3 years. we definitely have THAT kind of relationship- people are shocked when they find out he calls me a smut and I call him a douchecanoe.

    he doesn't work out at all really- he barely recognizes the work that I do- but he knows that I work hard- he used to do Muy Thai so he knows what work is... but yeah- we definitely have the sarcastic relationship. He tells me my voice is like ear sandpaper.. it's okay because I tell him his face makes my eyes bleed. :D

    and yes- if anyone actually TRIED to get bulky- they would realize it's really fracking hard work.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    3 pounds is awful light. So I don't agree there. Some degree of strength is beneficial.

    At the same time, too much bulk isn't a good thing from my perspective. Men usually do not find bulky women attractive.

    Moderate weight training would make sense to me.

    As a guy though, I always strive to lift heavier, but there are weights that I can't lift and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    Sounds like someone just doesn't want to meet a woman that can lift more than he does and make him look like a weakling...

    As a guy, you should know damn well how hard it is to actually bulk, even for you, and women don't have near the testosterone levels to support the same kind of bulking. The bodybuilders (the ones who are actually going for bulk above all else) put an insane amount of time and effort (and possibly some chemical help) into getting the results they get.

    That said, my husband has actually complains that I'm losing my butt from my weight lifting, because the muscle hasn't yet built to compensate for the fat loss, and that area seems to be the first place the fat is lost from. He'd be thrilled if I bulked there more.

    And, as others have said, I don't give a crap what you or anyone else finds attractive. I lift so that I'm pain-free (strong back and muscles = no pain), less prone to injury (strong muscles = more support of joints, and lifting = denser bones, less chance of osteoporosis), independent (strength = being able to take care of myself), and to feel good in a bikini (lifting = fat loss, 6-pack and awesome legs when the fat goes away).