"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 1



  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    will try 1 more time

  • Hey everyone...just wanted to let yall know that I will be posting my picture very soon. I have been sick in bed since Sunday with strep...again for the second time on a month! As soon as I am well I will post a picture! Thanks for the challenge. I can't wait until I can actually start!
  • Hey girl...you might want to try putting the and in lower case letters. That should work for you! :)
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Ok here are my pictures finally-- first time i've posted pics lets hope they work- nope didn't work try #2

    SW 156
    Goal, muffin top gone on these pants- They are a size 7!!!! I never thought I could get a size 7 over my hips let alone zipped up and now i'm aiming for muffin top no more!!


  • I forgot to add my starting weight....i started MFP at 188 and i want my goal MAIN goal of 150 by Jan 23rd, 2011 but i need 168 by Dec 17th!!! Ive lost 3lbs since i started this site, so im SURE as long as i keep exercising i can do it!! I was too tired last night after my work out to post pics...but i DO have some to post as soon as i get home!!!
  • I want to join I will take pics and weigh tomorrow. My scale is broken and thought I couldnt get a weight until I just thought of my wii fit. I will get on it in the morning to get first weigh in. I dont have any clothes I want to wear for christmas so I will just take pics and post. My goal is to actually workout 5 days a week without skipping.
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member

    Here's a rare picture of me... I don't like being in pictures... I just hate it... I had to be in this one since it was my daughter's First Communion... This is the most recent one I have... (May 2010) I was about the same weight that I am now... I will try to take a more recent one real soon...(even if I don't like it at all!!!):ohwell:
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    SW 194.0


    Photo from a wedding in September. I'll post a new one in this dress next week. I want to wear ti for our family christmas photos Dec 4th. It fits...but not like I want it to.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    People come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and that's ok. It angers me to realize that I'm starting feel differently about my body.

    ^ This.

    Stacy, while I'd love to see you post your pics, I respect your decision not to. Statement about people being different shapes and sizes is beyond true, and we often forget that. I wish you could still see yourself in a confident and self-assured light, because I think you're gorgeous and a wonderful, friendly, and supportive person.

    Thank you so much, Pink! Girl, you're such a sweet heart! :D *hugs*

    Yeah, I hope that my self confidence and body confidence comes back to full swing. It's a little odd feeling so self conscious about my body. I'm not used to it. lol I'm sure once I get my head back in the right space I will have my confidence back. :) I just need to figure some stuff out.

    Thanks again for the support, my friend! You're an angel! <3
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Welcome to all that are just now joining.. NO you are not late, you are NEVER too late to join in on my challenges..

    This impressive, how many people who are in on this already.. Everyone feel free to spread the word and get your friends to join in.. :) Lets see how we can make this challenge rock!! :)

    Its been a crazy couple days for me. Hoping to get myself back on track tomorrow. I have been bad lately. Been just outta wack.. :( But it happens I guess. Gotta get that weight back off that ive gained that i lost in the first challenge.. I hope I can make it to the 289 again, and lost 12 pounds ontop of that by Christmas.. :) Wish me luck ladies. I gotta get serious about this. I just say im going to do this, then i do it and i get bored and stop.. I cant be doing that.. Ontop of everything TOM is running late. Again. we will see how that goes. ;)

    You don't need luck, sweetie! You know the formula and you know what works! No luck required. heheh :) Just some patience with yourself and the love of being healthier and happier. You can do this, my friend!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Ok I'm going to quit being a big baby and post a photo. Here's a pic of me taken tonight at 323 lbs next to a photo of me at my ALMOST start weight (I had already dropped 9 lbs though when I took the pic). So, 53 lbs difference.

    So the one on the left is me at the start of this challenge. I seriously doubt there will be any visible difference at the end of the challenge but you never know. lol

    PS I had to tie my shirt behind my back for this photo because it is so big on me now. lol I probably should have worn the same outfit for both shots that way you could see more of a difference. Oh well, maybe next time.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Stacy! I'm so proud of you for posting the photo! I think you look fantastic and I never want to see you lose your scintillating confidence ever again. Y'hear me?!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Stacy you are BEAUTIFUL! I'm so proud of you for posting your picture as well!! Keep ypur confidence chicky, you look GREAT!!!

    Update on things again, I know I know, I post this stuff way too much, but I think of many of you as family.

    Grandpa is NOT well enough to attend services this weekend and the doctors are giving him 3-6weeks before he joins his wife again. I am really trying to see the positive in all this but it's so hard. I hope to say next time that the doctors were wrong, but at this point, I doubt it. I just want Grandpa to be comfortable and in no pain. But I know what that will mean. *hugs* all, I'll be off for much of the day.
  • phoenixrising31
    phoenixrising31 Posts: 15 Member
    Stacy, you look great, I totally can see the difference, and as much as I loved the red hair, I think the blond suites you better. Anyway, you are looking awesome!
  • trendely87
    trendely87 Posts: 29 Member
    its a little late but i would like to join. My starting weight is 133 and i would like to be 120 or 118 by Christmas. I would also like to be able to complete five days of exercise without quitting by the end. I will post my photo later.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    its a little late but i would like to join. My starting weight is 133 and i would like to be 120 or 118 by Christmas. I would also like to be able to complete five days of exercise without quitting by the end. I will post my photo later.

    Trendely, who said you could steal my dog and put her in your avatar? How dare you! :tongue: Even though I think our puppies are different breeds (I have a Lhasa Apso), they look quite similar! I've got photos on my Wickett in my album if you wanna see your dog's doppelganger.

    Welcome to the group!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I am so slow! I was wondering where this was. I will post my pic soon. Working all week...not a lot of time. Maybe I will get my daughter to take one for me. Will definitely need help posting though.
    My goal is to get back to exercising. I have been slacking. I started this journey earlier in the year and stayed focused for awhile...now I am waning.
    Good luck everyone!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Pink, Bru, and Phoenix - Thanks so much for the compliments, guys! You all are such sweet hearts! I'll try not to misplace my confidence again. heheh *big hugs*
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Im finally getting back into the grind, I think I can finally get my butt back on track.

    TOM.. FINALLY showed up. yay. My stress level hasnt been as bad the last couple days.

    Time for this group leader to get back on track.. :) Gotta get caught up on this weeks challenge.. Gonna to it for the last 5 days tomorrow.. :) Gonna get back on track with my eating, and working out. My sleep pattern.. Not drink as much pop as I have been.. Been drinking too much 7Up and Sierra Mist.. I got this.. :)

    @ Stacy.. Way to go.. You look amazing.. :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Im finally getting back into the grind, I think I can finally get my butt back on track.

    TOM.. FINALLY showed up. yay. My stress level hasnt been as bad the last couple days.

    Time for this group leader to get back on track.. :) Gotta get caught up on this weeks challenge.. Gonna to it for the last 5 days tomorrow.. :) Gonna get back on track with my eating, and working out. My sleep pattern.. Not drink as much pop as I have been.. Been drinking too much 7Up and Sierra Mist.. I got this.. :)

    @ Stacy.. Way to go.. You look amazing.. :)

    Yay! Welcome back to being on track! :D It's good to have the group leader back!

    By the way, have you tried diet 7UP and diet Sierra Mist? Both are yummy (IMO). :) Also if you like that lemon-lime flavor have you tried making your own lemonade with some Splenda and fresh squeezed lemons or limes? It's very good!
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