

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good Afternoon All,
    Renny know what it like to have an elder mom far away. Mine is 95 and lives 600 miles away.

    Sylvia I :heart: dogs. I agree about leaving them out all day. We had a neighbor who did that and the little dog was miserable.
    They have since moved away.

    Welcome Stevie :flowerforyou:

    Katla Christmas Ships sound like fun. What a sight.

    Heather prayers for DH's twin sister

    DeeDee loved hearing about decorating the tree. Any favorites? Our tree goes up today.

    Susan sounds like you husband is a rock. Happy for you.

    Michelle glad arm fells better.

    Barbie cat sounds like you went in with a plan. Good for you! I hope to do the same when the Christmas goodies call my name.

    My act of intentional kindness was to get up at 6:30 to sing in choir at 8:15. The body was weak and I overslept til 7:45. I made it by 8:30. I continue to work on my goal of getting good sleep, so I do not oversleep again.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Stay warm all
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sorry I've been missing, I've had a tummy bug :sick: :sick: and had a few days off work with it. Still feel a bit under the weather, but think I'm getting better. Not a good way to lose the pounds.

    :frown: I need to catch up again, it's hard when you miss a few days to keep up with all your news.

    :noway: I've heard the weather is really cold in some parts, and hope all my friends in the US are keeping safe. We've had some flooding over here on the east coast of the UK and some have lost their homes.

    :flowerforyou: While I've been off work I've been watching lots of cheesy Christmas movies :smile: I love 'em! My DD has walked out of the room in disgust a few times, but even if I wasn't ill I'd still be watching them if I had chance :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I'm just waiting for the semi final results for the X Factor to come on, I think they are all good this year and don't really have a favourite.

    Take care everyone.

    Viv UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sun.
    Glad ur better,Viv..
    went to church.We have our church pot luck dinner tonite,soup and chili.
    We`re having a white elephant too.Looking forward to it.
    I`m enjoying this year.Last year wasn`t that good,living with the control freak we lived with,but we had a place to live and was thankful.
    Woke up to snow flurries.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Happy Sunday All,

    Yesterday was such fun. I went to the Mall to get some walking in. Anyway, I passed by JCPenney's and they were having an awesome Doorbuster sale. I found 3 nice long sleeve blouses to wear around Christmas and they were all 50% off. Just love a good deal. I walked for almost four hours.

    I need to find some garden soil today and transplant some roses my daughter sent me for my birthday. One is a bright yellow and the other is a mixture of orange and yellow. They are floribundas and growing them in a greenhouse is all new to me. Wish me luck.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    afternoon Chica's,
    well I am just sitting down, oh lordy is my heel killing me. I have been on my feet and going since 5:30 this morning...
    went to the gym,came home the DH and I packed the car for the trip.. less we have to do during the week.I made his dinner for today and for tomorrow and his lunch for tomorrow also.
    did 2 loads of laundry,we went to Sam's right after 10 am when we are aloud in,and bought 2 cases of dog food, one to take with us and one for here.. we are crazy.. we buy 1/2 & 1/2 in quarts and we buy it a case at a time.. that is one thing I wont give up,but it take us about 6 weeks to go through, the date is way out there so its fine..
    well the ding a ling DH lost the keys to the traverse which we are driving down so he went over to the dealership and spent 160.00 on new key and remote, and guess what he found in his outdoor work jacket this morning:ohwell: what a ding a ling, now had that been me who lost the keys he would had a freakin cow... going to have to look at the long range forecast so I know what kind of clothes to bring.
    well am sending my FIL shoes back this man walks around in his socks, which I think I mentioned before..so finally found a pair of new balance sneakers with velcro that dont cost an arm and a leg for 56.00 in a 4 E,his foot is so wide and he has to wear braces on his legs so they have to fit in the shoe too..OY...
    so I am parked and having a cup of gingerbread spice tea:drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sitting here with a big heavy throw over my legs. DH said he could turn the temp up to 73 but why should I pay a higher bill when I can just put a throw on. I don't know what you all are paying but our last bill was $156 and that's to high for my comfort. Rates have gone up recently and I just don't like paying that much. both my sister and daughter would love to have a bill that low but I jsut don't like it.

    Really trying to push the fluids to get rid of the rest of my burning on urination and sinus problems. The bladder is much better but still having a lot of post nasal drip.

    Still looking for that elusive gift for my husband. The only thing he really needs is a new cell phone. Right now he is using my old tracfone and I think it uses the Sprint towers. Many times it can't pick up any cell phone towers. He didn't carry it at all until he had his heart attack. So when he is at the mall it does him no good if he has angina there and can't get me or anyone else there. He is also technologically challenged and it's hard for him to answer the phone. So he has a flip phone and all you have to do is to flip it open. So that's my idea of a present. He is well known for getting a gift and not keeping his feelings to himself. He loves unusual globes and he does have 3 that he likes. But a person can have just so many globes.The one he likes the most is solar powered. He has it right in front of our living window and he likes to watch it slowly spin. He also loves to collect old coins and I wish we had room for a large case to display them in. He also loves karoake and we have all told him that he could pick some more karoake songs and we would pay for them but he never picks anything out. Also still looking for a lady big necklace for my 7 year old GD. I never would have realized it would be that difficult.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bump for tomorrow; I have a chapter to finish. If I get done, I'll be back later, but if not....stay warm! It's snowing here and cold but at least there is no wind! Take care Meg from Omaha where it looks like a winter wonderland
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Vince and I made 94 pierogi today and only 4 of them broke. That's a lot fewer than previously. Maybe after all this time, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Guess where the broken ones went (my stomach will give you a clue)? At the price of farmer's cheese, I wasn't about to waste it!

    Michelle - my DH, Stan, is 100% Polish, so I have made a traditional Christmas Even dinner for him pretty much since we were married 40+ years ago. Not so bad for a mostly Irish girl. :blushing:

    I use a combo of his grandmother's and mother's recipes for the pierogi. We both love the ones with farmer cheese (no potato for us!)). His mom also used to make a filling with kraut and mushrooms that was quite tasty. Yep, we boil them too, then sauté them in a skillet with some butter and caramelized onions. What else do you make for Christmas Eve?? We don't do 12 dishes, but always have a mushroom soup I make, plus a scallop-based appetizer, and baked fish with a shrimp or crab stuffing on top. It's a lot of work, so I have always made enough to freeze for later.

    Jill in western MA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a Kathy Smith Belly Dance DVD today. I really wish there was a place around here where I can get some belly dancing lessons just to be sure I'm doing it right. Then put a recipe for Ground Turkey Soup in the crockpot. Not sure how that's going to come out. Read the paper then made mandarin Pork Chops for later in the week along with ginger honey shrimp.

    Tomorrow is yoga, holding my plank, and then the extremepump class. I'm thinking that I should take an advil for my arm before the class.

    I can't get over how cold it's gotten. This morning when I went out to get the paper, I didn't put a coat on. Just now I went to put something in the garbage and really hurried back.

    grandmalle - my father had very wide feet. Even in winter he would wear sandals. Of course, I got him this pair of really heavy socks, but at least he had something that he could put on his feet.

    katla - that works to increase the font. Thanks so much

    Stevie - welcome to a wonderful group of ladies

    Sylvia - how nice of you to take care of your neighbor's dog. Reminds me of when we first moved into our house. We were getting things from storage and bringing them to the house. The neighbor went away and thought her hubby was taking care of their dog. He went away, closed the garage door, and left the dog outside. He's a real sweet dog and just stayed at our house. I actually went to the store and bought him a bag of dog food and put out a container of water. Fortunately, his owner's phone number was on his collar so we called her. she was in FL at the time but got in touch with her hubby who came and took care of the dog. He still visits us on occasion, I don't have a problem with it. They did get this wireless "fence" but sometimes it doesn't work and he comes over.

    Viv - glad you're feeling better. Take care of yourself

    angie007az - good luck with your rose bushes. That reminds me that I have this one rose bush, I HATE it, especially where it's planted. Next summer, it goes. I'll ask this lady at the Y who I know her son is a landscaper if he wants it. If he does, he can have it.

    grandmalle - there have been many times when I've gone into Sams before 10 and they've never said anything to me.

    Jill in MA - I only make the farmer cheese pierogi. I would eat the ones with sauerkraut and mushrooms, but I'm the only one who would. I don't care for the potato, either. My grandmother used to make them with prunes, I don't know that I'd care for that. Wiglia this year will be crab cakes, catfish, corn (for Vince), tomato soup (because they won't eat mushroom soup, I'd personally like it but at least Jessica will eat the tomato soup.), mashed potatoes (for Vince), cod, crab legs, lobster, the pierogi, I'll make an apple pie, these cheese crackins, shrimp cornbread casserole, chocolate chip cookies, lemon cookies and these magic cookie bars that Denise likes. I usually made so much that we'd be eating it until March (literally), so this year I'm going to TRY to scale back. Note the word TRY. I can't get the farmer cheese down here, it has a short shelf life and people probably don't know what to do with it so it didn't sell in the stores. When we go to Jessica's at Thanksgiving, tho, I usually buy some and put it in a cooler and bring it home.

    Well, off to the Newcomer Christmas party. I'm wondering if my taking the Advil yesterday really made me curb my appetite, so I tok one now. My arm is hurting a bit. Not bad. But for some reason I'm thinking that that might help with cravings. That's silly, I know. But whatever....Maybe it's more in my head than anything else.

    Michele in NC
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Michele in NC - Your Wigilia sounds great! One dish my DMIL used to make was sauerkraut with sardines and mushrooms. Most people think it sounds very strange (I did the first Christmas Eve we spent with the in-laws) but it tastes pretty yummy. If I could get some homemade kraut...... Farmer's cheese is easy to come by here - pretty good-sized Polish community in this area.

    Joyce - love that your family adopted the adult man. Sounds like he really needed some family and yours became his. It's a shame that some of the in-laws have problems with that - shame is on them, not him! :angry:

    Meg - love hearing about your days and what is going on in the big O! I will be back there in April for an awards dinner. It will sure be interesting to see all the changes in just the past few years since I left.

    Like many have posted, grazing has been a problem here as well. :embarassed: It's like it's self-defeating behavior.
    So Pat-phoo and others, you are far from alone in this battle!! Let's keep at it, though! I think we can all prevail, though it will take some time.

    Kevrit - glad you are doing so well at Curves - the ones around here closed about a year ago. I really appreciate our Y!! Looking forward to meeting with you and Grandmaille once she's back from FLA and the weather cooperates!

    I am joining a weight loss group there (it's even free for members) so will have the discipline of facing the scale weekly. That has helped me in the past. They also take measurements regularly and we will have to log exercise and journal food (sounds familiar :laugh: ).

    Keep drinking water :drinker: :drinker:

    Jill in western MA
  • 57runner
    57runner Posts: 8 Member
    December greetings from the snowy mid-coast (Chicago). New here on MyFp. Call me Gladys (my fun screen name). I have not read through the masses of posts here, and I don't know anyone yet, so I'll just send a big "hooray" to everyone on their accomplishments. Me? This month I resolve to avoid holiday-goodie gulping. A smidge of dark chocolate, a handful of nuts now and then is all. And you know, I've been doing pretty well at that! Who knew? Have also been lap swimming and spending time on the elliptical. I started with about 20 lbs of flabby midsection, batwings and jowls that I would like to do without (lose any more and I will be underweight!) --- but they're ornery ones, sticking with me no matter what. So here's to trying yoga for the first time in my life; stretching more; and getting serious about adding strength training to the usual cardio. Cheers, all!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to Stevie Renee and Gladys. I just started Yoga, and like it. Next week will be the last session until the new year. Stevie. I know what you mean when your body gets used to something, the next step is to step it up :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :grumble: I ended up missing jazzercise this morning. Had a bad sleep, and then slept in. However, I ended up meeting up with DD and DIL and - more importantly - their adorable toddler boy and baby girl, respectively. Yummy kisses and hugs make my day.

    :drinker: Tonight has sushi on the menu. And I have the ingredients out to cook a batch of spaghetti sauce for tomorrow and freeze some as well. DH had made a large pot of chicken/broccoli soup, so we will be freezing that as well.

    It is still rather frosty here, although the wind has decreased. Okay, off the PC. DH is just coming home.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I’m glad you’ve found a way through your holiday stress…….holidays should be something that makes you happy, not a source of stress……walking is a great way to sort things out.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, what a surprise that the boat parade went on after all…..”stubborn insanity” sounds like a perfect description

    :flowerforyou: Stevie Renee, welcome to our friendly community. I love to walk. I walk a lot with my dogs. My friends know to meet me for a walk rather than a meal. I recently fell and hurt my back and had to cut my walking back but I’m on the road to recovery and am back to walking 10,000 steps a day. I have a pedometer that I put in my pocket first thing every morning and carry it all day long.

    :bigsmile: Michele, 94 pierogi, that’s an awesome cooking accomplishment

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, our dogs sleep with us and never go out without us. We have a small fenced area in the back but when we take the dogs out there, we stay with them. I, too, don’t understand people who leave their dogs outside

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, you’re amazing to be able to get up at 7:45 and be somewhere at 8:30. I have gradually moved my bedtime earlier so that it’s easier to get up early.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, sorry you’ve been sick…….watching movies is a great way to spend time when you’re not feeling well.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I love your never-ending attitude of gratitude.

    :flowerforyou: Angie, I know you are enjoying your gardening work while so much of the US is having freezing rain, snow, and super low temperatures…..wow, a four hour walk....we don't have roses because the deer come around and eat them.

    :flowerforyou: Jill, the first change I made when I joined MFP was to log my day’s food ahead of time and stick to the plan, no matter what…….no grazing, no accepting food offered to me (no matter how benign)….some days my calories have been high but I stay with my plan…..I found out that once I allowed myself one deviation, I kept on going.

    :flowerforyou: Gladys, welcome to our friendly, supportive community….the women on this thread have helped me reinvent my life….keep coming back and start to read the posts, and before long you’ll feel like we are family.

    :bigsmile: Friends are here and we’re watching our NFL team play a tough game. I made beef stew for supper for us. One friend brought Jake some homemade fruit cake…..fortunately I don’t like fruit cake some I’m not tempted to eat any.

    :bigsmile: This morning I had no deadlines to be anywhere so I planned to walk the dogs one at a time for as long as they wanted…..instead, it was cold and Jake had built a fire so each one chose a short route and wanted to come home…..I felt great so I told Jake that I was going for a walk by myself and enjoyed the luxury of walking and listening to music for 45 minutes.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
    :bigsmile: 14,000 steps today
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Hello Ladies, and welcome to the new folks! :flowerforyou: Just a quick check in today. We had 6" of snow fall today, and they're calling for 1/2" of ice overnight. This cold, wintery weather makes me want to eat comfort foods. I broke down and had a cup of hot chocolate, which kind of hit the spot :drinker:

    Almost time for me to turn in. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend :smile:
  • kymw
    kymw Posts: 7 Member
    I like your goals for December! :) I am struggling to get back on this myself. I had lost 30 lbs and it has slowly crept back on. Hoping to connect with wonderful people on MFP to get back on track! I wish you well on accomplishing your goals!!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Tonight was fun. The three grandkids came over for about three hours while my son ran an errand. I made sloppy joes for the kids and mrs. Dash tacos for me, but they each ate a taco and left the sloppy joes. Plus they emptied a big container of applesauce. And I made chocolate chip cookies (3 dozen) and there are three left on the plate, but I think hubby ate a lot of them. After supper the kids and I sat down with some big paper and pencils and had a great time drawing and playing tic tac toe. Sleet has started to fall, so I'm anxiously awaiting a call from my son to say they got home ok.

    Molly was locked in her crate when the kids were here, and she was so traumatized that she wouldn't come out after they left. I had to coax her out with treats, and then she cautiously looked all around to make sure they were gone. Bruno does just fine with them. I wish Molly was more socialized, but when she was a puppy we didn't have any kids around. Now I think they scare her.

    Welcome to the new folks. This is a great group. I'll look forward to learning more about each of you.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Jill in MA - You're so lucky to have a Polish community. The closest Polish deli, and that's a very small one, is in Greensboro, maybe 1/2 hr away,. Actually, It's a Polish/Russian deli. So I make do as best I can. Sauerkraut with sardines and mushrooms doesn't sound bad at all. I bet it's pretty good as a matter of fact. I love sardines, I love mushrooms, and I love sauerkraut (just wish it wasn't so high in sodium), so sounds good to me

    Gladys - welcome! I don't feel yoga alone is enough exercise, but to me it's a great compliment. Good luck to you on avoiding those holiday goodies. Good for you adding strength training!

    Speaking of goodies: just came back from the Newcomer holiday social. I had snow peas, corn, a small piece of beef (not all that great if you ask me so I'm glad I only took a small piece), raw carrots, raw broccoli, sweet potatoes (I think they put some sort of sweetener in them, but not sure what, did avoid the marshmallows on top, tho). Just had water to drink. It's sad that it seemed that I had to constantly ask for a refill of water, and the last time I asked they never brought it. Then came home and made these cheese crackins. Basically, it's shredded cheddar cheese and flour rolled into a ball. Have them in the freezer, will freeze them and then I can have them for appetizers.

    kymw - welcome. There are a lot of awesome ladies on this forum. As a matter of fact, ALL of the ladies here are awesome.

    Michele in NC
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    another weekend draws to a close and getting ready for a full week of work and activities; can you believe only 2 more Sundays before Christmas! I did get some of my decor out; going light on the decorations this year or at least that's the plan :smile:

    @DeeDee sounds like that walk was inspirational; glad you are feeling better and enjoyed decorating the tree.

    @Heather so sorry to hear of the illnesses of your loved ones; seems especially difficult during the holidays or it was for me :cry:

    @Kaitla, the Christmas ships would be a beautiful sight to see; I've only seen pictures - good that they could put on the show.

    @Stevie, welcome to the thread - walking is good!

    @Sylvia, hope you get some restful sleep tonight. :yawn:

    @Gail, Church concerts are Christmas are such a joy; glad you were able to go.

    @Margaret, we got up in time for church but with all the ice on the drive we still stayed home.

    @Viv, hope that tummy bug is gone away soon so that you can enjoy the holiday season.

    @Jane, hope you enjoyed the pot luck dinner at church.

    @Angie, all the best with your roses - they have become my favorite flower.

    Okay I am stopping here to check out the local news then off to bed as I have an early rise and a busy week ahead. I hope everyone is warm, safe and at home.

    Teral, in Plano
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, starting over. Still recovering from my broken ribs. Back to my starting weight. Game on.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    morning ladies,
    well snow is starting, then turning to ice.. I am going to have to do something interesting to get some exercise in, I could put my sneakers on and racewalk in the house,that would be interesting:laugh:
    I have to make my lunch and Tom's lunch for tomorrow,go in to work at 10.. I really dont want to brave the bridge to go to the gym, I can handle snow but Ice scares the daylights out me..
    I am hoping the weather holds out for Saterday because we will be leaving here anywhere between 3-4 am,it is a long day of driving..we will be stopping at South of the Border,it is the on the border of North and South Carolina