Post your most recent workout



  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    Sunday I was super excited to learn there is a spot inside my house that I can jump rope. Might sound odd but it's an incredible addition to my Wildman workouts. I workout at home, outside, rain, sleet or snow. Always have a bonfire going. Always.
    Yesterday afternoon I did sled pulls for about 20 minutes it was 19 out Before that I did end over end log flips with a 260 lb log, It's 11 ft long and about 12 inches round.
    This early a.m. sledgehammered ( 50 lb sledge) onto tractor tire then some lifting of large brake rotors. They are on the ground, lift , place them up in top of 6 foot scaffold that is actually at 6.5 with the extra planks. Yeah it's only 13 out right now but the sun is shining so it was all good lol........
    My backyard is a Wildman workout haven......... lol......

    you always have the coolestmost badass workouts!!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Now *this* is a fun thread!

    Sunday I did some foam roll/ lacrosse ball mobility warmup, active adductor/hamstring stretches, glute bridge warmup, 4x5 deadlifts for speed at 135, then I lifted the 100 pound atlas stone 15 times and the 150 pound stone 12 times (I couldn't lift it even once without tacky; my grip strength really suffers in the cold!).

    Tonight I'll be pulling heavy deadlifts, so yesterday was a rest day, but my bodymedia fit says I burned a butt-ton of calories crawling around under my desk recabling, hooking my computers back up and generally cleaning up my desk area (we had a flood and I had pretty extensive damage; the first two times they cleaned were not sufficient for me). I'm sore this morning, even after rolling out my back last night!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Sunday I was super excited to learn there is a spot inside my house that I can jump rope. Might sound odd but it's an incredible addition to my Wildman workouts. I workout at home, outside, rain, sleet or snow. Always have a bonfire going. Always.
    Yesterday afternoon I did sled pulls for about 20 minutes it was 19 out Before that I did end over end log flips with a 260 lb log, It's 11 ft long and about 12 inches round.
    This early a.m. sledgehammered ( 50 lb sledge) onto tractor tire then some lifting of large brake rotors. They are on the ground, lift , place them up in top of 6 foot scaffold that is actually at 6.5 with the extra planks. Yeah it's only 13 out right now but the sun is shining so it was all good lol........
    My backyard is a Wildman workout haven......... lol......

    you always have the coolestmost badass workouts!!
    Eh... call me when you can caber toss that log... :laugh: just kiddin'! That's a big stick!!
    Edit to fix something weird that happened with the quotes...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    still building back strength eleven weeks out of surgery.

    Had a knot behind my shoulder blade last night so had to change what I had planned.


    Walking (treadmill)

    Barbell Bench Press
    45 lb x 5 reps
    45 lb x 5 reps
    65 lb x 5 reps
    65 lb x 5 reps
    85 lb x 5 reps
    95 lb x 5 reps
    95 lb x 5 reps
    95 lb x 5 reps
    Barbell Deadlift
    65 lb x 5 reps
    65 lb x 5 reps
    85 lb x 5 reps
    85 lb x 5 reps
    135 lb x 5 reps
    135 lb x 5 reps
    135 lb x 5 reps
    Leg Press
    180 lb x 10 reps
    180 lb x 10 reps
    180 lb x 10 reps
    270 lb x 5 reps
    270 lb x 5 reps
    270 lb x 5 reps
    Seated Leg Curl
    50 lb x 15 reps
    50 lb x 15 reps
    50 lb x 15 reps
    50 lb x 15 reps
    Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension
    12 lb x 15 reps
    12 lb x 15 reps
    12 lb x 15 reps
    12 lb x 15 reps
    Machine Calf Extension
    115 lb x 15 reps
    115 lb x 15 reps
    115 lb x 15 reps
    115 lb x 15 reps
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    (adductor and abductor work could be added, too)

    OMG I've never seen a dude on the Yes/No machine. Please post a picture if you use it. :laugh:
  • star5785
    star5785 Posts: 140
    Yesterday did the double up day for T25. Took about 50 minutes and felt like I was gonna puke after. That's my kind of workout :drinker:
  • 6ronXtreme9
    6ronXtreme9 Posts: 416 Member
    50 minutes of H.I.I.T
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    6 mile run on the treadmill. The best I've ever done. So proud of me. =)
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
    AM -
    Squat - 45lb x 12, 50lb x 12, 55lb x 12, 60lb x 12, 70lb x10, 80lb x 10, 90lb x 10
    Leg press - 200lb x 12, 200lb x 12, 200 x 12
    Walking Barbell Lunges - 30lb x 12, 30lb x 12, 30lb x 12, 30lb x 12
    Romanian dumbell deadlifts - 25lb x 12, 25lb x 12, 25lb x 12
    Abductors - 155lb x 10, 155 x 10, 155 x 10
    Adductors - 160lb x 10, 160lb x 10, 160lb x 10
    Goblet squats - 20lb x 10, 20lb x 10

    PM - 55 minutes of HIIT
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Today was a quiet day for me...

    One exercise class Total Body Tone which is a mixture of HIIT, strength, toning and Body Pump.

    Back to more tomorrow with a 75min run and a session of Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed and Shred.

    Faith restored?
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154

    Squat 115 lbs 5 sets of 5 along with warmup sets with the bar and 50% and 80% of work weight
    OHP: 70 lbs 4 sets of 3 and deloaded to 65 and did 1 set of 5 along with warmup with bar and 50% and 80% of work weight
    Deadlift: 175 lbs 1 set of 5 with warm up sets of 50% and 80% of work weight.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    this morning -
    bb flat bench - 135x15, 185x10/10/7/6
    db fly - 30x12/12/12/12
    bb incline - 135x10/10/8/6
    mid-cable fly - 40x15/15/15/15
    flat db bpress - 50x5/5/5 (when i leave these til last, it;s always a mess. lol)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Last night - Minna Lessig's Strength and Grace workout - it's an old video but a goodie....great fusion of yoga and body weight exercises.

    Tonight will be an oldie again - Reebok step.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    (adductor and abductor work could be added, too)

    OMG I've never seen a dude on the Yes/No machine. Please post a picture if you use it. :laugh:

    my friend made me use them- and shortly there after I saw 2 different guys on it- I'd never seen guys on them!! I never stop giving said friends crap about using them though LMAO
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    Run: 2 mi in 12:30*
    Bench: 3x5 @ 195 lb*
    Incline bench: 3x5 @ 165 lb*
    machine flies: 3x5 @ 170 lb
    dips: 3x5 @ bodyweight + 80 lb, 228 lb total*
    tricep pulldown: 3x8 @ 87.5

    * personal records. Ate like a beast over the weekend to break plateu and it worked.

    Will try to repeat the run
    Pullups: 5x5 of bodyweight + 30 lb*
    seated cable row 3x5 @ 185 lb
    machine wide grip row 3x5 @ 165 lb
    deadlifts 3x5 @ 235 lb
    barbell curl 3x8 @ 80 lb
    preacher curl 3x8 @ 70 lb
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    2 days ago:

    3 minutes AMRAP Clean & Press with a 60 lb sandbag.

    3x10 front squats w/ 90 lb sandbag.

    3x10 (each side) offset grip rows w/ 60 lb sandbag.

    3x30 seconds rotational lunges w/ 60 lb sandbag.

    3x30 seconds each side around-the-worlds w/ 25 lb sandbag.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Last evening:
    Dynamic warmup/stretch and Foam rolling
    Deadlifts: 2x5x135lb, 1x6x125lb
    Then supersets:
    BB rows: 1x5x70lb, 1x6x65lb
    Standard pushups: 2x5, then 1x4 (failed on 4th, did 5th as a hand-release. This is the first time I've done a standard pushup since like April, after a shoulder injury!!)

    Then finished with 2 sets of burpees and 3 sets of medicine ball slams (after the trainer finished using it with 3 giggling girls half-arsing :grumble: ): 20 sec on, 40 sec off
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member

    (adductor and abductor work could be added, too)

    OMG I've never seen a dude on the Yes/No machine. Please post a picture if you use it. :laugh:

    Yeah, you gotta be pretty secure in your masculinity. ;-) But DANG, it's hard to walk the next day.
  • thatjeffsmith
    thatjeffsmith Posts: 110 Member
    5 mile run over 45 minutes, in the rain :) Tomorrow is CrossFit, woohoo.