Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Here's a question... be honest.

    I feel perfectly fine, like, not sore, not stiff, not tired, nothing... Does that mean I laid down and didn't do as well as I could have?


    Ya left plenty on the field of play my friend, no doubt on that. A good marathon and stairs should be difficult. Somehow you've got an energy or fatigue thing to work out, seems like the legs are under-utilized. Race post-mortem is a vital part of improvement, and I try to study everything that "hurts" afterward, and work on the weak link(s). You should have sore lungs for a few days, sore legs for 5, and some general feeling of fatigue/sickness too. MCM was a training run more or less.

    Personally, I think you're still low on hyrdration or carbs, maybe both.

    As always, hope it helps!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Here's a question... be honest.

    I feel perfectly fine, like, not sore, not stiff, not tired, nothing... Does that mean I laid down and didn't do as well as I could have?


    Ya left plenty on the field of play my friend, no doubt on that. A good marathon and stairs should be difficult. Somehow you've got an energy or fatigue thing to work out, seems like the legs are under-utilized. Race post-mortem is a vital part of improvement, and I try to study everything that "hurts" afterward, and work on the weak link(s). You should have sore lungs for a few days, sore legs for 5, and some general feeling of fatigue/sickness too. MCM was a training run more or less.

    Personally, I think you're still low on hyrdration or carbs, maybe both.

    As always, hope it helps!

    I don't know what the issue is. It might be hydration, but I drank a crap load of water and sports drink thing. My legs were tight and it leads to my thought that it was lack of fluids, but I don't know how... I'm feeling like it was a really long training run.

    I'm 100% lost on what my problem is during marathons.
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Ya... I am thinking THEIR vacation plans are to Twin is AMAZING race and on my calendar too!

    bgood, we'll need to be working Becky a bit on this cold wimpery too..hahaha! All we hear is heavy bag this, muay thai that, kicking, hitting, don't mess with me....BUT it's too cold..... whaaayyyy! :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Nuff... ha! Either you're tough, or not... BTW....the tough guys live in the prairie lands, and we just deal with kicking and crying...hahaha! Right?

    OK, tomatoe bomb!!!!

    Blah, blah, blah! :laugh:

    I paid my dues in Michigan for years, working outside year round. I can't help it that I've now the blood consistency of water! :tongue:
    Although even my running partner (born and bred here) burst out laughing when I showed up to run in full length tights, a hooded sweatshirt, gloves and ear covers yesterday. She was in shorts and one long sleeve shirt ! (did I mention the underarmor layer i was wearing under the hoodie!)
    Picture a wet cat and that's about the expression I have when it drops below 60
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Kel~ yikes! 78 small humans at one time! :noway: I promise to celebrate your birthday from here!

    Julie~ my goal is also to do one pull up, not just a chin up, but a full pull up. I was getting pretty close this summer but then I dropped too much of my weight training. :grumble: We have a *perfect pull up* bar. It screws into the wall and can swing down so you can do as Kechie described for starters. Sounds like she and I have the same bar in fact!
    Way to go on that tempo run! Wow! Speedy! :drinker:

    Leash~ how ya doing? Feeling any better? I sure hope so! :flowerforyou:

    Nitz~ I'll give you my opinion about whether you *laid up* or *laid down* whatever the heck the expression is after I do my 1st marathon! Personally I don't believe any 26.2 mile run can be considered a failure! :wink:

    B~ I love your idea about a long distance group run! You're so clever! :smile:

    Tom~ so sorry about the cold front! :cry: I can relate! It is a horrible thing! :frown:

    Kechie~ where is our beautiful Carolina blue sky?!?! I want it back! :sad:

    So while we are discussing races, training, is my question for the day....

    We were just invited to the beach for Turkey Day. Our oldest daughter's boyfriend is from a family with MONEY (yes, money with all capitals) We finally met them and must have passed muster because they invited us to join them at Kure Beach for the holidays. They have not one, but two beachohouses so we will have our own place. Obviously, I'm not going to turn down the invitation. I can definitely work in my short runs for the week before leaving and maybe get some miles on the beach while there. That is 3 weeks out from the race and was taper start anyway (Ray, this is actually my 2nd add on week from the original plan) Will I be okay to skip the long run that weekend? And secondly, should I risk sand/beachfront running or is that risky?

    Ok, so far today, 2 hours of Krav, 1 hour of Muay Thai, heading out to run soon!

    I hope everyone is having a terrific *it's almost Friday!* day! :bigsmile:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    beach or no beach, i can throw down some serious turkey! and i'm needing to add on some serious miles to make up for it. if u noticed, i finally decided it was time to fess up, and i reset my weight loss tracker on here to reflect the, um, current situation....of the 18 pounds i dropped over about 18 months, all but 4 of them have returned over the past 3 or 4 monts. easy solution -- more miles and more intervals!

    for today -- 10K complete.
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    oh, meant to add my 2 cents (because i know it's highly valued here :wink: )

    Nitz -- i woudln't say you lacked anything on effort. obviously your training has paid off if you feel recovered this soon after the race. in my (not-so-expert) opinion, the thing with the marathon is that it's so long, there's so many more opportunities for things to go wrong, and any little problem gets amplified by about 1000% (my statistical analysis). in a 5K, you get tight at the halfway point and you can probably "tough it out" for another mile and a half or so. in the marathon, you may have 20 miles done when trouble creeps up, but there's still 10K to go!!! i'm sure it's frustrating, but i hope you don't worry too much about it. like ray says -- learn from it, and come back stronger. you're doing the right things in preparation. now it's just a matter of finding your groove on race day. and remember -- you've run 3 now, right? small sample size. need more tests for your hypothesis.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Nitz.... don't EVER think it's not an accomlishment. ANY marathon done is a job well done!!!

    The thing that stinks, you do the training time, but somehow the races seem to fall apart a bit, which really sucks. If training goes "well" and seems hydration is fine, then it comes down to nutrition, carbs, and it could be good ole anxiety factors on race day [trust me, they are real]. Something I have learned over the years, I approach the race line like it's any other day in the office, and barely even think about it. Of course there is loads of crazy folks around, but I am not anxious at all, and just run when I hear something loud.

    Eventually insanity prevails, and you just accept a story for each race and have a BLAST...oh, you are already there...haha!

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey all - Becky mentioned this thread to me. I hope you don't mind if I pop in now and then. It's late here, so really I'm just tagging for later (if that's ok with you all?) and I'll post properly when I'm caught up.

    Erika x
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey all - Becky mentioned this thread to me. I hope you don't mind if I pop in now and then. It's late here, so really I'm just tagging for later (if that's ok with you all?) and I'll post properly when I'm caught up.

    Erika x

    Of course your welcome here Erica!!! :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey guys and gals.
    Wore a.pair of sneakers without my insoles today and.thought I was going to die... and I only wore them to the grocery store! :blushing: So, I guess the insoles are helping if it feels so bad.without them.

    Anyhow, I'm exhausted and going to bed. Will chat more tomorrow.

    Oh, and Becky since.its my birthday and all, can I come to the beach? :bigsmile:

    (Sorry for all the random periods... I'm typing on my phone and tend to hit the period instead of the space lol)
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey guys and gals.
    Wore a.pair of sneakers without my insoles today and.thought I was going to die... and I only wore them to the grocery store! :blushing: So, I guess the insoles are helping if it feels so bad.without them.

    Anyhow, I'm exhausted and going to bed. Will chat more tomorrow.

    Oh, and Becky since.its my birthday and all, can I come to the beach? :bigsmile:

    (Sorry for all the random periods... I'm typing on my phone and tend to hit the period instead of the space lol)

    I didn't know it was your birthday, I need to do a better job of reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :drinker:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Friday!
    Got in weight lifting last night and a 1500 yd swim.

    Will post more later -- off to get ready for work.

    enjoy your day!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Hi Erika! :flowerforyou:

    5 miles last night...left knee and ankle are still a bit achy from last weekend so I think today will be a rest day. Tomorrow is only 12.
    Who knew 12 would ever sound easy?!?! :huh:

    Kelynn~ I really didn't like my SuperFeet at first but I stuck with them and :heart: them now!!! In fact, just realized my youngest daughter has a pair and was thinking about *borrowing* them! :laugh: Mine are due for replacement.

    Julie~ nice workout! I hope you have a great day at work! :smile:

    Ok, off to run a few errands! I'll check back later!

    Happy Friday! :flowerforyou:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi All,

    Took some time and got caught up with you all.

    Kelynn- firstly, Happy Birthday :flowerforyou: How're you finding the superfeet today? I'm still in the process of trying them in my running shoes (could only afford one pair and of course my running shoes are sized differently to all my other shoes). I'm not getting too much pain from them, but then I've deliberately gone for the blue ones as I know my feet won't take the more extreme ones. I wore inserts in my shoes when I was a kid, and it took a while to get used to them. Eventually you won't even know they are there. Don't run far to start with, take it easy on yourself.

    Leash - I'm so sorry you are still injured, but I am very glad that you have found a doctor who will at least listen to you. :smile: I hope the pain killers are alleviating your suffering a little, and that long term the doc can finally help you to get better.

    Nitz - I'm sorry your marathon wasn't as positive as you would have liked. I'm afraid I don't have enough experience on the long miles to offer you advice on nutrition and hydration etc. I will pick up a little on what Ray said about the mental aspect. The subconcious mind is a powerful thing, and an artful sabatouer. When you have months of training and preparation for one event, and everything is focussed on that, it is all too easy to be disappointed on the outcome of the event. I still think you are amazing for even running a marathon, with mile times that I can only dream of.

    I won't name check everyone right now as I would probably go over the alloted post count :wink:, and I am after all playing catch up!

    As for me, I have a family day tomorrow. We need to travel to get to my mum's so it will be an early start. We're having fireworks tomorrow evening and mum will be cooking chilli and making mulled wine. I shall try and get a few quality miles in on Sunday.

    Take care everyone and have a great Friday and good weekends - Kechie good luck on your half.

    Erika x
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks Erika :flowerforyou:

    Happy Friday Friends :flowerforyou:

    I feel like I am ready. Just hydrating, resting, and eating well. This morning I reviewed my splits from the last 2 times I ran this race and came up with what I hope is a solid game plan.<fingers crossed>

    chat soon,
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    SARAH -- UMMMM SARAH -- WHERE ARE YOU????? May need to send out a search party if she doesn't arrive soon!!!!

    Kechie -- great job tapering -- can't wait to hear about your race -- good luck!!!

    Kelynn -- on your way to Becky's you can stop and see me too :bigsmile:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Great Luck Kechie, and can't wait to hear about it. Last tri we heard about the pirate adventures of the one-eyed swimmer, and of course the devish run the other week, we'll have to see what surprise is in store for us!

    Kelynn has a BIRTHMONTH... haha! Super cool people get a whole month to celebrate. I think I get a birthminute or something...haha!

    Erika, great to have ya hear.

    Have a wickedly great Friday everyone, and the weekend here will be 60's and maybe 70 on Sunday, perfect for all the house projects, which is a loooooong list.

  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Kelynn- I have a birthday week at LEAST but sadly enough since I've gotten older I don't like to celebrate it as much.. I'm only 23 can you imagine how I'll be when I hit 30. AHHH Actually my biggest fear in life is getting old (I know pathetic) haha

    Becky- Sounds like a great way to celebrate thanksgiving! 2 beachhouses WOW!!!!! Thats like my uncle that works for nike, they have 3 houses! Your taking a rest day? WHAT!!?? :bigsmile: Don't steel your daughters superfeet! My sister and mom do that to me! My sister gets pissed cause I always get free stuff for vball so she thinks I won't miss it, but I do! haha

    Erica- Have fun with your family! Fireworks? That reminds me of my friend who used to have them on her bday every year when we were little, they'd save them from 4th of July. Have fun!!!!

    Kechie- Good luck, you'll kill it I'm sure! I know you've been logging the miles thats for sure!

    Ray- 80 degrees here yesterday in cali, its ok you can be jealous! Its supposed to rain sunday though, I swear when I was living in southern california I forgot what rain was.

    Bg- You'll get those pounds off in no time don't worry!

    Have a great Friday everyone! As for me, I have an MRI next tuesday and I neeeed that day to be here, I can't take the pain much longer. I'm on pain pills plus I've been taking at least 4 aleve a day but they just aren't working, I'm in pain everyday all day. Something is obviously pinching on my nerves. I've been walking but thats about it and hitting volleyballs which is probably the problem but I'm a coach so I can't really stop. Keep me in your thoughts please, I can't take this much longer. I was really excited though cause I finally got some sleep last night. Lata!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Erica- Have fun with your family! Fireworks? That reminds me of my friend who used to have them on her bday every year when we were little, they'd save them from 4th of July. Have fun!!!!

    Remember, remember the 5th of November, Gunpowder, Treason and Plot...

    We should be having them today, but have to wait till the weekend!

  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Ah yes, good old Guy Fawkes and King James...
    don't know all the details, but my Scottish ancestors found themselves not welcome in Scotland after deciding to back James :ohwell:

    Enjoy the festivities! :drinker: