

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    Hello to all: Slightly warmer here today, supposed to get to +17 degrees. My truck finally got towed out of the parking ramp at work yesterday and now is at the repair shop. I haven't heard from them yet but hope to soon. J.J. the cat had to spend the night at the vet's but she has had antibiotics for a bladder infection and should get better. She is very glad to be home again.:happy:

    Found out today that they are discontinuing the health coaching program that they were doing at work. I liked being able to check in with someone once a month. It helped to keep me accountable but since I am set to retire the end of March I guess it really does not make a big difference for me.:ohwell:

    Joyce - Congratulations on the bike. Is your husband competitive? Maybe you could get a little competition going between the two of you. My DH really gets into the competitions they have at the Wellness Center. When we had a ski machine for a while my daughter and I used to try to get more steps than the other. It helped to keep us both motivated.

    Katla - Yeah on the hand not being really badly injured!:bigsmile:

    dawn hegarty - welcome to the group and I am right there with you. If I could just avoid the sweets I would do great. I try not to keep them in the house but somehow in other places they call to me.:laugh:

    Well must get to my transcription. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    The 1/2 pound gain I had this week I am sure it was the sodium over the weekend. I didn't weigh in today but should have. Drinking lemon water on the warm side as I read about all sorts of benefits to doing that (Thanks Grandmallie/Alison!). I am tired of plain water anyway. Today drove into Curves on black ice THEN, it started snowing just as I got out of the car! Glad I work 1/4 mile from Curves! I was supposed to start the Curves smart today but something happened to the computer at the gym so my test workout did not record. Oh, well, will try that again tomorrow morning.

    At work now and enjoying watching the snow. Somehow, even though it has been 16 years since I lived in this type of weather, it doesn't scare me. It is so pretty.

    Did well on food yesterday. Trying to up my steps to 10,000 but haven't gotten too far over 8k yet. Any suggestions on how to add steps in bad weather and working at a desk all day?

    Grandmallie, I still say your DH is just like mine with the barking! I always tell everyone that his bark is a lot worse than his bite, but it still hurts when that happens. I find a way to tune it out by either getting on my pc and doing school work, or going to the bathroom with my phone and playing Candy Crush until I run out of lives LOL! Takes my mind off the anger and calms me.

    We got a new refrigerator yesterday and what I mess I walked into! We are still not completely organized from the move yet but this was a total disaster! I feel like my DH made the mess my DH will have to clean it up!

    Well, back to work! Hugs to all who need them, glad everyone is healing!

    Rita from snowy CT
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Katla.............Quick idea on the rub from the brace: maybe moleskin or pad the rub with one of those corn pads? Love the idea of hummers in the snow.............yours must be very hardy.........

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good afternoon all;

    Have had a busy day . The roast is in the crock pot and all I have to do is a little more straightening up before my small group arrives. I think Eric is going to go out and buy a new pair of sneakers. His are worn out. He hates to go shopping but with a "gaggle" of women here I think he is desperate.

    We had a good time with out with Eric's Men's group last night and I'm pretty sure I didn't go over my calories. They had a senior portion and it was sensible. They brought birthday cake for one of the men and I did have a small piece but left a huge gob of icing on the plate.

    Got my exercise in and now I've got to finish up.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • daiudi
    I just started My fitness pal 1 week ago and lost 1 pound...Yippee!.... I have a ton of goals. I have been working out with a trainer 2 times a week and have been doing interval workouts on the spin bike and elliptical for 45 minutes 4 days a week. I would like to lose25- 30 pounds. That would put me at a normal BMI. I would like to normalize my blood sugar and blood pressure. Exercise has never been my difficulty...food has. I am a stress eater...and I don't pay attention to what I eat a lot of times. So I am hoping that being dilligent tracking food on fitness pal will keep me more mindful. I need to remember to drink enough water too.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues .Burrrrr today .Windchills zero and below.Weather doesn`t seem to bother kids.
    Got all the shopping done except a couple stocking stuffers.
    Violet and I made some sugar cookies this am.
    Enjoy your day.
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hi everyone. I just took the time to read through all these posts and I'm so happy to have found you all. What a supportive wonderful group of people you are!!!! I'll introduce myself in this post and then start responding and supporting in the next posts. I'm 58 years old, a first grade teacher and married to a great guy. I lost 75 pounds, starting back too many years to count. I don't know what happened but I really got serious and lost a lot of weight. About two years ago I started gaining back and I'm 15 pounds higher than I was at my lowest. I KNOW how to loose, eat right exercise till you sweat, and SLEEP at night. So I'm back on the band wagon again, this time, though it's harder to get up and exercise.

    Goals for Dec.
    Exercise: cardio: at least 20 minutes a day
    s trength: at least 3 times a week
    yoga at least 2 times a week

    Eating: intermittent fast for the rest of the month. Eat to my calories each day. Plan my food carefully and bring healthy snacks.

    Drink: plenty of water and hot tea at night.

    There...ambitious goals but totally doable.

    I'll be back tomorrow to read your posts and respond.....
    Good luck to everyone this fine frosty Tuesday...

    Your new friend,
    Marcia in North East Washington
  • dawnhegarty5
    dawnhegarty5 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the 'warm' welcome! I am doing pretty good today - and it is ok enough to walk outside today! Inside is pretty boring and too too tempting! I feel good today!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I went to the Christmas party at hubby's work today, and it was fun. I got to talk to several people I haven't seen in a while. It was sort of sad though, that we were all sitting around the table discussing our heart problems, blood pressure meds, low salt diets, etc. gosh, we sounded so old! They ordered pizza for the lunch and people brought side dishes and desserts. I made pecan pralines and pumpkin cookies. I made the pralines last night, and the first batch didn't look very good. They tasted fine, so I covered those with chocolate and arranged them in the center of the platter and the plain ones around the outside. I put the pumpkin cookies in my chip dish and put cream cheese icing in the dip dish, along with my pretty little butter knife, so people could have icing on their cookie or not. We put white butcher paper beneath each dish and wrote what was in it on the paper. That worked out so well that everybody else did the same. I managed not to eat at the party, so came home and had a Mrs Dash taco instead. I tasted a tiny piece of praline from the first batch last night, and a bite of one pumpkin cookie. I had to make sure they were edible. So I think that was pretty good. I didn't have to bring any pralines home, and the rest of the cookies will go to my son's house.

    We got about three inches of snow last night but the roads are pretty good today. The sun is out for the first time in about a week.

    I don't know what Bruno has been up to. He just came inside and when he saw me he suddenly crouched down like he was afraid of me and backed out of the room and wouldn't come when I called him. He went back outside. Finally I went outside and he was still doing it, so I picked him up and carried him inside. I gave him a rawhide strip and he ran into his crate with it and won't come out. I tried to look him over, and I don't see anywhere that he is hurt or anything. Molly was sort of giving him the stink eye, so maybe they had trouble while I was gone. She can be sort of a witch sometimes. He's chewing happily on his chewie now though, so hopefully it's over with. I've never seen him do that before.

    Well, I feel a nap coming on. I hope everybody is having a great day!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Catching up with posts
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Daudi and Marcia. I was a classroom teacher for twelve years. Now I substitute.

    Michelle something like that happened to me a couple of years ago. I did get it checked out I was fine, If something doesn't seem right it is worth checking it out.

    Joyce good deal on bike. I like to read when I use one of those.

    Grandmille. I love to travel, but like you preparing stresses me unless I really pace myself.

    Molly hugs back.

    Barbiecat Thank you.

    Yanniejannie healing thoughts.

    Katla ice cream is a trigger for me too. I used to have it everyday. Now I try not to have it in the house.

    Heather making good choices.

    Rita Is it possible to take a walk break?

    Cindy good job leaving icing behind. Every bit (bite) helps.

    Jane darling granddaughter.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Happy day!
    My brother phoned at last, after me thinking '"they don't like me any more" :laugh: :wink:
    I have been emailing dates for a get together for ages. Anyway we are going to a lovely gastropub near here I booked for lunch on Friday 20th. Got to get there for 12 as they have big parties coming in later, but that suits us fine as they have to pick up their children from school. My brother is on his 2nd marriage so he has a 14 yr old and a 12 yr old as well as 4 grown up children and 8 grandchildren!
    I am so glad to hear from them as we really get on well. They live 10 miles away, but are so busy with church, work, children, grandchildren, elderly parents, good works etc, etc, etc. it is difficult to find a time.
    So - happy day! :bigsmile: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • kabEsq
    kabEsq Posts: 1 Member
    Happy to find this group! December goals: lose 5 lb more, maintain 3x week workouts, re-write my future vision statement, keep logging food, steps, etc. Eat more veggies! Drink fewer G&T's! Concentrate on core work and happy/encouraging self-talk. I guess that's enough for now.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Trying to keep focused, Both my parents are over 90 yrs old and Dad is in the hospital and my mother has been getting down right mean to my dad, Do all old people do that ? Its so sad watching her do that to my dad. My tree is not up yet either , each day I try to take it out I end up getting a call from my sisters pleading me to take a ride( 40 minute drive) and do something with mom to get her away from dad cause she is in the hospital fighting with him .

    My goal for the rest of the month is to stay focused on making right choices. and pray for the best.
    I doubt i will be seeing the scale moving any day soon since eating out = higher salt :(

    Got a nice work out shoveling snow today :)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    mama nee, when is the last time your Mom had a good physical exam. No all old people are not like that. That could be a sign of some dementia. Seems like you are being pulled many ways and really have your plate full.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Heather - We're like Michele in NC - generally we are eating the Christmas Eve leftovers on Christmas Day. We like to simply relax. The Christmas Eve dinner is a lot of work, but such a pleasure. Like you I do love making food from scratch that tastes GOOD. I use three kinds of dried mushrooms pus fresh portabellas(and others if I can get them) for the mushroom soup. We ALWAYS plan for leftover soup :happy:

    Mama Nee - I agree with Joyce's comment. Also, maybe your Dad's doctor could have a stern talk with her. Your Mom is from the generation that rarely questioned a doctor's advice. (That would be my mom). Caretaking long distance is draining. I did it from 1500 miles away for a number of years. Please make sure you do something to take care of yourself, like exercising, whatever works for you.

    Had my first meeting today at the Y's Focus class on weight management. Looks like cardio is a big part of what we will be doing. The class is on the same day as my strength training class, so I can count cardio from that as well. I have been steady on my goal of increasing cardio from 10 to 12 minutes before strength training and am now doing an additional 20-30 minutes later in the morning for the Focus class.

    Let's all be careful out there with the cold and ice!!
    AND drink lots of water :drinker:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to everyone. I feel like I am losing control of everything again. Do any of you ever feel that way and if you do, what do you do about it? Just a quiet office day today, met with our college book rep who helped me with the new on line platform thing-y. As you can imagine, she must have left quite frustrated, but kept a smile on her face the whole excruciating hour and a half! It was not quite as cold today and we had nice sun, so it was pretty.

    The “latch key “ kid is over again and the two of them are working on dinner and of course baking cookies. Looks like she will be here for Christmas. Oh well the more the merrier!

    I went to aqua zumba last night and I was the ONLY person there, so the instructor cancelled. They have to have 3 minimum to do a class, so I just wandered down to the deep end and treaded (?is that a word) water for 45 minutes. I guess my reward for being good was a 0.6 pound weight loss this morning!

    Joyce: I think it depends on vegetarian v. vegan. I know some vegetarians do eat those things, some don’t but a vegan wouldn’t.

    Texasgal: I bet you are giddy getting rid of that foreign kind of hard white stuff….hmmmm what’s it called again?

    Barbie: your line dancing sounds like fun with you all dressed in the season!

    Molly: don’t be harsh on yourself. You have had a major life change plus the weather, plus any number of things. This is just me, but I found it so liberating to get rid of the value judgements. You just have not been eating or exercising to your plan, that’s all. None of us do it all the time either. Try to get rid of the negative feelings and just focus on what you plan for tomorrow.

    Michele: now wrapping stocking stuffers is one of the few things I actually like

    Katla; so glad you break wasn’t too bad! I can’t believe your hummers hang around in this weather

    Dawn: of course you can join! Welcome aboard!

    Viv: glad you are feeling better and you are looking forward to a nice long break

    Grandmallie: so sorry you have this episodic stress with hubby’s outbursts.

    DeeDee: always good to see you! And yes I am drinking…um….yes I am drinking, uh yeah, water, that’s right! 

    Margaret that is a good idea to find something you really enjoy. I will think about that and see if I can come up with anything.

    Yanniejannie: a movie sounds like so much fun. I can’t recall who lived in SC either, but so did If for a few childhood years.

    Artemususan: welcome to the group!

    Heather: I so enjoy reading your posts! Not only do you have fabulous food, but just the way you describes things is intriguing!

    Sue : did we know you were retiring so soon? Omgosh what a big change. Do you have any plans?

    Rita: sending hugs to you too as well as for Alison to fend off the barking. That is one thing I wouldn’t be able to tolerate.

    Mamacindy: yum a pot roast! One of my favorites!

    Daiudi: welcome to the fun!

    Jane I bet you had fun with the granddaughter and the cookie baking!

    Marcia; it’s always nice to have new friends!

    Lyranlis: welcome aboard

    Mammanee: stay safe shoveling the snow

    OK must run. DD#2 has screwed up yet another dinner so I have to fix it. She has totally stopped paying attention to what she is doing so I think I will be cooking from now on. Take care, Meg from chilly OMaha
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    katla - phew! You can keep your snow, thank you very much.

    dawnhegarty - welcome! I think around this time of year we all struggle, so that's why this group is extra important now

    Joyce - that is so interesting how you have online yard sales. Do people ship things? We're always on the lookout for blowmolds and that just might be another way to find some. But, of course, I couldn't exactly go there and pick it up. congrats on the bike

    You know, yesterday I had such cramps in my stomach, remember I was telling you all? Well, I haven't had them today and I'm wondering if it's happening when I eat a lot at one time. Tonight I spread out my dinner, and I haven't felt that way. hmmmm.

    grandmalle - (hugs)

    Really rushed tonight. Don't know why, but I was so very tired that I laid down for a bit before now haven't much time to catch up.

    Today I did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill (3 min 4mph @3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3%etc.). Then had to take my car to be inspected. We'd totally forgot to put on new wiper blades so we had them do it to the tune of around $30. But they needed them in order to pass inspection. Then, since I was up that way, stopped at Aldi to get what I needed (not much). Then went to Sam's club since this one gal will be here Sun to watch Downtown Abbey and I know she likes the skinny pop, got a few other things too. I also needed to buy gas. Came home and we bought online for Jessica and Denise. then went to JCP to get another shirt for Lynette (I got one yesterday, had a $15 off coupon, and used my 20% off coupon), stopped at the Y to pick up this one coupon and came home, made an apple pie for Christmas Eve and put that in the freezer then made these sugar cookies. That's the last of the cookies that I'm planning to make. Now for horsduerves (or however it's spelled). Had a turkey soup (it really wasn't that soupy, added rice, forgot that Vince needed to eat earlier since he was going shooting so he just went out after shooting (which they usually do anyway).

    Tomorrow is the Newcomer general meeting and then senior bowling.

    I'm planning to do Jillian Michaels burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD tomorrow. Can't wait for Christmas to get here, am expecting new DVD's

    margaretturk - love reading about your intentional acts of kindness. Gives me some great ideas

    barbie - I didn't realize that your bike didn't work! Are you going to be getting it fixed?

    Heather - you always make me so hungry with your food, but don't let that stop you from telling us about it :)

    Sue in SD - hope JJ is better

    Rita - you can keep that snow, too. Jessica called and so did Denise, seems they got out of work early since their places were shutting down.

    Invited Ken & Lynette to dinner, was planning on Sat. as the guys were going to watch some sort of blueray for 4 hours, but they have a party to go to so they'll come over Fri. Why did I invite them? In a way, I'm a bit sick of cooking and I should know that whenever Lynette has an opportunity to not cook, she takes advantage of it. Well, I froze the cake I'd made for Vince's birthday (banana chocolate) and we'll have that. Since Ken is allergic to chocolate I'll make these poppyseed lemon muffins. I'm just thinking of putting a roast in the crockpot

    daiudi - welcome and congrats on the loss. I'm not so much of a stress eater as a boredom eater.

    Marcia in NE Washington (the state?) - welcome! You have a good handle on what you need to do

    Welcome everyone else new!

    mamma_nee - that must be so hard on you with your parents. Some people as they age do get mean. Could be a sign of something else, tho. If I were you, I'd get it checked out. MIL had sundown, and they gave her some antidepressants for it, then she was much better

    jfenner - good for you increasing your cardio!

    Meg - when I taught at the Y, I held class even if there was only one particiant. Yes, we were supposed to have a minimum of 3. It really didn't bother me if they paid me or not (not like I was getting paid that much, anyway) but my feeling was "if they came for a class, a class is what they're entitled to. They paid their membership (which pays my salary). There was this one guy who had a spinning class, his numbers in the class were quite low and they eventually did cancel his class. Interesting this was that they weren't paying him at all. See, he was a Vietnam Vet with PTSD and his counselor recommended that he volunteer his time so he taught the class.

    Michele in NC
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all! Just to let you know that I am slowly recuperating. My wounds are 50% better, although I am still fighting an infection! I may be turning the corner though which is good news, I even lost a couple of lbs. which is a good thing. Got to get in shape for Christmas Dinner. Did my walk to the main road today - the neighbours were glad to see me out and about! My granddaughters helped me to decorate the house this weekend! One more present and a few more stocking stuffers and I shall almost be caught up with my Christmas Day preparations! I hear that my daughter is having a great time at Teex Firefighters' Campus in Texas. She has been sending us pictures on Facebook! I haven't had the chance to ask her if they were hit by the snow and cold down there! Keep sending in your daily comments ladies. I am enjoying them while I recuperate!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi gang! I'm still here, just have so much less time these days. There sure are a lot of new faces, welcome to everyone!

    It's been horrific COLD weather here in NW Oregon. Ack! Not used to temps in the teens. Looks like we might get up in the 40s this week though, but it sure didn't get there today. :ohwell:

    I'm trying real hard to be good and rid myself of a few extra pounds that "mysteriously" appeared in the last few months. :blushing: I'm just starting to read a book called Eating Mindfully, suggested by one of the ladies here. It's good - I'm not very far into it, but I can already tell it's going to help tame the food beast that haunts me still. Problem is, it's all in my mind. MInd games. And they're not fun games, either. It's a work, this journey. But I'm not giving up! :wink:

    Meg, I've lost control a few times! :angry: What I do when that happens is have a real good talk with myself and get my fanny back in the ring! Fight fight fight! It's misery at times, and it may take a few days of convincing ourselves, but we just have to get back with the plan. Wish I could offer you a magic wand or something! --- Poof! You're skinny! :laugh: I've wanted one a few times myself! :tongue:

    Everyone take good care, and stay warm. Brrrrrrrr! :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello to all our new ladies, nice to meet you
    Snow has been falling here all day but it just makes the holiday spirit come alive, of course its dh that has to shovell!
    Just a few more gifts and thats done, cards are in the mail and this weekend my friend will come over and we do our baking while
    We get a visit in as well.weve done this for years so nice.
    My brother is still in intensive care but hoping he will do better soon
    Sister in law is home now thats good and my sister is still the same very week and waiting to see the specialist in 2 weeks
    So life goes on....
    I have stayed the same this week good thing and have got my steps per day moving up , have a ways to go with beating your impressive planks ladies if ever
    Best wishes to all stay safe and warm

    Juanita in sudbury