Post your most recent workout



  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    went on & did a 30min abs & HIIT cardio workout.
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    Just got on fitnessblender to check it out!
    And this morning I did Les Mills Bodypump
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I like the way you think OP. :)

    I did a 4 mile power walk this early morning which brought me to 75 miles so far this month. This is leading towards my December goal of 150 miles.

    This afternoon I did a 10 minute Blogilates core workout and a 20 min. upper body workout with heavy weights.

    Going ice skating later tonight.

    I'm feeling great!!!
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Ran a 10K this morning!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,718 Member
    Cardio workout was bigger than normal today, and a little boring. Trying to take advantage of having more time on the weekend. Did enjoy the feeling of "I can afford to eat anything I fancy" as a result of the big cardio session.

    Elliptical Trainer: 80 minutes targetting heart rate 130-140
    Hamstring Curls: 1x8@52 kg, 2x10@44 kg
    Hip Abduction Machine: 3x15@20 kg
    Would have normally done leg press, but my right knee is feeling a little wonky.

    Also an hour of incidental walking.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    27 minutes of TurboJam
  • xvintagepearls
    Today, my workout was a 5.07 mile run on the treadmill because I am practically snowed in!
  • jopko
    jopko Posts: 11
    ZWOW #1

    dive bombers x10
    burpees x5
    squat leg lift x10 each side
    burpees x5
    side plank lift x10 each side
    burpees x5
    pistol squat x10 each side
    burpees x5

    3 rounds, time: 18 47 + 2x1 min + 1x1,5 min plank
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    sat (12/14/13)

    10min arc trainer

    bench press (60lb) 3 x 10
    incline bench press (50lb) 3 x 8
    skullcrusher (30lb) 3 x 10
    incline DD flyes (15lb) 3 x 10
    Cable Crossover (20lb) 3 x 8
    tricep pushdown (25lb) 3 x 10
    overhead tricep (20lb) 3 x 10
    calf extension (110lb) 3 x 15

    20min ellipical (cardio level 2)
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    2 supersets:

    Bench Press 5X8
    Seated Row 5X8

    Forward Lat Pull Down 5X8
    Dips 5X8
  • Morryarty

    !0min cycle
    7min dynamic stretching

    1X11 pullups
    2min Plank
    2x15 leg raise
    1x20 twist situps
    20x press ups
    3x10 dumbell chestpress
    3x20 lunges
    3x10 dumbell rows
    2x10 deadlift
    1x10 skull crushers
    3x10 triceps press
    3x10 upright row
    2x10 dumbbell military press
    3x10 dumbell curls
    5 minute on punch bag
    10 minutes static stretching
    30 min cycling home
    hot shower

    and collapse :wink:
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member

    !0min cycle
    7min dynamic stretching

    1X11 pullups
    2min Plank
    2x15 leg raise
    1x20 twist situps
    20x press ups
    3x10 dumbell chestpress
    3x20 lunges
    3x10 dumbell rows
    2x10 deadlift
    1x10 skull crushers
    3x10 triceps press
    3x10 upright row
    2x10 dumbbell military press
    3x10 dumbell curls
    5 minute on punch bag
    10 minutes static stretching
    30 min cycling home
    hot shower

    and collapse :wink:

    That's a HUGE volume of work. How long did the workout portion take?
  • Morryarty

    !0min cycle
    7min dynamic stretching

    1X11 pullups
    2min Plank
    2x15 leg raise
    1x20 twist situps
    20x press ups
    3x10 dumbell chestpress
    3x20 lunges
    3x10 dumbell rows
    2x10 deadlift
    1x10 skull crushers
    3x10 triceps press
    3x10 upright row
    2x10 dumbbell military press
    3x10 dumbell curls
    5 minute on punch bag
    10 minutes static stretching
    30 min cycling home
    hot shower

    and collapse :wink:

    That's a HUGE volume of work. How long did the workout portion take?

    Hi tuckerrj

    that was a 45 min workout, not rest between sets and alternating between body parts. I do this 2-3 times a week depending on what else I'm up to. Thats how I like to work for me it's a good middle ground between weights and cardio/HIT it also works well with my martial art. My overall training is Wing Chun Kung Fu weights walking, cycling and Yoga/stretching.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member

    Mobility work
    DB press up to 10x60's
    DB pause shrugs (5 sec pause) up to 8x 110's
    Hang Cleans to 3x195
    75# db snatches 4x10
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    treadmill 61 277 walking
    treadmill 11 100 running
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Puked my guts out for several hours, quite the ab workout.

    Sat on the can, too, spilled a little more.

    Lost 4 lbs.
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    45 minute spin class followed by:

    3 sets Flat Bench
    3 sets incline bench
    3 sets cable crossovers up high
    3 sets cable crossovers down low
    3 sets of pushups on the half moon thing
    3 sets of abs
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    2 mile walking video early this morning. Will be walking again this evening (3 miles) and working out on my Pilates machine for 25 minutes. Hitting the weights tomorrow.