50 pounds by june 1st challenge!!!



  • changing4good
    changing4good Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in. Never ued an online support group before and hope this might be one of the ways I can really make it this time!
  • firepro
    firepro Posts: 12 Member
    Okay let's turn up the heat.

    I am going to donate a prize for the winner of the contest. I encourage others to make donations to really turn up the heat. It could be anything. Even if its something like skiing lessons or gift certificate to Penny's, you get the idea. This could be fun.

    The contest will be the following.

    1. You have to have already declared your weight. (no ringers and fictional weight)
    2. You have to declare your current weight on the declare date or one day prior. That will be Every Monday unless Billybed declares a different date.
    3. Your weight on June 1st 2011 has to be 50lbs less than your start declared weight for this thread..

    If there is more than one winner then we will have a drawing of eligible candidates within 10 days and post the results here.

    My contribution will be a $25 dollar gift certificate from Red Lobster, unless there is not one in your area, in that case I will either pay pal you the money or use the restaurant of your choice as long as I can do it online. Somebody needs to donate another 25, because I am sure the winner will want to take a buddy.

    The conditions of the drawing will be determined by myself, Billybed an Bainos. It Has to be a random drawing of some sort, like names out of a hat.

    If Billybed and the Bainos accept, they will be the judges and make the final determinations and have the final say in any disputes. Their decision will be final.

    Since the prize idea is mine, I remove myself from the contest (it's possible that I could have put a phony weight in). I will only guarnatee payment of my donation, not others donations.

    I had to edit this post a couple of times for typo,s and vagueness but the contest begins now 5:46 am pst. November 7th,2010. All deadlines will be Midnight ,Pacific time. If you are in Alaska or Hawaii or out of the U.S. pay attention.

    Good Luck
    Ray Sasser
  • I will add a pair of Injinji Performance running socks in size/color of choice to the prize package! I will order & direct ship to the winner when winner is determined......... They are my favorite exercise socks and have all but ended my problems with blisters! So sharing the Injinji love ;)
  • firepro
    firepro Posts: 12 Member
    Great maybe billybed can post prizes on spread sheet.
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Well, i got hit by a car on Thursday. I was on my bike and i shattered my collar bone, major concussion and bruised ribs, banged up knee. i cant exercise but, im going to attempt a slow walk. im watching what i eat still. talk to you all soon
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Okay let's turn up the heat.

    I am going to donate a prize for the winner of the contest. I encourage others to make donations to really turn up the heat. It could be anything. Even if its something like skiing lessons or gift certificate to Penny's, you get the idea. This could be fun.

    The contest will be the following.

    1. You have to have already declared your weight. (no ringers and fictional weight)
    2. You have to declare your current weight on the declare date or one day prior. That will be Every Monday unless Billybed declares a different date.
    3. Your weight on June 1st 2011 has to be 50lbs less than your start declared weight for this thread..

    If there is more than one winner then we will have a drawing of eligible candidates within 10 days and post the results here.

    My contribution will be a $25 dollar gift certificate from Red Lobster, unless there is not one in your area, in that case I will either pay pal you the money or use the restaurant of your choice as long as I can do it online. Somebody needs to donate another 25, because I am sure the winner will want to take a buddy.

    The conditions of the drawing will be determined by myself, Billybed an Bainos. It Has to be a random drawing of some sort, like names out of a hat.

    If Billybed and the Bainos accept, they will be the judges and make the final determinations and have the final say in any disputes. Their decision will be final.

    Since the prize idea is mine, I remove myself from the contest (it's possible that I could have put a phony weight in). I will only guarnatee payment of my donation, not others donations.

    I had to edit this post a couple of times for typo,s and vagueness but the contest begins now 5:46 am pst. November 7th,2010. All deadlines will be Midnight ,Pacific time. If you are in Alaska or Hawaii or out of the U.S. pay attention.

    Good Luck
    Ray Sasser

    Ray... I like the contest idea. I guess my only suggestions might be a spreadsheet weekly so we can keep up with like the top 10 or something?

    Also, maybe you should require a before/after pic as proof? Just sayin.... That would help ensure the no doubts on the winners.
  • firepro
    firepro Posts: 12 Member
    Hopefully billybed will keep up with it weekly. I think the way he did the columns it looks like he plans to. I am hoping others will donate so this can be fun but serious. I like the picture idea, maybe at the end we should get it.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'm not so comfortable with the pictures ... but I will take a picture of the scale reading while I step on the scale each week. Will that be okay?
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well, I must say that today was way way way better then the last couple of days. I stuck with healthy food choices, drank my water, and as a bonus I spent the day Geocaching with my BFF. We walked sooooo much for hours on end. What a fun filled time. And we both have tomorrow off too ... the weather in the Niagara, Ontario area has a wonderful forcast for the day ... so we're off to do more Geocaching again ... Woo Hoo!!!

  • CarolynInSC
    CarolynInSC Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in as well. That would put me almost to my target weight. I see for the contest we have to enter current weight...mine is 194 lbs.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Hello, I know im late to the party but I wanna join.
    My goal ultimate goal is 30lbs but 35 would be fantastic. Since 50lbs is the goal for most people I dont want to be part of the contest, really I just need the motivation and support from ya'll, I hope that's okay. My start weight is 160lbs
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I weigh in on Sunday so here it goes. Last week I was 260.2 and this week 258.4, so I am down 1.8 lbs. I am really surprised because I knew that last week was a terrible week for me. Here's to another week!
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    I want in this challenge.I have never been more serious about loosing the weight.I'm looking forward to the support and supporting,Rose
  • TanyaH321
    TanyaH321 Posts: 53 Member
    Hey I'm in too. 50 lbs by June would be awesome and totally doable! I'd still be about 20 lbs from my goal weight but to be 50 lbs lighter by summer would be great. I love lighthouses but haven't been able to climb them in years cause of my weight. That's what I wanna be able to do next summer, climb the 203 steps to the top of the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse in Florida. I'm so excited!
  • Lost 3lbs, yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! weight from 168lbs to 165lbs
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    To make my tracking life a little easier, can everyone also mail me their weigh in weights so I don't have to go looking through the threads.


  • sdb903
    sdb903 Posts: 85
    Good Morning Everyone, I just weighed in @ 199.7 thats almost a 1lb gain since last week, I am ok wih it because me and my husband went away for a few days to celebrate our 25th anniversary. I'm getting back on track this week. Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • changing4good
    changing4good Posts: 4 Member
    Firtst official weighin - 238 - that's officially 5 pounds lost! Will have some challenges this week as I'm heading out the weekend to see my son in NYC. But he's a fitness freak who's constantly on me about my weight, so I think I'll have some encouragement there!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Count me in! I need to lose a good bit. 50lbs by June sounds like a great goa for me. We should all post before and after pics on June 1st. If I lost 50lbs by June I would be really close to getting below the 200lb mark!! Which would be so great!!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    No loss no gain. I'm ok with that b/c I was so afraid I had gained.

    Thanks! Still 228.5
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