

  • I am also sorry to hear about your brother
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Joyce - wooooooohooooooooooo doing the happy dance with you! that is an amazing accomplishment, be proud. you brightened my day :happy:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well just took care of a resolution I made for new years 2013. A little late but still I did it. I scheduled my mammogram for 2013. My insurance is charging $50 for it next year and it's free this year. Also finally ordered my CPAP supplies. Been meaning to for a year. It's kind of duct taped together, but pretty duct tape, and the velcro is shot because my face is so much smaller.

  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Do you have workout dvds? Also, there are so many great workouts on youtube. Give a couple a try.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello All. I am new to myfitness pal and am looking for help and motiviation. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, and now that I'm going through menopause, it's harder than ever. Two years ago, I lost nearly 50 lbs only to put it right back on. I'm 51 yrs old and fed up with my yo-yo weight. My goal is to lose 100 lbs by following this plan and working out at least 2-3x a week. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Bump. I just can't seem to keep up with you all. So busy. But happy busy. so things are good. :bigsmile:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Yah Joyce-:drinker: :drinker:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Yah~ Joyce....
    well I am back from my adventure, and what an adventure it was:bigsmile:
    NSV- last year at this time I would never been able to pull it off, but I kayaked for the first time, out in a bay for about 20 minutes and it was choppy and then into the mangrove estuary.. it was just spectacular.. but my shoulders and neck are feeling it now, I walked the beach for an hr or so and picked up shells, and drove through the Ding Darling Wild life refuge and took pictures, now I dont have a fancy camera ,but will look through and see if there is some good ones..
    I am bushed but a happy bushed.. The DH kept himself busy today and so now I can really relax and enjoy the rest of the vacation..
    love to you all:heart:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Boy what a rotten day. First I’ll say I am grateful to my wonderful boss who let me skip the department holiday gathering! Bless her heart.

    I caught DD#2 red handed stealing from me this morning and she had the gall to stand there, item in hand, and say she had no idea how it got there. To get this, she had to dig deeply in a random drawer in the back of my closet. It was hidden in a purse, under a ton of nail polish, in a drawer, in her bedroom and she “can’t imagine” how it got there. I am so angry I can’t even begin to express it.

    So instead of going to the party I tried to Christmas shop and took myself to Cacique to get some new bras (reward for losing 30 pounds). What an awful experience. I usually love shopping even when I can’t find what I want. I got measured at a 38, so I took both 38s and 40s in the dressing room. Neither came anywhere close to hooking. So I got measured again by a different person, got the same size, but decided to try 42s instead. The saleslady was quite insistent that they would look bad and sag in the front because they would be so loose. Well I got them anyway and they BARELY hooked and all my fat was rolling over the tops and sides. I have never had that even before I lost 30 pounds. Plus my old size was a 40! Same brand. UGH I just walked out.

    All the other places I went had salespeople who were busy listening to the radio on ear buds, chatting with each other or texting. And why do stores go bankrupt?

    Katla: I missed you guys too! We invested in a food saver and now we vacuum seal our food. It lasts way longer. DH thought it was a scam, but we are both very happy with it. We have a combo pellet grill/smoker made by Green Mountain grills. I think it’s made here

    Sue: have safe travels and a good holiday with family.

    Sandy: hope you are hanging in there during this season!

    Rori: so sorry about DBIL. I’m sending good thoughts for peace.

    Susan: glad dad is better!

    Tazgirl: it is so hard to stay on track this time of year!

    Grandmallie: so that’s where you are! I wondered when I saw the calories you burned kayaking.

    Margaret: you are so kind to make your random acts of kindness a routine.

    Molly: I hope DS and the dog is ok

    Rita; great nsv. Can you cut the pie into small servings and freeze it to enjoy later when you can afford some extra calories?

    Heather: so sorry for your relative’s wife’s cancer.

    Jane: get to feeling better

    Texasgal hope you got a lot accomplished

    Joyce: congrats on the loss!!!!!

    Well I’m tired and crabby and just want to go to bed. I think I’ll make the grocery list, eat dinner, and hit the sack. Take care all. Meg from Omaha where it was nearly 50 today!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Joyce, congrats on the weight loss and on making the mammogram appointment.

    Meg, I am sorry for your crappy day. Don't you hate it when people compound the issue by lying about it?

    I am also feeling the bra woes. I bought 5 new ones back in March at $60 each and they are starting to pop. The underwire is out of one and another has a hole. They should last longer than that. Plus I'm ticked that I should be needing new ones by now because of weight loss, but alas they still fit! Mine are Wacoal and the first bras I've ever owned that lie flat between my breasts. They are 40 H. I know part of the reason they haven't lasted longer is because DH washes them in the machine. I don't know why he has to be more anal about the hamper being empty than about doing the laundry right, but the only solution is to hide my dirty clothes from him. Sigh!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Bad news today. My son told me that his wife is moving out. I knew they were having problems, but hoped they could work it out. And at Christmas time, too. He is pretty devastated. He said his kids are not very nice to her and that she couldn't take it anymore. From the little I saw, she wasn't too nice to them either, but of course I don't know what all went on. He said they were determined to drive her away. It's so sad. And with all his health problems he is afraid he will lose the kids because he can't support them. Hubby and I will do what we can, but I'm scared. I don't want to see them go into foster care.

    I bought a Christmas tree today and the kids are coming over Friday night to help me decorate it and make cookies. This will be my first Christmas tree in 20 years or more. I hope Bruno doesn't eat it.

    It's been beautiful here today, in the 60's! More icy weather on the weekend, though. It's crazy.

    Have a great evening.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Stopping by to mark my spot!

    Meg:smile: Sure hope tomorrow will be a better day for you:flowerforyou: !

    To those with sick relatives...sending prayers your way:flowerforyou: !

    Grandmallie:smile: Woo hoo!!! Congrats on your adventure!!!

    Sleep well and sweet dreams:yawn: !

    DeeDee in chilly NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just remembered another thing I must do for myself. I don't always do things for myself. But I need to do more. Being a diabetic I need yearly eye checks. Haven't had one since October 2012. So I need to make that.

    Wrapped 7 more gifts tonight. 3 more to go but they are the big ones, one is heavy. Gotta do it. I keep telling myself. Gotta do it.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today we had another fun line dance class filled with my favorite dances then we all went out to the Chinese restaurant next door to where we dance. We go out to eat together on the 3rd Wednesday every month....to a different restaurant each time so we have variety. After lunch I walked the dogs and then went for my mammogram….they are usually very fast sending results……then I came home and the whole family took a two hour nap followed by more dog walking. For lunch I ordered nine flavor chicken with brown rice….ate half…..brought the rest home and just had it for supper. I offered the left-overs to Jake but he didn’t like what I ordered so I finished it for supper…..even with the nap, we’ll head to bed early.

    :flowerforyou: Rori, I don’t think Bernie ever really played so we’re having to teach him what to do…..the important thing for us is that we don’t quit before he learns……I made him some toys and we dangle things and drag things at various time of the day.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, unfortunately I don’t have a video of us dancing….someone may have done one when we danced at the county fair, but I don’t know who.

    :bigsmile: Rita, good for you, declining the pie your DH bought for you…..

    :bigsmile: Joyce, congrats on reaching the next big weight loss milestone

    :flowerforyou: Fordeci, welcome…..we all had to start at the beginning……becoming part of our friendly community is a good beginning……log the food you plan to eat for the day and stick to the plan, no matter what…..seek opportunities to be active……more will be revealed later.

    :bigsmile: Grandmallie, congrats on your kayak adventure

    :brokenheart: Meg, sorry about your daughter and your miserable shopping adventure

    :brokenheart: Sylvia, sorry to hear about your son’s troubles.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 17,000 steps today----3 minute plank
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Renny - sending healing thoughts your way

    Rita - so sorry your son and his boys won't be able to make it to your house for Christmas. (((hugs))))

    Meg - have fun at your party

    Well, the company just left. They brought this pomegranite zinfandel that they made and also a white wine. I think it's cool that they make their own wine.

    rori - sounds like such a wonderful party and congrats on the great NSV. I am so so sorry to hear about your BIL. Prayers going out that he makes it to his birthday. What a horrible thing to have happen!

    Heather - so sorry to hear about your hubby's nephew's wife.

    Busy day, just skimming posts. Went to yoga this morning then the deep water class. Then to the post office to mail a cake and some cookies to the guy who Jessica is going to see this weekend. Then to Bi-Lo, got some good deals. They're having triple coupons for the next few days. Then senior bowling. I'm amazed at how many people brought food that was just something they picked up at the store. I made homemade chocolate cookies. There were a lot of other cookies and junk. I only had strawberries and a few grapes. The fruit went really really fast. Then home to dinner and back to Newcomers bowling.

    I don't think I'm doing all that well on the food today. Yes, I'm under on caloires, but the nutrition isn't all that great. I honestly can't wait until these holidays are over and I can get some decent food. I'm thinking that Diana's birthday is something like the 28th (I have it written down) so I'll send her a cake along with some of those zucchini tarts.

    Jane - feel better fast

    Joyce - so happy for you!

    We're going to go to Lexington VA to meet Jess tomorrow and bring her cats here while she goes to TN, then they'll just stay here until she comes down for Christmas. She's going back the 26th but coming back here on the 27th. I think the reason she's doing that is because Kris is working Christmas.

    Made my appt for my reclast infusion in Feb.

    fordecl - welcome!

    grandmalle - yea for you kayaking

    Meg - I'm so sorry to hear of your experience with your daughter. What a day you've had!

    Sylvia - I'm sorry for your son.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a Jari Love Extremely Ripple 1000 DVD, then volunteer at the Green Room, will probably stop at BiLo on my way home and then we leave to get the cats. I know we're going to have dinner at this one place, we had dinner there once before and I recall that there were a few decent things to have, just don't recall what it was.

    Michele from NC
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    It is hard to keep up with the group this time!:flowerforyou: I am STILL waiting for the authorization to see a hand surgeon. My daughters are out of school until Jan,7th,2013.:happy:
    This is the first year they are not excited for Christmas. There are still ornaments to put on the tree, stockings to hang etc. I think they are missing their younger years of the magic of Santa etc. I cant imagine when they will be on their own one day. I will be sad!:sad:
    I have not been going to the gym. If I log more than 10,000 steps/day,I am in pain all night long.I need to get in the pool,but I cant bring myself to get in the outdoor pool when the air temp is cold! I will just have to make myself do it!
    Weather report calling for rain and snow in the local mountains.Wow, we finally are getting some weather!:laugh:
    I have been sitting here reading and responding for the last 4 hours. I am sending warm wishes to those of you struggling,
    and congrats to you losers:drinker: :drinker: Time to close for now, :heart: Lindas175

    Barbie:happy: -Thanks for the picture of the plank. I wish I could do this! If I got on the floor, I would not be able to get up! I don’t think that standing against the wall would have the same results!

    Cindy:happy: - so sorry for the loss of your family member. I hope you can keep yourself busy and keep yourself healthy. I am an emotional eater also, so I know this will be a tough one, but try your best!

    Jb-:happy: love the pictures of the pups!

    Margaret-::happy: I did an intentional act of kindness a day ago. I was standing in the line at the Costco pharmacy. The staff was really busy and the current customers were taking a long time. A frail elderly man was waiting in line behind me as we were waiting. I asked him if he wanted to go in front of me. His reply “why do I need to do that?’ It’s like he was insulted! Not being prepared for this answer I said”, well maybe you’re in a hurry, or someone is waiting for you?’ He did not take my offer!

    Gardengail-:happy: How do you make sugar free peanut butter cookies? What is mandelbrat? Your gift from your DIL sounds Lovely! Would love to see pictures!

    Michele-:happy: I did a weight loss class and we had to pre-log our food for the next day. Could not eat anything else other than what was written down. I lost weight and felt in control doing this. I should do this again! I think it is good to do this!

    Grandmaille:happy: –enjoy the warm sunshine!

    Sylvia:happy: -Congrats on your weight loss!

    Sandy:happy: -I realize that I am reading posts from 2 days ago, but I hope you are feeling better now! Sounds like you could have used a visit to the ER or Ed for that migraine! -21 degrees- I could not tolerate that!
    Joyce- enjoy those grand babies!

    DeeDee:happy: ,are the boys giving you a new tiara for Christmas this year?Lol: laugh: Noel looks so cute in your picture!

    Jodios- Happy holidays to you and your family!:happy:

    Has anyone been in touch with LizMil?I sent her a message and she did not reply. I hope she is ok!

    Heres to making healthy food choices and taking good care of yourselves!:drinker:

    Happy holidays to all,Hugs to all,Lindas from sunny San Diego!:flowerforyou:
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Vit F ladies:drinker:
    Just been through the last few posts, am keeping all of you in my prayers, specially those who have friends and family facing challenges and pain.
    I had so wanted to share my disappointment with myself about having 2 helpings of blueberry cheesecake on the occasion of my daughter's birthday celebration last night. But going through some of the posts I realised everyone has their plates full :embarassed:
    I am putting yesterday behind me and starting a fresh.
    Joyce :flowerforyou: Yay for the 50 pounds! Inspite of all challenges!!!
    Sylvia :love: sorry about your son, hope u continue to take good care of yourself as u support him and the DGC :heart: .
    Meg and Michelle always love to read your posts....... hope good days come your way soon:heart:
    Katla hope your wrist heals steadily and you have a good time ahead.:love:
    Barbie thanks for all the info and the regular inputs :flowerforyou:
    All of you with NSVs :smile: you are an inspiration to so many of us.
    We will have a break for winter vacation from this weekend hope to catch up with everyone.
    Heather sorry about your family member. I love your candle centrepiece, it has so much character, not just something to look at but to be used, admired and cherished.....
    Jan. Deedee loved your posts too.
    jb love the songs :happy:
    with best wishes
    Anamika from Mumbai:bigsmile:
  • ruthieashton
    Run up and down the stairs thats free. Its a bit boring but put some music on and go.