-10 lbs by Xmas 2 month challenge start 10/24



  • karollynch
    I am late again . . my weight on Friday was 197 . . down 2!

    is the exercising part of the challenge? . . are we keeping track of that too?

    hope all is well with everyone . . I haven't had time to really introduce myself . . HI! . . I'm Karol . . :)
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Great job everyone. Let's try to make our goals.
    updated 11-7-2010
    Name/SW/CSW..................Week 1.........Week2.............Week3............... .....Challenge total......Personal total....

    robynrae_1/ 204.5/ 204.5........206.............207.4(2.9)..........................................................................................5.......
    hthomu1/ 169/ 169...............................................................................................................................................
    kthom/ 169/ 169............................................157(-1)...............................................................................................8......
    loxleys/ 159./156...........................................153.5(-2.5)...................................................................................3..............
    cardbucfan./ 157.7/144.6.......143.6(-1).......142.2(-2.4).........................................................................14.1...
    Zimmerman /192/ 192...............................................................................................................................
    Teeyore/ 194/194.......................................................................................................................................
    pbrandy/ 175.8/175.8..............174.4(-1.4)...172.4(-3.4)............................................................................
    fayegill/ 166/166.............................................................................................................................................
    fitwhole/ 173/ 173......................170.2(-2.8)....168.8(-4.2)......................................................................................

    GROUP TOTALS...........................-2.4................-11.................................................................

    With our next weigh is Friday Nov 12th. (this gives us 8 weigh-ins till Christmas eve.)
    I plan on updating the chart on Sat or Sun night. More often if I have time , which I normal do, but I will for sure have it updated every weekend.

    I also have this info on a mircosoft Excel sheet that looks better so if anyone wants me to send it, let me know. (it doesn't copy and paste here.:explode: )

    As a group we lost a total of 11 pound total, 8.6 pound this week. So great job everyone
    P.S. CSW=challenge start weight.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    updated 11-8-2010
    Name/SW/CSW..................Week 1.........Week2.............Week3....Challenge total......Personal total....

    robynrae_1/ 204.5/ 204.5........206.............207.4(2.9)...............................+2.9.........................5
    hthomu1/ 169/ 169................................................................................................................
    kthom/ 169/ 169............................................157(-1)..........................................1................................8
    loxleys/ 159./156...........................................153.5(-2.5)....................................2.5............................3
    cardbucfan./ 157.7/144.6.......143.6(-1).......142.2(-2.4)...................................2.4......................14.1
    Zimmerman /192/ 192..........................................................................................................
    Teeyore/ 194/194..................................................................................................................
    pbrandy/ 175.8/175.8..............174.4(-1.4)...172.4(-3.4).....................................3.4............
    fayegill/ 166/166.....................................................................................................................
    karollynch/199/199...................199(0).............197 (-2)........................................2..........
    fitwhole/ 173/ 173......................170.2(-2.8)....168.8(-4.2)...................................4.2

    GROUP TOTALS...........................-2.4................-13.................................................................

    With our next weigh is Friday Nov 12th. (this gives us 8 weigh-ins till Christmas eve.)
    I plan on updating the chart on Sat or Sun night. More often if I have time , which I normal do, but I will for sure have it updated every weekend.

    I also have this info on a mircosoft Excel sheet that looks better so if anyone wants me to send it, let me know. (it doesn't copy and paste here.:explode: )
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am late again . . my weight on Friday was 197 . . down 2!

    is the exercising part of the challenge? . . are we keeping track of that too?

    hope all is well with everyone . . I haven't had time to really introduce myself . . HI! . . I'm Karol . . :)

    Congrats on the weight loss, and don't worry to much about when you get your weight in. I update on a fairly regular basis.
    Yes exercise is part of the challenge our goal is to get 210 min or more a week. If you would like to start recording workouts in this thread so we can keep track that would be great.
    Also we have been doing a food challenge, this week is to try and eat out only once.
  • pbrandyp40
    pbrandyp40 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, it is...when your married for 26 years ...and the affair comes out of the blue...it's even harder..But hey, it's all about me now and my girls and I will prove to myself I'm worth it....this is just the beginning!...keep strong everyone...
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    My heart required chocolate today, I comprimised and had a fiber one chocolate mocha chewy bar (140 cal) over the chocolate cake in the cafateria.
  • pbrandyp40
    pbrandyp40 Posts: 11 Member
    It must have been one of those chocolate days...I had 4 small chocolate covered mint cookies! I'm usually not a chocolate eater but boy was I today!
  • seripha
    I'd like to join in too!

    Weight as of November 9 , 160. Goal weight for December 25 150. (But I'll take stuff underneath that too :) )
  • seripha
    Something you might want to consider doing is uploading the excel worksheet to google documents and then invite people to come and view it. That way all you have to post is a link and not worry about formatting for the boards :)
  • jgrandison
    jgrandison Posts: 45 Member
    I am down 1lb wt is 226, I think my body is doing the inches and is holding on to the weight, but I will take whatever it wants to decrease. I hope everyone has a great week:wink:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    1 lb lost-159 lb

    Exercise: Monday-120 mins of Cardio and 40 minues stength/toning
    Wednesday-120 mins of Cardio and 40 minutes of strength/toning
    Thursday-120 mins of Cardio
    Today-60 mins of cardio and 40 mins of strength/toning

    I am not discouraged by my loss this week. I started ChaLEAN Extreme and my muscles are very sore. Sore muscles mean water retention. Hoping next week is a little bit bigger number.
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    Weight the same as last week 157.
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    1/2 lb loss this week. Still doing 30DS and I think its effecting my weight loss, but I am losing inches everywhere!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Lost .4 lbs. this week. Have 6.6 lbs to get to my ultimate goal weight. Don't know if I'll get there by Christmas because of Thanksgiviing, holiday parties and my son is having surgery in December and will be in the hospital for 4 days. Gonna try to eat healthy and get all my workouts in. I did a great body sculpt class last week and I'm still sore from it! Today is my rest day so all I'll do is walk the dog. Good luck everybody!
  • pbrandyp40
    pbrandyp40 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been away for about 4 days, doing the college open houses with my last child! it has been a emotional few days..although it seems like I've walked every campus in Georgia at least twice..I gained instead of lost ? 175 was my weight when I got in last night! I'm going to check it again tomarrow morning...and here I though I was eating good..oh well! I started a work out from my cable company so I'll see if that helps...good luck everyone! and hang in there
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Something you might want to consider doing is uploading the excel worksheet to google documents and then invite people to come and view it. That way all you have to post is a link and not worry about formatting for the boards :)

    I will give this a try and see if I can link the page. Thanks for the idea
    Welcome to the group
  • thecrimsonking1319
    I'm with you. Ha, I fell off the wagon and put some back on. Up to 229 now. But I'm going back to the gym. Goal is 215 by Christmas.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    updated 11-15-2010
    Name/SW/CSW..................W1.........Week2.............Week3....Challenge total......Personal total....

    robynrae_1/ 204.5/ 204.5........206.............207.4(2.9)...........204.3...........(.2).........................5
    kthom/ 169/ 169............................................157(-1)................157...............1............................8
    loxleys/ 159./156...........................................153.5(-2.5).........153................3............................3
    cardbucfan./ 157.7/144.6.......143.6(-1).......142.2(-2.4).......141.8..............2.8.....................14.1
    pbrandy/ 175.8/175.8..............174.4(-1.4)...172.4(-3.4).........175................(.8)............
    karollynch/199/199...................199(0).............197 (-2)........................................2..........
    fitwhole/ 173/ 173......................170.2(-2.8)....168.8(-4.2)...................................4.2

    GROUP TOTALS...........................-2.4................-13.................................................................

    With our next weigh is Friday Nov 19th.
    I plan on updating the chart on Sat or Sun night. More often if I have time , which I normal do, but I will for sure have it updated every weekend.

    this link is to the excel chart if let me know if it works.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    updated 11-15-2010
    Name/SW/CSW..................W1.........Week2.............Week3....Challenge total......Personal total....

    robynrae_1/ 204.5/ 204.5........206.............207.4(2.9)...........204.3...........(.2).........................5
    kthom/ 169/ 169............................................157(-1)................157...............1............................8
    loxleys/ 159./156...........................................153.5(-2.5).........153................3............................3
    cardbucfan./ 157.7/144.6.......143.6(-1).......142.2(-2.4).......141.8..............2.8.....................14.1
    pbrandy/ 175.8/175.8..............174.4(-1.4)...172.4(-3.4).........175................(.8)............
    karollynch/199/199...................199(0).............197 (-2)........................................2..........
    fitwhole/ 173/ 173......................170.2(-2.8)....168.8(-4.2)...................................4.2

    GROUP TOTALS...........................-2.4................-13.................................................................

    With our next weigh is Friday Nov 19th.
    I plan on updating the chart on Sat or Sun night. More often if I have time , which I normal do, but I will for sure have it updated every weekend.

    this link is to the excel chart if let me know if it works.

    Just copy and paste in to browser and it will take you to a site where you can open the document or download it.
  • fitnwhole
    Starting weight 173
    Goal for Xmas 163

    week 1 -170.2
    week 2- 168.8
    week 3- 170.2 (Bloated, but so thankful that I didn't gain my usual 3-4 lbs. I think the consistent exercise has reduced it)

    Sorry I was late with posting my weight.