Are you logging your calories on Christmas Day?



  • CubicalF13
    CubicalF13 Posts: 263 Member
    im tempted not too seeing as there will be so much delicious food to be had and i will definietly be going over my calories for the day. It would just be to much work logging all that food. not worth it unless i was weighing everything, which i will not be bothered doing.
  • nohaynicknamesdisponibles
    It's a day like every other day, doing workouts and logging all - no excuses.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I'll be logging. Chances are I won't be doing anything that special anyway. My husband works Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. My grown daughter won't be coming over either day, so I haven't made any plans for a special dinner or anything.
    I might make something special for younger kids, but I'll get their input about what they want and I suspect they may prefer Papa Murphy's Pizza over a traditional Christmas dinner. If that is the case I'll just cook myself chicken and veggies like usual.

    Since my husband WILL be home the night before (he works day shift), we will probably open gifts then, and the only festivities left for Christmas day will the kids' stockings.

    All that basically to say that there isn't really going to be much of a reason to not treat Christmas like just any other day.

    But even if we were doing a whole lot, I would still log, I'd probably be over, but I'd still want to know by how much.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I might log what I can on boxing day but not on Christmas...I will not be spending any time on the computer that day

    just want to spend it eating & being with my mom & sister <3
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
  • redcat72
    redcat72 Posts: 14 Member
    Absolutely. This is a life long. Journey. Gotta practice everyday.
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes I will log them .. even though I know I am going to be over the top !!! :(
  • TheCredibleHuIk
    TheCredibleHuIk Posts: 26 Member
    9 pages of eating disorders I see here.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I'll log everything. Perhaps the thought of having to write every little thing down might somewhat temper my intake of less healthy choices.
  • SlinkyAndHerAmazingBunsOfSteel
    NEVER!!! :bigsmile:
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    Probably. I may not be a hundred percent accurate because logging every little snack gets tedious after a while, but I'll give it a good try. I don't like writing days off entirely.
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    Sure- I log everyday and if I eat some different things on Christmas-they will be logged too!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Why wouldn't I? it's just a day like any other one as with other days I want to know what calories I consume and burn I may or may not go over my targets but at least I know what has happened


    Although, I think for me Christmas Eve (when we do most of our celebrating) will be a bigger challenge than Christmas Day. I've already started prelogging both days. I find it empowering to "play around" with the numbers and see how much of this or that I can eat and still fit into my calories and macros for the day. Sometimes it is surprising how much you can fit in when you mess with it a bit.
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    Yes, tho I'm doing so in advance and can't promise that I will be around to actually post my diary for the day. I'm am sure going to try tho:) Any extras will be logged when I get the chance. I personally dont feel its a big deal if people don't, it's only one day, not the end of the world much less the end of one's nutritional goals.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Its just another day.
  • WhisperAnne
    I am going to try not to honestly. I want to enjoy the holiday and not worry about food FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE. I've been very strict with my diet for 6 years. Two days ( I say two as I'll be on vacation) of not keeping track wont kill me in the long run.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Yes, maybe it will help with the overeating. If I can do some push-aways they might be better for me than push-ups?
    Also, Wednesday is a weight circuit day for me. My partner is not going to the gym, I may go by myself, but not as early.
    We did not do Christmas shopping madness so there is not much under the tree. We do have movie matinees planned for Christmas day, so maybe mid morning after coffee and breakfast, sneak off for a bit of lifting. Maybe not!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Yeah for the accountability factor. I've been working at logging everything so why blow it.
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    9 pages of eating disorders I see here.

    Is your profile pic supposed to be representative of the grinch on steroids or are you just always an a$*^%le?
  • WhisperAnne
    Yes, tho I'm doing so in advance and can't promise that I will be around to actually post my diary for the day. I'm am sure going to try tho:) Any extras will be logged when I get the chance. I personally dont feel its a big deal if people don't, it's only one day, not the end of the world much less the end of one's nutritional goals.

    My thoughts exactly :)