Are you logging your calories on Christmas Day?



  • araya90
    araya90 Posts: 10 Member
    Yeah. I'm just going to drink all zero calorie beverages (besides two glasses of 120 cal wine for Christmas evening) and carefully measure out and count the calories to the foods I'm eating. I want to have determination this year. I'm also going to IF too (16:8).
  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    I will have to guesstimate as I am not the one preparing the feast. How accurate will I be? I have no clue. I encounter the same problem with pot luck feasts. I usually guesstimate the total calories and enter that value rather than try to list the "little bit of everything" on my plate. Hopefully, my guesstimates are actually high rather than low.

    I will definitely eat what I want and not feel guilty about it if I go over for the day.

  • xmbombx
    xmbombx Posts: 2 Member
    I think I will. The deal I made with myself is I can eat anything I want as long as I write it down.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I've planned. it's only my husband and I, and we're eating at home, so not hard.

    breakfast, lunch and dinner all logged! 190P, 100F, 260C.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
  • Matt24442
    Not really. I will be logging some on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day, but those 4 days, I do not expect the logging to be the most accurate. Not really concerned about it either. It's just a few days...and it's the long as I get in some sort of workout on those days, I'm not too concerned.

    you seem pretty concerned to me.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I'll log. For science.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Eat iit all-:-)
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Yes I think I will log - mainly out of curiosity.
  • annalicous
    annalicous Posts: 55 Member
    I Agree...It Doesn't Take that long to log in so why not. But on the other hand I suppose people just want to enjoy themselves on Christmas day without having to worry about logging in. Each to there own I guess. As long as people don't over indulge tomorrow it should all be fine. Merry Christmas everyone.
  • lovebig30
    lovebig30 Posts: 167 Member
    I will log but it will be guess to the serving size as I wont be at home with my scale and measuring cups. I will be over for sure just like on thanksgiving when I ate over 5000 calories but I still managed to lose that week.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Nope. :devil:
  • Chrisdoc1984
    Logging everything, but like someone else said it'll be an estimate since I'm eating at someone else's this year.

    No point in setting yourself up for a disappointment at the next weigh in, why start the year on a downer!?
  • hnyzthms
    hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member
    I will mainly out of curiosity, but already know I will be over, and who cares it's Christmas, and Boxing Day will be the same as out a relatives again for as dinner. But I'm not going to beat my self up over it. I'm going it and make the most of it no excuses once Christmas is over
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    Logging it all. Knowledge is power.
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    I'll be logging (as well as I can), but I won't be worrying about hitting any goals. I didn't log for Thanksgiving, but kind of wish I had. It will be interesting to see where things end up.
  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    Since I've stopped logging anyway, I won't be logging on Christmas. I'll do my best to maintain reasonable portion sizes and have a bit of dessert, but I'm not going to be super-meticulous about it. I'll be eating at my grandma's and even if I were still actively logging it would be an educated guess at best.

    The way I see it, I've maintained just fine so far through the holidays, so one last day of family holiday festivities won't amount to a hill of beans.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    So I logged today. And at the dinner I did my best to eat within overeating.
  • jennifersmiles444
    jennifersmiles444 Posts: 118 Member
    Just did. It wasn't pretty. Will be back on track in the A.M.
  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    No. I also wont be logging New Years day. I will eat whatever I want and enjoy it all :)