NOVEMBER- 30 day shred



  • ahhhh im slacking so much! :( i havent dont it in 3 days! ugh i feeeel horrible! :( but i have lost weight :) but today is a new day. back on track. its was my sons first birthday this weekend and we had the party sat. and yesterday was his actual bday so i had my family over for cake. so despite all the food ive been around i still lost weight! :)
  • ahhhh im slacking so much! :( i havent dont it in 3 days! ugh i feeeel horrible! :( but i have lost weight :) but today is a new day. back on track. its was my sons first birthday this weekend and we had the party sat. and yesterday was his actual bday so i had my family over for cake. so despite all the food ive been around i still lost weight! :)

    I feel the same way. Weekends are crazy. Don't beat yourself up. Great job on the weight loss.:flowerforyou:
    And this morning was only day 5 for me still on level 1. We can do it!
  • Just finished Day 9 of the Shred. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be. I really had to push myself today. I think i over did it yesterday (I burned almost 1200 calories) and I'm paying for it today.
  • Hi guys. Sorry I have not checked in lately. Been a little busy...

    I have been doing the shred for 9 days now. I am determined to make it to 30. Tomorrow I start level 2. YIKES!!! I haven't weighed myself but will do that on Friday and see if I have gotten anywhere. My husband and I have set goals for Dec 1st. I want to be at 108 and he wants to be at 170. We'll see if we can get there.

    My goal is to be between 105-108 (back to what i was prior to having my son).

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    My knees are really sore!!!!! Wondering if I can get something to wear to support them?
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    ahhhh im slacking so much! :( i havent dont it in 3 days! ugh i feeeel horrible! :( but i have lost weight :) but today is a new day. back on track. its was my sons first birthday this weekend and we had the party sat. and yesterday was his actual bday so i had my family over for cake. so despite all the food ive been around i still lost weight! :)

    Thats why I take saturdays off, usually to busy ( i know it sounds like an excuse but really lol). Congrats on the weight loss anyway :)

    My day 8 is complete...and it was rough, TOM surprised me today but kudos to me for actually making it through a workout usually I am in bed the first few days b/c it is so rough but I am hoping as I lose weight it will get more normal..Since I could make it to work I figured I can do a workout and I did :)
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    4lb weight gain!!!!! Argh!!!!!!!! Hoping it's a combination of water retention (TOM is due, I think) and muscle -building from my Jillian workouts! I sooooooooooo want to hit ONEderland this month!!!!
  • I'm doing day 9 today, in about an hour actually haha

    I always warm up a lot before doing these workouts, just because my knees do get a little sore (yes I know, proper form... my bad). I do 30 minutes on my Wii Fit doing some short activity game things (Kung Fu, Obstacle Course, Snowballs and Skateboarding) and muscle workouts (Twists, those three leg ones where you stand on one leg, twist sideways and forwards? I don't know what they're called haha and balance bridge, and sometimes single arm stand). I try to get myself all loose and my heart moving a bit too by jumping rope and doing cross knee punches in between exercises.
    I've done that every day before my 30 Day Shred video except yesterday, and OH MY GOSH can I tell the difference! So much better with a proper warm up! I know not many people have the luxury of time, but yeah, if you can do even 5 minutes before I'd definitely recommend it.

    I don't have the full size weights so I'm cheating a bit, but those side lunges are so damn killer!!

    I've been doing 15 minutes of Turbo Jam afterwards as well, while I'm still warm and sweaty. It's been going really well!

    I you guys can't tell, I have way too much spare time haha

    Will be checking in tomorrow after day 10 for sure, wish me luck for that, I have no idea what it's going to be like!
  • Yea for me!!!! Day 10 complete, which means Level 1 complete!!!! I'm a bit scared for tomorrow, it looks like it's a lot more intense then Level 1. I'll let you know tomorrow.
  • I have completed 9 days so far. I thought about taking a break tonight but then I found a picture of me before I got pregnant. HOLY SKINNY!!! I would love to back in that size. I dont see it happening but I want to get as close as I can. That motivated me - now i can't wait to get home and do it....

    Bring it on Jillian!!

    I think I need to trade my weights up to 10 pounds instead of five. What is everyone else using? I was told to start with two five pound weights. Maybe I will make it through level three first and then trade them up... (lol)

    I've been doing pretty good on the diet this week. Typical day for me is special k's, yogurt and dinner, plus trying to drink water.... That's the hard part for me. I run three miles, do the shred video too. I saw another post about eat stop eat (the fast). I have only tried that one.

    I'm not weighing myself till friday (got the water weight going on this week)
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Just finished my day 9 today was weigh in day for another challenge I'm doing. And I'm down a pound (which is normal since I started on MFP) ..I think I need to be doing more along with it but I'm really tired this week. I did do my measurements again this morning and I have lost an inch from my waist and .5 from my hips (my biggest two trouble spots) so that is a huge plus
  • Last day on Level 1 today, yay!

    I did a weigh in today as well, I've lost one pound since my last weigh in - two weeks ago. One of those weeks was a 30 Day Shred, the other was me being slack and eating bacon and eggs and chocolate when I visited my sister for the weekend... SO freaking happy!!

    I've also lost 3 cm - bit more than an inch from my waist, and I can really tell.

    Keep it up guys :D
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Completed Day 9 Yesterday and Day 10 Today. So I will be moving on to level 2 tomorrow. :noway: Not sure if I will be able to do alot of the exercises because they maybe too hard on my knees. I'll try to do what I can. But, if it becomes too difficult, I'll just do Level 1 for the rest of the month.

    Congrats to everyone who is still working hard on this challenge, whether you're on Lvl 1 or 2, Day 3 or 10. Have a Healthy Day! :flowerforyou:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I think I need to trade my weights up to 10 pounds instead of five. What is everyone else using? I was told to start with two five pound weights. Maybe I will make it through level three first and then trade them up... (lol)

    I use 5 lb weights. I dont want to move up because some of the exercises are tough so I think I'll be fine with these weights.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Day 7 completed. Hard to believe that I'll be on level 2 next week. I'm still tweaking the cardio exercises but not as much as when I started. My knees are still sore and now the front of my shins, but I will continue!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I know this is probably a stupid question but what size weights are recommended with the 30 day shred? I have 5 lb weights and can barely get through some of the exercises? Thanks in advance.

  • So I finished Day 11, which is Level 2. Holy, hard! What a difference after doing the same thing for 10 days! My shoulders are so shaky! I can't believe all the plank moves. It's good though. I can see how it will help tone up.
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, what are you all recording this as on the exercise data thing ?? Would love to know how many calories they estimate it burns x
  • Where did the week go.... haven't done a workout since Tuesday....NOT GOOD! Life is getting in the way :(
    Back to the grind tomorrow. Weighed in today and was up 1.9lbs. Hoping is from the stress and lack of exercise the past few days. Lots of steps walking around the hospital but that all..... Here's to a better week. Tomorrow I WILL do day 6 level 1. No excuses!

    Thanks for listening and keep up the great work!
  • Started level two last night. Kicked my butt!!! Then again I ran two miles right before I did it. I think I should shred first and then run.... or at least wait a little while. It was a crazy day so I was trying to get it all in...

    Alls I know is that its friday and I am craving pizza!!! (sorry that wasnt much help for the dieting but I have been doing it all week)
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