Soooo....I Have Cancer



  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    You have an amazing attitude, all the best with evereything

  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Just checking in for any updates. Hope your holiday is filled with love, support and healing.
  • PHr34k0wt
    PHr34k0wt Posts: 218 Member
    Sending all kinds of positivity in your direction! Here's to a hell of a story to tell your great grandchildren <3
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Just checking in for any updates. Hope your holiday is filled with love, support and healing.

    Thank you for the kind words :flowerforyou:

    Things are going about as well as we could hope.

    I'm not sure when I last posted in this thread but here's the Cliff's Notes version:

    - Radiation started September 3.
    - It was awful (it's hard to imagine that the 9+ hour surgery + the 7 days in the hospital was going to be the EASY part of all of this). My mouth was covered with sores and I had the thickest phlegm in my throat constantly....which caused me to routinely choke and gag....and made it almost impossible to sleep for more than a few hours at a time.
    - Had to rely on my feeding tube 100% for about 6 weeks since I couldn't chew or swallow anything except for a bit of water each day.
    - Radiation finished October 14.
    - Follow-up w/ surgeon in early November, he was VERY pleased with progress.
    - Feeding tube out on November 18.
    - Follow-up w/ oncologist November 21, he was also very pleased with progress.
    - Back to work November 25.
    - CRUSHED Thanksgiving dinner.
    - Follow-up w/ ENT doc (who initially diagnosed me back in June) December 12, said things look great.
    - Swallowing is still a bit of a challenge at times as is chewing.
    - I still can't feel anything on the right side of my tongue/mouth but hopefully that will get better over the next few months/years. So right now it's all on the left side of my mouth which makes my jaw get tired really quickly.
    - PET scan scheduled for January 15, and follow-up w/ ENT to go over results on January 23.
    - Will likely have follow-ups every 4-6 weeks for the next year or so and then move to every 8-12 weeks.
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    I have just read this and then skipped to your pleased everything is going well and you seem to be so positive big (((hugs))) from a complete stranger and I hope you continue to heal well both physically and emotionally
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    Your progress sounds great. I work in the cancer field -- and cancer is not an automatic death sentence any longer. In many cases, it's treated like a chronic, manageable condition. And new advances in cancer research are made all the time. The treatments are really getting pretty great. Lots of genomic testing -- think precision versus power. Sounds like you have a good treatment team and you're doing everything right. You're young -- you can handle this. You ARE handling this. Hat's off to you and thank you for your bravery and courage in posting here. :-)
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Saying a prayer to St Philomena for you right now. Much love from Tennessee.
  • wanttobeskinny1212
    Awesome attitude you will get through it
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Your progress sounds great. I work in the cancer field -- and cancer is not an automatic death sentence any longer. In many cases, it's treated like a chronic, manageable condition. And new advances in cancer research are made all the time. The treatments are really getting pretty great. Lots of genomic testing -- think precision versus power. Sounds like you have a good treatment team and you're doing everything right. You're young -- you can handle this. You ARE handling this. Hat's off to you and thank you for your bravery and courage in posting here. :-)

    That's great to hear!

    OP; you have outstanding bravery. It's little things like this that really get my though my day. So from the bottom of my heart I thank you for posting and wish you well.
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your continuing story with us! I can only imagine how difficult this has all been for you, but it sounds like you are healing up very well! It's great that you're able to be on here and share your struggles as well as your triumphs with all of us.

    I'm sending lots of positive thoughts for quick recovery your way!
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    This scares me because at my last dentist appointment 6 months ago, the dentist said I have white spots on my tongue. Then proceeded to ask if I smoke or chew tobacco… I have never done either. So he said it was probably nothing but they'd keep an eye on it. I have my next check up tomorrow……. really nervous now!

    Praying for you and your recovery!!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Glad you felt you could post here for support and just to get it off your chest...I think you are very brave and positive. ..and your doctor's sound great and positive...all of this makes me believe you will kick cancer ' *kitten*. Sending positive thoughts your way. Fight, fight, fight...You can beat it!
  • A1345
    A1345 Posts: 12

    I am so sorry for your news. I can't imagine how you must feel. I will pray for you and your family. I think it is good that you can share in the group. Talking always helps.

    Take care,
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    I am a 3 year cancer survivor and I know exactly what you felt when you heard those infamous words, "you have cancer". I'm so sorry that you have gone through all of this but it sounds like things are going well for you now. Keep your chin up, stay positive and keep fighting the fight. I hope that you continue to heal well and that you can soon get back to a normal life (although after hearing those words, life is never really normal again). Many hugs and prayers for you.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I look forward to what 2014 brings you, pal
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member

    I'm not sure when I last posted in this thread but here's the Cliff's Notes version:

    - Radiation started September 3.
    - It was awful (it's hard to imagine that the 9+ hour surgery + the 7 days in the hospital was going to be the EASY part of all of this). My mouth was covered with sores and I had the thickest phlegm in my throat constantly....which caused me to routinely choke and gag....and made it almost impossible to sleep for more than a few hours at a time.
    - Had to rely on my feeding tube 100% for about 6 weeks since I couldn't chew or swallow anything except for a bit of water each day.
    - Radiation finished October 14.
    - Follow-up w/ surgeon in early November, he was VERY pleased with progress.
    - Feeding tube out on November 18.
    - Follow-up w/ oncologist November 21, he was also very pleased with progress.
    - Back to work November 25.
    - CRUSHED Thanksgiving dinner.
    - Follow-up w/ ENT doc (who initially diagnosed me back in June) December 12, said things look great.
    - Swallowing is still a bit of a challenge at times as is chewing.
    - I still can't feel anything on the right side of my tongue/mouth but hopefully that will get better over the next few months/years. So right now it's all on the left side of my mouth which makes my jaw get tired really quickly.
    - PET scan scheduled for January 15, and follow-up w/ ENT to go over results on January 23.
    - Will likely have follow-ups every 4-6 weeks for the next year or so and then move to every 8-12 weeks.

    So glad that things turned out so well for you. I pray that they continue to improve. :smile:
  • dcjackson50
    Great News ! You are very brave and courageous for sharing your story ! Cancer is scary but as others have posted, is not always a death sentence, so for that reason alone, your story is much appreciated ! You have given hope to a countless number of people I'm sure !

    God Bless
  • emmietoby
    emmietoby Posts: 171 Member
    hoping that all goes will for you. i ,also , had cancer ( of the lung) had a peice of it removed. that was in 2006 . so far i've been ok. hoping that you will let us know how you are doing keep strong!!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Wishing you all the best in your struggle. Take Care.